Sorting consistency of dynamically created IDs on DOM Elements - javascript

My application successfully creates elements and assigns them different (increasing) IDs.
Now my issue relies when the user deletes these elements (because they have the option to delete as well as create), the consistency of these IDs get broken therefore my application doesn't run well.
This Fiddle represents what I have so far. Just a textbox that appends its value and a few other elements inside a collapsible as many times as the user wants (For some reason my fiddle doesn't increment the alert value, but it works fine on my platform).
SCRIPT (Sorry the txt variable is too long)
$('#Add').click(function () {
if ($("#MedNameStren").val() != "") {
var value = $("#MedNameStren").val();
var noOfMeds = $('#NoOfMedicines').val();
//to check current value
var text = '<div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true" data-iconpos="left" data-content-theme="e">' + '<h2>' + desc + '</h2>' + '<div class="ui-grid-a">' + '<div class="ui-block-a" style="width:25%; margin-right:3%;">' + '<input id="quantity' + noOfMeds + '" class="quantity" type="text" placeholder="Quantity" />' + '</div>' + '<div class="ui-block-b" style="width:70%; margin-right:2%;"">' + '<textarea id="directions' + noOfMeds + '" class="directions" cols="40" rows="4" placeholder="Directions given by your GP." ></textarea>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '<button key="' + vpid + '">Remove</button>' + '</div>';
$('#medListLi li').listview("refresh");
document.getElementById("manuallyName").value = "";
else {
alert('Please Provide Medicine Name')
I am using a counter that neatly increments the ids of quantity and description like:
..and so on, but once the following script is called...
//Deletes colapsible sets (Medicines) from the selected List
$('#medListLi').on('click', 'button', function (el) {
var key = $(this).attr('key');
var noOfMeds = $('#NoOfMedicines').val();
depending on which element (collapsible) is deleted, the IDs stop being consistent. For example if the collapsible with id="quantity1" is deleted then the counter will go back to 1 (currently 2) and on the next addition the respective collapsible will get an id that's already taken, and unfortunately I don't need this to happen.
Maybe I'm making this sound more complicated that it is, but will appreciate any suggestions or ideas to solve this issue (if possible).
If more information is needed, please let me know.

Was brought to my attention that creating and deleting dynamic IDs can be done but keeping up with consistency of these IDs can be very tricky to work around it.
I've solved my own problem by simply creating a function that would keep count of the IDs from the amount of collapsibles inside my list and "renewing" the ID numbers on each Add and Delete.


Jquery Show more and less content data source from For loop

I am trying to create a dynamic show-more and less content option using jquery. The problem is my results are coming from a for loop, so how can I force jquery that on page load to load only 20 results and then load the rest when I click show more button. Also the button should change to "show less" when the list is expanded and clicking on it will return to show just first 20 results. Below is my code
echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('id' => 'establishment'));
echo html_writer::start_tag('h5');
echo get_string('institutions', 'block_solr');
echo html_writer::end_tag('h5');
echo html_writer::end_tag('div');
var institutionList = $.getJSON({'url': location.protocol + '//' + + currentdirpath + '/establishment.json', 'async': false});
institutionList = JSON.parse(institutionList.responseText);
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
$('#establishment').append('<div class="form-check"> <input class="form-check-input size-filter-check" type="checkbox" value="'+[i].altname +'" id="est-check" data-size="">\n' +
' <label class="form-check-label" for="size-check">\n' +[i].fullname +
' </label> </div>');
$('#establishment').append('Show More');
If you want to query for specific amount that data source should be prepared for it. If you don't mind over fetching you can just hide/show that additional records on FE side.
// keeping some state would help
let listExpanded = false;
// wrapping all rendering procedure in one function too
function renderInstitutionList() {
//here you clear previous render
// you can trim your array to certain size with code below
//[...] syntax is to avoid mutating original list
[].splice(0, limit)
// and here you do your thing with the loop
There are tons of other solutions though. You could probably do that just with html/css

flyTo() Leaflet - How can i fly on my map with onclick listener

I'm stuck in my code.
I am working on interactive map and I need to fly on the coordinates with a problem. How do I know when is the problem active, well I have checked the status of the data and based on the status of object I have put them in different layers of Leaflet to show it on the map. Then I have put them in little table just below the map on my page where there is elements with unique class, data-longitude and data-latitude variables that summaries how many problems we have, and where they are.
Now, this is where my problem is. I am new to JS and JQuery, so i need to know how can i access a element attributes on click, so when i click on it it will do a function flyTo() and it will store a data-longitude + data-latitude attributes to that function.
Here is a little code with some ID's.
This is how I create element in JS:
var newOption = host_name;
var uniqID = brojac;
div.innerHTML += '<td class="' + uniqID + '"value="' + newOption + '" data-longitude= "' + longitude + '" data-latitude="' + latitude + '">' + newOption + '</td>';
This is how I have created a table in HTML document:
<table id="tablic" style="width:100%">
<caption>Aktivni problemi su na sljedećim DSLAM-ovima</caption>
<tr id="red" itemprop='koordinate'></tr>
Sorry I can't put more info in it because its sensitive data so yea, hope you guys understand that.
One more thing, that "host_name", I'm getting that info from an JSON Object where I am creating markers for my map.
Hope I can get some good help with it.
With JQuery:
Add a fix class to the td element:
'<td class="tdclass ' + uniqID + '"value="' ....
Then create a clicklistener on the class:
$('.tdclass').off('click').unbind('click').click(function(e){ //unbind and off is to remove the existing click events
var lat = $(this).attr('data-latitude');
var lng = $(this).attr('data-longitude');

How can I retrieve input values from elements added after page load?

I'm working with Zend Framework 1.12 and I've need to be able to dynamically add and delete fields from a sub-form, in this case we're associating hyperlinks to a parent "promotion".
I haven't found a way to accomplish dynamically adding and removing elements via Zend, and the rare tutorial I've found that claimed to do this are half a decade old and aren't working when I attempt them.
So what I am doing is storing the links I need to work with in a Zend Hidden input field and then dealing with the JSON data after I submit. Not very efficient, but it's the only thing I've gotten to work so far.
Below is the section of the code I'm working with:
Assume a form like:
<form action="/promos/edit/promo_id/15" method="POST" id="form_edit">
<!-- input is Zend_Form_Element_Hidden -->
<input type="hidden" id="link_array" value="{ contains the JSON string }"/>
<button id="add_link">Add Link</button>
The purpose is that every time the Add Link button is pressed, the form adds fields to allow the user to input new hyperlinks that will be associated with the specific items.
Here's the function:
// add links
function(e) {
link = '<div class="p_link new_link">' +
'<div class="element_wrap">' +
'<label for="link_name" class="form_label optional">Text: </label>' +
'<input type="text" id="new_link_name" name="link_name"/>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="element_wrap">' +
'<label for="link_http" class="form_label optional">http://</label>' +
'<input type="text" id="new_link_http" name="link_http"/>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="element_wrap">' +
'<button class="submit delete_link">Delete</button>' +
'</div>' +
Now, what I need to do is on submit, for every new_link class element, to take the links name and http reference and place it in a json object. Here's the code as I have it so far (I know I don't have both input fields represented at this point):
function(e) {
var link_array = [];
var new_links = document.getElementsByClassName('new_link');
$.each(new_links, function() {
var n = $(this).children('#new_link_name').text();
link_array.push({'link_name':n}); //'link_http':h
My problem is that: var new_links = document.getElementsByClassName('new_link'); will collect all the newly added new_link elements, but it does not pull in any value that has been input into the text fields.
I need to know how I can apparently bind any input I make to the input field's value attribute, because right now anything I type into these new elements are tossed out and the field appears empty when it's anything but.
function(e) {
var link_array = [];
var new_links = $('.new_link');
$.each(new_links, function() {
var n = $(this).find('input').val(); // you need input values! This line //is changed...
link_array.push({'link_name':n}); //'link_http':h
EDit: You can't have multiple IDS (make class for each input, and target class, if you want link names and http's)

Javascript: Subtracting items from shopping cart result in negative value

I've got this shopping cart script that I'm trying to revise. Trouble is, whenever I try to delete more than one item from the cart, I get a negative value. The cart never goes back to zero when all items are deleted. I can add items fine.
Here is the fiddle.
Below is a code snippet of this feature. The full code is in the fiddle as it is easier to explain by showing you a demo of the problem I am having.
function addToCart(id, container_id, corTitle, corPrice, credit_hrs) {
var amount = parseFloat(corPrice);
var hours = parseFloat(credit_hrs);
var remove = "<button type=\"button\" class=\"remove\"></button>";
var selected_product = "<div class=\"item \">"
+ "<div class=\"title\">"
+"<div class=\"remove\"><button type=\"button\" title=\"remove from cart\" class=\"remove-from-cart\" alt=\"Remove Course\" ></button></div>"
+ corTitle
+ " for $" + corPrice
+ "</div>"
+ "<input name=\"containerId\" value=\"" + container_id
+ "\" type=\"hidden\">" + "</div>";
register("add", amount, hours);
$(".remove-from-cart").click(function() {
register("subtract", amount, hours);
$(toId(id)).removeAttr("disabled").fadeTo("slow", 1);
The problem appears to be that the click handler attached to the remove button is invoked multiple times when a remove button is clicked. The duplicate invocation of register("subtract", amount, hours) causes the total to go negative. How can I fix this?
The problem is that you re-run $(".remove-from-cart").click(...) each time you add an item to the cart, so all existing remove buttons get an extra handler.
Use jQuery to parse to HTML into a jQuery-wrapped DOM structure, and then use that as a context for your .remove-from-cart selector (as demonstrated in this working fiddle). That way, the .remove-from-cart selector will only apply to your newly-added item.
var selected_product = "<div class=\"item \">" + ...;
// jQuery-wrapped DOM structure
var $prod = $(selected_product)
register("add", amount, hours);
// use $prod as jQuery context argument,
// so `.remove-from-cart` only looks in this DOM tree
$(".remove-from-cart", $prod).click(function() {

JQuery click event firing multiple times

I know that there's lot here on already on multiple click events being fired off, I think I've read them all but still can't see what's going wrong here.
Hope fully I'm missing something obvious that someone else can pick up easily...
Some background
My code works inside an Enterprise Social Networking platform and creates a BI dashboard for content analysis (about a 1000 lines of the stuff, mostly domain specific, so too much to post in it's entirety).
The part that is causing me grief is the function that builds the dashboard visualisation itself.
Here goes...
function makePage(){
var docTypes=getGlobalDocTypes(polOwners); //returns a constrained vocab array
var statusTypes=getGlobalStatusTypes(polOwners); //returns a constrained vocab array
$.each(polOwners,function(){ // polOwners is a global array that contains the BI data to be visualised
var ownerName =":")[1]; // name is a str in format "Owner:HR"
html += "<div id='" + ownerName + "' class='ownerData'>";
html += "<div class='ownerHeading'>" + ownerName + "</div>";
html += this.policies.length + " Policy documents maintained<br />"; // policies is an array of docs managed by owner
divIDReview = "dboard_" + ownerName + "reviewchart";
html += "<div id='" + divIDReview + "' class='dboardelement'></div>";
divIDType = "dboard_" + ownerName + "typechart";
html += "<div id='" + divIDType + "' class='dboardelement'></div>";
divIDStatus = "dboard_" + ownerName + "statuschart";
html += "<div id='" + divIDStatus + "' class='dboardelement'></div>";
html += "<div id='" + ownerName + "ToggleTable' class='toggletable' owner='" + ownerName + "'>";
html += "Click to display all " + ownerName + " documents<br /></div>";
html += "<div id='" + ownerName + "polTable' class='poltable'>";
html += getPolTable(this.policies); // Returns an HTML table of doc metadata
html += "</div>";
html += "</div>";
  $("#owners").append(html); // When this function is called #owners is an empty div
$(this).css( {'cursor':'default','text-decoration':'none'});
$(".toggletable").each(function(i, elem){
if ($(this).next(".poltable").css("display")=="none"){
// Currently hidden - so show
if (debug){console.log($(this).attr("id") + " was clicked")}
$(this).html("Click to hide " + $(this).attr('owner') + " documents<br/>");
} else {
if (debug){console.log($(this).attr("id") + " was clicked")}
$(this).html("Click to display all " + $(this).attr('owner') + " documents<br />");
// the next section calls functions that use the Google vis api to draw pie charts
drawPie(300,200, "Review Status", "Status", "Policies", getReviewStatus(this.policies), ["green","orange","red"], divIDReview);
drawPie(300,200, "Document Types", "Type", "Docs", getDocTypes(this.policies, docTypes), [], divIDType);
drawPie(300,200, "Document Status", "Status", "Docs", getStatusTypes(this.policies, statusTypes), [], divIDStatus);
Hopefully that's enough to illustrate the problem.
You'll see that the code builds a dashboard display for each polOwner consisting of three pie charts and an option to hide or display a table of underlying data.
I started by applying the click event to the .toggletable class. When that fired multiple times I used the method described on another answer here with the .each to attach a unique event to each instance of the class.
So, what happens?
There are currently 9 polOwners and at first glance, the click event only seems to be toggling the display state of every other table. The console log however shows that this is because it is firing 9 times for the first instance, 8 for the second, 7 for the third etc. with the odd numbers leaving the table in the alternate state (when this works the display will change to a .toggle animation).
For info, While I'm a text editor person, I do have a copy of MS Expression Web 4 which is a useful tool for error checking HTML. I've pasted in a copy of the entire generated markup (nearly 4000 lines) and can't see any bad nesting or structure errors.
Any ideas folks?
You've got some nested loops:
// jQuery each on polOwners
// ... code that appends .toggletable class
// jQuery each on .toggletable class
$(".toggletable").each(function(i, elem){
// code that runs on the toggletable element
For each polOwner you are adding a div with the toggletable class. Then inside there you are looping through each div with a toggletable class and adding a click event.
This adds 1 click for the first polOwner, 2 for the second, three for the third and so on.
Move the toggletable each outside of the polOwner each and you should be good

