Filtering contentEditable on client and server - javascript

I'm developing a Rails web app using the contentEditable feature of HTML 5, in the style of Google Docs and others. This works well for simple typing, but breaks whenever the user tries to paste text from Word or another webpage. The resulting HTML will be littered with style attributes and will look like it was literally cut and pasted from the source.
I need to filter the HTML some way. This can be done client-side, giving a smooth interface for the user where pasted material fits instantly into my app's style.
Of course, the user can override my filtering. So to protect myself fully from tag soup hell, I would need to perform the same filtering again, server-side. This is similar to the form validation problem.
I don't want to duplicate the filtering logic in both jQuery (client-side) and Ruby (server-side) but I don't know if there's any good way to avoid it. So far I have identified two possibilities:
Implement all filtering server-side, access it from the client by AJAX. This will put a heavy load on the server.
Implement filtering fully in JS, run on client and on server through Node.js. I don't know if there is enough similarity between the two platforms to implement a shared filtering routine. Libraries like Cheerio look promising though.
Has anyone solved a similar problem before? I would appreciate any guidance to keep my app as DRY as possible.


Integrating an HTML GUI and Python with heavy computation

I'm just now tapping into real GUI-heavy stuff and I'm looking to integrate a GUI for a Python 3 application/("game"?). I need this to be cross-platform, responsive, and able to communicate with other users and a server.
I've looked at desktop application creation but I think that the best thing would be a web application. Now, here are the obstacles:
I need the web app to be able to use all my Python 3 code as its black box; it needs to be able to send a function call to the running python code.
More often than not, everything on the page is changed if a single value is changed.
If another user changes a value, it would affect multiple other users instantaneously.
I can't have the page constantly refresh.
The HTML "GUI" needs to have some degree of separation from the Python code. (I can't have Python sending snippets of HTML, only data is allowed.)
I realize that this is a lot to address, so my question then is:
How would one go about making a web app that has specific (most) data values update consistently without having to refresh the entire page?
My proposed solution would have some sort of simplistic javascript constantly checking to see if anything has been posted for the users closely interacting with each other (players in the same server, if you will). Each value in the HTML would have a linked javascript function which is linked to a value or function in the backend python code.
"Player" changes value on webpage -> JavaScript function call -> Python black box on "Server" -> JavaScript checking loop sees that there has been a change via simple Python variable on "Server" -> JavaScript gets all values via calls to functions in python code -> Update HTML for all "Players"
Finally, please note, I have no idea how to carry out my proposed solution, and I very much welcome a different, better approach. Thanks in advance.
So, for anyone who is trying to do the same thing as me, the answer is something called "websockets".
I initially tried Kivy, but found that it was too cumbersome and just hard to get good styling in. Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can make pretty fancy looking stuff, and Kivy just isn't robust enough to make something attractive without having to write tons of excess code. Since what I'm trying to make is basically a styled data readout/hud, the HTML combination takes the cake.
What I'm currently using for the websockets is a module called "Tornado" which allows you to update any data on the client side without them reloading the page. I'm sending this data as a single JSON to update the whole page.
In conclusion, I decided on HTML/CSS/JavaScript for the GUI and Python/Tornado for fast server-side computation.

PHP template system vs javascript AJAX template

My PHP template looks like this:
"{title}"=>"Title of my webpage",
"{other}"=>"Other information",
foreach(replace AS $search=>$replace){
echo $html;
I am considering switching to a javascript/ajax template system. The AJAX will fetch the $replace array in JSON format and then I'll use javascript to replace the HTML.
The page would then be a plain .html file and a loading screen would be shown until the ajax was complete.
Is there any real advantages to this or is the transition a waste of time?
A few of the reasons I think this will be beneficial:
Page will still load even if the Mysql or PHP services are down. If the ajax fails I can handle it with an error message.
Bot traffic (and anything else that doesnt run JS) will cause very little load to my server since the ajax will never be sent.
Please let me know what your thoughts are.
My 2cents is it is better to do the logic on the template side (javascript). If you have a high traffic site you can off load some of the processing to each computer calling the site. Maybe less servers.
With Javascript frameworks like AngularJs the template stuff is pretty simple and efficient. And the framework will do caching for you.
Yes, SEO can be an issue with certain sites. There at proxy tools you can put in place that will render the site and return the static html to the bot. Plus I think some bots render javascript these days.
Lastly, I like to template on the front-end because I like the backend to be a generic data provider (RESTful API). This way I can build a generic backend that drives web / mobile and other platforms in a generic way. The UI logic can be its separate thing in javascript.
But it comes down to the design needs of your application. I build lots of Software as a service applications so a single page application works well for me.
I've worked with similar design pattern in other projects. There are several ways to do this and the task would involve managing multiple project or application modules. I am assume you are working with a team of developers and not using either PHP or JavaScript MVC framework.
PHP Template
For many reasons, I'm against using “search and replace” method especially using server-side scripting language to parse HTML documents as a templating kit.
As you maintain business rules and project becomes larger, you will
find yourself reading through a long list of regular expressions,
parse HTML into DOM, and/or complicated algorithms for searching
nodes to replace with correct text(s).
If you had a placeholder, such as {title}, that would help the
script to have fewer search and replace expressions but the design
pattern could lead to messy sharing with multiple developers.
It is ok to parse one or two HTML files to manage the output but not
the entire template. The network response could be slower with
multiple and repetitive trips to server and that's just only for
template. There could be other scripts that is also making trips to
the server for different reason unrelated to template.
Initially, AJAX with JavaScript might sound like a neat idea but I'm still not convinced.
You can't assume web browser is JavaScript-enabled in every mobile
or desktop. You might need to structure the HTML template in few
ways to manage the output for non-JavaScript browsers. You might
need to include <noscript> and/or <iframe> tags on every page. And,
managing alternative template for non-JavaScript browser can be
Every web browser interpret JavaScript differently. Most developers
should know few differences between IE, FireFox, Chrome, Safari, and
to name few. You might need to create multiple JavaScript files to
detect then load JavaScript for that specific web browser. You
update one feature, you have to update script for all web browsers.
JavaScript is visible in page source. I wouldn't want to display
confidential JavaScript functions that might include credentials,
leak sensitive data about web services, and/or SQL queries. The idea
is to secure your page as much as possible.
I'm not saying both are impossible. You could still do either PHP or JavaScript for templating.
However, my “ideal” web structure should consist of a reliable MVC like Zend, Spring, or Magnolia. Those MVC framework include many useful features such as web services, data mapping, and templating kits. Granted, it's difficult for beginners with configuration requirements to integrate MVC into your project. But in the end, you could delegate tasks in configurations, MVC concepts, custom SQL queries, and test cases to developers. That's my two cents.
I think the most important aspects you forgot are:
SEO : What about search engine bots ? They wont be able to index your content if it is set by javascript only.
Execution and Network Latency : When your service is working, the browser will wait until the page is loaded (let's say 800ms) before making the extra Ajax calls to get your values. This might add an extra 500ms to get it (depending on network speed and geographic location...). If you have sent all the generated data by your server, you would have spent only ~1ms more to prepare the complete response. You would have a lot of waiting on a blank page.
Caching : You could cache the generated pages on your web app. That way your load will be minimized as well. And also, if you still want to deliver content while your backend services (MySQL/PHP..) are down you could even use Apache or Nginx caching.
But I guess it really depends on what you want to do.
For fast and simple pages, which seems to be your case, stick with backend enhancements.
For a dynamic/interactive app which can afford loading times, and doesn't care about SEO, you can delegate most things to the front-end. But then use an advanced framework like Angular, to handle templating, caching, etc...

How do I add a full site search to a website in Javascript/jQuery?

I am creating a HTML5 website and I need to create a site search box that
displays results in a results page with description and photo.
How would I go about this.
I have looked alot and only see google search and thats not what im after.
Can this be done without PHP or RAILS?
Looking for purely JS and html5 and css and jquery.
Thanks and a point i the correct direction would be great.
Example is this Wordpress sites search
I dont want to use WP but hand code it.
Any help is great.
Your best bet, given that you don't want to implement a third party indexing service, would be to set an indexing function on your server's back end to handle search requests. You mentioned Rails, and there are some pretty great gems for this.
One point of trouble you will have with this question is that, in my experience, full site search functionality without a back end / database to query is not a very useful solution for any applications I've seen.
However, given that you want to keep it JS, you might look into the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js) which does some pretty sweet things like two-way data binding. It's a pure Javascript solution (albeit not a purely-front end solution).
Honestly, it sounds like you might be taking too big of bites to start off with. Try working through a scripting language on a site like Code Academy and learning about basic web application setups like MVC (a common way to handle different parts of a web application (used by the aforementioned Rails)). Stack Overflow users can be pretty brutal when you ask questions about advanced functionality without some understanding of the functionality's underlying elements or functional requirements, and search engines from the ground up have historically been the thing of doctoral dissertations.
Good luck!

Javascript Single Page MVC from scratch

I just wondering what is the technique of creating a single page website by using javascript without using framework like ember js / angular js.
For example in php like they can get
Can easily get the view and load/display homepage and load homepage's content.
What if in javascript if want to load another page/content?Any technique for building it?
I just building with a simple function like
I don't know is it the best way to develop a javascript single website page with this way?Or any technique that you all can suggest, cause I need learn from basic, need use javascript to explore and create a single app page without php.
Thanks lot
If it was that easy, do you really think Ember, Spine and Angular would be that widely used?
Snarky comment aside, building a page that refreshes like what you've done, while simple and rather easy to modify, falls very short on quite a few things:
For sites larger than a couple of pages, your HTML markup will become MASSIVE. Not just that, but you'll have to run every single piece of code on every page...per page. Say hi to insane overhead, both on bandwidth and on server-side processing, even with caching.
If you want to dynamically update part of a page, you'll need to use AJAX anyway. Why would it suck to write stuff using an MVC approach from the get-go, rendering data as you go along with AJAX, rather than brute-feeding the entire DOM?
What is the problem with Angular, anyway? Widely used, bug-free, unit-tested, built by reliable people, and if a bug does go through, you can be sure that the community will fix it quicker than you could
If the last comment didn't dissuade you from building your own to replace an already-existing platform, I would strongly recommend you build your JS to be fed data (JSON or otherwise) from your server and to dynamically update the page. You might not want the full-blown MVC approach, but at least the MV part of it. This will also allow modularity.

Advantages / Disadvantages to websites generated with Javascript

Two good examples would be google and facebook.
I have lately pondered the motivation for this approach. My best guess would be it almost completely separates the logic between your back-end language and the markup. Building up an array to send over in JSON format seems like a tidy way to maintain code, but what other elements am I missing here?
What are the advantages / disadvantages to this approach, and why are such large scale companies doing it?
The main disadvantage is that you have some pain with content indexation of your site.
For Google you can somewhere solve the problem by using Crawling scheme. Google supports crawling that allows you to index dynamically (without page reload) generated content of your page.
To do this your virtual links must be addresses like so:!/register/. In this case Google requests to http://yoursite/register/ to index content of the address.
When clicking on virtual link there is no page reload. You can provide this by using onclick:
<a href='!/register/' onclick='showRegister()'>Register</a>
Virtual advantage is that content of a page changed without reloading of the page. In my practice I do not use Javascript generation to do this because I build my interface in fixed positions. When page reloads user does not notice anything because elements of the interface appears in expected places.
So, my opinion that using of dynamic page generation is a big pain. I think Google did it not to separate markup and backend (it's not a real problem, you can use complex structure of backend-frontend to do that) but to use advantages of convenient and nice representation for users.
View state is kept on the client (removing load from the server)
Partial refreshes of pages
Server does not need to know about HTML which leads to a Service Oriented Architecture
Bookmarking (state in the URL) is harder to implement
Making it searchable is still a work in progress
Need a separate scheme to support non-JS users
I don't 100% understand your question, but I'll try my best here...
Google and Facebook both extensively use JavaScript across all of their websites and products. Every major website on the web uses it.
JavaScript is the technology used to modify the behavior of websites.
HTML => defines structure and elements
CSS => styling the elements
Scripting languages => dynamically generating elements and filling them with data
JavaScript => modifies all of the above by interacting with the DOM, responding to events, and styling elements on the fly
This is the 'approach' as you call it to every website on the web today. There are no alternatives to JavaScript/HTML/CSS. You can change the database or scripting language used, but JavaScript/HTML/CSS is a constant.
Consider an example of a simple form validation ...
client sends a request to a server ... the server will execute the server side code containing validation logic and in a response ...the server will send the result to the client ....
if the client has the capability to execute/process (that can be executed on the client side ...) the form ...(perform validation)..the client wont need send request to the server ...and wait for the server to respond to that request ...
i suggest you to take a look at Google Page Speed best practice to see what are the factors that makes a good page ... generating a page with javascript seems cool because of separation of ui and logic , but it is a totally inefficient in practice

