Display text with conditions on dropdown [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am updating my previous Question:
User has to enter the amounts in text boxes: amt1, amt2, amt3
If they are selecting the option to pay 'Self' value 'S' and they need an Advance payment 'ad' as Yes 'y' then the text box adv1 should display a sum of amt1 + amt2 + amt 3 + $750.
In any other case the value in adv1 should be a 0.00 and of course the text box totalAmt should have the sum always of the amounts always.
I have tried the javascript to get the values of the options onChange and try to evaluate.
However values are not been passed on.
<table width="800" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<th>Estimated Travel Cost</th>
<input name="total" type="text" id "totalAmt"value="" readonly="true" style="text-align:center"/>
<th>Amount (AED)</th>
<th>Arranged By</th>
<td>Arrival (incl Taxes)</td>
<input name="amt1" id="amt1" type="text" value="0" style="text-align:center"/>
<select name = "drop1" id = "str" onChange="updateTextVal()">
<option value="S">Self</option>
<option value="C">Company</option>
<td>Local Travel</td>
<input name="amt2" type="text" value="" style="text-align:center"/>
<select name="drop2">
<input name="amt3" type="text" value="" style="text-align:center"/>
<select name="drop3">
<td>Estimated Total Cost</td>
<input name="amt6" type="text" value="" style="text-align:center" />
<select name="drop6">
<td>Advance Required</td>
<select name="advReq" id="ad">
<option value="n">No</option>
<option value="y">Yes</option>
<input name="adv1" type="text" id="adv1" value="0" readonly="readonly" style="text-align:center"/>
function updateText() {
var str = this.value;
var $vel = parseInt(document.getElementById("amt1"));
var $el = document.getElementById("adv1");
var val = document.getElementById('ad').value;
var $eval = document.getElementById('str').value;
if(val == 'y'){
if($eval == 's'){
$el.value = "750" + $vel;
} else {
$el.value = "0";

<td><input name="amt1" id="txtAmt" type="text" value="" align="left" style="text-align:center" /></td>
<td><select name = "drop1" id="sc"><option value="S">Self</option><option value="C">Company</option></select></td>
<td>Advance Required</td>
<td><select name="advReq" id="ad">
<option value="y">Yes</option>
<option value="n">No</option>
<td><input id='re' name="adv1" type="text" readonly="readonly" value="" /></td>
document.getElementById('txtAmt').onkeyup = function(){
var txtV = parseInt(this.value);
var re = document.getElementById('re');
var ad = document.getElementById('ad').value;
var sc = document.getElementById('sc').value;
if(ad == 'y'){
// Yes in Advance Required
if(sc == 'S'){
// Self
re.value = 'Self: ' + (txtV + 750) + '$';
re.value = 'Company: ' + (txtV + 750) + '$';
// No in Advance Required
if(sc == 'S'){
re.value = 'Self: ' + '0.00';
re.value = 'Company: ' + '0.00';
Here is demo

You should write a function that gathers the amt1, drop1 and advReq values and sets the appropriate value to adv1.
Then call it when the page is loaded OR the key is released in amt1 OR drop1/advReq select value is changed.
Don't forget that the value in amt1 might be left empty or not be an actual number.

Simply add a onClick function to each of the select elements as onclick="calculateAdvance()" defined as
function calculateAdvance()
if(document.forms[0].drop1.getSelectedValue == 'S' && document.forms[0].advReq.getSelectedValue == 'y')
var sum = eval(document.forms[0].amt1.value) + 750;
document.forsm[0].amt1.value = sum;
and change the HTML to
<td><select name = "drop1" onchange="calculateAdvance()"><option value="S">Self</option><option value="C">Company</option></select></td>
<select name="advReq" id="ad" onchange="calculateAdvance()">


How to add the content of a textarea to the body of an email

Hi there: I've created a form in html with a table using select to choose between options. One option is "Other" which generates a new text area input field. Once the form has been completed the user can email it to themselves. I can get this to work for all the select options except the new 'Other" category. Instead of adding the new text to the email body it states "[object HTMLTableCellElement]". I have been trying to get this to work but have been unable to solve it or find an answer that helps me - as a relative newbie to coding I can't help thinking I'm missing something obvious...any help or suggestions would be great, thanks
Email new input
<form action="#" method="post" id="myForm">
<table id="myTable">
<td><select name="variableList" id="variableList" class="select">
<option value="" disabled selected>Please choose...</option>
<option value="Var 1">Var 1</option>
<option value="Var 2">Var 2</option>
<option value="Var 3">Var 3</option>
<option value="Other">Other...</option>
<td id="newVariable"></td>
<td><input type="email" name="email" id="emailID" placeholder="Your email address..."></td>
<td><button type="button" class="buttons" onclick="sendEmail()" id="sendEmail()">Email</button></td>
And this is the javascript:
document.getElementById("variableList").addEventListener("change", generateTxtBox);
var x = 1;
function generateTxtBox(){
//Create new input textarea if "Other" is selceted from list of options
if (x==1 && document.getElementById('variableList').value == "Other") {
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.setAttribute('type', 'textarea');
input.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Your new variable...');
var parent = document.getElementById("newVariable");
x += 1;
function sendEmail(){
var email = document.getElementById("emailID").value;
var subject = "Email variables";
var variableList = document.getElementById("variableList").value;
document.getElementById("newVariable").addEventListener("change", getText);
function getText(){
document.getElementById("newVariable").textContent = newVariable;
if (document.getElementById('variableList').value == "Other"){
window.location = "mailto:" + email + "?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + newVariable;
} else {
window.location = "mailto:" + email + "?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + variableList;
Assignments work like this: variable = [new value];
Next, you're adding an event listener right before "sending" the email, meaning the function you're setting as handler is never run. Even if it did run, the order is wrong.
Finally, newVariable is actually the id of the <td> you have, which means you're adding a textual representation of the table cell as body to the email link.
document.getElementById("variableList").addEventListener("change", txtBox);
function txtBox() {
// show textarea if "Other" is selected from list of options
document.getElementById("txtBoxRow").style.display = this.value == "Other" ? "table-row" : "none";
function sendEmail() {
var email = document.getElementById("emailID").value;
var subject = "Email variables";
var variableList = document.getElementById("variableList").value;
var body = variableList == "Other" ? document.getElementById("newVariable").value : variableList;
window.location = "mailto:" + email + "?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + body;
#txtBoxRow {
display: none
<table id="myTable">
<select id="variableList" class="select">
<option value="" disabled selected>Please choose...</option>
<option>Var 1</option>
<option>Var 2</option>
<option>Var 3</option>
<option value="Other">Other...</option>
<tr id="txtBoxRow">
<textarea id="newVariable"></textarea>
<input type="email" name="email" id="emailID" placeholder="Your email address...">
<button class="buttons" onclick="sendEmail()">Email</button>

1 dropdown menu with multiple and different outputs

So I've got a bit of a challange..
I'm trying to get 2 or 3 predefined outputs from a input value.
The code is below, but what I need to get working is that is I select ball_1, ball_2, ball_3 or ball_4 the VLAN and IP are diffrent.
ball_1 needs to output VLAN 12 and IP 32 but ball_2 needs to be VLAN 22 and IP 33 as for ball_3 and ball_4 the VLAN needs to remain empty..
function showData() {
var theSelect = demoForm.demoSelect;
var firstP = document.getElementById('firstP');
var secondP = document.getElementById('secondP');
var thirdP = document.getElementById('thirdP');
firstP.innerHTML = (theSelect.selectedIndex);
secondP.innerHTML = (theSelect[theSelect.selectedIndex].value) - (10);
thirdP.innerHTML = (theSelect[theSelect.selectedIndex].value);
<form name="demoForm">
<select name="demoSelect" onchange="showData()">
<option value="zilch">Select:</option>
<option value="32">ball_1</option>
<option value="33">ball_2</option>
<option value="84">ball_3</option>
<option value="85">ball_4</option>
<table class=table2>
<p id="firstP"> </p>
<p id="secondP"> </p>
<p id="thirdP"> </p>
bla is unused for now so that is not that important.
I've also found this bit of code which seems to better meet my needs but I can't get a dropdown menu to run the input value so it outputs a more or less correct value
<table style="text-align: left; width: 100px;" border="1"
cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
<td><input name="a" value="" type="text"></td>
<td><output name="x" for="a b"></td>
<td><output name="y" for="a b"></td>
I've got some basic knowledge about hmtl and java I think but I can't get it to work properly or is it impossible?
thanks in advance
kind regards
ps. I don't use a database and have 0 knowledge on how to build and run one, also where the site runs it's almost impossible to run a SQL server.
You are not accessing drop down selected value correctly, Please look below working code.
Javascript function for accessing drop down selected value and setting IP and VLAN
function showData() {
var ddlDemo = document.getElementById("ddlDemoSelect");
var selectedValue = ddlDemo.options[ddlDemo.selectedIndex].value;
if (selectedValue == 32) {
document.getElementById('firstP').innerText = "bla";
document.getElementById('secondP').innerText = "12";
document.getElementById('thirdP').innerText = "32";
else if (selectedValue == 33) {
document.getElementById('firstP').innerText = "bla";
document.getElementById('secondP').innerText = "22";
document.getElementById('thirdP').innerText = "33";
else {
document.getElementById('firstP').innerText = "";
document.getElementById('secondP').innerText = "";
document.getElementById('thirdP').innerText = "";
Html. I have added Id for drop down to access it later on.
<form name="demoForm">
<select id="ddlDemoSelect" name="demoSelect" onchange="showData()">
<option value="zilch">Select:</option>
<option value="32">ball_1</option>
<option value="33">ball_2</option>
<option value="84">ball_3</option>
<option value="85">ball_4</option>
<table class=table2>
<p id="firstP"> </p>
<p id="secondP"> </p>
<p id="thirdP"> </p>

Retrieving HTML Table Values

I created a table and borrowed a javascript function from http://www.fourfront.us/blog/store-html-table-data-to-javascript-array to retrieve the contents of the table the way I wanted to. It almost works, but for some reason I cannot access the value that the user inputs.
I have made a JS fiddle at http://jsfiddle.net/danielmdavies/4mu80x2L/1/
The code is also posted below. If I use "time_cutoff": $(tr).find('td:eq(2)').html() instead of "time_cutoff": $(tr).find('td:eq(2)').val(), I get the html code that is correct I believe.
This is the relevant html code:
<table id="cycler_table">
<th>Cycle Step</th>
<th>Time Cutoff</th>
<th>Voltage Cutoff</th>
<th>Current Cuttoff</th>
<select name='cyc_mode1'>
<option value='galvanostatic'>Galvanostatic</option>
<option value='Potentiostatic'>Potentiostatic</option>
<option name='rest'>Rest</option>
<input type='text' name='time_cutoff1' value='10'>
<input type='text' name='voltage_cutoff1' value='0'>
<input type='text' name='current_cutoff1' value='0'>
<select name='cyc_mode2'>
<option value='galvanostatic'>Galvanostatic</option>
<option value='Potentiostatic'>Potentiostatic</option>
<option name='rest'>Rest</option>
<input type='text' name='time_cutoff2' value='10'>
<input type='text' name='voltage_cutoff2' value='0'>
<input type='text' name='current_cutoff2' value='0'>
<select name='cyc_mode3'>
<option value='galvanostatic'>Galvanostatic</option>
<option value='Potentiostatic'>Potentiostatic</option>
<option name='rest'>Rest</option>
<input type='text' name='time_cutoff3' value='10'>
<input type='text' name='voltage_cutoff3' value='0'>
<input type='text' name='current_cutoff3' value='0'>
<select name='cyc_mode4'>
<option value='galvanostatic'>Galvanostatic</option>
<option value='Potentiostatic'>Potentiostatic</option>
<option name='rest'>Rest</option>
<input type='text' name='time_cutoff4' value='10'>
<input type='text' name='voltage_cutoff4' value='0'>
<input type='text' name='current_cutoff4' value='0'>
<textarea id="tbTableValuesArray" name="tblValuesArray" rows="10"></textarea>
<p id="cyc_confirm">Waiting for Properties to be Confirmed
<button onclick="storeAndShowTableValues()">Send the Setup</button>
And the Javascript
$(document).ready(function () {
function storeAndShowTableValues() {
var TableData;
TableData = storeTblValues();
$('#tbTableValuesArray').val('TableData = \n' + print_r(TableData));
function storeTblValues() {
var TableData = new Array();
$('#cycler_table tr').each(function (row, tr) {
TableData[row] = {
"cyc_mode": $(tr).find('td').eq(1).val(),
"time_cutoff": $(tr).find('td:eq(2)').val(),
"voltage_cutoff": $(tr).find('td:eq(3)').val(),
"current_cutoff": $(tr).find('td:eq(4)').val()
TableData.shift(); // first row will be empty - so remove
return TableData;
function convertArrayToJSON() {
var TableData;
TableData = $.toJSON(storeTblValues());
$('#tbConvertToJSON').val('JSON array: \n\n' + TableData.replace(/},/g, "},\n"));
function print_r(arr, level) {
var dumped_text = "";
if (!level) level = 0;
//The padding given at the beginning of the line.
var level_padding = "";
for (var j = 0; j < level + 1; j++) level_padding += " ";
if (typeof (arr) == 'object') { //Array/Hashes/Objects
for (var item in arr) {
var value = arr[item];
if (typeof (value) == 'object') { //If it is an array,
dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item + "' \n";
dumped_text += print_r(value, level + 1);
} else {
dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item + "' => \"" + value + "\"\n";
} else { //Stings/Chars/Numbers etc.
dumped_text = "===>" + arr + "<===(" + typeof (arr) + ")";
return dumped_text;
This is probably super easy but for whatever reason I can't work out how to make it give me the values.
Any help would be awesome.
Try something like this to get the values:
TableData[row] = {
"cyc_mode": $(tr).find('select').val(),
"time_cutoff": $(tr).find('input:eq(0)').val(),
"voltage_cutoff": $(tr).find('input:eq(1)').val(),
"current_cutoff": $(tr).find('input:eq(2)').val()
You need to find the actual input and select elements to get their values.
Or better:
var elem = $(tr);
TableData[row] = {
"cyc_mode": elem.find('select').val(),
"time_cutoff": elem.find('input:eq(0)').val(),
"voltage_cutoff": elem.find('input:eq(1)').val(),
"current_cutoff": elem.find('input:eq(2)').val()
Which avoids recreating the jquery object four times.

Form validation without error on IE

I have a html code saved as a php, the form validation works in google chrome but not in IE. In IE after I hit the submit button, the page automatically goes to process form regardless of errors.
This is my code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Week 8 Lab - JavaScript DOM and Arrays</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
function validateForm() {
var errors = 0;
var fName = document.forms["orderForm"].firstName.value;//first name validation
if (fName == null || fName == "")
document.getElementById('firstNameError').innerHTML = "Please enter a first name.";
} else {
document.getElementById('firstNameError').innerHTML = "";
//var lName = document.forms["orderForm"].lastName.value;//last name validation
if (lName == null || lName == "")
document.getElementById('lastNameError').innerHTML = "Please enter a last name.";
} else {
document.getElementById('lastNameError').innerHTML = "";
//var address = document.forms["orderForm"].address.value;//address validation
if (address == null || address == "")
document.getElementById('addressError').innerHTML = "Please enter an address.";
} else {
document.getElementById('addressError').innerHTML = "";
//var city = document.forms["orderForm"].city.value;//city validation
if (city == null || city == "")
document.getElementById('cityError').innerHTML = "Please enter a city.";
} else {
document.getElementById('cityError').innerHTML = "";
//var pCodeCheck = /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/;//postal code validation
if (pCodeCheck)
document.getElementById('postalCoderror').innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById('postalCoderror').innerHTML = "Please enter a valid postal code.";
// makes sure you cannot order a negative number of items
var itemQTY = document.forms["orderForm"].widget1qty.value;
if (itemQTY < 0)
document.getElementById('qtyError').innerHTML = "You cannot enter a negative number.";
} else {
document.getElementById('qtyError').innerHTML = "";
var itemQTY2 = document.forms["orderForm"].widget2qty.value;
if (itemQTY2 < 0)
document.getElementById('qtyError2').innerHTML = "You cannot enter a negative number.";
} else {
document.getElementById('qtyError2').innerHTML = "";
var itemQTY3 = document.forms["orderForm"].widget3qty.value;
if (itemQTY3 < 0)
document.getElementById('qtyError3').innerHTML = "You cannot enter a negative number.";
} else {
document.getElementById('qtyError3').innerHTML = "";
//makes sure there is at least one item ordered
var wid1Qty = document.getElementById('widget1qty').value;
var wid2Qty = document.getElementById('widget2qty').value;
var wid3Qty = document.getElementById('widget3qty').value;
if (wid1Qty + wid2Qty + wid3Qty == 0)
document.getElementById('itemQTY').innerHTML = "You must order atleast one item.";
} else {
document.getElementById('itemQTY').innerHTML = "";
var total1;
var total2;
var total3;
var total4;
total1 = document.forms['orderForm']['widget1qty'].value * 5;
total2 = document.forms['orderForm']['widget2qty'].value * 15;
total3 = document.forms['orderForm']['widget3qty'].value * 25;
total4 = (total1 + total2 + total3);
alert('Your total is: $' + total4 + '.00');
return errors;
function startValidate() {
var errors = validateForm();
if (errors == 0) {
} else {
return false;
<div id="wrapper">
<h2 class="center">Order Form</h2> <!-- action="processForm.html" "javascript:void(0)" -->
<form name="orderForm" method="post" action="processForm.html" onsubmit="return startValidate()">
<legend>Personal Information</legend>
<th colspan="3"></th>
<td><span class="required">*</span>First Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="firstName" id="firstName" size="30"></td>
<td id="firstNameError"></td>
<td><span class="required">*</span>Last Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="lastName" id="lastName" size="30"></td>
<td id="lastNameError"></td>
<td><span class="required">*</span>Address:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="address" id="address" size="30"></td>
<td id="addressError"></td>
<td><span class="required">*</span>City:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="city" id="city" size="30"></td>
<td id="cityError"></td>
<td><span class="required">*</span>Province:</td>
<td><select name="province" id="province" size="1">
<option disabled>Select a province</option>
<option value="BC">British Columbia</option>
<option value="AB">Alberta</option>
<option value="SK">Saskatchewan</option>
<option value="MB">Manitoba</option>
<option value="ON">Ontario</option>
<option value="QC">Quebec</option>
<option value="NB">New Brunswick</option>
<option value="NS">Nova Scotia</option>
<option value="PE">Prince Edward Island</option>
<option value="NF">Newfoundland</option>
<option value="YK">Yukon</option>
<option value="NWT">Northwest Territories</option>
<option value="NU">Nunavut</option>
<td><span class="required">*</span>Postal Code:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="postalCode" id="postalCode" maxlength="6"></td>
<td id="postalCoderror"></td>
<legend>Order Information</legend>
<th colspan="3"></th>
<td rowspan="3">Select your products:<br>
<td>Widget #1
<input type="text" name="widget1qty" id="widget1qty" size="1" value="0">Qty # <strong>$5.00/ea</strong></td>
<td id="qtyError"></td>
<td>Widget #2
<input type="text" name="widget2qty" id="widget2qty" size="1" value="0">Qty # <strong>$15.00/ea</strong></td>
<td id="qtyError2"></td>
<td>Widget #3
<input type="text" name="widget3qty" id="widget3qty" size="1" value="0">Qty # <strong>$25.00/ea</strong></td>
<td id="qtyError3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td id="itemQTY"></td>
<td rowspan="3">Shipping Type:</td>
<td>Standard ($5.00)<input type="radio" name="shippingType" id="shippingTypeStandard" value="Standard" checked></td>
<td>Express ($10.00)<input type="radio" name="shippingType" id="shippingTypeExpress" value="Express"></td>
<td>Overnight ($20.00)<input type="radio" name="shippingType" id="shippingTypeOvernight" value="Overnight"></td>
<legend>Submit Order</legend>
<th colspan="2"></th>
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" id="btnSubmit" value="Submit Order">
<td><input type="reset" name="btnReset" id="btnReset" value="Reset Form"></td>
When you look at the console in IE’s developer tools (F12), you will see that there is an error message about undeclared variable lName. This causes the error checking to be aborted.
You have several lines like
//var lName = document.forms["orderForm"].lastName.value;//last name validation
Since // starts a comment in JavaScript, the line has no effect. The variable lName is not declared or defined elsewhere either.
So you need to remove those // comment starters. Note that the code does not work in Chrome either; you may have tested a different version in Chrome, or misinterpreted some behavior.
In the console, you can also see a message for line 237 about “unexpected identifier”. It is actually a serious HTML markup error; IE reports some of such errors, in a strange way. The error is that a tr element has an input element as child, which is forbidden in HTML syntax. This is why the Submit Order and Reset Form appear on top of each other and not on the same row as intended. (For usability, the Reset Form button should be removed, but I digress.)

Submit button not working unless change input

I have a form calculator, when customer submit the form(input.php), it will open another page display the results(output.php target _blank). However, when they want to use the same page(input.php) to get the result again, the submit button not working anymore, unless they change some value in the input field, and for the drop down menu, the submit button won't work, even you changed the drop down value.
Can someone please help me to fix the problems? thanks. I just want the button enabled all the time, here is the partially code from input.php.
<form name="form1" action="output.php" method="post" target="_blank">
<table id="distax" width="750">
<th colspan="6">F. Discount & Taxes</th>
<td width="120"><b><input type="radio" name="discountmu" id="disc" value="-" />Discount (-)<br /> <input type="radio" name="discountmu" id="mu" value="+" />Markup (+)</b></td>
<td width="80">% <input type="text" name="discmuv" size="3" value="0"></td>
<td width="120"><b>2. Tax Goods:</b></td>
<td width="80">% <input type="text" name="txgood" size="3" value="0" onkeyup="data_change(this);"></td>
<td width="120"><b>3. Tax Services:</b><br />(for items in G)</td>
<td width="*">% <input type="text" name="txservice" size="3" value="0" onkeyup="data_change(this);"></td>
<table id="extra" width="750">
<th colspan="6">E. Extras</th>
<td width="170"><b>1. Extra railing (total):</b></td>
<td width="70"><input type="text" name="extrail" size="2" value="0" onkeyup="data_change(this);">ft</td>
<td width="110"><b>2. Custom Color: </b></td>
<td width="*"><select size="1" value="<?=$_SESSION['name']?> " name="R4" id="R4" onchange="showme()">
<option selected value="noSS">Sand Stone (Ral 1019)</option>
<option value="noEW">Euro White (Ral 9010)</option>
<option value="noQG">Quartz Grey (Ral 8014)</option>
<option value="noJB">Java Brown (Ral 8014)</option>
<option value="yes">Custom</option>
<input type="text" id="color1other" name="color1other" style=" position:relative;display:none;" Size=20 value="enter custom color here">
<td width="170"> <b>3. Height adjustment [ft // cm]:</b></td>
<td width="*">
<select size="1" name="D8">
<option value="1.125">+2'6" // +76cm</option>
<option value="1.1">+2'0" // +61cm</option>
<option value="1.075">+1'6" // +46cm</option>
<option value="1.05">+1'0" // +30cm</option>
<option value="1.025">+0'6" // +15cm</option>
<option selected value="1">0</option>
<option value="0.985">-0'6" // -15cm</option>
<option value="0.97">-1'0" // -30cm</option>
<option value="0.955">-1'6" // -46cm</option>
<option value="0.94">-2'0" // -61cm</option>
<option value="0.925">-2'6" // -76cm</option>
<option value="0.91">-3'0" // -91cm</option>
<td width="110"><b>4. Freight (Sea/Land/Air): </b></td>
<td width="*">
<input type="text" id="freight" name="freight" Size=12 value="0"><b>USD</b>
<input type="Submit" Value="Get your quote"> as
<input type="radio" value="detail" checked name="report">Dealer <input type="radio" name="report" value="short"> Client version in English
thanks for the reply, here is the code for the javascript, didn't see anything related to the submit button
//Date: 05/27/2009 Edited by EG
function reload(form)
var val=form.cat.options[form.cat.options.selectedIndex].value;
var val3=document.form1.load.value;
//Date: 07/27/2009 Edited by EG
//self.location=self.location + '&cat=' + val + '&load=' + val3;
//self.location='webcalc_input.php?PHPSESSID=' + ssidjs + '&cat=' + val + '&load=' + val3;
self.location='webcalc_input.php?cat=' + val + '&load=' + val3;
function reload3(form)
var val=form.cat.options[form.cat.options.selectedIndex].value;
var val2=form.subcat.options[form.subcat.options.selectedIndex].value;
var val3=document.form1.load.value;
//Date: 07/27/2009 Edited by EG
self.location= 'webcalc_input.php?cat=' + val + '&cat3=' + val2 + '&load=' + val3;
//self.location='webcalc_input.php?PHPSESSID=' + ssidjs + '&cat=' + val + '&cat3=' + val2 + '&load=' + val3;
function data_change(field) {
var check = true;
var value = field.value; //get characters
//check that all characters are digits, ., -, or ""
for (var i = 0; i < field.value.length; ++i) {
var new_key = value.charAt(i); //cycle through characters
if (((new_key < "0") || (new_key > "9")) && !(new_key == "") && (new_key != ".")) { //Included . to enable decimal entry
check = false;
//apply appropriate colour based on value
if (!check) {
field.style.backgroundColor = "red";
else {
field.style.backgroundColor = "white";
function validateEmpty(fld) {
var error = "";
if (fld.value.length == 0) {
fld.style.background = 'Yellow';
error = "The required field has not been filled in.\n"
} else {
fld.style.background = 'White';
return error;
The text input contains a javascript function which you don't show in your code called data_change(). If I understand the question, its likely that that function is disabling the submit button and enabling it when the text changes. This is only an assumption without seeing your javascript code.
enter code here
Find the definition of the data_change() function and look for something relating to the submit button and comment it out.
You may remove the onkeyup="data_change(this);" from the <input> tag, but that could break other functionality!

