How do I post an HTML class into a mongoDB collection using express/mongoose and client-side JS? - javascript

First off my programming knowledge is entirely on the front-end, but I'm experimenting with node, express, mongoose, and mongodb. I'm using someone else's template to try and build an app the right way, but I'm lost when connecting the dots. I have the following jade:
form(method='post', action="/post/comment/" +
input(type='submit', value='Save')
Combined with this from the routes/posts.js file"/post/comment/:id", loggedIn, function (req, res, next) {
var id = req.param('id');
var text = req.param('text');
var author = req.session.user;
post: id
, text: text
, author: author
}, function (err, comment) {
if (err) return next(err);
res.redirect("/post/" + id);
and this is models/comment.js :
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var ObjectId = mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId;
var createdDate = require('../plugins/createdDate');
var schema = mongoose.Schema({
text: { type: String, trim: true, validate: validateText }
, post: { type: ObjectId, index: true }
, author: String
function validateText (str) {
return str.length < 250;
module.exports = mongoose.model('Comment', schema);
Now this works fine, for submitting a comment and saving it in the DB. Problem is, is that I don't want to save a comment, but HTML after a function has manipulated it. So I tried:
var everything = $('.whatever').html();
$.post("/post/comment/:id", everything,
console.log('html saved!')
But I got a POST http://localhost:3000/post/comment/:id 500 (Internal Server Error) Now I'm aware that I probably don't have the id variable so I tried pasting in the number that is in the url, and that seemed to go through without error, but than didn't show up in the DB. I'm aware that this may not be a specific question, and that I may be going about this entirely wrong but any general direction would be much appreciated. Thanks.

You seem to have a number of problems here. Try taking a look at the following:
Your router is set to receive posts to "/post/comment/:id", but your post in the last code block is posting to "/post/comments/:id", where comments is plural. This will likely result in a 404. (Check the networks tab of your browser javascript console. It may be silently failing without you realizing it).
Your 500 error is likely coming from the fact that you directly posted ":id", instead of an actual identifier. Many node apps will have an app.param() block set up to validate these parameters, and your friend's template is likely breaking when it doesn't get a number it expects.
The data that you post must match the schema of the model you're saving it to. Any keys that aren't named in the schema will be stripped prior to saving, and in your case, if no keys match, it will just be a default comment instance, and won't save at all.
Hope that helps!


{ "message": "invalid input syntax for type integer: \"12 Pro\"" } Below error appears while trying to send POST request with PostgreSQL

Error appears while trying to send POST request with PostgreSQL/Sequelize what could be the problem here?
async create(req, res, next) {
try {
let { name, price, brandId, typeId, info } = req.body;
const { img } = req.files;
let fileName = uuid.v4() + ".jpg";, "..", "static", fileName));
const device = await Device.create({
img: fileName,
return res.json(device);
} catch (e) {
The error checks are failing: You are providing a string where an Integer is expected. What causes it is uncertain unless you provide the interface for Device.create(). Check the docs and make sure your input data has the correct types.
EDIT: The following thoughts were bogus There might also be a mix-up with your input: When using the shorthand object notation as you did, make sure your arguments have the right order. Depending on framework your input might just be wrong syntax, because you are essentially initializing an object with no keys but img. If your framework doesn't correct that, this might also be the error source.
But again, without further information on what the function call expects and what type your arguments have, debugging is fortune telling.

Passing mongoose documents to view and use in script tag node.js

I have an app running in Node.js with Express, and I wanted to dinamically change options on select object with jquery. This is actually not a big problem, but I'm having troubles on using the res.render parameters (which are mongoose documents) in the script tag. I use them without any trouble on the html (jade actually), but in the script tag I get a problem with the ObjectId not being a String.
This is an extract of the code:
On the backend:
router.get("/new", function(req, res){
On the view
block content
h1(class="text-center") New document
form(id="newDoc" action="/session/documentos" method="POST")
div(class="tab") Service:
select(class="form-control" name="svc" id="svc")
option(value="undefined" disabled selected) Choose one
for service in services
$(document).ready(function() {
var sessLenght = 0;
var selectedSvc = #{services};
console.log("Service changed: " + selectedSvc);
And this is the error I'm getting:
Console error
And in Sources:
Source error on ObjectId
So I'm being able to use with no troubles the "services" collection of documents, but when trying to use them on the script tag I'm getting problems with the ObjectId element.
I was thinking that one soution would be to convert to string the ObjectId when querying the database, but I think there might be a cleaner solution to that. Which might be the best way to solve the issue?
Any thoughts appreciated! Thanks in advance
Try to change var selectedSvc = #{services};
to var selectedSvc = !{services};
or var selectedSvc = !{JSON.stringify(services)};

Mongoose how to see which mongodb query is being generated nothing returned from database

I'm currently using mongodb with mongoose.
When I connect to the database via the terminal and run the command:
It successfully returns the list of items that I'm looking for.
Alternatively, on my application I do the following and unfortunately it constantly returns []. I was hoping someone could show me the way to see which mongodb query is generated so that I'm able to check if it is correctly generating db.locphoto.find({}).
My controller code is as follows:
var LocPhoto = require('../models/locPhoto');
module.exports.getGalleryPictures = function(req, res) {
LocPhoto.find({}, function(err, results) {
And my model code is as follows:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var locPhotoSchema = mongoose.Schema({
challengeId: String,
image: String,
main: Number,
module.exports = mongoose.model('LocPhoto', locPhotoSchema);
I'd really appreciate if someone knows how to see the command that is being generated so that I can check this better in the future, since I've had this issue a few times already, it's usually to do with capital letters etc.
You're not properly creating the schema , you have to use new keyword
var locPhotoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
challengeId: String,
image: String,
main: Number,

Update Array from Document (MongoDB) in Javascript not Working

I've looking for an answer for like 5 five hours straight, hope somebody can help. I have a MongoDb collection results (I'm using mLab) which looks like this:
{ ....
{ "user":....
"user" is a MongoID I save in a previous part of the code, "results" is a record of scores. When an user does a new score, I have to update the score of the corresponding level (I'm using NodeJS).
This is one of the things I've tried so far.
app.get('/levelCompleted/:id/:time', function (request, response) {
var id =;
var time = parseInt(request.params.time);
var u= game.getUserById(id);
var k = "results.$.level"+(u.level);
//I build the key to update dinamycally
//u has its own game_id
{$set: {k:time}}
I've checked the content of every variable and parameter, tried also using $elemMatch and dot notation, set upsert and multi, with no results. I've used an identical command on mongo shell and it has work on the first try.
Update with Mongo Shell
If someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong or point me in the right direction, it would be great.
When you use a MongoId as a field in a MongoDB, you can't just pass a string with the id to do the query, you have to identify that string as an ObjectId (Id type in Mongo). Just add a new require in your node.js file.
var ObjectID = require("mongodb").ObjectID;
And use the imported constructor in your update request.

Saving node.js post data to show all records that have been added since the web application was started

I'm working on a web application using node.js that has a form containing basic information about a person. I need to have all records that have been added since the web application was started display on the submit page.
I believe that I need to create an array to store this information but this is where my confusion starts. I'm not sure where to create the array to add information to. I suspect it should be in app.js where I call'/add', routes.add);
I think it should maybe something like this going from an example I found here How do I add a new complex entry to a javascript array?:
// Routes
app.get('/', routes.index);'/add', routes.add);
var people = [{name, country, date, email, phone}];
people.push({name, country, date, email phone});
However the array looks like it will only hold enough information for 1 person.
Please let me know if my question is not clear enough and I will try to clarify
Thanks in advance!
Edit: I believe that when I am calling routes.add this code is executed from my index.js file
exports.add = function(req, res){
res.render('add', { title: 'Person added',
date: req.body.birthday,
and in my add.jade file:
h1 Info Added
p Name: #{name}
p Country: #{country}
p Date: #{date}
p Email: #{email}
p Phone: #{phone}
There are a few things to maybe get you started.
I suggest you move the database to another file, that way you may replace it with a 'real' database later. Ie. do something like this:
create a lib directory in app root,
create a db.js in that directory,
put this code in the db.js:
var database = [],
counter = 0;
// add method adds a new object to db.
exports.add = function(person) { = counter;
counter = counter + 1;
return id; // we return id, so that we can use it as a reference to this object.
// get method retreives the object by id.
exports.get = function(id) {
return database[id]; // this will return undefined if there is no such id
exports.list = function(){
return database;
Now you have a database.
You use the db in other files like this:
var people = require('lib/db');
// or if you're in a routes directory,require('../lib/db') or appropriate path
people.add({name: 'Sarah'}); // returns 0
people.add({name: 'Zlatko'}); // returns 1
people.get(1); // returns {name: 'Zlatko'}
Now in your routes/index.js you can include your database and have this to save or retreive an user or all users. Somehing similar to your exports.add:
var id = people.add({name:, email:});
res.render('add', people.get(id));
You can also create a 'people' view and just pass it {people: people.list()} object as parameters array.
I didn't include any validation, checking, anything ,to make the example more clear. This db can hold more then one person, and it's enough to get you started. And I think it is clear in what it does.
I hope this helps.

