Third party video detection with javascript? - javascript

I am building an HTML5 video player with a fall back to flash. The problem is that the videos are served by a variety of third parties.
Some of the third parties are serving the video based on user agent.
e.g the url will look like this
If you are on iOS it will serve mp4, which works fine.
But some third parties are only serving flv to desktop. This means I cannot easily fall-back to flash and will have to force the fall-back with javascript.
Is there a way I can test a url with javascript to determine what video will be served?

Can you use a XMLHttpRequest to fetch the page and look at what's returned?
See an example here.


Preventing user to see video URL in HTML?

I have an web page where users can view videos.
But the problem is when I inspect the page, it shows the video url.
So is there any idea how we can hide video source like youtube and other videos portal ?
There is no way to hide the video URL entirely without resorting to browser plugins. You can obscure it though, but in most cases they won't be worth it.
Using Media Source Extensions you can deliver segments of video data using obscured urls. And the URL won't be immediately visible in the source of the page. This is similar to what Youtube or Netflix does but requires massive engineering work on the backend. This is also the technique used to play MEPG-DASH with e.g. dash.js or shaka-player.
Set it using Javascript, so it's not viewable with view source, it won't help with inspecting though.
If your issue is people copying the stream URL and using it in their own players, then you might look at protecting it with some sort of tokens security. This is supported by almost any CDN out there, and there are plenty of open source systems to do it in most programming languages.
Lastly, if the issue is that you don't want anyone to copy the content, you can apply DRM protection. One of the easiest and straightforward ways to get started with that, might be using Azure Media Services.

javascript to discover .flv url from any embedded flash video?

Is there any javascript library out there that can find the url to the flash video file (.flv) on current page where it has an embedded flash video player? Ex. opens video link, shows flash video url.
I have been looking through codes from chrome extensions which discovers flash video links for download but no dice.
Browser extensions can look into Flash internals and monitor your HTTP activity to see where data is being pulled from, however Javascript running in the document does not have permission to read either of those.
Some Flash apps expose some of their internals to Javascript, but they need to specifically write in that functionality, and for third parties this would be documented, presumably as an API. As far as I can tell, collegehumor doesn't provide any of that.

Live video broadcasting

I am going to develop a chat based application for mobile which allows video chat. I am using HTML5, javascript and PhoneGap. Using phoneGap, I am able to access mobile camera, capture a video, save the video and upload it in server. I have done it for android. But I need live broadcasting of the video. Is there any solution of that?
Note: It is not any android native app.
You didn't specify what facility you're currently using for the video capture. AFAIK, current WebView doesn't yet support WebRTC which is the w3 standard that will soon enable you to access the video frames in your HTML5 code. So I'm assuming you're using PhoneGap's navigator.device.capture.captureVideo facility.
On Android, captureVideo creates 3gp files. The problem with 3gp is that they cannot be streamed or played while capturing: the MOOV atom of the file is required for parsing the video frames in it, and it is written only after all frames in the file have been encoded. So you must stop the recording before you can make any use of the file.
Your best shot in HTML5 is to implement a loop that captures a short clip (3-5 seconds?) of video, then sends it to a server while the next chunk is being captured. The server will need to concatenate the clips to a single file that can be broadcast with a streaming server. This will add several seconds to the latency of the broadcast, and you are quite likely to suffer from lost frames at the point in the gap between two separate chunk captures. That might be sufficient for some use cases (security cameras, for example).
If your application is such that you cannot afford to lose frames, I see no other option but to implement the video capture and streaming in Java, as a PhoneGap Plugin.
See Spydroid
It uses the solution with the special FileDescriptor you found. Basically they let the video encoder write a .mp4 with H.264 to the special file descriptor that calls your code on write. Then they strip off the MP4 header and turn the H.264 NALUs into RTP packets.

HTML5 Video: Detecting Bandwidth

I have a 1080p video that I'm displaying in an HTML5 <video> tag on my page.
Is there a simple(ish) javascript method of detecting bandwidth so I can switch out the video for lower quality versions if the user's connection is too slow to stream the video? Similar to the logic behind YouTube's 'auto' video size chooser.
Depending on what player and encoding platform you are using you may be able to use HLS encoding for your videos. HLS stands for HTTP Live Streaming, a protocol developed by Apple for primarily solving this problem (among others).
HLS basically breaks your video file into multiple small files so they can be "pseudo" streamed using a simple Web server. With HLS you can also encode in multiple resolutions and a player might be able to switch to a lower or higher bandwidth.
The only downside is that most of the players use Flash to play HLS encoded content. Check it out in action here:
Here's HLS demo for flowplayer:
And here is a plugin for VideoJS:
To encode in HLS, you can either use ffmpeg for free and upload files to your server:
Or, you can use a cloud-based solution like AWS Transcoder or Brightcove
In google chrome at least there are these properties on a video element:
webkitVideoDecodedByteCount: 0
webkitAudioDecodedByteCount: 0
These should be enough to determine how fast the client can decode the video. As the video plays you would keep track of the delta amount of these bytes which gives you bytes/s the client is processing the video.
For a more up to date answer: MPEG-DASH is in the process of replacing HLS. HLS is used mainly in iOS land. Most desktop browsers do not plan to support it, and DASH is the standard they are moving toward. (However, there are plenty of players designed to allow you to use HLS with HTML5 video player like hls.js). DASH players include Bitmovin, Google Shaka, and more. Many people encode for both HLS and DASH currently. HLS also supports fragmented mp4. Please note that you will need to encode your videos correctly server side. Additional resource:
I hate that feature! It's usually wrong, and if I want to wait 2 hours to load my dang video, than wait I shall! There's no reliable way to accurately measure this without sending a large dummy file to the user and measure the time it took to get to him.
You should count on user input (and remember it correctly! Also unlike YouTube!).
In short, don't take YouTube as an example.
There are paid services that may give you an indication of what bandwidth the other party is on, like netspeed.
The data accuracy may be enough for you, but I haven't had the chance to test it for myself.

Possible to stream live video without using RTSP?

Is it possible to live stream video (& audio) without using the RTSP protocol? Today I tried out Adobe's Flash Media Server and the free alternative Red5. Both seemed like a bit of an overkill (plus had issues with Red5 not supporting AAC audio).
Basically I'm looking for a way to upload live video to my server so it can be viewed using jwplayer, and then stored so it can be viewed later. Does MP4 support live streaming? So that I can record it client-side then upload it for viewing?
I've been experimenting with uploading jpg images and using a HTML5 canvas to display them so it appears like a video.
Here's my code: (using only a few images)
There's several things wrong with it. For one, it's not efficient because it requires mass amounts of jpg's to be uploaded. And most importantly there's no audio.
What would be best to do? Is RTSP the only sensible choice? Thanks. :)
Live via HTTP servers is, for the most part, not an option. But there is "Apple Live Streaming" aka MPEG-TS, although that limits your clients to iOS devices. It uses a plain ol'web server. (This seems to be changing, increasingly desktop browsers are supporting MPEG-TS, but will probably take some time before it is common place.)
For online streaming, rtsp is the best solution. Other protocols such as RTMP ( but transmit to any multimedia content using RTSP.
Another thing is that you can make a specific streaming server accepts HTTP redirect requests. Thus, instead of URL's as rtsp:// can have URL's like

