How does implicit passing of object reference work? - javascript

I have some Javascript code which works fine so far but I do not understand the how the variable "me" is set in the function "run"? = function() {
this.startTime = new Date().getTime();
var currentTimeMillis = this.startTime;
var loops;
var interpolation=0.0;
return function(me){
loops = 0;
while (new Date().getTime() > currentTimeMillis && loops < me.MAX_FRAMESKIP) {
currentTimeMillis += me.SKIP_TICKS;
interpolation = parseFloat(new Date().getTime() + me.SKIP_TICKS - currentTimeMillis) / parseFloat(me.SKIP_TICKS);
The function is called continuously by the browser's animate function below. Since I do not pass any reference to the call, i guess the correct reference to me is set implicitly. Can someone explain me or give me some useful links which explains this behaviour?
GameLoop.prototype.recursiveAnim = function() {
var f =;;
this.animFrame( this.recursiveAnim );

By calling run you get a function in return, that function has one parameter and its called me.
For example
var x = function () { return function (me) { return me; } }
// by calling x, you get the function: `function (me) { return me; }
var f = x();
console.log(f(1)); // answer is 1


Creating simple constructor in Javascript

I am trying to write a constructor that when increment is called it outputs this:
var increment = new Increment();
alert(increment); // 1
alert(increment); // 2
alert(increment + increment); // 7
I am trying to go this way:
var increment = 0;
function Increment(increment){
increment += 1;
But the alerts outputs [object object].
Any idea?
EDIT: apparently I am not allowed to touch the existing code, as the cuestion of this exercise is: «Create a constructor whose instances will return the incremented number»
Ususally, you need a method for incrementing the value and you need to call it.
function Increment(value) {
this.value = value || 0; = function () { return ++this.value; };
var incrementor = new Increment;
console.log(; // 1
console.log(; // 2
console.log( +; // 7
But you could take a constructor and implement a toString function for getting a primitive value.
This solution is not advisable, but it works for educational use. (It does not work with console.log here, because it need an expecting environment for a primitive value.)
function Increment(value) {
value = value || 0;
this.toString = function () { return ++value; };
var increment = new Increment;
alert(increment); // 1
alert(increment); // 2
console.log(increment + increment); // 7
There are few things that are conceptually wrong here, to keep it simple what you could do is:
function Increment(){
this.value = 0;
Increment.prototype.increase = function(){this.value++}
Increment.prototype.getValue = function(){return this.value}
let incrementInstance = new Increment();
Basically what you need to do is to create an instance of Increment and then change the value for it
function Increment(initial){
this.value = initial
Increment.prototype = {
constructor: Increment,
inc: function(){
return ++this.value;
increment = new Increment(0);
alert( +;

Memoize not working as expected?

I'm currently learning about memoization. As a simple exercise I implemented memoization with a fibonacci. However I'm having problems as to why when I do not rename the memoized function it takes slower to complete than when I rename it. Take a look at the code.
This doesn't work correctly and doesn't cache correctly.
function memoize(func) {
const cache = {};
return function(args) {
const cacheKeys = Object.keys(cache).map(el => +el);
if (cacheKeys.includes(args)) {
return cache[args];
cache[args] = func(args);
return cache[args];
function wrapped_fibonacci(n) {
if (n <= 2) {
return 1;
return wrapped_fibonacci(n - 1) + wrapped_fibonacci(n - 2);
const fibonacci = memoize(wrapped_fibonacci); // <== I do not rename the function.
for (let i = 1; i <= 40; i++) {
However, when I write my code like this. It works correctly and is performant
function memoize(func) {
const cache = {};
return function(args) {
const cacheKeys = Object.keys(cache).map(el => +el);
if (cacheKeys.includes(args)) {
return cache[args];
cache[args] = func(args);
return cache[args];
function fibonacci(n) {
if (n <= 2) {
return 1;
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
fibonacci = memoize(fibonacci); //<== I rename the function
for (let i = 1; i <= 40; i++) {
As you can see. I just reassigned the function name.
I'm doing these tests on node.js v8.3.0
The results of the first is as such.
time node fib.js
real 0m2.413s │~
user 0m2.400s │~
sys 0m0.008s
The results of the second goes as such
time node fib.js
real 0m0.263s │~
user 0m0.252s │~
sys 0m0.008s
Anyone able to shed some light on this?
In the working example, you're replacing fibonacci with a memoized function also called fibonacci. The recursive calls are using this memoized function, because fibonacci-the-original was replaced by fibonacci-the-memoized.
In the non-working example, you're creating a memoized function fibonacci from wrapped_fibonacci, but that function still calls wrapped_fibonacci, the unmemoized original, recursively.
If you'd also replace wrapped_fibonacci, it would speed up again:
const fibonacci = wrapped_fibonacci = memoize(wrapped_fibonacci)

Do I really need to use protoypes for this in javascript? (Practical example)

Can this be written without complexing things with prototypes?
Why? The current code does what I want, but it bothers me how trixy it is to follow and how error prone it is, also seems to be performance wasting since things are duplicated.
Aim? The more I spend using prototype and this I get the sense the code would be simpler and more to the point if this was not the case.
Especially if the this-functions in SystemBlueprint can be rewritten to take an instance as argument instead. And if object Function Log() and Out could just be plain objects somehow? How can Log or Out be extracted outside of SystemBuilder?
Full code in Jsbin,console (Updated)
// Local for each System object
var SystemData = {
name: '?',
id: 1,
actions: [],
destinations: []
// Variables shared among all Systems
const SystemShare = {
global: 1
// this-Functions shared among all Systems
function SystemBlueprint() {}
SystemBlueprint.prototype = {
run() {
var length = this.actions.length
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var result = this.actions[i](arguments, this)
if (result && this.destinations.length > 0) {
for (var n = 0; n < this.destinations.length; n++) {
this.destinations[n].call(null, result)
does(algorithm) {
return this
random(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
function SystemBuilder(name) {
// copy shared methods
var system = Object.create(SystemBlueprint.prototype)
Object.assign(system, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(SystemData))) //deep copy = name =
function Log() {}
Log.prototype.local = () => console.log('fields: ' + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(system))),
system.log = new Log()
function Out(){}
Out.prototype.into = (destination) => {
return system
system.out = new Out()
system.trigger = {}
function OnEvent(trigger){
if(trigger === undefined) return,
return system
system.trigger.on = new OnEvent()
return system
var system = new SystemBuilder() = 'Testing'
system.does( () => 'printing output...')
Partial Answer, implementation from comment suggestion by #Bellian, a bit on the way for sure, thanks!
Where? Inside function SystemBuilder(...):
Instead of
function Log() {}
Log.prototype.local = () => console.log('fields: ' + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(system))),
system.log = new Log()
Do this
function _local(system){
console.log('fields: ' + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(system)))
system.log = {local: _local.bind(this, system)}

javascript closures and prototypes

I thought I have understood the idee of closures, but the following code
behaves surprisingly for me:
function A(x)
this.getX1 = function () { return x; }
A.prototype.getX2 = function () { return x; }
var a1 = new A(1);
var a2 = new A(2);
console.log ('a1.getX1()=%d', a1.getX1 ()); // 1
console.log ('a2.getX1()=%d', a2.getX1 ()); // 2
console.log ('a1.getX2()=%d', a1.getX2 ()); // 2 ???
console.log ('a2.getX2()=%d', a2.getX2 ()); // 2
I could understand if prototype methods behave differently from
instance methods, but this looks like x has become a static variable.
Changing the order of calls does not change results.
When you change the prototype you're changing the function for all instances of the given class, including those that already exist.
Therefore when you call...
A.prototype.getX2 = function () { return x; }
You're setting that for the existing a1 instance of A. So effectively you're ending up with the following pseudo code:
<all instances of A>.getX2 = function () {
return <latest value of x passed to A constructor>;
The static member here is A.prototype.getX2. The second call to A.prototype.getX2 = function () { return x; } (due to var a2 = new A(2);) replaces the first one. To understand it you can reverse the order of instantiations:
var a2 = new A(2);
var a1 = new A(1);
Then you'll have:
You're defining getX2 twice, each time you create a new A. The result for that function will always be the last X. Considering rewriting your code like this:
function A(x) {
this.x = x;
this.getX1 = function() {
return this.x;
A.prototype.getX2 = function() {
return this.x;
var a1 = new A(1);
var a2 = new A(2);
console.log('a1.getX1()=%d', a1.getX1()); // 1
console.log('a2.getX1()=%d', a2.getX1()); // 2
console.log('a1.getX2()=%d', a1.getX2()); // 1
console.log('a2.getX2()=%d', a2.getX2()); // 2​​​
This way, you only define getX2 once and it works as expected.
You have written
function A(x)
this.getX1 = function () { return x; }
A.prototype.getX2 = function () { return x; }
This constructor overwrites A.prototype.getX2 each time.
So first
var a1 = new A(1); // This invokes A and adds a function `getX2` to the prototype of `A`which returns `x` that is `1`
var a2 = new A(2); // This invokes A and overwrites the function `getX2` in the prototype of `A` with a function which returns `x` that is `2` now.
So it should be like this
function A(x)
this.getX1 = function () { return x; }
A.prototype.getX2 = function () { return this.getX1(); }

jQuery - setInterval issue

I am using jQuery to generate and add a random amount of Clouds to the Header of the page and move them left on the specified interval. Everything is working fine, execpt the interval only runs once for each Cloud and not again. Here is my code:
if(enableClouds) {
var cloudCount = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11); // Random Number between 1 & 10
for(cnt = 0; cnt < cloudCount; cnt++) {
var cloudNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
var headerHeight = $('header').height() / 2;
var cloudLeft = Math.floor(Math.random() * docWidth);
var cloudTop = 0;
var thisHeight = 0;
var cloudType = "one";
if(cloudNumber == 2) {
cloudType = "two";
}else if(cloudNumber == 3) {
cloudType = "three";
$('header').append('<div id="cloud' + cnt + '" class="cloud ' + cloudType + '"></div>');
thisHeight = $('#cloud' + cnt).height();
headerHeight -= thisHeight;
cloudTop = Math.floor(Math.random() * headerHeight);
$('#cloud' + cnt).css({
'left' : cloudLeft,
'top' : cloudTop
setInterval(moveCloud(cnt), 100);
function moveCloud(cloud) {
var thisLeft = $('#cloud' + cloud).css('left');
Any help is appreciated!
This is the way to go:
return function(){
})(cnt), 100);
Engineer gave you the code you need. Here's what's happening.
The setInterval function takes a Function object and an interval. A Function object is simply an object that you can call, like so:
/* Create it */
var func = function() { /* ... blah ... */};
/* Call it */
var returnVal = func(parameters)
The object here is func. If you call it, what you get back is the return value.
So, in your code:
setInterval(moveCloud(cnt), 100);
you're feeding setInterval the return value of the call moveCloud(cnt), instead of the the function object moveCloud. So that bit is broken.
An incorrect implementation would be:
for(cnt = 0; cnt < cloudCount; cnt++) {
/* ... other stuff ... */
var interval = setInterval(function() {
}, 100);
Now, you're feeding it a function object, which is correct. When this function object is called, it's going to call moveCloud. The problem here is the cnt.
What you create here is a closure. You capture a reference to the variable cnt. When the function object that you passed to setInterval is called, it sees the reference to cnt and tries to resolve it. When it does this, it gets to the variable that you iterated over, looks at its value and discovers that it is equal to cloudCount. Problem is, does not map on to a Cloud that you created (you have clouds 0 to (cloudCount -1)), so at best, nothing happens, at worst, you get an error.
The right way to go is:
return function(){
})(cnt), 100);
This uses an 'immediate function' that returns a function. You create a function:
return function(){
that returns another function (let's call it outer) which, when called with a value i, calls moveCloud with that value.
Then, we immediately call outer with our value cnt. What this gives us is a function which, when called, calls moveCloud with whatever the value of cnt is at this point in time. This is exactly what we want!
And that's why we do it that way.

