speed of accessing closure variable vs object variable - javascript

Consider the following code:
var xx=1;
var ff=function(){
return xx+1;
var gg=function(){
return gg.xx+1;
Should there be any clear performance difference between these two approaches? It seems to me that the ff function should perform faster since it references only one variable whereas the gg function references two variables. I am developing a game and want to exploit every possible speed trick that I can.

This has been asked many times before. The only difference here is that neither example would normally be called a closure, they are simple cases of variable and property resolution.
In the case of:
var xx = 1;
var ff = function(){
return xx + 1;
then within the function, xx must first be resolved on the local variable object, and then on the scope chain. So that's two lookups at least.
In the case of:
var gg = function(){
return gg.xx + 1;
gg.xx = 1;
within the function, gg must be resolved in exactly the same way as the first case (i.e. on the local variable object and then on the scope chain), which again is two lookups. Having found gg, its properties must be searched find xx, which may involve a number of lookups.
Given the above, it's logical to assume the first is faster.
Of course, that's just a logical deduction, performance may actually be counter to that. In some browsers, global variable lookup is faster than local regardless of the length of the scope chain. Go figure.
It is certain that performance will be different in different browsers, regardless of which way it goes. Such performance tweaks (if there is any performance benefit at all) are playing at the margins and should be treated as premature optimisation.
To code this as a closure requires something like;
var gg = (function() {
var g;
return function() {
gg = function() {
return g.xx + 1; // Here is the closure
if (typeof g == 'undefined') {
g = gg;
if (typeof g.xx == 'undefined') {
g.xx = 1;
return g();
since gg doesn't have a value until the IIFE finishes, so the closure can only be created at that point, the value can only be assigned later, when the function is fist run.
Note that g must still be resolved on the local variable object, then on the scope chain so still two lookups and no gain from the closure (at least no logical gain).
Edit 2
Just to be clear regarding closures:
var xx = 1;
var ff = function(){
return xx + 1;
Does technically not form a closure, but not one worth recognising. The identifier xx is resolved on the scope chain, there are no variables on the scope chain that are accessible by ff when some outer execution context completes. So the closure exists only for as long as the function does and therefore is no more remarkable than lexical scope.
In contrast:
var ff = (function() {
var closureVariable;
// This "inner" function has a closure with closureVariable
// If value is undefined, get (return) the value. Otherwise, set it
return function(value) {
if (typeof value == 'undefined') {
return closureVariable;
closureVariable = value;
In this case, ff has exclusive access to closureVariable, which is a variable that remains accessible after the function that created it has completed:
// set the value
// get the value
console.log(ff()); // foo
closureVariable is only accessible by ff (unlike global variables) and persists over numerous calls (unlike local variables). It's this feature of closures that allows them to emulate private members.
Another feature is that many functions can have a closure (or priveliged access) to the same variable, emulating a kind of inheritance.


Is a variable declaration the same as a variable's binding?

MDN documentation states:
let bindings are created at the top of the (block) scope containing
the declaration, commonly referred to as "hoisting". Unlike variables
declared with var, which will start with the value undefined, let
variables are not initialized until their definition is evaluated.
Accessing the variable before the initialization results in a
ReferenceError. The variable is in a "temporal dead zone" from the
start of the block until the initialization is processed.
Is the "let binding" referrred to (the hoisting of let and const) just the keyword let, or is it just the creation of storage space (which doesn't have to do with the keyword)?
Previously I thought the variable keyword and variable name together comprised a declaration, but in a question I asked recently, the answerer said they are actually an initialization.
I'm sorry for using two different terms when writing that MDN paragraph. For all purposes in that article, "variable" and "binding" should be understood as the same thing. But let's go into details.
A variable declaration creates the variable (as an abstract entity). It tells the compiler that it should introduce a new variable, and also can tell it about a name, a type to be held, an initial value, a scope etc. (depending on the language). In JS, there are different kinds of declarations that do different things, for example
var has a name, an optional initialiser and scoping rules specific to var
function has a (sometimes optional) name, the value is always given and known to be a function
const has a name, a required initialiser, should be immutable, and has lexical scoping
A binding is the association of a variable name with the variable entity, for example "x refers to the variable declared with class x". Such bindings depend on the scope, i.e. in every different scope there are different bindings and so the identifier x might refer to different things in different scopes.
Given the scoping rules of JavaScript, a variable declaration also causes bindings for itself to be created in the respective scopes.
So the binding is what makes the name available to be used. That's what I referred to as "the let binding is created at the top of the scope". It has nothing to do with the variable existing, having memory allocated for it, or being initialised.
A declaration just says that something exists. In JavaScript you can declare variables, functions and (more recently) classes.
In some languages (e.g. C, C++) it's possible to declare something without defining it. For example:
// this declares a function exists with a given signature, but doesn't define its implementation
void someFunction();
someFunction(); // here we call the function, since we know it exists
// here we define the function, which we have to do at some point
void someFunction() { /* ... */ }
This pattern is less common in modern languages, where the declaration and the definition tends to be combined, but it's useful to understand the distinction seeing as your question seems largely about terminology.
Variables can be declared, however they don't have definitions.
let b; // we declare that there's a variable 'b'
Instead you can assign a variable:
b = 5; // assignment
let c = 6; // declaration and assignment in one statement
The concept of binding in computer science has many forms. For example, when you type foo in your code, binding is the act of working out which variable/function/type/... should be used. In JavaScript this is pretty straightforward, but in some languages it can get pretty hairy (due to things like overload resolution and so forth).
However I don't believe that's what MDN means when they talk about let bindings. I believe it's a shorthand for "let declaration and assignment", as we saw above.
Regardless, I wouldn't worry too much about that term. The most important bit to understand from the paragraph you've quoted is that let and const are tighter versions of var, introduced in recent versions of the language to address pitfalls and surprises that came from the way var works.
Previously I thought the variable keyword and variable name together comprised a declaration
You're right.
var a;
var b = 1;
let c;
let c = 2;
const d = 3;
These are all declarations of variables (even though const technical variables can't vary, or more precisely, they cannot be reassigned).
It's just that var is a bit sloppy and surprising.
You could declare a var more than once within the same scope:
var a = 1;
var a = 2;
This won't work with let:
let a = 1;
let a = 2; // SyntaxError: Identifier 'a' has already been declared
Scoping on var can be surprising too:
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var inner = 1;
console.log(inner); // prints 1 even though you might think this would be an error
Or worse:
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
At a glance you might think this would print hello 100 times (10*10), but actually it is only printed 10 times because both loops use the same variable. This is a type of programmer error that the language should really prevent. If that code used let i instead, it would produce a syntax error.
As for hoisting you can think of it as though all the var declarations were moved to the top of the containing function.
function foo()
var i = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++)
var k = 10;
Even though that's how you might write the code, it behaves as though you had written:
function foo()
var i; // all declarations hoisted to top of containing function scope
var j;
var k;
i = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
k = 10;
This is why you can write:
i = 10;
var i;
The var is moved up in the code, so it behaves as:
var i;
i = 10;
You can think of let as not being moved. Therefore it is an error to reference it before it is declared.
The main thing to understand here is that the js engine actually visits a let statement inntwo different situations (as well as every other statement, but it particularily matters here). It is visited once during parsing, when it generates an AST and also analyzes the scopes and the variables. It also creates a list of variables for each scope. Now when the code gets executed, the engine visits the statement a second time (or more often if its inside a loop / function / whatever) and now finally initializes the variable and assigns a value to it. So "hoisting" is basically just caused because of the parsing / executing stages, the engine knows that a variable exists before it reaches the declaration statement during execution as it has already parsed it before.
Is the "let binding" referrred to (the hoisting of let and const) just the keyword let, or is it just the creation of storage space (which doesn't have to do with the keyword)?
The keyword actually causes an entry in the scope record, which will then get turned into a storage space during execution. On the other hand the statement itself causes an initialization during execution. So its actually hard to say when a declaration happens, thats a question of words. Its common to say
That variable was declared at line 10
Its declared in that block
so wether "declaration" refers to the statement or the scope assignment is up to you :)
the answerer said they are actually an initialization.
Actually the answerer prefered to call it "initialization" and not "declaration" to not confuse readers, but well in reality its confusing as human languages are not as clearly defined as machine ones.

How JavaScript closures are garbage collected

I've logged the following Chrome bug, which has led to many serious and non-obvious memory leaks in my code:
(These results use Chrome Dev Tools' memory profiler, which runs the GC, and then takes a heap snapshot of everything not garbaged collected.)
In the code below, the someClass instance is garbage collected (good):
var someClass = function() {};
function f() {
var some = new someClass();
return function() {};
window.f_ = f();
But it won't be garbage collected in this case (bad):
var someClass = function() {};
function f() {
var some = new someClass();
function unreachable() { some; }
return function() {};
window.f_ = f();
And the corresponding screenshot:
It seems that a closure (in this case, function() {}) keeps all objects "alive" if the object is referenced by any other closure in the same context, whether or not if that closure itself is even reachable.
My question is about garbage collection of closure in other browsers (IE 9+ and Firefox). I am quite familiar with webkit's tools, such as the JavaScript heap profiler, but I know little of other browsers' tools, so I haven't been able to test this.
In which of these three cases will IE9+ and Firefox garbage collect the someClass instance?
As far as I can tell, this is not a bug but the expected behavior.
From Mozilla's Memory management page: "As of 2012, all modern browsers ship a mark-and-sweep garbage-collector." "Limitation: objects need to be made explicitly unreachable".
In your examples where it fails some is still reachable in the closure. I tried two ways to make it unreachable and both work. Either you set some=null when you don't need it anymore, or you set window.f_ = null; and it will be gone.
I have tried it in Chrome 30, FF25, Opera 12 and IE10 on Windows.
The standard doesn't say anything about garbage collection, but gives some clues of what should happen.
Section 13 Function definition, step 4: "Let closure be the result of creating a new Function object as specified in 13.2"
Section 13.2 "a Lexical Environment specified by Scope" (scope = closure)
Section 10.2 Lexical Environments:
"The outer reference of a (inner) Lexical Environment is a reference to the Lexical Environment that logically
surrounds the inner Lexical Environment.
An outer Lexical Environment may, of course, have its own outer
Lexical Environment. A Lexical Environment may serve as the outer environment for multiple inner Lexical
Environments. For example, if a Function Declaration contains two nested Function Declarations then the Lexical
Environments of each of the nested functions will have as their outer Lexical Environment the Lexical
Environment of the current execution of the surrounding function."
So, a function will have access to the environment of the parent.
So, some should be available in the closure of the returning function.
Then why isn't it always available?
It seems that Chrome and FF is smart enough to eliminate the variable in some cases, but in both Opera and IE the some variable is available in the closure (NB: to view this set a breakpoint on return null and check the debugger).
The GC could be improved to detect if some is used or not in the functions, but it will be complicated.
A bad example:
var someClass = function() {};
function f() {
var some = new someClass();
return function(code) {
window.f_ = f();
In example above the GC has no way of knowing if the variable is used or not (code tested and works in Chrome30, FF25, Opera 12 and IE10).
The memory is released if the reference to the object is broken by assigning another value to window.f_.
In my opinion this isn't a bug.
I tested this in IE9+ and Firefox.
function f() {
var some = [];
while(some.length < 1e6) {
function g() { some; } //removing this fixes a massive memory leak
return function() {}; //or removing this
var a = [];
var interval = setInterval(function() {
var len = a.push(f());
if(len >= 500) {
}, 10);
Live site here.
I hoped to wind up with an array of 500 function() {}'s, using minimal memory.
Unfortunately, that was not the case. Each empty function holds on to an (forever unreachable, but not GC'ed) array of a million numbers.
Chrome eventually halts and dies, Firefox finishes the whole thing after using nearly 4GB of RAM, and IE grows asymptotically slower until it shows "Out of memory".
Removing either one of the commented lines fixes everything.
It seems that all three of these browsers (Chrome, Firefox, and IE) keep an environment record per context, not per closure. Boris hypothesizes the reason behind this decision is performance, and that seems likely, though I'm not sure how performant it can be called in light of the above experiment.
If a need a closure referencing some (granted I didn't use it here, but imagine I did), if instead of
function g() { some; }
I use
var g = (function(some) { return function() { some; }; )(some);
it will fix the memory problems by moving the closure to a different context than my other function.
This will make my life much more tedious.
P.S. Out of curiousity, I tried this in Java (using its ability to define classes inside of functions). GC works as I had originally hoped for Javascript.
Heuristics vary, but a common way to implement this sort of thing is to create an environment record for each call to f() in your case, and only store the locals of f that are actually closed over (by some closure) in that environment record. Then any closure created in the call to f keeps alive the environment record. I believe this is how Firefox implements closures, at least.
This has the benefits of fast access to closed-over variables and simplicity of implementation. It has the drawback of the observed effect, where a short-lived closure closing over some variable causes it to be kept alive by long-lived closures.
One could try creating multiple environment records for different closures, depending on what they actually close over, but that can get very complicated very quickly and can cause performance and memory problems of its own...
Maintain State between function calls
Let’s say you have function add() and you would like it to add all the values passed to it in several calls and return the sum.
add(5); // returns 5
add(20); // returns 25 (5+20)
add(3); // returns 28 (25 + 3)
two way you can do this first is normal define a global variable
Of course, you can use a global variable in order to hold the total. But keep in mind that this dude will eat you alive if you (ab)use globals.
now latest way using closure with out define global variable
var addFn = function addFn(){
var total = 0;
return function(val){
total += val;
return total;
var add = addFn();
function Country(){
console.log("makesure country call");
return function State(){
var totalstate = 0;
console.log("makesure statecall");
return function(val){
totalstate += val;
return totalstate;
var CA=Country();
var ST=CA();
ST(5); //we have add 5 state
ST(6); //after few year we requare have add new 6 state so total now 11
ST(4); // 15
var CB=Country();
var STB=CB();
STB(5); //5
STB(8); //13
STB(3); //16
var CX=Country;
var d=Country();
console.log(CX); //store as copy of country in CA
console.log(d); //store as return in country function in d
function addFn(){
var total = 0;
return function(val){
total += val;
return total+9;
var add = addFn();
var r= add(5); //5
console.log("r:"+r); //14
var r= add(20); //25
console.log("r:"+r); //34
var r= add(10); //35
console.log("r:"+r); //44
var addB = addFn();
var r= addB(6); //6
var r= addB(4); //10
var r= addB(19); //29

Will I have any problems if I declare the same variable multiple times?

So lets say I have some code:
var elements = [];
function addNumbah1(){
var i = 1;
function addNumbah2(){
var i = 2;
And that goes on up to addNumbah999(), is it bad form to declare the i variable every time? Will that break anything? Should I do:
var elements = [];
var i
function addNumbah1(){
i = 1;
function addNumbah2(){
i = 2;
Short answer: NO, JS hoists all variable declarations to the top of the scope, regardless of how many times you've declared them:
var i = 0
for (var i=0;i<10;i++)
var j = i%2;//declared 10 times, on each iteration
Will be translated to
var i, j; //i is undefined at this point in the code.
for (i = 0;i<10;i++)
j = i%2;//declared 10 times, on each iteration
In your first example, you're declaring i as a variable in a function's scope, which is what you must do to avoid cluttering the global scope. The memory these variables use is allocated when the function is called, and deallocated when the function returns (roughly, closures form an exception, but that would take us to far). Consider this:
var i = 10;
function someF()
var i = 1;
someF();//alerts 1 <-- value of i, local to someF
alert(i);//10, global i is unchanged
But if you were to omit the var:
function someF()
i = 1;
You'll see that 1 is alerted twice. If JS can't find a variable declaration in the current scope, it will look in the higher scopes until a var is found. If no variable is found, JS will create one for you in the highest scope (global). Check my answer here on how implied globals work for a more detailed example, or read the MDN pages, especially the section on Name conflicts
Lastly, I'd like to add that globals, especially implied globals, are evil. Also know that the ECMA6 standard is clearly moving away from global variables and introduces support for true block-scopes. As you can see here
Oh, and if you want to check if a function uses implied globals: 'use strict'; is a great thing:
'use strict';
var localVar = 123;//ok
impliedGlobal = 123;//TypeError!
As you can see, implied globals are not allowed. See MDN on strict mode for the full explanation
The second form, with global i might actually be a bit slower because it's defined in a higher scope, and variables defined in a higher scope take longer to resolve.
Aside from any performance considerations just stick with common guidelines unless performance is really an issue. In this case: scope your variables as narrowly as possible.
I would strongly advise you to use the first form.
The first way you did it is fine. Each instance of i would have no knowledge of the other i in the other functions.
You should read this tutorial on global versus local variables
Also, could I suggest an optimization. Why can't you just do the following to cover any number (instead of separate functions for each number)?
var elements = [];
function addNumbah(number){
It is okay to declare variables with same name in different functions.
Variables declared inside a function only exist in the scope of that function, so having the same variable name across different functions will not break anything.
In fact, it is good form to keep variables in as small of a scope as possible! Global variables can be difficult to manage and can create really bad bugs, especially if one function isn't done using the variable when another function tries to access it.
Specifically for simple variables, declaring
var i = 0;
every time is perfectly fine.
You can declare a variable multiple times..In your code you are declaring Variable i in different scopes here:
//Here you are declaring variable i local to addNumbah1,2 functions
var elements = [];
function addNumbah1(){
var i = 1;
function addNumbah2(){
var i = 2;
//Here v /variable i has been declared globally
var elements = [];
var i
function addNumbah1(){
i = 1;
function addNumbah2(){
i = 2;
Note that although you can declare a variable multiple times but generally its not a good programming practice as it may cause bugs/problems in your application

mark and sweep in javascript(context variable)

i am reading Professional JavaScript for Web Developers
i got problem when reading "When the garbage collector runs, it marks all variables stored in memory. It then clears its mark off of variables that are in context and variables that are referenced by in-context variables."
i know when the object could not be reached by any variables, the memory associated would be reclaimed.
What does "variables that are in context" mean? Are they variables that could be found in the scope chain? But what about the "variables that are referenced by in-context variables"?
i am confused.
I'm assuming it's to avoid accidentally deleting variables used in a closure. In javascript, just like any other functional language, just being unreachable is not enough to tell you weather you should delete an object.
Take for example the following code:
function a () {
var x=0;
return function () {
var b = a();
// at this point, the instance of `x` created by calling `a` is
// no longer reachable but we are still using it in the closure.
If we follow just the "unreachability" rule then the closure created would lose the variable x.
Consider this:
var sobriety = [];
window.inception = function() {
var i = 0,
j = 0,
inner_level = { i: i },
level = { level: inner_level },
food = {};
return function() {
var new_level = {
level: level.level
new_level[i] = 'step ' + i;
new_level.level.i = i;
sobriety[i++] = new_level;
window.show_my_sobriety = function() { console.log(sobriety); };
var agent = inception();
agent(); agent(); agent();
JS Fiddle.
I admit this example is somewhat sophisticated, but I just had to make it to show the difference between i (a primitive) and inner_level (a reference type).
Here we have a module with one sobriety variable local to it, and two functions made global (by assigning them to properties of window object). Note that these global functions will have access to sobriety variable even after the module which has it defined is finished (in-context).
inception function, when invoked, defines five variables: two scalar (i and j) and three reference (inner_level, level and food), then defines a function and return it.
This function apparently access i and level (the same context), and sobriety (the outer level context) - but not j and food. Hence latter would be collected by GC right after window.inception is complete; the former, though, stay uncollected - because they're referred by the inner functions.
Now the tricky part. While you don't see access for inner_level in this function, it's still accessed - as it's a value of level property of the same-named object. And, when you check the results, you'd see that all three elements have the same level.i value - equal to 2. That's what's understood by "variables that are referenced by in-context variables".

Interacting with the JavaScript scope chain

Given the following snippet of javascript in a scope:
var x = 10;
function sayx() {
You would of course expect a message box printing '10', you could do multiple function nesting to interact with how 'x' is determined, because when resolving what x is the environment walks up the scope chain.
You can even do a level of 'recompilation' with eval to inject new scopes at runtime.. for example:
var x = 10;
function sayx() {
function wrap(f) {
return eval('(function() { var x = 20;(' + f + ')(); })');
This works because the function will have its toString function called which will return the 'original' source.. thus we essentially create a wrapped version of the function that has a new scope that overrides x.. the result will be an alert box that prints '20' and not '10'.
However, on the surface this could appear to work but the scope chain is broken, the next item in the chain is no longer the same because the function 'f' is now defined at a different location.. even worse is that the scope chain it has inherited could contain many references that the calling function shouldn't have access to.
So, is there a more supported, workable way to inject a scope item? something like:
function withScope(f, scope) { ??? }
var x = 10, y = 10;
function dothemath() {
alert(x + y);
var haxthemath = withScope(dothemath, { x: 9000 });
haxthemath(); // 9010 not 20
I'm guessing the answer is 'no', some may argue there are 'security' issues with such scope injection, but considering you can do the trick anyway (albeit severely broken) I don't think it is..
The benefits of this would be that you can essentially fake your own pseudo variables.
Thanks in advance.
Edit, just the clarify a little, imagine I wanted to 'withScope' a function that had the following scope chain:
Window - window properties
Object - { var x = 10 }
Object - { var y = 5 + x }
I would like to be able to get a function back that effectively had the same chain + a scope I provide.. ie:
withScope(somefunc, { foo: 'bar' })
Would give me
Window - window properties
Object - { var x = 10 }
Object - { var y = 5 + x }
Ext scope - { foo = 'bar' }
All prior standing variables would be found because my extended scope doesn't say anything about them.
If you are refering by scope to the local variables in the function and/or the closure, I think the answer is no.
You can change the scope of the this keyword by using functionName.call(scope, arg1, ...) or functionName.apply(scope, [arg1, ...]); This could be used together with prototypes to create similar chains as you describe - if something isn't found in the object's own properties, it's looked up in its prototype. If the property is not there, the next prototype in the chain is used and so on.
the answer I think you're looking for is the built in "with" statement.
However, I wouldn't reccomend using it, as it is deprecated, and will very likely not exist in ecmascript 6
The only other way I think you could do this sort of thing is from inside the host application itself, manipulating the javascript environment from the outside. Or, if you're using rhino, you can actually do that from inside javascript, because the link between Java apis and Javascript is just that seamless in rhino. When steve yegge first pointed that out it blew my mind. Manipulate javascript from outside of javascript, but from inside javascript! It's genius!
If you're stuck inside a browser environment, perhaps you can use a javascript interpreter written in javascript, such as narcissus.
Maybe use javascript's built in toString method for functions?
function withScope(f, scope) {
var toExec = "";
for (var prop in scope) {
toExec += "var " + prop + " = scope['" + prop + "'];"
toExec += "f = (" + f.toString() + ")";
return f;
var x = 10;
var f = function() {
withScope(f, {x: 20})();
This seems like a bad idea though...
You if want to play around with scope you might enjoy the let statement provided in Javascript 1.7. Recent versions of Firefox support let.

