Access hidden checkboxes with javascript and jQuery - javascript

I have a datatable, where each row has a checkbox. I'm trying to add select-all functionality to this set of checkboxes, for which I created the following function:
function selectAll() {
$(':checkbox').each(function() {
this.checked = true;
This works to select all checkboxes which are currently visible, however, the checkboxes on other pages of the datatable are not selected. I know that there is an issue with these checkboxes in general, since to submit the form and include those checkboxes, I had to add the following function:
$('form').submit(function() {
oTable1 = $('#mytable').dataTable();
So I suspect that in order to check these checkboxes, I will somehow have to append them to the DOM, at least temporarily, check them off, and then remove them from the DOM. Or is there something simpler that I can do?

I managed to get this work using the following:
oTable1 = $('#mytable').dataTable();
As an alternative, you can also use
which will apply the "select-all" only to the rows that match the current filter.


How to disable/enable checkboxes in dynamic table based on dropdown selection

I have a html table that I am dynamically generating from a JSON file. This table contains rows with a dropdown list and a checkbox. If the default value in the dropdown list is selected the checkbox should be disabled otherwise it should be enabled. I believe the following code should do what I want.
$(function() {
$('td select').change(function () {
$(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('disabled', $( 'select option:selected' ).val()=='Default');
However, when I run it in my code only the first row of the table demonstrates the functionality I'm looking for. Because the table is dynamically generated from a JSON I don't believe a loop is an option. Similar questions have been asked here but they won't work for dynamically generated tables. The fiddle attached below is similar to what I am trying to implement and it seems as though my logic is the same. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would be grateful.
if the element doesn't exist in the DOM yet when the handler is attached, you can try:
$(function() {
$('body').on('change', 'td select', function() {
$(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('disabled', $('select option:selected').val() == 'Default');

how to hide field in same row as field its dependent on

I'm pretty novice at jquery but I have a table with a field in each row that is dependent on another field (checkbox) in the row. Since its in a table I need to handle them in bulk. I don't think I'm using next() correctly but I'm trying to grab the next .subnet_mask since it will be the one in the same row as hide it. I'll also have to update it once I get that far so that it handles hiding and showing if the checkbox is checked or not.
$(function() {
$('.dhcp').each(function() {
Any help is appreciated!
EDIT: ok ok :) well the page is actually written in VisualForce (for salesforce). For simplicty sake lets say its just a form wrapped around a table (up to 20 rows representing different records) displaying a checkbox field with the class .dhcp and a field after it called .subnet_mask that should be shown/hidden based on the checkbox. Is that helpful?
I'd rather do this
$('.dhcp').on('click', function() {
Then you show/hide the next .submask (assuming one .submask per <tr>) each time you click the .dhcp
I'd suggest the following, though this suggestion may well change once I see the relevant HTML:
This assumes that there will be only one .subnet_mask element per row (otherwise this will hide all of them) in response to the click event. You mention that this depends upon a checkbox, so perhaps the following would be better, using the change() method:
var that = $(this);
if (':checked')) {
else {
:checked selector.
You're using next incorrectly. It should be more like this:
$(function() {
$('.dhcp').each(function() {
For this case, I'm assuming that .dhcp and .subnet_mask are indeed siblings, wit the latter coming immediately after the former. Otherwise, .nextAll() can be substituted for .next()
Edited as per point below.

Get widgetVar with JavaScript or check/uncheck all other PrimeFaces checkboxes

I have several PrimeFaces checkboxes on a page. If you click the master checkbox, all other checkboxes should be checked/unchecked. With plain HTML checkboxes this would be an easy issue. But because PrimeFaces does not show the checkbox itself, but an image, the following JavaScript code does not work:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var masterCheckbox = $(".ui-chkbox.master :checkbox");
var slaveCheckboxes = $(".ui-chkbox:not(.master) :checkbox");
function updateMaster() {
var allSlavesChecked = true;
slaveCheckboxes.each(function() {
if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
allSlavesChecked = false;
masterCheckbox.attr("checked", allSlavesChecked);
function updateSlaves() {
var masterChecked =":checked");
slaveCheckboxes.each(function() {
$(this).attr("checked", masterChecked);
I know that I could use the PrimeFaces widgetVar to toggle the checkboxes, but I do not know how to get the PrimeFaces widget objects with JavaScript. I think RichFaces adds the component property to the DOM element, but PrimeFaces does not. Does somebody know a solution for this problem?
You were correct -- if you create your component like this:
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="val" widgetVar="myCheckbox"/>
You can access the checkbox simply by refering to its widgetVar, in this case calling the PrimeFaces client-side API to mark it as checked:
You could then tie the onchange event of your master checkbox to a javascript method that checked or unchecked the state of all the "slave" checkboxes depending on the state of the master checkbox (would suggest you store the state in a hidden field).
Note, it may make your life easier to instead handle the "change" ajax event and implement the check/uncheck logic on the server side. Just make sure that you provide all the ids of all the slave checkboxes in the update attribute of the p:ajax component:
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox id="masterChkBox" ...>
<p:ajax event="change" listener="#{yourBean.handleMasterChange}" update="...all slavecheckbox ids..."/>

Jquery checkboxes within containing table selector question

My current code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkAll(checked) {
$("input[type='checkbox']:not([disabled='disabled'])").attr('checked', checked);
<input type="checkbox" id="cbxSelectAll" onclick="checkAll(this.checked);" />
The short version:
How do I modify the function call and method above to check all checkboxes inside a table containing the checxbox form element.
The long version:
I am creating a WebUserControl containing a grid view in that is going to have a delete option. I would like the delete to be a series of checkboxes with one a box in the header to select all of them. What this amounts to for non ASP.NET people is a table with a header row that has a checkbox and every row also has a checxbox.
I have used the above code to check all boxes on the entire page. That won't work here though because I want to have multiple of these on the page at once each working independently. I know I could use a selector to select all the boxes if I ID'd the table but that would require some coding to name the table uniquely and then put that name in the script block.
Really what I would like is to modify the script above to check all checkboxes in the containing table of the "select all" box. The table containing the checkbox could be nested within others but I don't see any being nested within it, or if there are and the nested table also contains checxboxes I don't care if they also get selected.
Thanks for your help.
First, don't mix your HTML and your Javascript. Use event handler binding instead.
Second, use closest to get the nearest ancestor element of a particular type:
$('#cbxSelectAll').click(function() {
.closest('table') // get the parent table element
.find("input:checkbox:enabled") // find children that match the selector
.attr('checked', this.checked); // set their checked value
Change your inline attribute to this:
<input type="checkbox" id="cbxSelectAll" onclick=";" />
And your checkAll() to this:
function checkAll() {
$(this).closest('table').find("input:checkbox:enabled").attr('checked', this.checked);
Using .call(), it is called from the context of the element clicked.
Then the jQuery gets the closest()(docs) <table> and finds the inputs using the checkbox-selector(docs) and the enabled-selector(docs) .
Then when using the attr()(docs) method, you can use this.checked to set the checkboxes to the current state of the one checked.
You can find the table containing the select all using .closest
function checkAll(checked) {
var $table = $(this).closest('table');
.attr('checked', checked);
If there might be several nested tables it's often easiest to specify the one you want with a class, e.g. $(this).closest('table.tableOfCheckboxes'); where you add class tableOfCheckboxes to the table you want to find.

update div with values of radio buttons on page load

I need to collect the values of the checked radio buttons on page load (they are checked on page load) and add them and not only when the user clicks a radio button.
Here's the javascript:
$(function ()
function updateDivResult(){
if ($("input:radio:checked"))
price = parseFloat($(this).val());
roundNumber() is a function defined by me.
Now it only updates the #price div when the user clicks a radio button.
Also, there are a few groups of radio buttons - how do I only add the value of one radio button from the group to the total price?
Thank you for assistance.
I think you need to loop through the checked values rather than just getting the val() of that selector because it seems like there could be more than one checked.
function updateDivResult(){
var price = 0;
price += parseFloat($(this).val());
Can you provide more details?
I can see you are using jQuery.
You could use
$(document).ready(function() {...});
to run some methods when the document is read.
Moreover you could put a specific class to your html elements and use the "each" function to traverse them.
$('.your_el').each(function() {...});
In that case the handler will be executed on each object with the class "your_el".
Hope this help, even if the problem is not so clear to me.

