How to add a variable multiple times? - javascript

I've been trying to make it so that you click a button, and it adds to the amount - done! Well how do you do this multiple times? As in, how do you add 1 each time? This is some of the javascript I have so far:
function stickAmount() {
var y = 1;
var stickNo = document.getElementById("stickNumber");
stickNo.innerHTML = "Sticks: " + y;
and the HTML:
<div id="stickNumber" style="margin-left:10px; margin-top:10px;"></div>

var y=1 // move the variable outside of the function
function stickAmount()
var stickNo=document.getElementById("stickNumber")
stickNo.innerHTML="Sticks: "+y;
y++ // increment y by 1 every time the function is called

I've set up a quick jsfiddle to demonstrate how it can be done.
Sticks: <span id="NumberOfSticks"></span>
<button id="AddStickButton">Add</button>
var numberOfSticks = 1;
var numberOfSticksSpan = document.getElementById("NumberOfSticks");
numberOfSticksSpan.innerHTML = numberOfSticks;
function addStick() {
numberOfSticksSpan.innerHTML = numberOfSticks;
var addStickButton = document.getElementById("AddStickButton");
addStickButton.addEventListener("click", addStick, false);
The main thing is to define the variable for the number of sticks outside of the function which increments the number of sticks.
I moved the "Sticks: " into the HTML since you only need to change the number.

function stickAmount()
var y=1;
var stickNo=parseInt(document.getElementById("stickNumber"));
stickNo.innerHTML="Sticks: "+y;


function closure show up variable of outer function

Hello I am experimenting with closure, but could not figure it out how to print out "10 likes" before clicking on the image? Is there anyone who can give me some help me with this?
var clickCount = (function() {
var clickCounter = 10; //start from 10 likes
return function() {
var amountOfLikes = document.getElementById("counter");
amountOfLikes.innerHTML = clickCounter + " likes"; //increment the likes
<img src="" id="like_button" alt="like-button" onclick="clickCount()"/><span id="counter"></span>
A few suggestions:
Never mix markup with javascript
Try to handle events at javascript
You dont need a closure for this.You can set 10 Likes on the markup and just onclick keep on incrementing the value
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById("counter").addEventListener('click', clickCount);
function clickCount() {
var amountOfLikes = document.getElementById("counter");
var likes = parseInt(amountOfLikes.innerHTML, 0);
amountOfLikes.innerHTML = likes + 1;
<img src="" id="like_button" alt="like-button" onclick="clickCount()"/><span id="counter">10 </span> likes
Hope this helps

NaN return value from function Javascript || Function Execution Order

Newbie in Javascript here, and after hours digging trough other questions I'm not quite sure how to explain this to be honest, but i'll give it my best, hopefully you'll be able to help me.
<div id='header'> <h1> Pastel Land </h1> </div>
<div id='container'>
<div id='readyContainer'>
<h3> This game will start in </h3>
<h1 id='readySeconds'> </h1>
<div id='shape'> </div>
<div id='features'>
<button id='start'> START </button>
<button id='stop'> STOP </button>
<p id='timeBox'></p>
<p id='timeAverageBox'></p>
<div id='testbox'> </div>
document.getElementById('start').onclick = function () {
document.getElementById('readyContainer').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('readySeconds').innerHTML = '3'
setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('readySeconds').innerHTML = '2'}, 1000);
setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('readySeconds').innerHTML = '1'}, 2000);
setTimeout(displayShape, 3000);
var style = document.getElementById('shape').style;
var el = document.getElementById('shape');
el.addEventListener("click", a, false);
el.addEventListener("click", b, false);
function a() {
style.display = "none";
displayShapeDelay(); // calls the delay function
function b() {
end = new Date().getTime(); // saves time when clicked
var time = (end - start)/1000 ; // calculates interval from shape creation until click
document.getElementById('timeBox').innerHTML = time + 's';
return time;
document.getElementById('testbox').innerHTML = b();
function readyAlert() {
document.getElementById('readyContainer').style.display = 'none';
function getRandomColor() {
var hex = ["#96ceb4", "#ffeead", "#ff6f69", "#ffcc5c", "#88db8b0", "#528491"];
var color = hex[Math.floor(Math.random() * 6)]; // generates integer numbers [0,5], selects indexed item from hex
return color;
function displayShape () {
var percentages = [];
for (var i=0; i<4; i++){ // generates a list with 4 different random integer values [5,60]
percentages.push((Math.floor(Math.random() * 61) + 5));
var width = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 61) + 5); // generates integer numbers [5,60]
var shapeRand = Math.random()
if (shapeRand < 0.3) { // circle
style.borderRadius = "50%";
} else if (shapeRand >= 0.3 && shapeRand < 0.6) { // random shape
style.borderTopLeftRadius = percentages[0] + "%";
style.borderBottomRightRadius = percentages[1] + "%";
style.borderTopRightRadius = percentages[2] + "%";
style.borderBottomLeftRadius = percentages[3] + "%";
} else { // square
style.borderRadius = "0%";
//general shape styles
style.width = width + "%";
style.height = width + "%";
style.display = "block";
style.backgroundColor = getRandomColor(); = percentages[0] + "%";
style.left = percentages[3] + "%";
start = new Date().getTime(); // saves time when shape is created
function displayShapeDelay () { // calls the main function with a delay between ]0s,2s[
setTimeout(displayShape, Math.random() * 2000);
document.getElementById('stop').onclick = function() {
Before I had this:
My goal was to return var 'time' to the global scope, so that I could use it to create an array of each value created with each click. I've realised that this was not possible from an anonymous function.
document.getElementById('shape').onclick = function() { // calls the delay function
style.display = "none";
end = new Date().getTime();
time = (end - start)/1000 ;
document.getElementById('timeBox').innerHTML = time + 's';
return time
So this is the code I have now :
var shapeClick = document.getElementById('shape');
shapeClick.addEventListener("click", a, false);
shapeClick.addEventListener("click", b, false);
function a() {
style.display = "none";
displayShapeDelay(); // calls the delay function
function b() {
end = new Date().getTime(); // saves time when clicked
var time = (end - start)/1000 ; // calculates interval from shape creation until click
document.getElementById('timeBox').innerHTML = time + 's';
return time;
document.getElementById('testbox').innerHTML = b();
Now, there's a couple of issues with this:
1- I can't seem to understand why the two "time divs" are assigned values after pressing the Start button. This means that function b is running, but shouldn't it only be running after the onClick event?
2- In the 'first-round' I understand why both values show up as NaN, since there's no value assigned to the variable "time" yet. But after the onClick event executes, the 'time' value assigned inside 'timeBox' works fine, but the one called outside the function doesn't. Isn't "return time" inside function b, supposed to be returning the value of the "time" variable?
Thanks in advance!
Pastel Land
The onclick function is serving as the outer function of a whole lot of code which execute when the start button is clicked. Also all of it runs every time the start button is clicked: click start multiple times quickly to see a problem. .
Inside #start.onclick() you have
document.getElementById('testbox').innerHTML = b();
in mainline click handler code: it is not inside another function and runs when the start button is clicked. Since end has not been set yet, the result for time is NaN. The code inside function b set the content of #timebox as well.
If you run the code in strict mode the javascript engine will tell you that end has not been declared. It should be - even if requred in global scope.
As an aside, fyi, avoids the need to create and discard a Date object and is equivalent to new Date().getTime().
I suggest reworking the code to move the logic of Pastel Land outside the start button click handler, and have the click handler call into the main application code as needed but only contain logic specific to the start action itself. If you want to avoid polluting global scope you can include all the code in an IIFE (immediately invoked function expression) that would serve the same scope containment provision that the click handler is currently providing. Kindly, I think the code in its current state is presenting an x-y problem :-)
The Game
A restructured version of Pastel Land is shown below for several reasons: you've had time to try it yourself, most of the code is yours and the remainder demonstrates what was meant by the suggestion. And it's a very silly game that deserves to be played!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
window.addEventListener("load", function() // an IIFE
{"use strict"
// Pastel Land
var running = false;
var start = 0;
var end = 0;
var times = []; // calculating average still to do
var el, style;
function getRandomColor() {
var hex = ["#96ceb4", "#ffeead", "#ff6f69", "#ffcc5c", "#88db8b0", "#528491"];
var color = hex[Math.floor(Math.random() * 6)]; // generates integer numbers [0,5], selects indexed item from hex
return color;
function displayShape () {
var percentages = [];
for (var i=0; i<4; i++){ // generates a list with 4 different random integer values [5,60]
percentages.push((Math.floor(Math.random() * 61) + 5));
var width = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 61) + 5); // generates integer numbers [5,60]
var shapeRand = Math.random()
if (shapeRand < 0.3) { // circle
style.borderRadius = "50%";
} else if (shapeRand >= 0.3 && shapeRand < 0.6) { // random shape
style.borderTopLeftRadius = percentages[0] + "%";
style.borderBottomRightRadius = percentages[1] + "%";
style.borderTopRightRadius = percentages[2] + "%";
style.borderBottomLeftRadius = percentages[3] + "%";
} else { // square
style.borderRadius = "0%";
//general shape styles
style.width = width + "px";
style.height = width + "px";
style.position = "absolute"
style.display = "block";
style.backgroundColor = getRandomColor(); = percentages[0] + "%";
style.left = percentages[3] + "%";
start =; // saves time when shape is created
function displayShapeDelay () { // calls the main function with a delay between ]0s,2s[
setTimeout(displayShape, Math.random() * 2000);
function readyAlert() {
document.getElementById('readyContainer').style.display = 'none';
function userFound() {
style.display = "none";
end =;
var time = (end - start)/1000 ; // calculates interval from shape creation until click
document.getElementById('timeBox').innerHTML = time + 's';
displayShapeDelay(); // calls the delay function
times.push( time); // saves time user took to find shape
function userStart() {
if( running)
running = true;
document.getElementById('readyContainer').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('readySeconds').innerHTML = '3'
setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('readySeconds').innerHTML = '2'}, 1000);
setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('readySeconds').innerHTML = '1'}, 2000);
setTimeout(displayShape, 3000);
times.length = 0; // reset times array
function userStop() {
running = false;
function init() {
el = document.getElementById('shape');
style =;
el.addEventListener("click", userFound, false);
return init; // window load listener
<div id='header'> <h1> Pastel Land </h1> </div>
<div id='container'>
<div id='readyContainer'>
<h3> This game will start in </h3>
<h1 id='readySeconds'> </h1>
<div id='shape' style="height:40px;width:40px;"></div>
<div id='features'>
<button id='start'> START </button>
<button id='stop'> STOP </button>
<p id='timeBox'></p>
<p id='timeAverageBox'></p>
<div id='testbox'> </div>
Calculation and display of averages and minor changes to page presentation remain to be done (I'm not coding them!). Units for width and height were changed from "%" to "px" (pixels) and "position: absolute;" added to Functions a and b were combined into function userFound. Code involving "testbox" was omitted. The IIEF returns an initialization function to be executed after window load.
userStart and userStop click event handlers were defined using named function declarations instead of coding them as anonymous functions in the parameter lists of calls to other functions.
Declared function names refer to the function object created by their declaration. Hence setting the value of an element's onclick attribute to a function name works because the attribute requires a function object value. Setting onclick to the undefined value returned from calling one of the handlers would not work.
The start/stop handlers could have been registered as "click" event listeners, using addEventListener instead of element onclick values.
The init function is not called by the IIFE. The IIFE itself is called when the
window.addEventListener("load", function() { // IIFE code }() );
statement is executed in the head section of the page. All function objects declared at top level within the IIFE are created at this time. The function returned by the IIFE, init, is registered as a listener for later execution, after all DOM elements have been created for the HTML body and the window load event fires.
If you call userStart from init after other el and style have been initialized, the game will start. Although userStart is normally called in response to clicking the start button, it will still behave the same if called by other means.

Javascript Pic Slideshow Failing?

FOr some reason my code is not executing properly. i am trying to program a slideshow with javascript. Im using a for loop to pull and populate the src files from a created array and change the pic every 3 seconds. THe page loads and the first pic is present but when the interval occurs the first pic dissapears and nothing falls in its place. What am I doing wrong?
<img name="mainSlide" id="mainSlide" src="images/mainPagePhotos/facebook-20131027-180258.png" alt="">
var mainSlidePics = ("facebook-20131027-180258.png","IMG_9694116683469.jpg","IMG_28452769990897.jpg");
window.onload = setInterval("mainSlide();", 3000);
function mainSlide() {
for(i=0; i<mainSlidePics.length; i++ ) {
document.images.mainSlide.src = "images/mainPagePhotos/" + mainSlidePics[i];
Have you tried getting the Id first?
var mainSlide = document.getElementById("mainSlide");
mainSlide.src = "images/mainPagePhotos/" + mainSlidePics[i];
also a forloop is a loop that finishes its loops even in one call.
var i = 0;
window.onload = setInterval("mainSlide(i);", 3000);
mainSlide(int j){
mainSlide.src = "images/mainPagePhotos/" + mainSlidePics[i];
setInterval("mainSlide(j++);", 3000);
First you have to correctly declare the array.
Then you have to move the counter variable outside the function triggered by setInterval.
Then pass the reference of the function to setInterval.
<img name="mainSlide" id="mainSlide" src="images/mainPagePhotos/facebook-20131027-180258.png" alt="">
<script type="text/javascript">
var mainSlidePics = ["facebook-20131027-180258.png","IMG_9694116683469.jpg","IMG_28452769990897.jpg"];
var position = 0;
function changePic() {
position = (position+1) % mainSlidePics.length;
document.images.mainSlide.src = "images/mainPagePhotos/" + mainSlidePics[position];
window.onload = function() {
setInterval(changePic, 3000);

Converting a JavaScript Countdown to a jQuery Countdown and adding an Interval

I found this JS-Countdown Script at JSFiddle.
I'm using the code of rafaelcastrocouto now, which is nearly perfect. I wanted a 10-seconds JQuery Countdown-Script with an interval that resets the countdown timer at 5 seconds and starts over again and again, but only for a specific class with a specific id on the whole HTML page. If it drops to 0, the countdown should stop. Also I want to reset specific counters to 10.
It's about a WebSocket that refreshes every second and depending on the data I get for specific counters I want to reset them or they should count down to zero.
New JSFiddle:
This is how I solved with jquery and native setInterval...
var setup = function(){
var eachSetup = function(){
var count = $(this);
var sec ='seconds') ;'count', sec);
var everySecond = function(){
var eachCount = function(){
var count = $(this);
var s ='count');
if(s < 0) {
s ='seconds');
}'count', s);
setInterval(everySecond, 1000);
<script src=""></script>
<p class="count" data-seconds="5"></p>
<p class="count" data-seconds="10"></p>
<p class="count" data-seconds="15"></p>
You have sever errors in code, e.g.
setTimeout(cd_go(id), 1000); - should point to function reference not to function execution. setTimeout also returns the timeout id. You must past that id to clearTimeout
clearTimeout(this); it should take id instead of global object (window) or undefined if you are working in strict mode
loop = setInterval(function(id) { … } - id points to undefinded as you are not passing any value for it

Cannot make addition work

I am trying to make a button that when clicked adds 200 to the value of the p tag. I have looked up my question and clicked on every result, to no avail.Please help. Whenever I click the button it either prints NaN(Not a Number) or 200200200200200 etc.. I need help so that instead of those 2 mess-ups, it adds 200 each time the button is clicked. (addition not concatenation)
Here is my code:
<button onClick="addPoints()">Click to get points!</button>
<p id="counter"></p>
function addPoints(){
var id=document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML = parseInt(adding);
var adding = id + 200;
There is probably a mess-up I am not aware of. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Your adding variable was assigned after it is used. This code works:
<button onClick="addPoints()">Click to get points!</button>
<p id="counter"></p>
function addPoints(){
var x = document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML;
document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML = (isNaN(parseInt(x))?0:parseInt(x)) + 200;
What I did here is the function checks the value of the counter <p> tag. If the content is an integer >= 0, add 200. Otherwise, assign an initial value of 0 before adding 200 so that the contents are added and are not concatenated.
change the sequence of code
function addPoints(){
var adding = parseInt( document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML) + 200;
document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML =adding;
Try this
function addPoints(){
var sum=parseInt(document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML);
sum = isNaN(sum) ? 0 : sum;
sum += 200;
document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML = sum;
You're trying to use the variable adding in parseInt before actually creating it. Try this:
function addPoints(){
var id=document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML;
var adding = id + 200;
document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML = parseInt(adding);
convert id to number
function addPoints(){
var id=document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML = parseInt(adding);
var adding = ((id*1) + 200);

