Reuse scenarios by using mocha - javascript

Recently I've started to use JS and mocha.
I've wrote some tests already, but now I got to the point when I need to reuse my already written tests.
I've tired to look for "it" / "describe" reusing, but didn't find something useful...
Does anyone have some good example ?

Considering that if you only do unit testing, you won't catch errors due to integration problems between your components, you have at some point to test your components together. It would be a shame to dump mocha to run these tests. So you may want to run with mocha a bunch of tests that follow the same general patter but differ in some small respects.
The way I've found around this problem is to create my test functions dynamically. It looks like this:
describe("foo", function () {
function makeTest(paramA, paramB, ...) {
return function () {
// perform the test on the basis of paramA, paramB, ...
it("test that foo does bar", makeTest("foo_bar.txt", "foo_bar_expected.txt", ...));
it("test what when baz, then toto", makeTest("when_baz_toto.txt", "totoplex.txt", ...));
You can see a real example here.
Note that there is nothing that forces you to have your makeTest function be in the describe scope. If you have a kind of test you think is general enough to be of use to others, you could put it in a module and require it.

Considering each test is only designed to test a single feature/unit, generally you want to avoid reusing your tests. It's best to keep each test self-contained an minimize the dependencies of the test.
That said, if you have something you repeat often in your tests, you can use a beforeEach to keep things more concise
describe("Something", function() {
// declare your reusable var
var something;
// this gets called before each test
beforeEach(function() {
something = new Something();
// use the reusable var in each test
it("should say hello", function() {
var msg = something.hello();
assert.equal(msg, "hello");
// use it again here...
it("should say bye", function() {
var msg = something.bye();
assert.equal(msg, "bye");
You can even use an async beforeEach
beforeEach(function(done) {
something = new Something();
// function that takes a while
something.init(123, done);


How do I access information about the currently running test case from the beforeEach function?

Using Protractor 5.1.2 and Jasmine2 for describing test cases, how does one get the current testcase/spec being run in the beforeEach method?
I would like to do some different setup based on which test case I'm running. I do not want to put these tests in different spec files with repeating code except for the little bit I want to change in the setup.
Example of what I'm looking for:
beforeEach(() => {
if(currentSpec/ == "thisName") {
// Do a particular login specific to
} else {
// Do a default login
My research into this brought up much older solutions (2+ years) that are very out of date and seem to keep saying that accessing the currently running testcase/spec is something they (protractor) try to keep hidden. I feel like wanting to do particular setup for a particular test case in a suite of test cases is not a unique thing. I could just be using the wrong search terms.
I am not sure how to do what you want with beforeEach(). But, I think you can get the same effect by using a helper file. This will allow you to setup a common file that any spec can reference so you can use a common set of functions. To set this up, you will:
Create a central file (I call mine util.js)
const helper = function(){
this.exampleFunction = function(num){
return num; //insert function here
this.exampleFunction2 = function(elem){ //insert function here
Inside your spec.js file you will do:
const help = require('path/to/util.js');
const util = new help();
describe('Example with util',function(){
it('Should use util to click an element',function(){
let elem = $('div.yourItem');
You can then call these functions from any spec file. You would then be able to seperate your tests into seperate spec files, but have a common set of functions for the parts that are the same.
Another way to do this, without creating separate files is to just use a local function.
Example spec.js file:
describe('Should use functions',function(){
it('Should run test as user 1',function(){
it('Should run test as user 2',function(){
function doStuff(){
As per comments for multiple describes:
describe('Test with user 1',function(){
//login as user 1
it('Should do a thing',function(){
//does the thing as user 1
describe('Test with user 2',function(){
//login as user 2
it('Should do another thing',function(){
//does the other thing as user 2
The whole point of beforeEach is that it is the same for each test.
If you want to do different things, then they belong in the specific test.
Write a helper function and call it from the specific test if you want to have common functionality that does slightly different things depending on an argument.

Is there a way to get current Mocha instance and edit options at runtime?

Let's say you have a simple mocha test:
describe("Suite", function(){
// here be tests
In this test I can change the timeout by adding this.timeout(VALUE); anywhere within the describe function.
However, besides the timeout value, there are plenty of other Mocha options that can be exclusively declared either from the command line or from a mocha.opts file that lives in the test folder (./test/mocha.opts).
What I want is to change some of these options at run-time (for example, the reporter) and not in command line / mocha.opts file.
From my research of what's possible, I found that there is an article explaining how you can use mocha programmatically, which would allow changing these options at run-time, but you need to create the Mocha instance yourself, whereas in an ordinary test one doesn't have direct access to the Mocha instance.
So, is there a way to get the Mocha instance from an existent test and change some of these options like reporter at run-time during a test?
I would like to have an option that doesn't require to modify the source code of Mocha in any way (I suppose I could tamper with the Mocha instance to implement a way to get an instance directly in the Mocha constructor).
The best way that you can achieve that is by using Mocha as per the wiki link that you have already referenced, which is using Mocha programmatically.
So to your inquiry on changing the reporter parameter here is a brief example that would do what you want, in order to run the tests against a theoretically already existing file named test-file-a.js that contains your tests:
var Mocha = require('mocha'),
mocha = new Mocha(),
path = require('path');
mocha.addFile(path.join(__dirname, 'test-file-a.js'));
Besides that there are plenty other options that you can use and also there are some listeners for events, like test that you may want to do something during a test, for example:
.on('test', function(test) {
if (test.title === 'some title that you want here') {
//do something
Please note that you can define the options per each Mocha instance that will run again a test suite, but not during the runtime of a test suite, so for example if you start your tests for test-file-a.js with the option reporter('list') as above you cannot change it while the tests are running to something else, like you may do for example with the timeout option where you can do this.timeout().
So you would have to instantiate a new Mocha instance as the examples above with different options each time.
No, you cannot. without changing the code.
In short, mocha is created in a scope you cannot access from tests. Without going in details, the objects provided in your scope cannot change the options you want. (You cannot do this: link)
But there is a way to define your own reporter and customize the output for each test:
Create a file called MyCustomReporter.js:
'use strict';
module.exports = MyCustomReporter;
function MyCustomReporter (runner) {
runner.on('start', function () {
var reporter = this.suite.suites["0"].reporter;
runner.on('pending', function () {
process.stdout.write('\n ');
runner.on('pass', function (test) {
var reporter = this.suite.useReporter;
if(reporter == 'do this') {
else if(reporter == 'do that'){
process.stdout.write('\n ');
runner.on('fail', function () {
var reporter = this.suite.useReporter;
process.stdout.write('\n ');
process.stdout.write('failed ');
runner.on('end', function () {
When you run mocha, pass the path of MyCustomReporter.js as reporter parameter(without .js), eg:
mocha --reporter "/home/user/path/to/MyCustomReporter"
The default mocha script actually tries to require a reporter file if it is not found in the default ones(under lib/reporters), github link
Finally, in your tests, you can pass some parameters to customize the output of your reporter:
var assert = require('assert');
describe('Array', function() {
describe('#indexOf()', function() {
this.parent.reporter = 'do this';
it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {
this.runnable().parent.useReporter = 'do this';
assert.equal([1,2,3].indexOf(4), -1);

Jasmine spyOn and how to use spies generally

I am starting out in JS unit testing and having a hard time getting my head around how to create meaningful tests with Jasmine spies.
it('should take an array of shopping items', function() {
spyOn(checkObj, 'getTotal');
checkObj.getTotal([1, 2, 3]);
Using the above excerpt of test I created as an example I cant see how this is a useful test as my call to getTotal is hard coded inside the spec. But at the same time I would like to ensure the param passed is an array and not some other type...its the hard coding that I am sure is wrong somehow.
Could someone offer a bit of guidance on how I should think/approach this type of testing scenario
Well, spies are useful for a bit different scenario. Much depends on how you yourself define the scope of your unit test as well. If you do the minimal possible unit (i.e. method) then lets imagine the following:
var x = function() { }
x.prototype.f1 = function() {
//do something
x.prototype.f2 = function(){
// do something else
Now, in your unit test for f2 you are not interested in how f1 works inside. so, you make a spy on it:
var a = new x();
a.f1 = jasmine.createSpy("spy-on-f1");
For example, for angularjs applications, I often mock whole services with spies, just to isolate the algorithm in testing.
As a bonus, you can actually replace the real call with some fake function like this:
a.f1 = jasmine.createSpy("fake-spy").and.callFake(function(){
// do something predictible or return global variable that can be set externaly

Node.js how should I unit test a function calling other functions

I want to unit test a module I've built.
To give an impression of what it looks like pretty much..
function MyModule(...) {
var self = this;, ...);
util.inherits(MyModule, MySuperModule);
MyModule.init = function(...) {
MyModule.prototype.logic = function(..., done) {
calls fnA, fnB, fnC, fnD conditionally
MyModule.prototype.fnA = function(...) {
MyModule.prototype.fnB = function(...) {
MyModule.prototype.fnC = function(...) {
MyModule.prototype.fnD = function(...) {
function MySuperModule(...) {
MySuperModule.prototype,fn = function(..., done) {
var self = this;
self.logic(..., function done(...) {
Now MyModule.logic() is never called explicitly by a user, it is only invoked MySuperModule.fn().
Same goes for all other MyModule functions which are called conditionally based on the given parameters being passed through the delegating chain.
My questions are as follow:
Do I need to test all MyModule functions separately or just test MySuperModule.fn() with different parameters covering all possible scenarios
I know I need to test function in isolation (which if I do my previous question is wrong to ask because than I won't really have tested MyModule functions at all), how would I do that with the MySuperModule.fn(), because its done() callback is being called with arguments dependent on what the MyModule.logic() done() callback was called with, which is again, dependent on the arguments supplied to MySuperModule.fn() arguments.
It really depends how you're injecting MyModule on MySuperModule. But first of all I would point out that in unit tests you have to test MyModule separately and MySuperModule with a Mocked version from MyModule and all other dependencies. This is because you don't want to test MyModule twice, no need for that.
So to create stubs there is a library called Sinon.JS which works really fine.
So if for any reason you just want to make a spy to MyModule, which means you are just attaching a listener to MyModule (it is applied to MyModule methods) which counts and tells if a given method is ever called and how.
var MyModuleMethodASpy = sinon.spy(MyModulem 'MethodA');
So this code creates a spy, triggers some method on MySuperModule and checks if MyModule.MethodA() is ever called.
You can create stubs as well if you want to control what dependencies return on specific methods eg :
var MyModuleStub = sinon.stub(MyModule, 'MethodA').returns([...somedata]);
In my view you should certainly be testing the individual functions, regardless of whether or not they're called directly by a user.
The purpose of unit testing is to try to ensure that the individual units of your test do what they're expected to do. If you're (relatively) sure that your individual functions/units behave as expected, you can have more confidence that they'll work nicely with each other.
It's hard to really glean from your code snippets the nature of your module, so suggesting how to implement your tests is difficult. However, it seems like what you're asking is how to verify whether your done/callback function is called and with which arguments.
For that I would recommend using a stub. I usually use sinon but I'm sure other similar tools are available.
var sinon = require( "sinon" );
var should = require( "chai" ).should();
var yourModule = require( "your-module" );
var doneStub = sinon.stub();
yourModule.yourFunction( ..., doneStub );
var args = doneStub.getCall( 0 ).args;
args[ 0 ] ... );
// etc etc
You should also consider using a test runner, I like mocha!
You should do progressive testing. You should test each and every function.
Here how can you proceed.
Write test case for parent function. Mock the inner function where it is calling. You can use sinon library for mocking.
For second question, you can use sinon mock's yield functionality to mock any callback function and you can specify also which output you want from that callback. In this way you can test your function for multiple custom output with different scenario.

Revealing Module Pattern - Unit Testing with Jasmine

After a brief romance with the revealing module pattern I've come to realise a set-back when it comes to unit-testing modules. I cannot however decide if it is my approach to testing a module or whether there is some form of work-around.
Consider the following code:
var myWonderfulModule = (function () {
function publicMethodA (condition) {
if(condition === 'b') {
function publicMethodB () {
// ...
return {
methodA : publicMethodA,
methodB : publicMethodB
If I wanted to test (using Jasmine) the various paths leading through publicMethodA to publicMethodB. I might write a small test like so:
it("should make a call to publicMethodB when condition is 'b'", function() {
spyOn(myWonderfulModule , 'publicMethodB');
If I understand correctly, there's a copy of publicMethodB within the closure that cannot be changed. Even if I change myWonderfulModule.publicMethodB afterwards:
myWonderfulModule.publicMethodB = undefined;
calling myWonderfulModule.publicMethodA will still run the original version of B.
The example above is of course simplified but there are plenty of scenarios I can think of where it would be convenient to unit test conditional paths through a method.
Is this a limitation of the revealing module pattern or simply a misuse of unit testing? If not what work-arounds are available to me? I'm considering moving to something like RequireJS or reverting back to non-modular code.
Any advice appreciated!
You cant test the intern methodes of a closure. And you also shouldn't spy on it. Think about about your module as a black box. You put something in and you get something out. All you should test is that the thing you get out of your module is the one that you expect.
Spying on methodes in your module makes not much sense. Think about it. You spy on it, the test passes. Now you change the functionality so it creates a bug, the test still passes cause the function is still called but you never mention the bug. If you just test the thing that cames out you dont need to spy on internal methodes cause, that they are called is implicite when the outcome of the module is what you expect.
So in your case there is no thing that goes in and nothing comes out. This makes not much sense but I believe that your module interacts with DOM or makes an ajax call. This are things that you can test (DOM) or you should spy on (ajax).
You should also make you self familiar with Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection. These are patterns that will make your modules much more easier to test.
If you use the keyword "this" when you call publicMethodB() from publicMethodA() it will work. For example:
var myWonderfulModule = (function () {
function publicMethodA (condition) {
if(condition === 'b') {
function publicMethodB () {
// ...
return {
methodA : publicMethodA,
methodB : publicMethodB

