Kendo UI Web - MultiSelect: select an option more than once - javascript

I'm currently facing a problem with the Kendo UI MultiSelect widget for selecting an option more than once. For example, in the image below I want to select Schindler's List again after selecting The Dark Knight, but unfortunately the MultiSelect widget behaves more like a set than an ordered list, i.e. repetitive selection is not allowed. Is there actually a proper way to achieve this? Any workarounds?

That's the intended behavior of the multi-select control and there is no simple way to make it do what you want using the available configuration options. Possible workarounds are ...
Creating a custom multi-select widget
Something like this should work (note that I haven't tested this much - it lets you add multiples and keeps the filter intact though):
(function ($) {
var ui = kendo.ui,
MultiSelect = ui.MultiSelect;
var originalRender = MultiSelect.fn._render;
var originalSelected = MultiSelect.fn._selected;
var CustomMultiSelect = MultiSelect.extend({
init: function (element, options) {
var that = this;, element, options);
options: {
name: 'CustomMultiSelect'
_select: function (li) {
var that = this,
values = that._values,
if (!that._allowSelection()) {
if (!isNaN(li)) {
idx = li;
} else {
idx ="idx");
that.element[0].children[idx].selected = true;
dataItem = that.dataSource.view()[idx];
if (that._state === "filter") {
that._state = "accept";
_render: function (data) {
// swapping out this._selected keeps filtering functional
this._selected = dummy;
return, data);
this._selected = originalSelected;
function dummy() { return null; }
Demo here.
Using a dropdown list
Use a simple dropdown list (or ComboBox) and bind the select event to append to your list (which you have to create manually).
For example:
var mySelectedList = [];
select: function (e) {
var item = e.item;
var text = item.text();
// store your selected item in the list
text: text
// update the displayed list
$("#myOrderedList").append("<li>" + text + "</li>");
Then you could bind clicks on those list elements to remove elements from the list. The disadvantage of that is that it requires more work to make it look "pretty" (you have to create and combine your own HTML, css, images etc.).


Removing multiple select options and replace with new ones

I have a select tag like :
<span id="reportProjectSelector">
<span>Reporting Project:</span>
<select id="reportProjectDropdown" onChange="loadChartWithData();" multiple="multiple"></select>
$(function() {
includeSelectAllOption: true
Here I have multiple dropdown chain of other dropdowns which are parents of 'reportProjectDropdown'. For simplicity let's consider just one 'Project'. So now we have 'Projects', on change of which 'Reporting Projects' filter is triggered. Currently the Reporting project filter doesn't change and replace new values (basically null or no values which are replaced by a value like 'No Reporting Projects' in the dropdown)
I have tried removing the previous values but with no luck. Here is the function that I am expecting will do the job.
function setDependentProjects (data, widgetId) {
if(jQuery.isEmptyObject(data)) {
let newOption = new Option("No Projects", 0, true, true);
} else {
let selected = true;
for(let key in data) {
selected = "${defaultDependentProject}" == data[key];
let newOption = new Option(data[key], key, selected, selected);
selected = false;
loadChartWithData_${widgetId}(); //renders data as per the previous filters
Am I missing something or removing the elements incorrectly ?
You need to refresh the jQuery multiselect instance after every change. You can do that by using $('#reportProjectDropdown').multiSelect('refresh');
See also the documentation: jQuery multiselect

<select>'s not updating with Semantic UI

We have a popup containing a form with quite a few <select> tags. In some cases a <select> will appear on the page when it loads with no <option> tags inside, and it will be filled in later. Some already have <option>s defined. In every case, <option>s could be added or removed from the <select>s. We are using Semantic UI and defining the <select>s like this:
<select id="select1" class="ui dropdown"></select>
It is not updating the dropdowns it creates (the "menu") when the underlying <select> changes. Is there something we need to call when <option>s are added or removed?
I tried this:
and the semantic UI menu did not update.
In some cases, the <options>s are "added" or "removed" by just changing their display to none instead of actually removing them from the <select>. In other cases they are actually added or removed. Can Semantic UI handle both of these cases?
I decided to move ahead and created a proof-of-concept to see if there was a way to handle this. I created a mutationobserver to look for changes in the attributes of every in the popup and have the semantic ui "menu" match the display property of the associated . It appears to be working.
function create_select_mo()
//create observer
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations){
//get changed element in select
var target_el = mutations[0].target
return false
//find the changed <select>
var sel = target_el.parentNode
//make sure the parent is a <select>
if(sel.nodeName != 'SELECT')
return false
//get <select> wrapper created by semantic ui
var wrapper = sel.parentNode
//find the associated semantic menu
var cur_menu = $(wrapper).children('.menu')
//get corresponding element to target element in semantic menu
var menu_el = $(cur_menu).children('div[data-value=' + target_el.value + ']')[0]
//change the menu element to match the style of the <select> element
{['display'] =['display']
//initialize config to look for changes to attributes
var observer_config = {
attributes: true,
//set observer on each <option>
var target_nodes = gel('my_popup').querySelectorAll('option') //document.body
for(var x=0;x<target_nodes.length;x++)
observer.observe(target_nodes[x], observer_config)
function gel(el)
return document.getElementById(el)
else if($(el).get(0))
return $(el).get(0)
else if((typeof el == 'object') && (Object.keys(el).length > 0))
return el
//console.log(el + ' not found')
return false

AngularJS + ag-grid: sticky/remembered selections with virtual paging/infinite scrolling

In an AngularJS application, I have an ag-grid that uses virtual paging/infinite scrolling to lazy-load rows from a dataset that is too large to show at once. I have turned on check-box selection in the first column, so that the user should be able to select individual rows for arbitrary application-specific actions.
The AngularJS application uses ui-router to control multiple views. So, building on the virtual-paging example with "sorting & filtering", with constructed data about Olympic winners, from the ag-grid documentation, I've further extended the code a bit. From index.html:
<body ng-controller="MainController" class="container">
<div ui-view="contents"></div>
and the following ui-router states:
myapp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('example', {
abstract: true,
views: {
contents: {
template: '<div ui-view="example"></div>'
.state('example.page1', {
url: '/page1',
views: {
example: {
templateUrl: 'page1.html'
.state('example.page2', {
url: '/page2',
views: {
example: {
template: 'Go back to the <a ui-sref="example.page1">example grid</a>.'
where page1.html looks like the following:
<div ng-controller="GridController">
<div ag-grid="gridOptions" class="ag-fresh" style="height: 250px;"></div>
<h3>Selected rows:</h3>
<ul class="list-inline">
<li ng-repeat="row in currentSelection track by">
<a ng-click="remove(row)">
<div class="badge">#{{ }}, {{ row.athlete }}</div>
<p>Go to <a ui-sref="example.page2">the other page</a>.</p>
What I want to accomplish:
That selections made in the ag-grid is remembered (sticky) when scrolling a (virtual) page out of view and back again, so that a user can select multiple rows on separate pages.
That the remembered selections are available outside the grid, and support adding and removing selections (as intended by the ng-click="remove(row)" in page1.html, shown above).
That the selections should be remembered when switching from the view with the ag-grid to another one, and back again.
(Optional) That the selections are remembered for the user's session.
How can I accomplish this?
I've created a working example of this can be implemented.
First of all, we'll write a AngularJS service, selectionService to keep track of the selections:
function _emptyArray(array) {
while (array.length) {
function _updateSharedArray(target, source) {
_.each(source, function _addActivity(activity) {
myapp.factory('selectionService', function ($rootScope, $window) {
var _collections = {},
_storage = $window.sessionStorage,
_prefix = 'selectionService';
angular.element($window).on('storage', _updateOnStorageChange);
function _persistCollection(collection, data) {
_storage.setItem(_prefix + ':' + collection, angular.toJson(data));
function _loadCollection(collection) {
var item = _storage.getItem(_prefix + ':' + collection);
return item !== null ? angular.fromJson(item) : item;
function _updateOnStorageChange(event) {
var item = event.originalEvent.newValue;
var keyParts = event.originalEvent.key.split(':');
if (keyParts.length < 2 || keyParts[0] !== _prefix) {
var collection = keyParts[1];
_updateSharedArray(_getCollection(collection), angular.fromJson(item));
function _broadcastUpdate(collection) {
function _afterUpdate(collection, selected) {
_persistCollection(collection, selected);
function _getCollection(collection) {
if (!_.has(_collections, collection)) {
var data = _loadCollection(collection);
// Holds reference to a shared array. Only mutate, don't replace it.
_collections[collection] = data !== null ? data : [];
return _collections[collection];
function _add(item, path, collection) {
// Add `item` to `collection` where item will be identified by `path`.
// For example, path could be 'id', 'row_id', 'data.athlete_id',
// whatever fits the row data being added.
var selected = _getCollection(collection);
if (!_.any(selected, path, _.get(item, path))) {
_afterUpdate(collection, selected);
function _remove(item, path, collection) {
// Remove `item` from `collection`, where item is identified by `path`,
// just like in _add().
var selected = _getCollection(collection);
_.remove(selected, path, _.get(item, path));
_afterUpdate(collection, selected);
function _getUpdatedSignal(collection) {
return 'selectionService:updated:' + collection;
function _updateInGridSelections(gridApi, path, collection) {
var selectedInGrid = gridApi.getSelectedNodes(),
currentlySelected = _getCollection(collection),
gridPath = 'data.' + path;
_.each(selectedInGrid, function (node) {
if (!_.any(currentlySelected, path, _.get(node, gridPath))) {
// The following suppressEvents=true flag is ignored for now, but a
// fixing pull request is waiting at ag-grid GitHub.
gridApi.deselectNode(node, true);
var selectedIdsInGrid = _.pluck(selectedInGrid, gridPath),
currentlySelectedIds = _.pluck(currentlySelected, path),
missingIdsInGrid = _.difference(currentlySelectedIds, selectedIdsInGrid);
if (missingIdsInGrid.length > 0) {
// We're trying to avoid the following loop, since it seems horrible to
// have to loop through all the nodes only to select some. I wish there
// was a way to select nodes/rows based on an id.
var i;
gridApi.forEachNode(function (node) {
i = _.indexOf(missingIdsInGrid, _.get(node, gridPath));
if (i >= 0) {
// multi=true, suppressEvents=true:
gridApi.selectNode(node, true, true);
missingIdsInGrid.splice(i, 1); // Reduce haystack.
if (!missingIdsInGrid.length) {
// I'd love for `forEachNode` to support breaking the loop here.
var _service = {
getCollection: _getCollection,
add: _add,
remove: _remove,
getUpdatedSignal: _getUpdatedSignal,
updateInGridSelections: _updateInGridSelections
return _service;
The selectionService service allows adding and removing arbitrary objects to separate collections, identified by collection, a name you find suitable. This way the same service can be used for remembering selections in multiple ag-grid instances. Each object will be identified using a path parameter. The path is used to retrieve the unique identifier using lodash's get function.
Furthermore, the service uses sessionStorage to persist the selections during the user's whole tab/browser session. This might be overkill; we could have just relied on the service to keep track of the selections since it will only get instantiated once. This can of course be modified to your needs.
Then there were the changes that had to be done to the GridController. First of all the columnDefs entry for the first column had to be changed slightly
var columnDefs = [
headerName: "#",
width: 60,
field: 'id', // <-- Now we use a generated row ID.
checkboxSelection: true,
suppressSorting: true,
suppressMenu: true
}, …
where the new, generated row ID is generated once the data has been retrieved from the remote server
// Add row ids.
for (var i = 0; i < allOfTheData.length; i++) {
var item = allOfTheData[i]; = 'm' + i;
(The 'm' in the ID was included just to make sure I didn't confused that ID with other IDs used by ag-grid.)
Next, the necessary changes to gridOptions were to add
onRowSelected: rowSelected,
onRowDeselected: rowDeselected,
onBeforeFilterChanged: clearSelections,
onBeforeSortChanged: clearSelections,
Were the different handlers are quite straight forward, communicating with the selectionService
function rowSelected(event) {
selectionService.add(, 'id', 'page-1');
function rowDeselected(event) {
selectionService.remove(, 'id', 'page-1');
function clearSelections(event) {
Now, the GridController needs to handle updates signalled by the selectionService too
function updateSelections() {
selectionService.updateInGridSelections($scope.gridOptions.api, 'id', 'page-1');
calls selectionService.updateInGridSelections which will update the in-grid selections of the grid in question. That was the most cumbersome function to write. For example, if a selection has been added externally (outside the grid), then we'll have to perform a forEachNode run, even if we know all the necessary nodes have already been selected in-grid; there's no way to exit that loop early.
Finally, another crux was to clear and reapply the selections before and after, respectively, when the filters or sort orders are changed, or when new data is retrieved from the server (which is only simulated in the demo). The solution was to include a call to updateSelections after the params.successCallback inside the getRows handler
params.successCallback(rowsThisPage, lastRow);
Now, the most puzzling findings during the implementation of this solution was that the ag-grid API grid options onAfterFilterChanged and onAfterSortChanged couldn't be used for reapplying the selections because they trigger before the (remote) data has finished loading.

angularj ui grid searching

I'm looking for tutorial or example on how to implement a simple input text for searching
in the grid.
My attempt (but ng-keyup require angularjs > 1.1.3 and I've got
<input type="text" ng-keyup="mySearch()" ng-model="searchText">
$scope.getPagedDataAsync = function (pageSize, page, searchText) {
setTimeout(function () {
var data;
if (searchText) {
var ft = searchText.toLowerCase();
$http.get('largeLoad.json?q='+encodeURIComponent(ft)).success(function (largeLoad) {
} else {
$http.get('largeLoad.json').success(function (largeLoad) {
}, 100);
$scope.mySearch = function(){
$scope.getPagedDataAsync($scope.pagingOptions.pageSize, $scope.pagingOptions.currentPage,$scope.searchText);
NB its a fake request against a json file just to make the example.
Update: I'm using ng-grid-1.3.2
Basically to solve this problem I think you can use a solution similar to what I've done below where I'm just watching the property of the model for changes and firing a function to do the filtering on the data set at that point.
The HTML for the text input
<input type="text" placeholder="Type to filter" ng-model="gardenModel.externalFilterText"/>
The JavaScript that filters the data set (also included the part I had a watch on a service to update the data in the first place too or if the data is refreshed to reapply the filter).
//This function is called every time the data is updated from the service or the filter text changes
$scope.filterGardens = function(filterText) {
//Basically everything in this function is custom filtering specific
//to the data set I was looking at if you want something closer to the
//real implementation you'll probably have to dig through the source (I believe they separated the search filter code into it's own file in the original project)
//Creating a temporary array so changes don't cause a bunch of firing of watchers
var tempToShow = [];
//doing case insensitive search so lower case the filter text
filterText = filterText.toLowerCase();
//If the filter text is blank just use the whole data set
if(!filterText || filterText == "")
$scope.gardenModel.shownGardens = $scope.gardenModel.gardens;
//step through each entry in the main list and add any gardens that match
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.gardenModel.gardens.length; i++) {
var curEntry = $scope.gardenModel.gardens[i];
var curGarden = curEntry.curGarden;
if(curGarden["Garden Name"] && curGarden["Garden Name"].answer.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(filterText)!=-1)
else if(curGarden["Address"] && curGarden["Address"].answer.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(filterText)!=-1)
else if(curGarden["Ownership"] && curGarden["Ownership"].answer.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(filterText)!=-1)
else if(curGarden.gardenId && curGarden.gardenId == filterText)
$scope.gardenModel.shownGardens = tempToShow;
//Watch for any changes to the filter text (this is bound to the input in the HTML)
$scope.$watch('gardenModel.externalFilterText', function(value) {
//Watch for any changes on the service (this way if addition/edit are made and
//refresh happens in the service things stay up to date in this view, and the filter stays)
$scope.$watch( function () { return gardenService.gardens; }, function ( gardens ) {
$scope.gardenModel.gardens = gardens;
Edit Cleaned up the code formatting a bit and added some comments.

filtering only previously unselected <select> options qith JQuery

Previously I asked how to do this and was directed to this:
jQuery.fn.filterByText = function(textbox) {
return this.each(function() {
var select = this;
var options = [];
$(select).find('option').each(function() {
options.push({value: $(this).val(), text: $(this).text()});
$(select).data('options', options);
$(textbox).bind('change keyup', function() {
var options = $(select).empty().scrollTop(0).data('options');
var search = $.trim($(this).val());
var regex = new RegExp(search,"gi");
$.each(options, function(i) {
var option = options[i];
if(option.text.match(regex) !== null) {
When I use this filter on the select box it filters both the unselected AND the selected. I'd like it to ONLY filter the unselected because if a user wants to ammend the selections and filters again, the previously selected items go away - unless they meet the filter criteria.
I'm not that good at JavaScript or JQuery and can't understand how I might tell the above script to ignore options that are ":selected" but filter all else.
Here's a jfiddle if it helps: I'd like option one and two to remain selected and in the list when user begins to type.
Thanks for help!
The solution you had would not work with selected elements because he created an array of options at the start and then matched those options against the regex(Without regards to what is actually selected). I've used spans to hide options in the past and created an example for you to see how it works. Here is the link :
Here is the code
$(function() {
var search = $.trim($(this).val());
var regex = new RegExp(search,"gi");
if($(this).val().match(regex) === null) {
}else if($(this).parent().is('span')){
You simply need to loop through all the options of the select when you type in the textbox.
You then check if it is selected, if it is you do nothing, else you check if it matches the search filter, if it does you wrap it in a span, making it invisible, else it means you need to see it, so you check if it is already wrapped in a span, and in that case you replace it with the option so you can see it again.
to selected the non selected options, use this:
$('option:not[selected]') or $('#myselect > option:not[selected]')
to remove them, use this:
in css, :not filters for opposite of what comes in the curved brackets.
and [] is attribute selector.
so :not[selected] means: does not have an attribute whose key is "selected"

