How do I get the url string to a django view? - javascript

I don't know if i'm doing this the right way, but in my django application I have javascript helping out the login page. I made an ajax rest api on my django server (with that whole csrv authentication).
Now, I want to redirect the user when the javascript successfully posts an ajax call to the server. I figured it might be easy to return a json with a 'success': true and a 'url': , but I can't figure out a nice way to get that url string. I know django is strict on only typing out the url in one spot and referencing it from the
My question is: How do I get that url string to send to the client-side? OR if there is a better way to do this, how do I go about that?
(The reason I'm not using forms is because I need to filter out certain signup things that I cannot filter from the usual way of putting {{ LoginForm }} into the template)

Take a look at the reverse function
reverse('url-name') will return the path to your view named url-name


Reflect and make Axios request in the browser's URL

What I'm looking for
Bit of JavaScript logic help; although, I am not sure what I will need to do via Vue Router. Not looking exactly for the answer, but more pointed in the right direction (I'm not even sure I'm phrasing this question correctly).
I have been making API requests with Axios (no problem there). I have a JWT token in the requests’ headers. However, (never done this before) I now need to have the search params the user entered in the browser’s URL when they make a request to share the link to their coworkers which will route to the same page with the same options entered/selected and the API request called with those query params.
What I really don’t know is:
A. What’s the best way to make an API request on route (loading the url with query params)? The route of the page does NOT match the corresponding API endpoint Url.
B. How do I get the users’ entered/selected data into the browser’s URL?
C. Do I need to modify my route objects for those pages to still route correctly even if there is now a query string?
(Must be purely a frontend solution - I’m using the whole vue ecosystem)
Figured out what I need to do:
The project is not server-side rendered; therefore, I need to parse the URL on Vue's created and make a request with the params in the query string. This will seem like the URL caused a API request.
Simply append Axios' request query string to the URL, which I believe is cosmetic and should be fine.
I'm not sure, but will play around with it.

Script to fill a web form using a set of data

I am currently configuring software, however, the fields I am configuring requires a very simple set of data (3 variable fileds) to be entered into a form. However, this operation needs to be done approximately 2,500 times to cover all cases. I can easily genrate a csv containing all the fields for all the entries of this tabel.
I am looking for high level information as to how this can best be accomplished using a script. Could somebody provide a crash course on how to incorperate a custom script to load and submit this information using an external file. Things such as: what fields should I look for using the inspect element or how to load and iterate through a file using JS or python, etc. Or provide any resources that would be helpful on how to accomplish this. Thanks in advance!
In this case I suggest using python rather than javascript, which can be executed conveniently in local.
At the beginning, you need a I/O. In case you are not familiar, take a look on this.
Next, you need a way to send http request. The library for this is urllib, which is inbuilt. Then you need a way to make everything in json, which is well-accepted type for data transferring through http.
You can find the sample of using urllib here.
Please remember that you are 'passing the data', use 'POST' method instead of 'GET' method.
Your data should be encoded in
from json import dumps
data= dumps({
//data dictionary
urllib.urlencode({'login' : 'MyLogin', 'password' : 'MyPassword', 'data': data})
You can ignore login and password just in case your backend doesn't require verification.
Welcome to ask me if you have any problem about this.

Execute JavaScript on Django Page through URL without reload

i have a webpage that loads certain JavaScript packages.
If i enter JavaScript commands in the browser console, i am able to interact with them.
Lets take
as a simple example.
I would like the same JavaScript calls to be executed without the browser console but through a specific URL like:
so that this leads to an execution of my JavaScript commands?
Without the Page beeing reloaded/refreshed but staying in the actual state.
My approach was to catch the extended URL in my Django View and execute the JavaScript command.
class ShowPage(View):
def get(self, request, caseId):
value = request.GET.get('value', '')
if(value is not ''):
// execute JavaScript here...
return HttpResponse("<script>alert(" + value + ")</script>")
return render(request, 'template.html', context)
But this leads to a loss of my page where i entered the URL.
Does anyone has an idea how to preserve the actual Browser content?
So that it is possible to call the loaded Javascript packages?
Another idea was to call JavaScript through Ajax. But how do i map a URL in Django to a Ajax request?
Your current code is problematic on many levels, particularly because it allows the user to execute arbitrary JS on your page. This is called a Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attack.
Another issue is that you seem to want to add a GET parameter without "changing the state" of the page. Here you must remember that a GET request is, by definition, a communication between the client and server. You can artificially change what the URL looks like using JS, but you cannot submit a GET request on the same page without reloading it.
This is why you certainly want to use AJAX, which allows you to fetch the contents from another page and return them to the current page in the background. Usually this is done by creating a view that returns a JsonResponse (in Django 1.7+) (see Creating a JSON response using Django and Python).
A simplified example would be to encode a view that simply displays some text. You could then retrieve this text using AJAX (I recommend the jQuery for this--it's simple and well-documented) and do whatever you want with it, including alert it.
Try to use a '#':
This doesn't reload the site.
Maybe this helps too:
url: Get current URL in web browser
use 'eval()' to execute the input:

How to obtain the full url of an Angular view in Global.asax

In an ASP.NET MVC application, there is Request.Url to access the url in Global.asax.
But for an Angular application where an url is like http://domain/#/home. The Request.Url we obtained from Application_BeginRequest or Application_EndRequest are http://domain/. The Angular routes are not included.
It is reasonable because those routes are added at the client side. But is it possible to get the value of the true url in the MVC server side?
Just picked Matteo's answer as the correct one. Let me clarify a bit.
I have been trying this for one purpose: rewrite my url.
In the past, I used to check Request.ApplicationPath and manipulate url with string functions or built-in tools like VirtualPathUtility.
The need for the hash part is valid because the query string parameters are appended there. For example, I have a url like this:
http://[domain]/#/pay/cancel?paymentId=[some guid]
The conventional wisdom brought me to Global.asax to access those query parameters. I find none. Everything behind the hash tag is conveniently ignored.
So the correct way is to handle that part of url in the client side code. I am using ui-router. So for url rewrite/redirect, use stateProvider.when(oldUrl, newUrl);. To access query parameters, use $state.params.
Lesson learned: think clearly and approach different problem with different mindset.
There is no way, as the "hash" part of an url is not really part of the url. Have you ever used anchors in a page to create an index? The concept is the same.
Anyway I can't possibly imagine how the hash part could be useful server side. My guess is that you think it's useful because you're approaching a problem the wrong way.
If you complement your question with more details, like what you're trying to achieve, it's very possible we can provide you with an appropriate solution.

How do I populate form fields on a page from a database based on the page url?

Hello first I’d like to say, please excuse my ignorance to this all, as I’m very new to this all. I just started and still trying to understand this.
So far I have a database set up and I’m trying to retrieve values from a database to fill in a form on a page when it loads. The record or row/values that need to be retrieved from a database depend on the page’s URL.
I’m ok with html and css but still trying to learn more about jquery, JavaScript, sql, php and so on and so forth. I realize I have a ways to go and honestly some of the guides and tutorials online are kind of confusing because everyone has a different way of coding. So I’m a bit confused.
I’ve included a simple chart to breakdown what I’m trying to do.
If someone could point me in the right direction I’d be really grateful! Thanks.
If I understand you well, you want to setup a form and populate some fields of this form with a query forms a database, the primary key of the record being relative to the url.
The first step is to build the url, you can pass some parameters to an url by adding a ? at the end of the url followed by the parameter name, the = sign and the parameter value. If you have more than one parameter, you should separate each parameter with the sign &.
So your url could be something like this :
Then, you'll have to choose if you want to build the page on the server side with a language like php, in which case you retrieve the parameter, query the database, build the html form and send it to the client.
You can also go client side with plain javascript or jquery, in which case you will still have to do some server side programming to query the database but will use an ajax call to get the data and will populate the fields in Javascript or JQuery.
You can do this using Javscript(using Ajax)
U need the key to search for get the results from database
Using ajax call get the data, You might have to write code to get the details from database using any server side prog language
Using javascript to fill the form input with the received data.
Google for jquery ajax examples, and how to populate input using javascript.
There are many frameworks out there that have DataBinding built-in that do the same job a lot easier. My favourite would be Angular Js, you can try Ember and lot more out there, choose the one you feel comfortable with.

