AJAX Adding Multiple Events Resetting Id Before Insert - javascript

In Full Calendar, i have some droppable external items. When i drag and drop one of them and immediately i delete it, it gets deleted, everything works fine. However, when i drop multiple items, such as 2 and when i delete 2 of them, both gets removed from calendar in the view, actually one gets removed from database, if i refresh the page i can see that.
When i check the form input hidden's value which is event's id fetched from database or returned from database as last insert id via ajax, both are the same it seems, actually they are not the same.
I think what i need is, resetting the eventID variable after they got dragged and dropped. I tried to initiliza them as empty, but it doesn't work.
How can i reset their values after ajax submit for the next units, hence keeping that variable to attached to current. Also its a global variable, i think this is the problem.
My Codes:
var eventID; // global variable
Drop Function:
drop: function(date, allDay) {
var originalEventObject = $(this).data('eventObject');
// we need to copy it, so that multiple events don't have a reference to the same object
var copiedEventObject = $.extend({}, originalEventObject);
// assign it the date that was reported
copiedEventObject.start = date;
if($extraEventClass) copiedEventObject['className'] = [$extraEventClass];
var tempDate = new Date(date);
copiedEventObject.start = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(copiedEventObject.start, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
eventID = '';
url: '<?=site_url("admin/calendar/add");?>',
data: 'title='+ copiedEventObject.title,
type: "POST",
success: function(newID){
eventID = newID;
//copiedEventObject._id = newID;
title: copiedEventObject.title,
start: date,
//id: copiedEventObject._id,
id: eventID,
true // make the event "stick"
Event Click Function:
eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
eventID = calEvent._id;
var form = $("<form id='changeName'>" +
"<h3 class='eventHeader'>Edit</h3>" +
form.append("<div class='controls'>" +
"<label class='control-label' for='title'>Name: </label>" +
"<input class='span3' name='title' autocomplete=off type='text' value='" + calEvent.title + "' />" +
form.append("<input type=hidden value='" + eventID + "' /> ");
form.append("<div class='controls'>" +
"<button type='submit'> Save </button>");
var div = bootbox.dialog(form,
"label" : "Delete",
"callback": function() {
deleteOrNot = confirm("Sure ??");
if (deleteOrNot) {
calendar.fullCalendar('removeEvents' , function(ev){
url: '<?=site_url("admin/calendar/delete");?>',
data: 'id='+ eventID,
type: "POST"
return (ev._id == calEvent._id);
$("#changeName").submit(function() {
calEvent.title = form.find("input[name=title]").val();
calEvent.description = form.find("input[name=description]").val();
calEvent.id = form.find("input[type=hidden]").val();
url: '<?=site_url("admin/calendar/editTitle");?>',
data: 'title='+ calEvent.title+'&id='+ calEvent.id,
type: "POST"
calendar.fullCalendar('updateEvent', calEvent);
return false;

In your delete process...you shouldn't be relying on the global eventID, rather just getting the ID from specific event
eventID = calEvent._id;
var eventID = calEvent._id;
I suspect you also have a problem within drop by using the global eventID when dropping more than one at a time. Would have to see what // some methods here does.
What I would suggest is getting rid of the global eventID completely. When adding, wait for the id to be returned from server before passing the data to fullCalandar within your success callback
Similarly...within deleteOrNot...should make ajax request first, then only call the calendar.fullCalendar('removeEvents' within success callback of $.ajax. This will give confirmation of ajax success before user sees event removed. If ajax fails, user won't know using your approach


JQUERY ajax post - multiple click, one reload - it is possible?

I have a problem and I don't know what is the solution. I would like to reload the specified divs only once after multiple click. Now when I add new item to the database from dropdown input, then after each click each time reload the specified div, and sometimes it is very disturbing. When you want to select a new item from the list, and then suddenly reset, and you need to select again). How can I do that if I click to add new item (sometimes I select 4-5 new items - not multiple select!) then not refresh the specified div after each click, just once with a specified delay.
Here is the current code of the javascript part (now it refresh after 100 milliseconds after a new item added). I hope that someone could help me, or give me an idea how can I resolve this. Many thanks!
<script type="text/javascript">
$('body').on('click',".addhplayer",function() {
var absidplayer = $('#abshidplayer').find(":selected").val();
var abstype = $('#abshtype').find(":selected").val();
var obj = $(this); // first store $(this) in obj
var absseasonid = $(this).attr('data-absseasonid');
var absidclub = $(this).attr('data-absidclub');
var absidmatch = $(this).attr('data-absidmatch');
//var dataString = 'abstype=' + abstype + '&addplayer=1&' + 'absidplayer=' + absidplayer + '&' + 'absidclub=' + absidclub + '&' + 'absidmatch=' + absidmatch + '&' + 'absseasonid=' + absseasonid;
url: 'edit_absence.php',
type: 'POST',
timeout: 100,
data: {
addtype: abstype,
addhplayer: '1',
addidplayer: absidplayer,
addidclub: absidclub,
addidmatch: absidmatch,
addseasonid: absseasonid
success: function(response, textStatus, jqXHR){
$(".hpstatus").load(" .hpstatus");
$("#injur").load(" #injur");
$("#homelineups").load(" #homelineups");
$("#awaylineups").load(" #awaylineups");
check out my old response to this question :
How do you send an ajax request every time that a form input field changes?
basically wrap your event code to a delayed function, on multiple call it will cancel the previous planned ajax call if the delay is not reach
edit > on your particular code :
var changeTimer = false;
function yourSpecificEventCode(){
var absidplayer = $('#abshidplayer').find(":selected").val();
var abstype = $('#abshtype').find(":selected").val();
var $o = $(this); // first store $(this) in obj
var absseasonid = $o.attr('data-absseasonid');
var absidclub = $o.attr('data-absidclub');
var absidmatch = $o.attr('data-absidmatch');
url: 'edit_absence.php',
type: 'POST',
timeout: 100,
data: {
addtype: abstype,
addhplayer: '1',
addidplayer: absidplayer,
addidclub: absidclub,
addidmatch: absidmatch,
addseasonid: absseasonid
success: function(response, textStatus, jqXHR){
$('.hpstatus').show().load(" .hpstatus");
$('#injur').show().load(" #injur");
$("#homelineups").load(" #homelineups");
$("#awaylineups").load(" #awaylineups");
$('body').on('click',".addhplayer",function() {
if(changeTimer !== false) clearTimeout(changeTimer);
let t = this ;
changeTimer = setTimeout(function(){
yourSpecificEventCode.call( t ) ;
changeTimer = false;

Undefined when calling id in HTML 5 input [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to access the correct `this` inside a callback
(13 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a page that includes an x amount of items and each of these include a HTML 5 input.
When user changes the value of the input the server gets invoked via an AJAX call. The server then responds with JSON that includes an array of items that include a quantity value. If the returned quantity value is different from the one that was sent to the server (value of input) I need to change the input box value so that it is equal to the returned quantity value.
My problem is that I am getting an undefined in the alert instead of the id, could someone please tell me why, thank you in advance!
//loop through JSON returned items array
for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
var id = data.items[i].id;
var title = data.items[i].title
var price = data.items[i].price
var quantity = data.items[i].quantity
var image = data.items[i].image
//output JSON to HTML
$("#result").append("<div class='column left'><img src="+ image + "width=100 height=100 style=padding:20px></div><div class='column middle' >" + " " + title + " " + price + "</div><div class='column right' ><input id='" + id + "' type=number min=1 max=10 step=1 value="+quantity+" maxlength=2 size=2 /> <br><a data-id='" + id + "' href=# id='remove'>Remove</a></div>");
//load subtotal when page loads
//QUANTITY update
$(":input").bind('keyup mouseup', function () {
url: "https://example.com/cart/change.json",
dataType: "jsonp",
data: {
id: $(this).attr('id'),
quantity : $(this).val()
//JSON response
success: function(data) {
console.log(data); //formatted JSON data
$('#subtotal').html(data.items_subtotal_price); //set subtotal from JSON
//1. loop through JSON items for id >> get returned quantity value where id matches id of input box
//2. if quantity returned is not equal to the quantity sent then it's been disallowed by the server >> update input box value to equal returned value
// getting UNDEFINED -
In success() function, this refers the success() function but not the HTML element keyup mouseup binding function. To get keyup mouseup function instance you can add another variable self = this before writing the AJAX. Now, inside success function you can access that self reference to get the ID attribute. Example:
$(":input").bind('keyup mouseup', function () {
var self = this;
// .....
// ....
success: function(data) {
Alternatively you can bind this reference to success function using Function.prototype.bind() function without second var self. For instance
$(":input").bind('keyup mouseup', function () {
// other properties
success: (function(data) {

Javascript dynamic switch doubling Ajax calls

I am having a problem with a jQuery click function. When a user clicks a HTML button, my jQuery dynamically loads some styled checkbox's/toggle switches based upon their corresponding on/off state stored in a database.
I then added a click function to each dynamically loaded toggle switch so that when a user clicks it, it updates the database with the new state, it then, with Ajax, calls the GetAllSwitches function again loading the current state of the switches from the DB back into the resultScreen.
It works, updates the state in the DB correctly, but the program remembers previous 'clicks' and runs them all again followed by the new click state every time a user clicks. So on the first click it makes 1 http request, 2nd 2, 3rd 4, 4th 8 etc. The problem being after a few clicks the ajax calls become huge.
I'm not that experienced in Javascript so I am aware my code is verbose and I am clearly missing something, but are there any fixes or better approaches to this?
In summary what I want to achieve is:
User clicks allSwitches
Ajax call to a database which returns all objects with a toggle switch on screen
Have the toggle switch's clickable which updates the database with new state
Allow the switches to be clicked as many times as the user likes only making one update to the DB
<legend> Get All Lights Dynamically</legend>
<input type="button" value="Show All" id="allSwitches"/>
<div id='resultScreen'></div>
url: 'GetAll',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'text',
success: function(data) {
function getAllSwitches(data){
var tr;
myData = $.parseJSON(data);
for(var i = 0; i < myData.length; i++){
tr = $('<tr/>');
tr.append('<div id="togs' + i + '">' + '<label class="switch">' +
'<input type="checkbox" class="' + myData[i].lightName +'" checked>' +
'<div class="slider round"></div>'
+'</label>' + '</div>');
tr.append("<td>" + myData[i].lightName +
" is " + myData[i].state + "</td>");
var className = '.' + myData[i]lightName;
var lightName = myData[i].lightName;
var state = "Off";
upTog(className, lightName, state);
} else if (myData[i].state=="Off"){
tr.append('<label class="switch">' +
'<input type="checkbox" class="' + myData[i].lightName +'" >' +
'<div class="slider round"></div>'
tr.append("<td>" + myData[i].lightName +
" is " + myData[i].state + "</td>");
var className = '.' + myData[i].lightName;
var lightName = myData[i].lightName;
var state = "On";
upTog(className, lightName, state);
function upTog(className, lightName, state){
$(document).on('click', className, function() {
url: 'UpdateLight?lightName=' + lightName + "&state=" + state,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'text',
url: 'GetAll',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'text',
success: function(data) {
Many thanks.
The easiest way to do it is to unbind the previous click before set the new one.
Change upToge() body like this:
$(className).unbind( "click" );
$(className).on('click', function () {
/* Your ajax call here */
You're adding the click handler to the className, which is not changing when you empty the #resultsScreen div. You can see how the handlers pile up in this jsbin: http://jsbin.com/hizigutogi/edit?js,console,output (fill the div, click the red box, empty it, fill it again, and click it a few more times)
Try passing the reference to the jQuery object tr into upTog and adding the click handler onto it directly, instead of attaching it to the class name.

replacing select box dynamically inside of a div

I want replace the select box inside of the div
<div class="models">
<select disabled="disable">
<option>Model Name</option>
I'm trying to target the div and load the select box like this
jQuery('.models select').change(function() {
var model = jQuery('.models option:selected').text();
I'm not getting any action on change though
Simple change: bind your change event handler to the container div (which should be present when this executes) and get the text value from that:
jQuery('.models').on('change','select',function() {
var model = jQuery(':selected',this).text();
var modelValue = jQuery(':selected',this).val();
Note: your fiddle and markup has it diabled, of course it would need to be enabled first, something like:
EDIT: Using your fiddle, I mashed around, commented out your load - as it does not work there and the cleanstring, not present, and this works:
jQuery('.brands').change(function () {
var brand = jQuery('.brands option:selected').text();
// brand = cleanString(brand);
//jQuery('.models').load('/pf-models #' + brand);
jQuery('.models>select').append('<option >She is a classic</option>').prop('disabled', false);
jQuery('.models').on('change', 'select', function () {
var model = jQuery(":selected", this).text();
model = cleanString(model);
jQuery('#show-models').load('/pf-urls #' + model);
updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/HNgKt/6/
EDIT Further detailed example, still based on the valid markup assumptions coming back from the load on the first part which I have substituted for a html replace since we have not access to that part:
jQuery('.brands').change(function () {
var brand = jQuery('.brands option:selected').text();
$('.models').html('<select class="models"><option >' + brand + ' She is a classic</option><option>clunker</option></select>');
jQuery('.models').on('change', 'select', function () {
var model = jQuery(":selected", this).text();
alert('model:' + model);
Fiddle for that: http://jsfiddle.net/HNgKt/7/
Alerts the model if you choose a brand, then a model.
Try following steps,
on change of brands list make an ajax call and make sure in result you recieve the new list options or you can dynamically prepare the options list in jquery also.
And on success of call repopulate new list with the received data.
jQuery('.brands').change(function() {
var brand = jQuery('.brands option:selected').text();
brand = JSON.stringify(cleanString(brand));
type: "GET", //GET or POST or PUT or DELETE verb
url: ajaxUrl, // Location of the service
data: brand , //Data sent to server
contentType: "", // content type sent to server
dataType: "json", //Expected data format from server
processdata: true, //True or False
success: function (data) {//On Successful service call
var $newList = $(".models select'").empty();
error: function(){} // When Service call fails
Try the following:
/* using delegate version of .on */
jQuery(document).on('change', '.brands', function() {
var brand = jQuery('.brands option:selected').text();
brand = cleanString(brand);
jQuery('.models').load('/pf-models #' + brand);
jQuery(document).on('change', '.models select', function() {
var model = jQuery('.models option:selected').text();
model = cleanString(model);
jQuery('#show-models').load('/pf-urls #' + model);
For dealing with "dynamic" elements, you want to use delegate to assign action. This basically reserves a method to be assigned to all elements who match the description.
See also:

Javascript / JQuery loop through posted ajax data string to assign new values to

I have a function which updates a database via ajax. My issue is then how to update the data displayed on the page to show updated details. The POST data can vary and therefore the datastring would be something like this:
var dataString = '[name resource we are editing]=1' +
'&para1='+ para1 +
'&para2=' + para2+
'&para3=' + para3
I want the function below to split or loop through each of the POST variables in the datastring to update the text of an element on the page. I cannot figure out how.
function editAccount(dataString, details, form){
status = $(".status");
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo BASE_PATH; ?>/edit/",
data: dataString,
success: function(response) {
$.each(response, function(key, value) {
success_code = key;
message = value;
if(success_code == 1){
//show details and hide form
$("#" + details).show();
$("#" + form).hide();
//HOW to do below?
//update details being displayed with datasource data
//loop through dataString to assign eg. $('#para1')text(para1);
} else {
error: function(response){
status.text("There was a problem updating your details into our database. Please contact us to report this error.").addClass("invalid");
As mentioned in a previous comment, I would suggest declaring the dataString variable as an object:
var dataString = { '[name resource we are editing]' : 1,
'para1': para1,
'para2': para2,
'para3': para3
Now it'll be much easier to loop over the params, just using the function each, for instance, which you already use in your code:
$.each(dataString, function(key, value) {
// Do stuff with each param
As #Qpirate suggests, you also can use the javascript for loop:
for(var key in dataString){
// value => dataString[key]

