Drawing layers with jcanvas: performance optimization - javascript

I have a small web-application which uses jquery and jcanvas (http://calebevans.me/projects/jcanvas/) to print some shapes onto a canvas.
It's basically a map. The user can zoom into it and drag it around and whenever he does so everything has to be drawn again.
As you may see in the code below I remove and recreate layers pretty often (whenever the user drags the map, zooms or resizes his window). I need the layers to handle hover- and click-events. My question is whether there is a big performance impact of this way to handle events in comparison to other solutions. If this is the case, how could I optimize my performance?
var posX = 0, posY = 0;
var zoom = 100;
var points = []; //array of up to 1000 points retrieved by ajax
function draw(){
var xp, yp, ra;
var name;
$.each(points, function(index) {
xp = (this["x"]-posX)/zoom;
yp = (this["y"]-posY)/zoom;
ra = 1000/zoom;
fillStyle: "black",
x: xp,
y: yp,
radius: ra,
mouseover: function(layer) {
$(this).animateLayer(layer, {
fillStyle: "#c33",
scale: 1.0
mouseout: function(layer) {
$(this).animateLayer(layer, {
fillStyle: "black",
scale: 1.0
mouseup: function(layer){
Thank you for your time :-)

Optimization is in general a case-to-case thing but I'll try to give some general points for this case:
Keep operations to a minimum
Creating and removing "layers" (canvas elements) are costly operations - try to avoid if possible.
Rather move content around using drawImage() on itself or use clearRect() if you need to clear the whole canvas.
The same with a little more details:
You can for example use drawImage() to move the content to one of the sides, if we wanted to move everything to the left by 10 pixels we could do:
context.drawImage(canvas, 10, 0, canvas.width - 10, canvas.height,
0, 0, canvas.width - 10, canvas.height);
This will clip only the part we want to move/scroll and then redraw it in the new position.
Finally draw in the 10px gap at right with new graphics (you would probably want to cache the width and height but frankly, in the modern JavaScript engines this does not matter so much anymore as it did in the past). Test your points to see what points actually needs to be drawn to avoid drawing all of them again which otherwise renders this step pointless.
If you want to clear the canvas, rather than removing the canvas element and create a new canvas use the method clearRect() or use fillRect() if you want a pattern, color etc. Removing and creating elements are a costly operation from a optimization perspective especially if they affect the browser's flow (if it need to reflow the content). It triggers a bunch of operations from layout, css parsing, repaint etc. Reuse if you can.


Modifying in memory canvases before drawing to screen drastically reduces Javascript performance

I've noticed if I have a large number of canvases in memory, modifying each canvas before drawing them to the screen drastically reduces performance on my machine. This occurs even when the canvases are small and the modifications are minor.
Here is the most contrived example I could come up with:
var { canvas, ctx } = generateCanvas();
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
var images = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
images.push(generateCanvas(50, "red"));
var fps = 0,
lastFps = new Date().getTime();
function draw() {
var modRects = document.getElementById("mod-rects").checked;
var drawRects = document.getElementById("draw-rects").checked;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 500, 500);
ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, 500, 500);
if (new Date().getTime() - lastFps > 1000) {
fps = 0;
lastFps = new Date().getTime();
images.forEach(img => {
img.ctx.fillStyle = "yellow";
if (modRects) img.ctx.fillRect(20, 20, 10, 10);
if (drawRects) ctx.drawImage(img.canvas, 225, 225);
function generateCanvas(size = 500, color = "black") {
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = canvas.height = size;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, size, size);
return {
function generateCheckbox(name) {
var div = document.createElement("div");
var check = document.createElement("input");
check.type = "checkbox";
check.id = name;
var label = document.createElement("label");
label.for = name;
label.innerHTML = name;
return div;
canvas+div+div { margin-bottom: 20px; }
In this example we create 500 canvases of size 50x50. There are two checkboxes underneath the larger onscreen canvas. The first causes a small yellow square to be drawn on each of those 500 canvases. The 2nd causes the canvases to be drawn to the larger canvas. FPS is posted to the console once per second. I see no performance issues when one or the other checkbox is checked, but when both are checked, performance drops drastically.
My first thought is that it has something to do with sending in-memory canvas to the gfx card every frame when they are modified.
Here's the actual effect I'm trying to create.
Video: https://youtu.be/Vr6v2oF3G-8
Code: https://github.com/awhipple/base-command-dev/blob/e2c38946cdaf573abff5ded5399c90687ffa76a5/engine/gfx/shapes/Particle.js
My ultimate goal is to be able to smoothly transition the colors of the canvas. I'm using globalCompositeOperation = "source-in" and fillRect() to do this in the code link above.
As has been stated before, this is an issue with the overhead of sending hundreds of canvases to the GPU every single frame. When a canvas is modified in CPU it gets marked as "dirty" and is re sent to the GPU next time it's used.
The workaround I found was to create a large canvas containing a grid of my particle images. Every particle object makes its modification to its assigned section of the grid. Then once all modifications are made, we begin making draw image calls, cutting up the larger canvas as needed
I also needed to switch to globalCompositeOperation = "source-atop" to prevent all other particles from getting trashed each time I tried to change one.
Code: https://github.com/awhipple/base-command-dev/blob/2514327c6c30cb9914962d2c8d604f04bfbdbed5/engine/gfx/shapes/Particle.js
Examples: http://avocado.whipple.life/
You can see here, when this.newRender === true in draw, it queues up to be drawn later.
Then static drawQueuedParticles is called once every particle has had a chance to queue itself up.
The end result is that this larger canvas is only sent to the GPU once per frame. I saw a performance increase from 15 FPS to 60 FPS on my Razorblade Pro running a 2700 RTX GPU with 1500 on screen particles.
I expect browsers are optimized to display 1, or at most a few canvases at a time. I'm betting each canvas is uploaded to the GPU individually, which would have way more overhead than a single canvas. The GPU has a limited number of resources, and using a lot of canvases could cause a lot of churn if textures and buffers are repeatedly cleared for each canvas. This answer WebGL VS Canvas 2D hardware acceleration also claims that Chrome didn't hardware accelerate canvases under 256px.
Since you're trying to do a particle effect with sprites, you'd be better off using a webgl library that's built for this kind of thing. I've had a good experience with https://www.pixijs.com/. If you're doing 3d, https://threejs.org/ is also popular. It is possible to build your own webgl engine, but it's very complicated and a lot of work. You have to worry about things like vector math, vertex buffers, supporting mobile GPU's, batching draw calls, etc. You'd be better off using an existing library unless you really have a strong need for something unique.

Canvas clearRect performance very different when increasing w/h by 1px

I'm seeing a really odd canvas clearRect performance issue.
In our game, the current move is rendered with a small white square 7px * 7px.
Once that move is over the square is removed with a clearRect(x, y, 7, 7) function.
This performs fine, but leaves a weird white outline behind. Which I believe is sub pixel rounding:
I can solve this, by issuing a different clearRect call, specifically clearRect(x, y - 1, 8, 8) this removes the white residue which kind of confirms the sub-pixel theory, but for some reason the performance is significantly worse.
This is the initial 7*7 clear: https://www.useloom.com/share/9b6bbd00647a4803ad5d0a8a4ce77d3a
And this is the 8x8 clear:
Should I really be seeing this jank with such a small change?
To put things into context, each frame I have a series of messages to render (the coloured squares / crosses) these could number 1-2000. I also need to render the current message in a different colour (which is on a different canvas).
So I have a function renderMessages responsible for rendering each message each frame.
renderMessages() {
this.messages.forEach((data) => {
this.messages = []
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.renderMessages())
The function where I'm drawing and then clearing the canvas is renderCurrentTask. As a result when I try to use something simple like a clearRect(0,0,w,h) I'm seeing poor perf as I have to call it maybe 2000 per frame.
If it's any help in diagnosing this is my renderCurrentTask function where the small clearRect change has the negative effect:
renderCurrentTask(data) {
if(this.lastCoordinates) {
const coordinate = this.addressToScreenCoordinate(data.address)
this.interactiveContext.fillStyle = '#ffffff'
this.lastCoordinates = {
x: coordinate.x,
y: coordinate. y - 1,
wh: this.cellSize + 2
If your canvas game has performance issue even after trying different methods to optimize it, you could try using webgl renderer. I suggest using a library for rendering 2d using webgl, for example Pixi.js. This solution could require a lot of rewriting your current code tho.

ctx.clearRect canvas sprite

I am wondering how I could alter my Javascript to only clear the falling sprites, and not the entire canvas (as it does currently).
I hope to place multiple other (animated) sprites on the canvas, which do not appear with the way my function animate is structured.
Is there a way so that if there was another image/sprite was on the canvas, it would not be affected by the function animate.
I'm thinking that this line needs to change:
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
Though I have no idea what parameters I would need to place inside.
The falling sprites draw at a size of 60x60, but as they fall downwards this is where I am a bit stuck with clearing the only the sprite path.
Any help would be appreciated :)
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"),
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = 1408;
canvas.height = 640;
canvasWidth = canvas.width;
canvasHeight = canvas.height;
var orangeEnemy = new Image();
orangeEnemy.src = "http://www.catholicsun.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/cropped-sun-favicon-512x512-270x270.png";
var yellowEnemy = new Image();
yellowEnemy.src = "http://www.clker.com/cliparts/o/S/R/S/h/9/transparent-red-circle-hi.png";
var srcX;
var srcY;
var enemySpeed = 2.75;
var images = [orangeEnemy, yellowEnemy];
var spawnLineY=-50;
var spawnRate=2500;
var spawnRateOfDescent=1.50;
var lastSpawn=-1;
var objects=[];
var startTime=Date.now();
function spawnRandomObject() {
var object = {
x: Math.random() * (canvas.width - 15),
y: spawnLineY,
image: images[Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length)]
function animate(){
var time=Date.now();
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// move each object down the canvas
for(var i=0;i<objects.length;i++){
var object=objects[i];
object.y += enemySpeed;
ctx.drawImage(object.image, object.x, object.y, 60, 60);
<canvas id="canvas" style="border:3px solid"></canvas>
The easiest and quickest way would be to overlay another canvas, specifically for your sprites, atop your current canvas (requires a bit of CSS). Put all your sprites in one, everything else in the other. The clearRect() in your animate() function will then only apply to your sprite canvas, and not the other.
Otherwise, you will have to keep track of the positions of the sprites, and clear each programatically with 60x60 rectangles using clearRect(offsetX, offsetY, 60, 60).
P.S. excuse the non-formatted answer... still figuring SO out
Clear once for performance.
You are much better off clearing the whole canvas and redrawing the sprites. Using the previous position, checking for overlap and then clearing each sprite in turn, making sure you don't clear an existing sprite will take many more CPU cycles than clearing the screen once.
The clear screen function is very fast and is done in hardware, the following is the results of a performance test on Firefox (currently the quickest renderer) of clearing 65K pixels using just one call for whole area then 4 calls each a quarter, then 16 calls each clearing a 16th. (µs is 1/1,000,000th second)
Each test clears 256*256 pixels Each sample is 100 tests
'Clear 1/1' Mean time: 213µs ±4µs 1396 samples
'Clear 4/4' Mean time: 1235µs ±14µs 1390 samples
'Clear 16/16' Mean time: 4507µs ±42µs 1405 samples
As you can see clearing 65K pixels is best done in one call with the actual javascript call adding about 100µs to do.
On Firefox the number of pixels to clear does not affect the execution time of the call to clearRect with a call clearRect(0,0,256,256) and clearRect(0,0,16,16) both taking ~2µs
Apart from the speed, trying to clear overlapping animated sprites per sprite becomes extremely complicated and can result in 100s of clear calls with only a dozen sprites. This is due to the overlapping.

HTML5 Canvas FPS drops when rendering another canvas as an image using drawImage() at a specific width & height

So I have run into a very strange problem while using the HTML5 Canvas API. I'm attempting to create a game and the problem occurs because I'm drawing different canvases (using drawImage()) onto the main canvas. The other canvases has had graphics drawn on them and then I am simply drawing those canvases onto the main one. The problem is that at very specific widths and heights (coming close to the width and height of the main canvas) the fps suddenly drops by about 20-30. And this happens when only drawing one of those big canvases onto the main one. I thought the performance drop might've been attributed to drawing such a big canvas with graphics on them, so I emptied the canvases and was basically drawing an "empty" canvas onto the main canvas. Even so, the performance dropped. What's even more stange is that when I subtract just ONE pixel from either the width or height of the big canvas the fps goes back to 60! The widths and heights that this has occurred (there are probably more sets) are:
W: 1797
H: 891
W: 2026
H: 790
So for example for the first set, if you were to draw a canvas with those measurements (EVEN AN EMPTY ONE) you would get 30-40 fps. Yet if you were to draw a canvas with those one of the measurements subtracted by one (i.e. W: 1796, H: 891) then it would go back to 60 fps.
What I find even more strange is that this happens on only Chrome. I have tried it on Internet Explorer and Safari and I can draw significantly bigger canvases (i.e. far bigger than even the main canvas) and still get 60 fps. I'm sorry for not being able to list the code because it would require me to post a significantly large piece of code (the code is intertwined in multiple files). Could somebody elaborate on why this is happening? Thank you!
EDIT: This also happens if I draw only a clipped version of the big canvas using the other version of drawImage(). So it doesn't even have to do with rendering the actual number of pixels...which I find extremely strange.
EDIT 2: So I have run some tests and turns out it has nothing to do with the rendering but rather the memory usage because of the fact that I have an array that's holding 25 of these big canvases. I created a fiddle to benchmark:
<canvas id="canvas" style="display: block;"></canvas>
var timer = {
startedAt: null,
stoppedAt: null,
start: function() {
this.stoppedAt = null;
this.startedAt = new Date();
stop: function() {
this.stoppedAt = new Date();
getTime: function() {
if (!this.stoppedAt) this.stop();
return this.stoppedAt.getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime();
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body");
body[0].style.width = screen.availWidth + "px";
document.getElementById("canvas").width = window.innerWidth;
document.getElementById("canvas").height = window.innerHeight;
var context = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
var TESTING_1 = [];
for (var c = 0; c < 25; c++) {
TESTING_1[c] = document.createElement('canvas');
TESTING_1[c].width = 2000;
TESTING_1[c].height = 1200;
TESTING_1[c].getContext('2d').fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 0, 0)';
TESTING_1[c].getContext('2d').fillRect(0, 0, 1900, 897);
function main() {
context.drawImage(TESTING_1[0], 0, 0);
context.fillStyle = "blue";
context.font = "20px Arial";
context.fillText(timer.getTime(), 100, 100);
If you change the "25" number that's in the for loop to a lower number you will get much faster results. So the problem now is why is this happening only in Chrome and is there a way to fix it?

How can I simulate z-index in canvas

I have asked a question before: How can I control z-index of canvas objects? and we reached to a solution that may not be a good one for complicated situations.
I found that canvas doesn't have a z-index system, but a simple ordered drawing one. Now there is a new question: how can I simulate z-index system to make this problem fixed in complicated situations?
The good answer can solve a big problem.
It's not that canvas doesn't have a z-index, it's that canvas doesn't keep objects drawn contrary to the HTML page. It just draws on the pixel matrix.
There are basically two types of drawing models :
object ones (usually vector) : objects are kept and managed by the engine. They can usually be removed or changed. They have a z-index
bitmap ones : there are no objects. You just change a pixel matrix
The Canvas model is a bitmap one. To have objects drawn over other ones, you must draw them after. This means you must manage what you draw.
The canvas model is very fast, but if you want a drawing system managing your objects, maybe you need SVG instead.
If you want to use a canvas, then the best is to keep what you draw as objects.
Here's an example I just made : I keep a square list and every second I randomize their zindex and redraw them :
var c = document.getElementById('c').getContext('2d');
function Square(x, y, s, color) {
this.x = x; this.y = y; this.s = s; this.color = color;
Square.prototype.draw = function(c) {
c.fillStyle = this.color;
c.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.s, this.s);
var squares = [
new Square(10, 10, 50, 'blue'), new Square(40, 10, 40, 'red'), new Square(30, 50, 30, 'green'),
new Square(60, 30, 40, '#111'), new Square(0, 30, 20, '#444'), new Square(70, 00, 40, '#999')
function draw() {
c.fillStyle = "white";
c.fillRect(0, 0, 1000, 500);
for (var i=0; i<squares.length; i++) squares[i].draw(c);
// give all squares a random z-index
// sort the list accordingly to zindex
squares.sort(function(a,b){return a.zindex-b.zindex});
}, 1000);
The idea is that the square array is sorted accordingly to zindex. This could be easily extended to other types of objects.
As dystroy has said, z-index is, at its simplest, just an index to tell you in what order to draw things on the canvas, so that they overlap properly.
If you mean to do more than this, say to replicate the existing workings of a browser, then you would have more work to do. The order in which objects are drawn in a browser is a complicated calculation that is driven by:
The DOM tree
Elements' position attributes
Elements' z-index attributes
The canonical source to this is the Elaborate description of Stacking Contexts, part of the CSS specification.

