How to make a javascript slideshow using for loop - javascript

I want to make a javascript slideshow using a for loop
Javascript code
var Image_slide = new Array("img1.jpg", "img2.jpg", "img3.jpg");// image container
var Img_Lenght = Image_slide.length; // container length - 1
function slide(){
for (var i = 0; i < Img_Lenght; i++) {
document.slideshow.src = Image_slide[i];
function auto(){
setInterval("slide()", 1000);
window.onload = auto;
html code
<img src="img1.jpg" name="slideshow">
i can't figure out what is the problem of this code it just run img3 continuously without looping img1 and it also skip img2 from the loop

The better option to solve this than to use a for loop is to simply skip the for loop all-together. Using a for loop is really too complicated and there's a far simpler solution.
Rather than using a for loop, simply assign the slides directly and keep track of positioning:
var Image_slide = new Array("img1.jpg", "img2.jpg", "img3.jpg");// image container
var Img_Length = Image_slide.length; // container length - 1
var Img_current = 0
function slide() {
if(Img_current >= Img_Length) {
Img_current = 0;
document.slideshow.src = Image_slide[Img_current];
function auto(){
setInterval(slide, 1000);
window.onload = auto;
Interval should already run anyway. The loop inside the auto is redundant and simply messes it up. You only need to get one array element each time, not the whole loop. Looping through it every time will only return the last result.
You need to keep track of your position and reset the position to 0 once you reach the max length.
I'd also recommend at least 3 seconds for the interval instead of 1 second. One second I think is a bit too fast.
Here's an example of the correct solution on JSFiddle:
NOW, that said, the question is actually asking how to make it work with a for loop. I've written up a potential solution to the problem (untested so I can't guarantee it will work), but I HIGHLY ADVISE NOT TO DO IT THIS WAY. It shouldn't be TOO bad overall, its just far more complicated and the solution above is so simple, this solution really isn't worth it.
var Image_slide = new Array("img1.jpg", "img2.jpg", "img3.jpg");// image container
var Img_Length = Image_slide.length; // container length - 1
function slide(){
delay = 0;
start = false;
for (var i = 0; i < Img_Length; i++) {
if(start && delay < 1000) {
delay += 1;
else {
document.slideshow.src = Image_slide[i];
delay = 0;
start = true;
function auto(){
setInterval("slide()", 1000);
window.onload = auto;
I cannot guarantee this will work, but essentially, the code I updated in slide() initializes a delay variable and a start variable. When the loop is run through once, it automatically activates start and always sets the first value in source.
Once start has been set, every consecutive time it will increment the delay variable until delay hits 1000, and it will decrement the i variable so that the for loop doesn't increment i over the cap (the length of the array). Basically, it sets i back by one so that the increment in for puts it back to where it should be, preventing it from moving on to the next variable until it finally processes the current entry.
This should, in theory, work. You may need to increase the delay significantly though; that 1000 should not actually equal one second; it'll likely go far faster than that. But I may be mistaken; it might run in one second, I haven't had a chance to try it out yet.
Clearly, the complexity of this is quite high, its just not worth it. My first option should be used instead.


How does javascript update the elements in a DOM?

I am trying to slow down an animation of a picture shrinking so that you can actually see it shrink instead of just jump to a smaller size, but what instead happens is that my console log updates as it should-with intervals in-between each update, but the image on the screen waits until the for loop is done and then jumps to the end size instead of gradually getting smaller. Is there something wrong with my code or am I missing some behind the scenes stuff on how the page updates?
function sleep(milliseconds) {
const date =;
let currentDate = null;
do {
currentDate =;
} while (currentDate - date < milliseconds);
function makeSmaller(){
for (let i = 100; i>50; i--){ = i+'%';
Modern browsers avoid unnecessary renderings of a page and wait while a JavaScript execution iteration is complete before doing a rendition.
The sleep() function in the provided code does not really cause a browser to sleep but rather to do a processor-intensive computation, forbidding the browser from rendering anything.
You can try using the setTimeout() function instead, e.g.:
var i = 100;
function makeSmaller(){
console.log(; = i+'%';
if (i > 50) {
setTimeout(makeSmaller, 50);
You might also find it useful to rely on CSS animations or CSS transitions instead of JavaScript for such visual effects as JS is not nearly as efficient as they are.
See also:
More on setTimeout:
More about the CSS animations:
You have to dynamically get the DOM element getElementById and then change the width. Im not sure in which context the RockButton variable lives. Its all about the state.

Should I use requestAnimationFrame to fade in several elements? To achieve 60fps animation?

Trying to maintain 60 fps animation. Currently, I'm getting a lot of spikes of slow frames that are happening at like 30~ fps and the choppiness is noticeable to my eye.
Significant Edits: Throwing out old obsolete code, adding in new code with explanation
fadeIn: function(ele){
raf = window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
var opacity = 0;
function increase () {
opacity += 0.05;
if (opacity >= 1){
// complete = 1;
return true;
} = opacity;
fadeInElements: function(elements, properties, speed, delay){
var raf;
var ele;
for (i = 0; i < properties.length; i++){
ele = elements[properties[i]];
console.log('outside loop ' + ele);
My new code is above. It is successfully:
Iterating through several elements (each as ele) and then calling fadeIn(ele)
So, all elements fade in.
However, I want a 50ms delay between each "fade in" (each triggering of fadeIn() on a new element
The good news is that it's not actually recursion — it's more like a timeout. You provide a function that draws a frame, and the browser calls it for you.
Here's an answer showing excerpts from a complete JSFiddle. It doesn't try to replicate your exact code, but instead tries to explain what you need to know so you can adapt your code accordingly. The code was written to be easy to understand, so I'm sure there are other ways to do it faster!
This answer works from the top level down, which means I describe the end of the JSFiddle source and work my way backwards. I personally think this makes it easier to understand than does starting with the details.
You need to start the animation somewhere. So the very last thing in the JSFiddle is
window.requestAnimationFrame(eachFrame); //start the animation
This will call a function called eachFrame() when it's time for the next frame, e.g,. on the next multiple of 60 times per second. It will only do it once, though.
You need eachFrame() to keep track of where we are in the animation.
var startTime = -1.0; // -1 = a flag for the first frame.
function eachFrame()
// Render this frame ------------------------
if(startTime<0) {
// very first frame (because of the -1.0): save the start time.
startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
// the parameter to render() is the time within the
// animation.
} else {
// every frame after the first: subtract the saved startTime
// to determine the current time.
render( (new Date()).getTime() - startTime );
// Now we're done rendering one frame. ------
//Start the timer to call this function again
//when it's time for the next frame.
}; //eachFrame
eachFrame() determines what the current time is with respect to the beginning of the animation. getTime() gives you the time in milliseconds.
The other thing eachFrame() does is to call window.requestAnimationFrame(eachFrame); again. This isn't recursion. Instead, eachFrame() will finish running, and then after that, the next time a frame comes around, the browser will call eachFrame() again.
The last function you need is something to actually draw the frame! That is render(current time). Assume that, e.g., head1 and head2 refer to two heading elements you want to animate, e.g., <h1> elements declared in your HTML. The clamp(x) function returns x but clamped below at 0 and above at 1.
function render(currTime)
{ // *** Put your rendering code here ***
// How opaque should head1 be? Its fade started at currTime=0.
var opacity1 = clamp(currTime/FADE_DURATION);
// over FADE_DURATION ms, opacity goes from 0 to 1
// How opaque should head2 be?
var opacity2 = clamp( (currTime-FADE_SPACING)/FADE_DURATION );
// fades in, but doesn't start doing it until
// FADE_SPACING ms have passed.
// Apply the changes = opacity1; = opacity2;
} //render
In render(), you figure out opacity based on the current time. You don't have to worry about delaying between frames, because requestAnimationFrame handles that for us. You stagger the transitions by offsetting the time. In this example, opacity1 depends on currTime and opacity2 depends on currTime minus a constant FADE_SPACING, so the opacity change for element 2 will start later than the opacity change for element 1 by FADE_SPACING ms.
The JSFiddle has all the details filled in. It animates the opacity of two <h1> elements, with a spacing between the beginning of the animation for each element. I hope this helps!

How do you slow down the execution of a for loop in JavaScript?

I am making a basic image slider (press the next/prev button and the picture changes). I am also trying to implement a very simple fade effect; to do this I have a for loop which changes the class of the image, cycling through classes that change the opacity. The code works fine and does what I want it to do, but the for loop executes so quickly that you don't notice the change in opacity. I have looked all over and everywhere people are mentioning setTimeout, but that only causes a delayed start of a function.. I just want to slow my for loop so you can visually notice each iteration.
function nextphoto(){
for(var x = 0; x < 5; x++){
photo.className = fade[x];
photo.src = image[i];
for(var y = 4; y >= 0; y--){
photo.className = fade[y];
You might be misunderstanding the concept of synchronous code execution. All of your code has to finish running before anything can be updated or "rendered" to the screen. So your for loop will run until it's done, then the screen will update, but it will of course only have the final view of the image to render.
You should either trigger a CSS transform, by dynamically adding a class to the element via javascript, or if you were desperate to do it all in code, had some reason not to use CSS, and do not want to write a custom per frame animation system, or use a library, then inside each iteration of the for loop, fire an asynchronous function that will update at a later and later time, outside of the current synchronous for loop code.
var aThing;
for(var i = 0; i < someNumber; i++){
aThing.someValue = aThing.someValue * .9;
}, 500 * i);
You should consider using JQuery's animate() function to animate css values like opacity. Even better you could be using CSS animations.
What you're doing is NOT a good way to achieve your goal. If you really want it that way you should use setInterval or setTimeout.

How to trace in the console how many intervals are being executed - JavaScript

I have a problem trying to know if a setInterval() is taking place or it was killed.
I am creating an interval and saving it into a variable:
interval = setInterval('rotate()',3000);
Then on click to an element I stop the interval and wait 10 seconds before starting a new one, by the way the variable interval is global:
position = index;
$('#banner div').animate({
function startItnerval(){
interval = setInterval('rotate()',3000);
It seems to work but eventually I can realize that there are intervals still being in place, everytime I start a new interval it is saved in the interval variable, which is global, so in theory even if I start 100 intervals they are all saved in the same variable replacing the previous interval right? So I should only have one instance of interval; then on clearInterval(interval); it should stop any instance.
After looking at the results, apparently even if it is saved in the same variable, they are all separate instances and need to be killed individually.
How can I trace how many intervals are being executed, and if possible identify them one by one? even if I am able to solve the problem I really would like to know if there is a way to count or show in the console how many intervals are being executed?
jsFiddle Demo
As pointed out in comments, the id's constantly increase as timers are added to a page. As a result, it may be possible to clear all timers running on a page like this:
function clearTimers(){
var t = window.setTimeout(function(){
var idMax = t;
for( var i = 0; i < idMax; i++ ){
The reason that you can only see one interval is because every time you start a new interval, you overwrite the value in interval. This causes the previous intervals to be lost but still active.
A suggestion would be to just control access to your variable. Clearly there is an issue where the start function is called too often
clearInterval(interval);//when you clear it, null it
interval = null;
and then take advantage of that later
if( interval != null ){
interval = setInterval('rotate()',3000);
Also, as Pointy noted in a comment, using a string to call a function is not best practice. What it basically does is converts it into a Function expression which is similar to using eval. You should probably either use the function name as a callback
or have an anonymous function issue the callback
setInterval(function(){ rotate(); },3000);
setInterval returns an Id, not the actual object, so no, no interval will be overriden if you repeat the line
var xy = setInterval(function() {...}, 1000);
If you want to stop the interval you have to clear it:
And if your startInterval can be called multiple times in a row, but you don't want to create multiple intervals, just clear the inverval before you start a new one:
function startInterval(){
interval = setInterval('rotate()',3000);
If you have to create multiple intervals, you could save the ids in an array to keep track of them:
var arr = [];
//set the interval
//get number of currently running intervals
var count = arr.length //gives you the number of currently running intervals
//clear the interval with index i
arr.splice(i, 1);

Javascript, object with set lifetime?

I have run in to a problem I do not know how to code in JavaScript really. The thing is I would like to be able to create a lot of objects added to an Array. when objects are created to be added to this array they will have a "lifetime". When this lifetime runs out this object should be removed from the array.
What Im trying to build here is a particle system where particles will vanish from being rendered after the particles lifetime in question have expired.
Anyone who have a good idea or example for this?
I have thought about using setTimeout, setInterval and clearInterval but not sure how this would be most effective.
Something like this?
Update for Felix Kling:
var a = [], next = function() {
a = a.slice(0,-1);
document.body.innerHTML += a.length + "<br />";
if (a.length != 0)
setTimeout(next, 100);
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
a.push({hi: 1});
setTimeout(next, 100);​
You can use the code sample of micha. On every call of "next" function you can update the state of you particles (position, velocity, etc). Also you can track the time of the creation of the particles and on every "next" call check if the current time minus the creation time exceeds certain constant and if it does then remove the particles. Depending on the required quality of the animation you may want to reduce the time between timeouts, e.g. setTimeout(next, 25);
Good luck :)

