Android submit https login form which uses jquery - javascript

I am trying to see if it is all possible to login to a website after which I will make calls to extract some data. I am doing the latter from one website which doesn't require a login as so:
doc = Jsoup.connect("").data("retrieveLocId", params[0])
.data("formatType", "ICAO").data("reportType", "RAW").data("actionType", "notamRetrievalByICAOs")
// .userAgent("Mozilla")
// .cookie("auth", "token")
This is working perfectly so I want to do the same thing on this other website but I need to login first.
So I have stripped the webpage down to the barest amount to try and see what is required to make the login work and I have the following:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<form action="" id="frmLogon" method="post">
<input name="UserName" value="login_goes_here" />
<input name="Password" value="password_goes_here"/>
<input type="hidden" value="Submit" data-type="submit" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
If I press the submit button now the login succeeds. However, I have now run out of knowledge about how this whole thing works in terms of the scripts. So my question at this stage is, is it even possible to construct a call from within Android to get a successful login such that I can then use the same style of jsoup.connect I am currently using?
I am thinking I have to look at the naips.js script and perhaps find out what it is finally using to submit but I'm not sure. Any help would be appreciated.

I actually solved this by looking at the element information in Chrome. I could see the submit button that the javascript was creating and then I just manually put that into the HTML and then could remove all the scripts


Google Apps Script: submit form + keep window content + make browser make an offer to save name/password

I´m trying to submit a HTML form while keeping content of displayed page on the screen and triggering browser to make an offer to save username and password.
<div id="signInForm" class="init">
<input id="username" type="text" placeholder="Username">
<input id="password" type="password" placeholder="Password">
<button type="submit">Sign in</button>
I´ve found out, that keeping content can be done various ways:
preventDefault(), onsubmit="return false", action="javascript:".
I successfully made work each of them. But each of them prevents browser (Chrome and Edge) from doing an offer of saving username and password. As long as I´ve learnt, an HTML form has a default behavior on submit which is navigating to the submission link. My theory is that the "navigating event" itself is what triggers an offer to save username and password. If I´m right, the only way to reach my goal is probably based on letting submission happen default way, while making browser keep the content somehow.
Bur all I ever get after hitting <button type="submit">Sign in</button> is a blank page.
Is it even possible to overcome this simply in Apps Script? Or am I missing something basic?
I tried to programmatically reload my page, but wasn´t able to do so. I don´t know how to work with reload().
I´ve tried this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="x">I´m ORIGINAL page</div>
<button onclick="document.getElementById('x').innerHTML= 'I´m EDITED page';">edit page</button>
<button onclick="myFunction()">Reload page</button>
function myFunction() {
The snippet above works for me in Stackoverflow snippet editor, but it doesn´t work in my published GAS web app.
EDIT Probably close to solution for my problem is answer in this post: Redirecting from doPost() in Google Web App, HTML form with App script where the author suggests this:
<form method="post" action="<?!= ScriptApp.getService().getUrl() ?>">
<input type="submit" value="submit">
But it does nothing for me when copied and pasted and I don´t know how to implement it any other way. It looks general...
I was having the same issue when trying to avoid the page to reload to a blank page. The solution that worked for me was a piece of code that is on Google Apps Script Documentation (I leave the link here)
I hope this solution can help you to solve the blank reloading issue.
// Prevent forms from submitting.
function preventFormSubmit() {
var forms = document.querySelectorAll('form');
for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
forms[i].addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
window.addEventListener('load', preventFormSubmit);

Append input field value to url on button click

I'm very new to coding, so please forgive me if this is a dumb question.
I'm working on an assignment where I have to add functionality and styles to an existing bootstrap HTML doc. The purpose is to allow people to enter a dollar amount into an input field either by typing in an amount or by clicking buttons that populate the field with set amounts. One of my instructions was to update the donate submit button so that it appends the chosen donation amount to the "/thank-you" URL.
This is what I have for the input field:
<form id="amountSend">
<input type="text" class="form-control donation-amount-input" placeholder="Other" id="other-amount"/>
This is what I have for the button:
<button id="donateBtn" type="submit" action="/thank-you"
method="get">DONATE<span class="metric-amount"></span></button>
And I was thinking that the jQuery would look something like this, though the submit function is not currently giving me any visible results.
$("#donateBtn").click(function() {
if (!$.isNumeric($("#other-amount").val())) {
} else {
$("#amountSend").submit(function() {
var url = "/thank-you";
I also got some decent results using a PHP method:
<form id="amountSend" method="post" action="/thank-you.php">
<input type="text" class="form-control donation-amount-input" placeholder="Other" id="other-amount" name="donation"></input>
<button id="donateBtn" type="submit">DONATE<span class="metric-amount"></span></button>
$("#donateBtn").click(function() {
if (!$.isNumeric($("#other-amount").val())) {
} else {
This one will open the PHP file I set up (/thank-you.php, which i have stored just in the same root folder as my main HTML doc), but all the browser gives me is the raw HTML code of the PHP file. Here's the code I have in the PHP file:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
Thank you for your donation of
<?php echo $_POST["donation"]; ?><br>
Anyway, I guess I'm wondering if I'm on the right track? Should I pursue the jQuery or PHP method? Can I even do this using only jQuery? I've seen a few posts on this subject already, but I thought I'd make a new one since the ones I've seen are all fairly vague, I haven't seen the same answer twice, and I'm not sure I fully understand exactly what I'm trying to accomplish, in terms of a visual confirmation of results.
First of all, you have several issues with your code.
Number one: The formulary you have there is bad coded, the form tag needs to have the action and method attributes, not the submit button.
And in top of that, the submit button needs to be inside the form tag, if is not in there, it will not have and kind of effect.
Number two: If you are gonna submit the formulary to a php file and handle the request there ,you need the file to be running on a server (local or whatever). PHP is a server language, if you open the file directly in a browser, it will show you the code it has inside and will not work.
Hope it helps!

Using jQuery to clear certain fields in a WTForm

In a Flask app, I have a form with several fields. There are two submit buttons, one of which is intended to submit only information from fields one and two (even if the other fields contain text).
I reluctantly have decided to try to do this in jQuery, something I don't have much experience in. After considered using the $.post method, I settled on using $.reset.
Here's some of my code:
<script src="/static/scripts/jquery-3.2.1.js">
<script src="/static/scripts/reset.js">
(separate html file inheriting from home.html)
<form action="/" method="post">
{{ }}
{{ }}
<form action="/" method="post"><p><input type=submit class="reset" value="Get Information">
{{ form.status(class_="reset-this") }}
{{ form.other(class_="reset-this") }}
{{ form.frequency(class_="reset-this") }}
<p><input type=submit value=Update>
And finally, my JS:
$(function() {
$("button.reset").click(function() {
It doesn't have any effect, when I run the file, and when I try to simulate it in JSFiddle, I get a Forbidden (403): CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. error.
Is there something basic I'm missing?
Looking at your fiddle you have several issues:
You lack some serious formatting, you are not closing html tags.
You have a form inside another form, why?
you are using input type="submit" if you want to reset the inputs you have to use type="button" otherwise the form will try to submit to whatever you put on <form action="/"> hence the 403 error
you are using <form action="/"> that does nothing but generate confusion in your case.
in the jquery function you are using $("button.reset") but in your html you are using inputs and never buttons.
In your jquery function you are trying to use the class resetThis but in your html the class is reset-this
You did not attach jquery to your fiddle, it was never gonna work without it.
finally i have refactored your code here with all those problems fixed for you to build up from there. but please do some more research when you are trying to implement a technology you are not familiar with.

submitting form using jquery

got a problem and cant find the solution.
I am writing a chat. When a new user opens my site (a new session) a div popes out and the user is asked to fill in his name.
The form works fine when I use an input submit. I want it to work without the submit button, I want it to work when i press a div.
here is my code
<form name="form" id="form" action="index.html" method="post">
<span id="nspan">First name:</span> <input type="text" id="firstname" name="name">
<div name="enter" id="enter">Submit</div>
the jquery:
$("#enter").click(function () {
nevermind is correct - no problem with that code.
Here's the JSFiddle to prove it:
Maybe you problem is that the id "form" is to general a name, and you already used it for another form.
Another thing, why not use a button or a link? You can style it like you want. Be careful when you use thing for what they are not suppose to be used for, it my give unexpected side effects.
In your case, you may only be able to login to you chat using a mouse, that would exclude blind people. You would also not be able to use the tabulater to get to the login "button". And last, if you are blind and uses a screen reader your would actually not know that there is at login "button", as the reader would not recognize the div as something you can click.
I would recomend using the button-tag like this
<button id="enter">Submit</button>
Or the a-tag like this
<a href id="enter">Submit</a>
If you don't like the predefined styling of them you may always override the styling.
try to define jquery at top of the page
<script src=""></script>
Then put your script at next.
still issue.
Please check your other function on same page works fine or not.

what happens on form submits in Coldfusion?

I'm struggling a little to understand the server-side of things using Coldfusion8 and thus far doing client-side stuff only.
Say I have a basic Coldfusion page layout like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function foo() { docoument.myForm.submit(); }
<cfif isdefined("sendMyForm")>
... running coldfusion...
... displaying something...
<form action="nextPage.html" method="post" name="myForm">
<input type="text" name="formContains" />
<input type="hidden" name="sendMyForm" value="yup" />
<input type="button" name="sender" value="send" OnClick="foo() />
What actually happens server-side when I submit the form? Is the page getting "re-loaded" and the cfif causes coldfusion to run and display results? Just looking for some basic info so I understand what's happening.
Thanks for hints!
Think of CF and most web servers/systems as accepting input (url/get, form/post, cookie, etc) and returning output (html, json, text, etc). That cycle generally repeats. Someone types in a web address in a browser, request goes to server, page returned with form. User hits submit, request goes to server, page returned with results. User clicks link, request goes to server...and on and on.
You need to have the form action submit back to itself due to the way the if statements are organized. If in form.cfm file then action should be form.cfm. Unless you setup specific mappings in the webserver to have CF handle html files then the file will need to be .cfm
You mention leaving the action attribute out all together submits the form back to the same page but I don't believe this works in every browser.
It is also more common/safer to have form method="post", then check for structkeyexists(form, "fieldname")
Ok. Not the latest links, but valuable information.
I was trying to understand how form submits work in Coldfusion. If the page structure is:
<cf "inputName" = "someValue">
... run the from logic
<input name="inputName" />
... more form
So when I submit the form without action, it gets submitted to the page it's on and therefore the first CF-part can run....

