Compare caretPositionFromPoint, which is bigger? - javascript

I get the caretPositionFromPoint for two elements:
var start = doc.caretPositionFromPoint(someX, someY);
var end = doc.caretPositionFromPoint(otherX, otherY);
How can I check whether start is later in the document than end?

Solved it by making a Range which has methods for this.
var sr = document.createRange();
sr.setStart(start.offsetNode, start.offset);
sr.setEnd(start.offsetNode, start.offset);
if (sr.comparePoint(end.offsetNode, end.offset) === -1) {
// end is before start


How to insert a node after a selection?

I need to wrap a selection in comment nodes so that it can be parsed later on.
This script is executing within a CK-Editor plugin, but I believe the way selection and range works is native to JavaScript.
I'm able to insert the comment node at the beginning of the range just fine, but I can't figure out how to add a comment node to the end of the selection.
My current code is:
var selection = editor.getSelection();
var ranges = selection.getRanges();
var start_node = 'parsing_start';
var end_node = 'parsing_end';
var start_comment = new CKEDITOR.dom.comment(start_node);
var end_comment = new CKEDITOR.dom.comment(end_node);
ranges[0].nextSibling().insertNode(end_comment); // how to do this???
Try this to select a new empty range after the original selection. The only disadvantage is that you lose the original selection.
var selection = editor.getSelection();
var range = selection.getRanges()[0];
var start_node = 'parsing_start';
var end_node = 'parsing_end';
var start_comment = new CKEDITOR.dom.comment(start_node);
var end_comment = new CKEDITOR.dom.comment(end_node);
var endNode = range.endContainer;
var endOffset = range.endOffset;
range.setStart(endNode, endOffset);
range.setEnd(endNode, endOffset);

Javascript count two variables goes wrong

I am busy with making a kind of invoice system, where the user can make invoices very easily. Now I am at the point where I have to count up, per product, three different variables/items, but instead of counting them up, my javascript code puts it like text (with the + operator).
selectmenu 1 = option 0 (where VAT = 8.50 euro's)
selectmenu 2 = option 1 (where VAT = 12.76 euro's)
Now the output has to be (8.50+12.76)= 21.26
The output in my situation is = 8.5012.76
My (partial) javascript code:
$("select#product").on("change", function (e) {
var $row = $('.productitem');
var selVal = $row.find('#product').val();
var totalvat;
var currentVat = $('#totalvat').val();
var NLhoog = 1.21;
var price0EXC = 40.49;
var price0INC = (price0EXC * NLhoog).toFixed(2);
var price0VAT = (price0INC - price0EXC).toFixed(2);
var price1EXC = 60.74;
var price1INC = (price1EXC * NLhoog).toFixed(2);
var price1VAT = (price1INC - price1EXC).toFixed(2);
if (selVal === "0") {
totalvat = (currentVat + price0VAT);
} else if (selVal === "1") {
totalvat = currentVat+price1VAT;
I have let the unimportant part of the code away.
If you know what I am doing wrong, please let me know :)
Think this may help?
var currentVat = parseFloat($('#totalvat').val());
You are using var currentVat = $('#totalvat').val(); to get the value from an input I assume? This is a string which will need to be parsed at some to a relevant datatype. When + is used with a string the compiler performs concatenation.
Try something like:
var currentVat = parseFloat($('#totalvat').val());
Or do it later on with:
As you're using numbers as currency I'd consider adding the suffix .ToFixed(2) at the end, and maybe some other formatting

Remove unlimited amounts of text between two text values

I'm using the following code to delete text between a range of characters.
However, when I try to delete multiple paragraphs of text, I receive the following error:
Index (548) must be less than the content length (377). (line 195, file "")
How I can remove unlimited amounts of text between two text values?
function removeCbSevHD1(X) {
var rangeElement1 = DocumentApp.openById(X).getBody().findText('<CS1>');
var rangeElement2 = DocumentApp.openById(X).getBody().findText('<CS2>');
if (rangeElement1.isPartial()) {
var startOffset = rangeElement1.getStartOffset();
var endOffset = rangeElement2.getEndOffsetInclusive();
Expanding on my answer to your previous question, you cannot select from the beginning of one range to the end of another range. That is what the if (element.isPartial()) { ... } else { ... } condition is for. If the range is the entire element, it will remove the whole element.
If you want to remove multiple ranges, then you have to remove one at a time.
In the following example I do this by looping through an array of search strings and applying the function to each.
function removeCbSevHD1(X) {
// If you want to add more things to match and remove, add to this array
var search = /<CS1>.*<CS2>/;
var rangeElement = DocumentApp.openById(X).getBody().findText(search);
if (rangeElement.isPartial()) {
var startOffset = rangeElement.getStartOffset();
var endOffset = rangeElement.getEndOffsetInclusive();
} else {
Note: Not tested.
Tiny G! Thanks for all the help man.
I was able to find some help. Here's the answer:
function removeSection3(X) {
for (var i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
var search = '<ZY' + i + '>';
var rangeElement = DocumentApp.openById(X).getBody().findText(search);
if (rangeElement) {

Find Index of Column(s) after it has been Moved

We are using DHTMLX Grid. Need some help, please.
I have a table and each columns (has filter/dropdown) are allocated an id eg. fac, date, sel, loc, tag ... etc
We have hard coded the index of columns to set and get the cookie elsewhere.
function doInitGrid(){
mygrid.setColumnIds("fac,date,sel,loc,tag"); //set ids
setCookie("Tray_fac_filter",mygrid.getFilterElement(0).value,365); //column index 0
setCookie("Tray_loc_filter",mygrid.getFilterElement(3).value,365);//column index 3
setCookie("Tray_tag_filter",mygrid.getFilterElement(4).value,365); //column index 4
mygrid.getFilterElement(0).value = getCookie("Tray_fac_filter")
mygrid.getFilterElement(3).value = getCookie("Tray_dep_filter")
mygrid.getFilterElement(4).value = getCookie("Tray_prg_filter")
But when the columns are moved, the problem arises as the index of the column changes yet it is set in setCookie /getCoookie
DHTMLX allows to get the index of the id using --
var colInd = grid.getColIndexById(id);
eg: var colInd = grid.getColIndexById(date); // outputs 1.
After moving the date column to the end -- fac, sel, loc, tag, date // it will output 4.
However, we have about 14 columns that can be moved/rearranged and I could use the
var colInd = grid.getColIndexById(id); 15 times
var facInd = grid.getColIndexById("fac");
var dateInd = grid.getColIndexById("date");
var selInd = grid.getColIndexById("sel");
var locInd = grid.getColIndexById("loc";
var tagInd = grid.getColIndexById("tag");
and put those variables in the set/get cookie. I was thinking if there was a better way.
To understand the code better, I have put the minimised version of the code in fiddle.
You've got the best answer I think. Do it in a loop and it's easier:
var cookie_prefix = "Fray_filter_";
var cookie_dur = 365;
var num_cols = dhx_grid.getColumnCount();
// filter vals to cookies
for (var col_idx=0; col_idx<num_cols; col_idx++) {
var filter = mygrid.getFilterElement(col_idx)
if (filter) { // not all columns may have a filter
var col_id = dhx_grid.getColumnId(col_idx);
var cookie_name = cookie_prefix+col_id;
setCookie(cookie_name, filter.value, cookie_dur);
// cookies to filter vals
for (var col_idx=0; col_idx<num_cols; col_idx++) {
var col_id = dhx_grid.getColumnId(col_idx);
var filter_val = getCookie(cookie_prefix+col_id);
var filter = mygrid.getFilterElement(col_idx)
filter.value = filter_val;
You can use dhtmlxgrid native event to assign the correct id everytime a column is moved.
The event is called onAfterCMove, you can check the documentation here. onAfterCMove Event
You would do something like:
//Your processing here to change the cookies; where cInd is the index of the column moved
//and posInd, is the position where it Was moved

Applying google app script code in selection in google docs

I have the following code that puts bold style some keywords in a whole google document:
function boldKeywords() {
// Words that will be put in bold:
var keywords = ["end", "proc", "fun"];
var document = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = document.getBody();
var Style = {};
Style[DocumentApp.Attribute.BOLD] = true;
for (j in keywords) {
var found = body.findText(keywords[j]);
while(found != null) {
var foundText = found.getElement().asText();
var start = found.getStartOffset();
var end = found.getEndOffsetInclusive();
foundText.setAttributes(start, end, Style)
found = body.findText(keywords[j], found);
But I would like the code to put the keywords in bold only in the selected area of the document, for doing that, I tried using the function getSelection(), but I have the problem that this function returns a Range, but for applying findText I need a Body, somebody knows what could I do?
Modified Script
function boldKeywordsInSelection() {
const keywords = ["end", "proc", "fun"];
const document = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
const selection = document.getSelection();
// get a list of all the different range elements
const rangeElements = selection.getRangeElements();
const Style = {};
Style[DocumentApp.Attribute.BOLD] = true;
// forEach used here because for in was giving me trouble...
rangeElements.forEach(rangeElement => {
// Each range element has a corresponding element (e.g. paragraph)
const parentElement = rangeElement.getElement();
// fixing the limits of the bold operations depending on the selection
const startLimit = rangeElement.getStartOffset();
const endLimit = rangeElement.getEndOffsetInclusive();
for (j in keywords) {
let found = parentElement.findText(keywords[j]);
// wrapping in try catch to escape the for loop from within the while loop
try {
while (found != null) {
const foundText = found.getElement().asText();
const start = found.getStartOffset();
// Checking if the start of the word is after the start of the selection
if (start < startLimit) {
// If so, then skip to next word
found = parentElement.findText(keywords[j], found);
// Checking if the start of the word is after the end of the selection
// if so, go to next element
if (start > endLimit) throw "out of selection";
const end = found.getEndOffsetInclusive();
foundText.setAttributes(start, end, Style)
found = parentElement.findText(keywords[j], found);
} catch (e) {
See the comments in the code for more details.
A getSelection produces a Range object, which contains within it various instances of RangeElement. Each RangeElement makes reference to a parent element, and the index positions within that parent. The parent is the element that the range element is a part of. For example:
This selection spans 3 elements. Therefore the selection has 3 range elements. You can only use the findText method on the whole element, not the range element.
This means that the flow of the script is generally the same, except that you need to go through each element and find the text within each element. Since this will return elements that are outside the selection, you need to keep track of the index positions of the selection and the found element and make sure the found element is within the selection.

