Javascript: how to remove second level array by top level index? - javascript

I have a nested array in javascript. The top level has a numerical index, the second level arrays contains various data. I want to be able to remove an element from the array using the top level index.
var my_array = [];
my_array[12] = ['cheese', 'egg', 'ham'];
my_array[24] = ['balloon', 'frog'];
my_array[33] = ['chicken', 'goose'];
How do I delete my_array[24]? I have tried using splice with $.inArray but inArray returned the index as -1. I don't want to use indexOf because of it's browser limitations - also I think it will give me the same problem as inArray.

my_array.splice(24, 1); will remove the item at index = 24.

Create a function:
function deleteByIndex(arr, index) {
var new_arr = [];
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] && i!=index) {
new_arr[i] = arr[i];
return new_arr;
call it like var new_array = deleteByIndex(my_array, 24);

If want to remove frog from main array index 24 by it's known index of 1
If want to search for frog anywhere and remove parent.
var term='frog';
return $.inArray( term, element) !=-1;


How to work with multidimensional array when the number of dimension is variable?

Hello stackoverflow members.
I come with the following problem:
To start we have
var myArray = [[array1],[array2],[array3],[arrayN],...];
where each array is filled with a known number of strings such as
var array1 = ["a","b"], array2 = ["1","2"], array3=["&","é"];....
and so on.
I'm looking for a method to get this result:
expected result ===> a1&;a1é;a2&;a2é;b1&;b1é;b2&;b2é; ....
If the number of dimension were fixed I could use for loops to iterate and build the result, BUT here the problem is that I want to be able to enter N arrays in the main array myArray and by doing so, I change the depth of the nested loops.
If not do you have some ideas to put me on the track of the solution to this?
EDIT by the way this is what i experimented:
for (i=0; i<myArray[0].length; i++){
for (var j =0; j<myArray[1].length; i++){
for(var k = 0; k<myArray[2].length; k++{
BTW i can't find a way to describe a function which would nest N for loops where N is myArray.length + 1 (the number of arrays in myArray).
EDIT: i found an iterative way of doing it and wanted to share the solution:JSFiddle
To get a flat list of all cells, something like the following recursive function should work (if you have a non-empty array of arrays, and all array items are strings):
function makeFlatList(inputArray) {
if (inputArray.length == 1) { // if this array has only one array inside
return inputArray[0]; // return the array inside
} else {
var outArr = [];
var arrayShifted = inputArray.slice(1); // remove first subarray from inputarray
var arrayShiftedFlat = makeFlatList(arrayShifted); // recursive call
for (var i=0; i<inputArray[0].length ; i++) { // loop over first array
for (var j=0; j<arrayShiftedFlat.length; j++) {
outArr.push(inputArray[0][i]+arrayShiftedFlat[j]); // add items to outArr
return outArr;
Working JSBin here

Retrieve Index Number of Unique Elements

for (let i = 0; i < arrayItemsLen; i++) {
let uniqueItems = arrayItems.filter(function(item, i, arrayItems) {
return i == arrayItems.indexOf(item);
This method retrieves unique items in the arrayItems to uniqueItems array. What I want to do is also get the index numbers of each unique element and assign it to another temp array. I can't find a way to achieve that.
E.g.: arrayItems.indexOf(item) gives the index of each unique element, but then, how do I get that index to the tempArray[i], I guess I need a for loop but I really don't know where to put it.
I would use something like
var uniqueIndices = [],
uniqueValues = [];
for(var i=0; i<array.length; ++i) {
if(uniqueValues.indexOf(array[i]) >= 0) continue;
Basically, it iterates array checking if the current value is already in uniqueValues. If it's there, it does nothing and continues to the next iteration. Otherwise, it adds the value to uniqueValues and the key to uniqueIndices.
Using i == array.indexOf(array[i]) like in your question would also work, but it may be slower because array will be bigger than uniqueValues.

How to insert multiple items to an array at specific indexes inside a multi-dimensional array?

I have an array of arrays.
var arr = [[1,2,3,4,5],[2,3,4,5,6],[3,4,5,6,7],[4,5,6,7,8],[5,6,7,8,9], [6,7,8,9,10], [7,8,9,10,11]];
I want to add a new item in front of and back of multiple items at specific indexes.
What I want to achieve is:
var new_arr = [["x",1,"x",2,3,4,5], [2,3,4,5,"x",6,"x"], [3,4,5,"x",6,"x",7], [4,5,"x",6,"x",7,8], [5,"x",6,"x",7,8,9], ["x",6,"x",7,8,9,10], [7,8,9,10,11]];
The issue is, when I use splice to insert a new item inside the iterated arrays, indexes does change. Because splice is a destructive function.
Here is what I tried:
var result = [];
_.each(arr, function(item, index) {
index_a = item.indexOf(1);
index_b = item.indexOf(6);
var temp_item = item.slice(0);
if(~index_a || ~index_b) {
temp_item.splice(index, 0, "x");
temp_item.splice(index + 2, 0, "x");
if(index_b > -1) {
temp_item.splice(index, 0, "x");
During the iteration above, the first splice works just fine. But the second "x" is not placed properly. I think the reason is first splices' effect on the temp_item array. Because number of items in the array is changing.
So how can I achieve what I want? Thank you.
Can you just add the second one first? That won't change the index of the first.
I think this does what you want. Splicing the higher index first maintains lower index posiitoning
function padArr(val, arr){
var idx = subArr.indexOf(val);
if( idx >-1){
subArr.splice(idx+1,0,'x' );
return arr;
// usage
arr = padArr(1, arr);
arr = padArr(6, arr);
I changed a few things, but its working. Oriol is correct the indexOfs you had would always be -1.
In my solution I map over the matrix and evaluate if each row contains 1 or 6, if it does cache the element by index and splice the index with "x",elm"x"
var matrix = [
function wrapElementWithX(arr, index) {
// cache the element
var elm = arr[index];
// splice with the "x", element, "x"
arr.splice(index, 1, 'x', elm, 'x');
} (row) {
var indexOf1 = row.indexOf(1);
var indexOf6 = row.indexOf(6);
// if the row has `1`
// wrap
if (~indexOf1) {
wrapElementWithX(row, indexOf1);
// if the row has `6`
// wrap
if (~indexOf6) {
wrapElementWithX(row, indexOf6);
return row;
also go a jsfiddle example

How do I sort one array by the corresponding values in another array?

I have two arrays. The first is for strings and the second is an array for their number of occurrences.
I am trying to get the top 10 most occurrences of words in the first array. I sorted it but somehow I only sort it alphabetically and the second array respectively corresponds to their number of occurrences.
How can I sort the second array from biggest to lowest and, at the same time, sort the first array that match the order of the second?
I'm having trouble inserting my json to my highcharts and I found out why, the numbers should be in square brackets [] I tried already inserting [] in 1 but still does not work please see my post I edit it
this is the data that i should insert in the highchart
Try using a custom compare function with your .sort() call! Check out the documentation here.
I would, in this example (probably not the best way):
Have the unsorted "count" array
Have the unsorted word array
Sort the word array (with a custom function described below)
Sort the count array (no custom function)
The custom compare function would probably be a simple lookup and return the corresponding value in the unsorted count array. (i.e. if the word "a" is 0th index and its relevant count amount is in the 0th index of the count array, return count[0])
If you cannot work with an object try using nested for loops:
var array1 = ['z', 'd', 'e', 'f', 't'], arr1Count = array1.length;
var array2 = [1, 12, 5, 7, 3];
var sortedArray2 = array2.sort(function(x, y) {return y - x});
var i, j, sortedArray1 = [];
for (i = 0; i < arr1Count; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < arr1Count; j++) {
if (array2[j] === sortedArray2[i]) sortedArray1.push(array1[j]); //iterate through the unsorted numeric array (array2) and when it matches the sortedArray2, push this index of array1 into the sortedArray1
This will create an array of objects that are then sorted by count.
var hashtags = {},
counts = [];
for (var i in data)
if(data[i].lang == "en")
for (var j in data[i].entities.hashtags)
var text = data[i].entities.hashtags[j].text;
if(text) {
if(hashtags[text]) {
} else {
hashtags[text] = {
name: text,
data: [1]
counts.sort(function(a, b) { return[0] -[0]; });
Simple - don't use 2 arrays but one collection which every element is an object
I took the basics from this post: Sorting JavaScript Object by property value
and completed the demo:
var collection = {car:300, bike:60, motorbike:200, airplane:1000, helicopter:400, rocket:8*60*60}
var sortable = [];
for (var item in collection)
sortable.push([item, collection[item]])
sortable.sort(function(a, b) {return a[1] - b[1]})
collection = {};
for (var i in sortable)
collection[sortable[i][0]] = sortable[i][1];

Loop to remove an element in array with multiple occurrences

I want to remove an element in an array with multiple occurrences with a function.
var array=["hello","hello","world",1,"world"];
function removeItem(item){
for(i in array){
if(array[i]==item) array.splice(i,1);
//Return hello,hello,1
//Return hello,world,1,world
This loop doesn't remove the element when it repeats twice in sequence, only removes one of them.
You have a built in function called filter that filters an array based on a predicate (a condition).
It doesn't alter the original array but returns a new filtered one.
var array=["hello","hello","world",1,"world"];
var filtered = array.filter(function(element) {
return element !== "hello";
}); // filtered contains no occurrences of hello
You can extract it to a function:
function without(array, what){
return array.filter(function(element){
return element !== what;
However, the original filter seems expressive enough.
Here is a link to its documentation
Your original function has a few issues:
It iterates the array using a for... in loop which has no guarantee on the iteration order. Also, don't use it to iterate through arrays - prefer a normal for... loop or a .forEach
You're iterating an array with an off-by-one error so you're skipping on the next item since you're both removing the element and progressing the array.
That is because the for-loop goes to the next item after the occurrence is deleted, thereby skipping the item directly after that one.
For example, lets assume item1 needs to be deleted in this array (note that <- is the index of the loop):
item1 (<-), item2, item3
after deleting:
item2 (<-), item3
and after index is updated (as the loop was finished)
item2, item3 (<-)
So you can see item2 is skipped and thus not checked!
Therefore you'd need to compensate for this by manually reducing the index by 1, as shown here:
function removeItem(item){
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
if(array[i]==item) {
i--; // Prevent skipping an item
Instead of using this for-loop, you can use more 'modern' methods to filter out unwanted items as shown in the other answer by Benjamin.
None of these answers are very optimal. The accepted answer with the filter will result in a new instance of an array. The answer with the second most votes, the for loop that takes a step back on every splice, is unnecessarily complex.
If you want to do the for loop loop approach, just count backward down to 0.
for (var i = array.length - 0; i >= 0; i--) {
if (array[i] === item) {
array.splice(i, 1);
However, I've used a surprisingly fast method with a while loop and indexOf:
var itemIndex = 0;
while ((itemIndex = valuesArray.indexOf(findItem, itemIndex)) > -1) {
valuesArray.splice(itemIndex, 1);
What makes this method not repetitive is that after the any removal, the next search will start at the index of the next element after the removed item. That's because you can pass a starting index into indexOf as the second parameter.
In a jsPerf test case comparing the two above methods and the accepted filter method, the indexOf routinely finished first on Firefox and Chrome, and was second on IE. The filter method was always slower by a wide margin.
Conclusion: Either reverse for loop are a while with indexOf are currently the best methods I can find to remove multiple instances of the same element from an array. Using filter creates a new array and is slower so I would avoid that.
You can use loadash or underscore js in this case
if arr is an array you can remove duplicates by:
var arr = [2,3,4,4,5,5];
arr = _.uniq(arr);
Try to run your code "manually" -
The "hello" are following each other. you remove the first, your array shrinks in one item, and now the index you have follow the next item.
removing "hello""
Start Loop. i=0, array=["hello","hello","world",1,"world"] i is pointing to "hello"
remove first item, i=0 array=["hello","world",1,"world"]
next loop, i=1, array=["hello","world",1,"world"]. second "hello" will not be removed.
Lets look at "world" =
i=2, is pointing to "world" (remove). on next loop the array is:
["hello","hello",1,"world"] and i=3. here went the second "world".
what do you wish to happen? do you want to remove all instances of the item? or only the first one? for first case, the remove should be in
while (array[i] == item) array.splice(i,1);
for second case - return as soon as you had removed item.
Create a set given an array, the original array is unmodified
Demo on Fiddle
var array=["hello","hello","world",1,"world"];
function removeDups(items) {
var i,
setObj = {},
setArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) {
if (!setObj.hasOwnProperty(items[i])) {
setObj[items[i]] = true;
return setArray;
console.log(removeDups(array)); // ["hello", "world", 1]
I must say that my approach does not make use of splice feature and you need another array for this solution as well.
First of all, I guess your way of looping an array is not the right. You are using for in loops which are for objects, not arrays. You'd better use $.each in case you are using jQuery or Array.prototype.forEach if you are using vanila Javascript.
Second, why not creating a new empty array, looping through it and adding only the unique elements to the new array, like this:
var newArray = [];
$.each(array, function(i, element) {
if ($.inArray(element, newArray) === -1) {
SECOND APPROACH (Vanila Javascript):
var newArray = [];
array.forEach(function(i, element) {
if (newArray.indexOf(element) === -1) {
I needed a slight variation of this, the ability to remove 'n' occurrences of an item from an array, so I modified #Veger's answer as:
function removeArrayItemNTimes(arr,toRemove,times){
times = times || 10;
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if(arr[i]==toRemove) {
i--; // Prevent skipping an item
if (times<=0) break;
return arr;
An alternate approach would be to sort the array and then playing around with the indexes of the values.
function(arr) {
var sortedArray = arr.sort();
//In case of numbers, you can use arr.sort(function(a,b) {return a - b;})
for (var i = 0; sortedArray.length; i++) {
if (sortedArray.indexOf(sortedArray[i]) === sortedArray.lastIndexOf(sortedArray[i]))
sortedArray.splice(sortedArray.indexOf(sortedArray[i]), (sortedArray.lastIndexOf(sortedArray[i]) - sortedArray.indexOf(sortedArray[i])));
You can use the following piece of code to remove multiple occurrences of value val in array arr.
arr.splice(arr.indexOf(val), 1);
I thinks this code much simpler to understand and no need to pass manually each element that what we want to remove
ES6 syntax makes our life so simpler, try it out
const removeOccurences = (array)=>{
const newArray= array.filter((e, i ,ar) => !(array.filter((e, i ,ar)=> i !== ar.indexOf(e)).includes(e)))
console.log(newArray) // output [1]

