Highcharts not displaying daily data for column chart - javascript

So I have a stacked column chart, type of datetime, with minTickInterval of one day. In some cases for my data, my chart displays fine, with each stack in its own day, but for other cases, the column seem to overlap and instead Highchart does a "week of ...". I have no idea what could be wrong in the config. Here is the fiddle
I already tried this with no luck
dataGrouping: {
enabled: false

First thing I notice is that your data is not for the same timestamp. This means that the data will not stack as their x-values are different. If you want all data to for a given date to be stacked then you have to give them the same date (and time). The dataGrouping only applies to HighStock. Your toolTip text can be formatted.

The cahrt is displayed correctl,y becasue you have stacked for the same x value, for for different, points are neighbours.

For each series data, I had to use
pointRange: 86400000 // equal to one day
The first answer here solved it.
Highcharts columnchart: How to seperate overlapping columns


Display Categories on x-axis for Highcharts spline with x and y data

My data needs to have an x and a y value, because I want to show the x value when the user hovers over the chart.
I only want to show a limited amount of labels on the x-axis though, which is why I am using categories. I keep getting Highcharts error #19 though, because the chart apparently tries to use the x-values provided in the data array.
I've played around with using type: 'datetime', since I am working with timestamps but I can't position the labels properly in this case and want to use categories instead.
I've created a jsfiddle to explain my problem: http://jsfiddle.net/kf6wrj37/
Instead of just the first and last x-value being display, I want my categories array
categories: [
to be displayed as labels on the x-axis.
How should I go about this? Is it even possible to use categories when my chart's data has x and y values?

Highstocks - Use tickmarkPlacement "between" on datetime Axis (no categories)

Is there any workaround to have tickMarkPlacement set as "between" on a datetime Axis? I am aware is not supported by the API but I was hoping to find some sort of hack/plugin.
You can fudge it with the x axis label's x property.
[[update after comments:
if you mean that you want the data points to also line up 'between', then there isn't a good easy way.
My approach would be
1) make sure there is only one data point per axis tick, ideally
2) adjust the x value of the data point to push it to the right in a way that corresponds with the label offset
3) adjust tooltip formatters to correct the date for display
or, 4) just go with categories
However, if you can explain why you want to do this, what effect you're going for, perhaps there's more that can be done.
{{further updates:
After playing around a little more, I found another way to fudge the data point placement, though I am unclear whether you need that.
Example here:
It uses the pointPlacement property.
The catch is that the pointPlacement property doesn't work if there is not a columns series present with as many data points as the line series, it seems.
So this method adds and hidden dummy column series in order to make the pointPlacement property affect the line series.
Not elegant, but it beats having to adjust the data values and then re-adjust them in the formatter.

Highcharts xAxis text matching series name

I'm facing an issue with my Highcharts-powered component.
Considering the basic column chart JSFiddle example: http://www.highcharts.com/demo/column-basic
My goal is to get the series name (Tokyo, New York, etc...) instead of Jan, Feb, Mar... on the x Axis.
Of course, I also need the columns to be grouped according to the series name. So, in this case, it would be 4 group of columns.
How can I do this ? Should I modify the categories block ?
Thanks a lot
I've found the solution and updated the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/j658R/1/
But now, I need another bahvior. How can I specify more than one value for each serie ? For example, for "s1", how can I put 4 values for this series and so get 4 bars above the "s1" label on the X axis ?
By separating each data point into a separate series, Highcharts will automatically group the data.
So the first data point of each series will be set to the first category. The second data point of series to the second category, etc.
All you need to do is set this up as a single series:

Highchart - Plot missing DateTime values on xAxis

I am currently plotting points by DateTime and Value using HighCharts. The points are per minute. Currently, it's drawing a connecting line between the points as can be seen below.
What I'd prefer is to be able to plot a point for each minute inbetween (if there is no value), is this possible with HighCharts? Or would I have to loop through each minute and add it to the data series with a null value?
you can also create an array with every minute in it and then merge that with the values you have ...
or you use the method, that you suggested. I found using an "empty" array easier.

Stacked Bar And Scatter Alignment

I have a chart here: http://jsfiddle.net/wergeld/bx82z/
What I need is for the stacked bars and the scatter points to line up on each other based on the data X-element (county name in this case).
Getting the bars to stack was simple. But as you can see in the example the scatter points show up in the middle of the chart - not on the same x-value as the others.
I suppose I could create a category list (using the county names) but there may be cases where I do not have all 3 data elements for all counties - how to handle that scenario?
I did great the category axis and it is still doing the same thing: http://jsfiddle.net/wergeld/YckwW/
You were not defining the series correctly to achieve what you were wanting. See updated jsfiddle for what I think you are looking for.
In the cases where you are missing a piece of data for one of the countries you could always use null, which simply means there is nothing to display for that data point. See Missing Data Sample for an example. It is case sensitive so make sure that null is all lower case.

