jQuery - auto input focus when scroll hit certain element - javascript

I am using jQuery plugin called Waypoints
to work with scroll action.
What I want to achieve is setting focus on the first input element of a section that is in the viewport and move the focus to the input of next respective sections when scrolled down. And, when scroll back to the first section up above, it should set the focus back to the input of the first section.
The following is what I have on my actual working setup that is using the aforementioned plugin.
Unfortunately, I can't really get the plugin up and running in my JS Fiddle.
This code block works in terms of setting focus on page load and changing focus to the targeted input when scrolled down
but scrolling back to the top section does not set the focus back.
(function($) {
var firstInput = $('section').find('input[type=text]').filter(':visible:first');
if (firstInput != null) {
$('section').waypoint(function () {
var getFocus = $(this).find('input[type=text]').filter(':visible:first');
$('section').waypoint(function () {
var getFocus = $(this).find('input[type=text]').filter(':visible:first');
}, {
offset: function () {
return -$(this).height();
Here is my JS Fiddle
that doesn't have the plugin part.
As long as somebody can explain how they should be done in normal jQuery
if not familiar with this plugin.

jQuery Waypoints is very straightforward to use. I haven't tried with your code but I got it done with this:
$('section').waypoint(function() {
Please see this fiddle.
However, using mousewheel on scrolling down, the scroll sometimes jumps back at the mid part. It might be how the browser reacts on input focus. I haven't gone through the whole documentation but there is no example for input focus.
If you're only looking to do just this simple task I suggest you drop the plugin. I can show you how to get this done with jQuery.
You can handle the scrolling with jQuery's scroll() function. You need to get the scrollTop() on scrolling event then compare it with the <input>'s top offset().
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
var offset = $(this).offset();
if(st >= offset.top -20 && st < offset.top + $(this).height()){
Here is the fiddle.


fullpage.js: disable page scroll when scrolled with the mouse pointer inside a container

What's happening: Scrolling works no matter which position i have the mouse while i scroll.
What i want to achieve: When the user scrolls with the mouse pointer positioned inside a particular container, I would like to disable the plugin from changing pages. When the user scrolls with the mouse pointer outside that same container, the normal functionality of the plugin should be restored; i.e. the pages should be scrollable again.
What have i tried: I listened for the scroll event on the document and found out whether the mouse is inside the container while executing the scroll and store the possibilities as a boolean.
$(document).bind("mousewheel", function(event) {
// preventScroll = true;
if($(event.target).closest(".no-scroll").length) {
preventScroll = true;
else {
preventScroll = false;
Then onLeave i try to find out the value of preventScroll and try to stop event propagation (since in want to stop an actual event) by returning false
setTimeout(function() {
if(preventScroll) {
return false;
}, 10);
I an using setTimeout to capture the desired value of preventScroll although I guess the plugin executes a scroll within that 10 ms and that's why return false doesn't seem to have an effect. I can't seem to figure out how else to proceed to achieve the desired functionality.
Codepen: https://codepen.io/binarytrance/pen/YxBqPj
In this implementation, the container i want to disable scroll is in the second page/section. Please be aware of the values spit out in the console.
Use the fullpage.js option normalScrollElements. Check the fullpage.js docs for more info:
normalScrollElements: (default null) If you want to avoid the auto scroll when scrolling over some elements, this is the option you need to use. (useful for maps, scrolling divs etc.) It requires a string with the jQuery selectors for those elements. (For example: normalScrollElements: '#element1, .element2'). This option should not be applied to any section/slide element itself.

scrollTop returns 0 for all document elements in javascript but scroll event fires on body tag

I made an event handler for the scroll event on the body tag which fires correctly. However when I try to find the position of the scollbar using scrollTop(), I was unable to do so. To figure out which element was being scrolled I logged the scrollTop() of all the DOM elements but surprisingly all were 0.
$('body').scroll(function () {
var all = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i=0, max=all.length; i < max; i++) {
console.log('scrolltop', all[i].scrollTop);
All I want to know is the position of the scrollbar and whether the scrollbar has reached the end or not. I have tried $(document).scroll() and $(window).scroll, but none of them fires. The event only works on the body tag.
Using the window object is usually the most reliable for tracking scrolling.
ScrollTop also only really tracks how much the window has been scrolled and although commonly confused for doing so, it does not track how far an element is from the top of the page. For that you need to use offset.
As such I have simply changed your code to run on the window scroll and also changed your logic to use jQuerys each function which will make things simpler.:
$(window).scroll(function () {
$('*').each(function (){
'Element Text:', $(this).text(),
' | From Top', $(this).offset().top
With the above JS you will see in your console the following output:
Element Text: hello87 | From Top 1556

Remove and Add scroll event handler using jQuery .off or .unbind

I am writing my own image Lazy Loading function that when a div is scrolled to its bottom we load some new images, the height of the container div (#ScrollDiv in this case) is increased and when we scroll to the bottom again we make the same call. This is fine although I pass a 'pagination ID' with each request for more images (this is called appName.featureName.PaginationConstant and in a parent scope) and I want to remove or freeze the scroll event so we don't make other requests or increment the pagination ID. For example:
appName.featureName.lazyLoader = function() {
var currentScroll = $(this).scrollTop(),
divHeight = $(this)[0].scrollHeight,
actualHeight = $(this).height() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-bottom'))
// have we hit the bottom of the Scroll Div?
if((divHeight - actualHeight) <= currentScroll ) {
// yes we have, remove the scroll, see I name this function below
$('#ScrollDiv').off('scroll', appName.featureName.lazyLoader);
// Now get more photos, in the function below I shall re-bind the scroll functionality
// this is the lazyload funtion
appName.featureName.lazyLoad = function () {
$('#ScrollDiv').on('scroll', appName.featureName.lazyLoader);
Everything works great apart from the unbinding! I am still able to fire the scroll event handler despite the fact I have tried to remove it once my condition is met with $('#ScrollDiv').off('scroll', appName.featureName.lazyLoader);
What am I doing wrong?
Have you ever tried like this?
$('#ScrollDiv').on('scroll','#ScrollDiv', appName.featureName.lazyLoader);
$('#ScrollDiv').off('scroll','#ScrollDiv', appName.featureName.lazyLoader);
or you can use the method bind too
$('#ScrollDiv').bind('scroll', appName.featureName.lazyLoader);
$('#ScrollDiv').unbind('scroll', appName.featureName.lazyLoader);
jQuery's .off() function doesn't work that way. If you wanna add and remove only your own scroll handler and leave other 3rd party scroll handlers alone, you want to use
$("#scrollDiv").on("scroll.appName", appName.featureName.lazyLoader);
and to remove all of your own handlers:
or, to only remove your own scroll handler, but leave a click handler alone:
See the documentation at http://api.jquery.com/off/ for more information.

Remove/avoid adding target link to URL

This one may be simple for the jQuery/JavaScript gurus here, but I just can't find a solution for it around the web.
I have a link at the bottom of a page that says Back to Top, the link is simply a target link like this:
Back to Top
So when you click it, it jumps to the top of page. Simple.
When the target link is clicked, the id #top is added to the URL of the page, ie:
Is there a way to remove or avoid getting that id #top added to the URL of the page but retain the functionality of the page jumping to the top?
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
In either case (jQuery or vanilla JavaScript), you'll want to do the following:
Select all anchor tags where href is set to #top
Create a "jump" function which sets the page position to the top and returns false to prevent the default link behavior
Bind the "jump" function to the click event of all of the nodes found
To jump you have several options. I've provided them (jQuery and JS specific) in the first example below.
Using jQuery
jQuery makes selecting and binding to a click event easy. Then you can jump to the top of the page using jQuery or straight JavaScript.
$('a[href="#top"]').click(function() {
// To jump, pick one...
// Vanilla JS Jump
// Another Vanilla JS Jump
// jQuery Jump
// Fancy jQuery Animated Scrolling
$('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow');
// ...then prevent the default behavior by returning false.
return false;
jQuery's animate provides options for animation duration and easing along with the ability to set a callback.
Vanilla JavaScript
You can also use Vanilla JS the whole way through... Querying and binding, however, become a bit more painful.
Modern browsers support document.querySelectorAll() which will allow you to grab all of the link elements just as you would with jQuery:
var links = document.querySelectorAll('a[href="#top"]');
Then loop over the elements and bind the "jump":
for (var i = links.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
links[i].onclick = function() { window.scroll(); return false; };
If your target browser doesn't gift you with querySelectorAll you just loop through all of the anchor tags to find the ones linked to #top:
var links = document.body.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = links.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var l = links[i];
if(l.getAttribute('href') === '#top') {
l.onclick = function() { window.scroll(); return false; }
return false;
You need to stop the tag a's default event to trigger.
When handling anchor click events, always use e.preventDefault(); On Click of Anchor element. When you don't need anchor element.
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow');
This will work
$('a.standard').click(function() {
scrollTop: 0

need an event triggered if the page has scrolled 200px down (jQuery)

I want to show and hide a piece of code if i scroll and the page is for example half way, i have tried to use window scroll but this doesnt works(no errors, clean code, different browsers, different jQuery versions), but this doesn't trigger anything, so i am looking for a better way to show and hide a div if i scrolldown.
used this to trigger an event(not working)
Try using the window.onload function (that's how they use it in jQuery examples):
window.onload = (function(){
$(window).scroll(function () {
if( $(window).scrollTop() > 200 ) {
// Display something

