Hide the input field div class using javascript - javascript

I have a payment form,in which when I click on the internet banking ,all the input field be disabled and instead show some images. this is the fiddle upto which i have done http://jsfiddle.net/f8Fd3/4/ No where I cant hide the input text field using their class id.
this is the js
function cc()
$('#cards.credit-card').removeClass("visa mastercard").addClass("visa");
function dc()
$('#cards.credit-card').removeClass("visa mastercard").addClass("mastercard");
function ib()
please check the fiddle to get a clear picture

It is because, by default, when 'button' tag inside a 'form' is clicked, 'form' will be submitted.
It's not redirecting for the other two because there's a HTML5 form validation that prevents the form from being submitted. (that's why you will see an error message when you click Visa/Mastercard)
if you insist on binding events in the dom...you can pass an event object to the handler:
<button onclick="javascript:ib(event)" class="btn btn-1 btn-1c">Internet Banking</button>
and in your function:
function ib(event) {
you may wanna do the same to the other two handlers as well.
so the default submit action will be prevented.
and to disable all the text fields:
$('#cards input[type=text]').prop('disabled', true);
to hide them:
$('#cards input[type=text]').hide();
by the way. you don't have to use selectors like $('#cards.credit-card'), 'id' should be unique in the DOM, just by using $('#cards') you will get the same element.

The syntax class="class=tokenex_data full gr-input" is incorrect.
Instead use, class="tokenex_data full gr-input"
Then use :
`function ib()

You want to select all input & select elements and set their property disabled to true:
$('#cards input, #cards select').prop('disabled', true);


Sending a html form with hidden elements

Today I came across a weird behaviour. I have made an html form using Bootstrap for users to subscribe. You can subscribe multiple users at once, but to see the second and the third user's input fields, you have to toggle a select button first (https://prnt.sc/t96lxt). The issue is that I can not send the form for only 1 or 2 users, because some fields of the hidden parts are set to be required.
So, my question is, how can a send a form with hidden parts that contain required fields?
My form is to be found at http://debosvrienden.alfapre.be/nl/inschrijving
Maybe you can try something like this using javascript
const checkBox = document.querySelector("YOUR_CHECKBOX");
checkBox.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
if (e.target.checked) {
document.querySelector(".hidden-input-field-1").setAttribute("required", true);
document.querySelector(".hidden-input-field-2").setAttribute("required", true);
} else {
document.querySelector(".hidden-input-field-1").setAttribute("required", false);
document.querySelector(".hidden-input-field-2").setAttribute("required", false);
Obviously, you would have to use your own selectors.
Here, you are just getting a reference to your checkbox, and once it changes, you are changing the required attribute of the inputs.

HTML "required" attribute for multiple button with multiple text field on same form

I have HTML form which has multiple button and multiple text fields on same form some thing like below.
Form: #myform
TextField1 ---> Button1
TextField2 ---> Button2
.. so on like more number of fields
I want to apply "required" attribute only specific button to specific textfield (Button1 for TextField1 )
It will be grateful if someone provide solution in javascript by passing some parameter to perform this validation
According to mozilla "required" is not included. So "required" is not allowed on element "button". You can add, but it will not add validation. For button and i would use validation with javascript.
I found solution to suit my requirement which I asked in automated fashion, I am posting the code so that might be useful if someone searching solution like me
Calling function on button click
<input type="text" id="txtfield1" class="texttype0" th:field="*{txtfield1}" placeholder="Enter txtfield1">
<button type="submit" id="bt1" onclick="btn('txtfield1')" name="action" >Update</button>
And below is my javascript function
function btn(txtid) {
document.getElementById(txtid).setAttribute("required", true);
function() {
var name = $(this).attr('id');
if (txtid == name) {
$(name).prop("required", true);
} else {
$(name).prop("required", false);
document.getElementById(name).required = false;
This will search all element from a form and remove require attribute except the one which you passed in parameter.

trouble resetting form through javascript or jquery

I have the below jQuery function which is called when ever I click a button on my page. This button is supposed to reset the form and reload a fresh page.
function Create(txt) {
if (txt="createUser") {
$('#myform').each(function() {
But for some reason, it does not go to this.reset() at all and I see all the form values in my action class. How should I solve this?
Below is how the button is defined.
<input type="button" value="Create" class="btn" onclick="Create('createUser');">
edit: Ok guys.. i know how input type="reset" works and i have another button in my page doing the same.. I have a create user form where i can search and see an existing user details or fill the form and create a new user. if i search for a user and then click on create to create another user, it sends a new request to the server and reloads the page.. but in the action class.. the bean has not been reset.. and i get all the values back on the page. hence ..i want to reset the form...without using the reset button...
I selected John's answer .. made a slight modification and below is the final function i used.
function Create(txt){
if (txt="createUser"){
var $form = $('#myform');
$form.find(':input').not(':button,:submit, :reset, :hidden').val('').removeAttr('checked').removeAttr('selected'); // Clear all inputs
Instead of java script, you can have html code,
<input type="reset" value="Reset">
As others have pointed out, you have = where you should have ==, but that means the if-statement is always true. It is not, however, the reason you "see all the form values in my action class".
I think the problem may be that you are misinterpreting what the reset() method does. It does not clear all the input values; instead, it resets them to their original values (i.e., the values in the "value" attributes).
You may want to clear them yourself, rather than use the reset() method.
function Create(txt) {
if (txt == 'createUser') {
var $form = $('#myform');
// Clear form values
$form.find('input:checkbox,input:radio)').prop('checked', false);
Note: The :input selector matches all input, textarea, select and button elements.
Note: It appears the OP does not want hidden inputs to be cleared, but does want checkboxes and radio buttons cleared.
You seem to be setting a variable here -
if (txt="createUser"){...
Change it to -
if (txt == "createUser") {..
That way you're doing a comparison, instead of setting a variable.
the button does not have type="reset" so either change it to reset or use
document.getElementById("myform").reset(); instead of
I would do like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#createUserButton").on("click", function() {
var form = $("#myForm")[0];
And your button becomes:
<input type="button" value="Create" class="btn" id="createUserButton">
I'd suggest you to place an id attribute as well in your input text, something like:
<input type="text" name="method" id="methodName" />
And then you could reference it by id which is faster than by name, like this:
Your code was wrong, in your if you should've used == or === instead of just = and your form should've just have called reset method. No need to iterate over an id using each, even because an ID have to be unique in an HTML page.
Here's a workin fiddle, just type something in the first input to see it happening.

Dynamically added a field in different forms using Jquery

I'd like to have a field that doesn't show at first, but if the user decided to input to it, then it will appear in the form.
I can use Jquery and do something like
.bind('click', function() {
.append('<input id="new_field" name="MODEL[new_field]" size="30" type="text">');
However, I'd like to add this field in several different forms for different models.
Since the model name is in the field, how would I write the Jquery script to be modular so I can use the same script for all my forms?
One solution is to make a function with the names you want as input parameters:
addInput(form, id, modelName) {
'<input id="'+id+'" name="'+modelName+'['+id+']" size="30" type="text">'
Where form would be the selector of the field ('#clickfield' in the example case), id would be the id of the new input field, and modelName would be the name of the model you mentioned.
Other solution, assuming 'input[example]' selects some button or clickable area that triggers the event of showing the field; and '#clickfield' is some div or span or some area where you will show your field, is to load these hidden fields from the server, styled as display:none, with a mnemonic class, so you could do something like define a function:
showField(clickable, class) {
and then:
showField('input[example1]', '.class1');
showField('input[example2]', '.class2');
showField('input[example3]', '.class3');
// .
// .
// .
// One line for every clickable area that triggers
// the event of showing a field, and the class of the
// field to show
this way you could add some user friendly features like fading the field in with the fadeIn() Jquery function (instead of show()), or any other animation on appearing.
Hope you could use it! good luck!

Internet Explorer won't trigger click function if display: none;

The problem is mostly summed up in the title.
I am using the custom radio/checkbox code from accessible_custom_designed_checkbox_radio_button_inputs_styled_css_jquery/
This is the jist of their code (I modified it to allow defining different style depending on the label's title)
var input = $(this);
// get the associated label using the input's id
var label = $('label[for='+input.attr('id')+']');
var labelTitle = label.attr('title');
// wrap the input + label in a div that has class "custom-radio-LabelTitle"
$('<div class="custom-radio-' + labelTitle + '"></div>').insertBefore(input).append(input, label);
// find all inputs in this set using the shared name attribute
var allInputs = $('input[name='+input.attr('name')+']');
//bind custom event, trigger it, bind click,focus,blur events
input.bind('updateState', function(){
if (input.is(':checked')) {
if (input.is(':radio')) {
else { label.removeClass('checked checkedHover checkedFocus'); }
From my understanding, their code basically finds all the radio inputs and then defines a special trigger called updateState. Then they trigger it inside the input's click function.
So every time the input radiobutton is clicked, updateState is trigger, which in turn sets a class for that radiobutton's label. The changing of the class changes the CSS of the label.
When the label is clicked, The input that the label is for is also clicked (JQuery's .click() function is ran).
What I did was set all my input radiobuttons to display:none. That way the user only clicks the label, and secretly they clicked a radio button.
The .click() function won't run for the input if the input is hidden.
I assume there are two ways pass this:
instead of have the radio's .click() function trigger the handlestate, have the label's .click() function handle it instead. This may not work right though, because then the radio button may not actually be clicked (which messes up my form)
when the label is clicked, trigger the radio's click function manually. However, this may cause it to be triggered twice in every browser but IE. I don't know how to reference the label's radio nor to stop it from triggering twice.
a) instead of have the radio's
.click() function trigger the
handlestate, have the label's .click()
function handle it instead. This may
not work right though, because then
the radio button may not actually be
clicked (which messes up my form)
This may work right, on you label's .click() trigger also force the radio button to be checked like this,
$('#radiobutton').attr('checked', 'checked');
I got what I wanted with:
$("label[title='Plan']").click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('for')
Then removed all the onClicks.

