Why is NaN === NaN false? [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
What is the rationale for all comparisons returning false for IEEE754 NaN values?
(12 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Why does NaN === NaN return false in Javascript?
> undefined === undefined
> NaN === NaN
> a = NaN
> a === a
On the documentation page I see this:
Testing against NaN
Equality operator (== and ===) cannot be used to test a value against NaN. Use isNaN instead.
Is there any reference that answers to the question? It would be welcome.

Strict answer: Because the JS spec says so:
If Type(x) is Number, then
If x is NaN, return false.
If y is NaN, return false.
Useful answer: The IEEE 754 spec for floating-point numbers (which is used by all languages for floating-point) says that NaNs are never equal.

This behaviour is specified by the IEEE-754 standard (which the JavaScript spec follows in this respect).
For an extended discussion, see What is the rationale for all comparisons returning false for IEEE754 NaN values?

Although either side of NaN===NaN contains the same value and their type is Number but they are not same. According to ECMA-262, either side of == or === contains NaN then it will result false value.
you may find a details rules in here-


In Javascript console.log( (NaN||9) ); // returns 9 , why is this so? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
JavaScript OR (||) variable assignment explanation
(12 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I've noticed when I have:
console.log(( NaN||9) ); // returns 9
Why is this so?
Why, when you evaluate - put parentheses around - NaN OR 9, it chooses the 9?
It works with 0, -3, "f". Can someone please tell me what is going on in the background to cause this outcome??
In JavaScript, NaN is a "falsy" value. The || operator evaluates to either its first argument (if that is "truthy") or else to the second argument (if the first argument is "falsy"). Hence NaN || 9 evaluates to 9.
From the docs for logical operators:
Logical operators are typically used with Boolean (logical) values. When they are, they return a Boolean value. However, the && and || operators actually return the value of one of the specified operands, so if these operators are used with non-Boolean values, they may return a non-Boolean value.
and for || specifically:
Returns expr1 if it can be converted to true; otherwise, returns expr2. Thus, when used with Boolean values, || returns true if either operand is true.
Short answer, because NaN is falsy.
Here's a list of falsy values in javascript.
The logical OR opertator || in javascript can be tricky, but once you know how it works its both straightforward and very handy. If it's left side is falsy, then it's result will be whatever it's right side is (in your case, the number 9).

Comparing NaN in javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I test for NaN? [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
In Javascript, if we multiply a string with number we get NaN:
console.log("manas" * 5); // result is NaN
Why then does the following code result in false instead of true?
console.log("manas" * 5 == NaN) // results false
Use the isNaN function instead.
console.log(isNaN("manas" * 5));
NaN, not a number, is a special type value used to denote an unrepresentable value. With JavaScript, NaN can cause some confusion, starting from its typeof and all to the way the comparison is handled.
Several operations can lead to NaN as the result.
Because there are many ways to represent a NaN, it makes sense that one NaN will not be equal to another NaN.
NaN is a special numeric value which is not equal to anything including itself. To properly test for NaN you need to use isNaN function.
From specification:
Returns true if the argument coerces to NaN, and otherwise returns false.
Here is also useful note from the same ECMAScript section:
A reliable way for ECMAScript code to test if a value X is a NaN is an expression of the form X !== X. The result will be true if and only if X is a NaN.
NaN compares unequal (via ==, !=, ===, and !==) to any other value -- including to another NaN value. Use Number.isNaN() or isNaN() to most clearly determine whether a value is NaN. Or perform a self-comparison: NaN, and only NaN, will compare unequal to itself.
Testing against NaN
In Javascript,
NaN == NaN //always results false.
(self comparison of NaN to itself is always false in javascript)
also see Is NaN equal to NaN?
Javascript is not that smart - when either side of the == operator is Nan, the whole thing evaluates as false (similar to how if leftside of || is false, it doesn't bother looking at right side)
So, even Nan == Nan will return false.
Here's a good article on Nan behaviour

Why NaN is greater than any number in JavaScript? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the rationale for all comparisons returning false for IEEE754 NaN values?
(12 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Here is an example:
parseInt(50) > parseInt('a');
When executing this on a console, it will return false. My original code looks somewhat like this:
variableB = parseInt(jQuery('some-element').html());
if(parseInt(variableA) > variableB)
// do something
// do something else
Sometimes the some-element will not be filled and thus return NaN. When this happens, I do want the else block to be executed. I am actually getting what I expect, but I just want to make sure that it indeed is intended to work this way.
In IEEE 754 arithmethic, the floating-point model used by JavaScript, NaN (or not-a-number) is, by definition, not less than, equal to, or greater than any other number.
Notice that this even applies to two NaNs: if x = NaN and y = NaN, the comparison x === y will return false.
Below I quote the portion of the IEEE 754 Standard (Section 5.11) where this behavior is specified:
Four mutually exclusive relations are possible: less than, equal,
greater than, and unordered. The last case arises when at least one
operand is NaN. Every NaN shall compare unordered with
everything, including itself.
All comparisons involving NaN will always return false.
NaN is neither less than nor greater than any number.

In JavaScript, why does isNaN(value) differ to value == NaN?

As it says in the question really, I tried value == NaN and it was false and then remembered that I should be using isNaN(value) to check for this.
Why the difference?
both NaN == NaN and NaN === NaN evaluate to false as from MDN
NaN is a special value which you can think of as for example Infinity. Infinity is not equal to another Infinity as it has NO DEFINED VALUE.
I can't put it any better than MDN do so...
Unlike all other possible values in JavaScript, it is not possible to rely on the equality operators (== and ===) to determine whether a value is NaN or not, because both NaN == NaN and NaN === NaN evaluate to false. Hence, the necessity of an isNaN function.

Comparing with NaN in Javascript

I have met this strange issue.
Why is so?! Should it be so?
From the MDN docs for isNaN:
Unlike all other possible values in JavaScript, it is not possible to
rely on the equality operators (== and ===) to determine whether a
value is NaN or not, because both NaN == NaN and NaN === NaN evaluate
to false. Hence, the necessity of an isNaN function.
use isNaN instead.
The reason behind this is that the rules of mathematics should be preserved. Otherwise, one would have x == x + 1 if x is NaN, which is not a true relationship for any other value of x.
that's why we use
it seems that x is a NaN object and it does not compare equal to another
NaN is like an SQL null. It is never equal to anything, including itself. That's why there's the special case function isNaN() to safely test for NaN's presence.

