JS variable.new What does it mean? - javascript

function controlPackage(action, row, txt, params)
if ( confirm(txt.confirm) )
id: params.pkg_id,
date: params.activate_date,
'action': action,
'new': params.new
var is_error = data.code == 400 ? 1 : 0;
pollClientTable(pollClientTableTimerPoll, false);
var msg = data.message;
for ( var i in data.errors )
msg += "<br/>\u2022 "+data.errors[i];
setMessage(msg, is_error);
pollClientTable(pollClientTableTimerPoll, true);
I have this function, that was developed before I took over the product, What i am unclear about is what params.new means.
The reason for asking this is because I am getting an Expected Identifier error in IE8 pointing to this line in the code.
params is a JSON ENCODE:
$params = $json->encode(array("pkg_id"=>$clientPackage->getId(), "activate_date"=>$clientPackage->getActivationDate()));
So what I'm asking is what does the params.new mean and why is it throwing this error.

params.new is just a property (an unfortunately named one at that) called new on the params object.
You should access it using params["new"] to avoid the error. The name new is problematic since it's the name of an operator in JavaScript.
If you have control over the name of the property, I would recommend changing it.

params seems to be a JSON object, which has different properties (eg. activate_date, action, new).


JavaScript missing parametar

I am coding a block type plugin for Moodle and have this JS code that gives me problems. Since I'm not very familiar with JS and JSON I can't deduce what is the problem.
My code uses this function to add custom action to action link which issues ajax call to php file ...
This is the code:
function block_helpdesk_sendemail(e) {
Y.log('Enetered method');
var sess = {'sesskey=':M.cfg.sesskey};
var ioconfig = {
method: 'GET',
data: {'sesskey=':M.cfg.sesskey},
on: {
success: function (o, response) {
var data;
try {
data = Y.JSON.parse(response.responseText);
Y.log("RAW JSON DATA: " + data);
} catch (e) {
alert("JSON Parse failed!");
Y.log("JSON Parse failed!");
if (data.result) {
alert('Result is OK!');
failure: function (o, response) {
alert('Not OK!');
Y.io(M.cfg.wwwroot + '/blocks/helpdesk/sendmail.php', ioconfig);
The code pauses in debugger at return line:
Y.namespace('JSON').parse = function (obj, reviver, space) {
return _JSON.parse((typeof obj === 'string' ? obj : obj + ''), reviver, space);
I've put M.cfg.sesskey and data variables on watch. I can see sesskey data shown, but data variable shows like this:
data: Object
debuginfo: "Error code: missingparam"
error: "A required parameter (sesskey) was missing"
reproductionlink: "http://localhost:8888/moodle/"
stacktrace: "* line 463 of /lib/setuplib.php: moodle_exception thrown
* line 545 of /lib/moodlelib.php: call to print_error()
* line 70 of /lib/sessionlib.php: call to required_param()
* line 7 of /blocks/helpdesk/sendmail.php: call to confirm_sesskey()"
And this is what my logs show:
Enetered method
Object {sesskey=: "J5iSJS7G99"}
RAW JSON DATA: [object Object]
As #Collett89 said, the JSON definition is wrong. His tip might work, but if you need strict JSON data then code the key as string (with quotes):
var sess = {'sesskey': M.cfg.sesskey};
var sess = {"sesskey": M.cfg.sesskey};
See definition in Wikipedia
your declaring sesskey in a bizarre way.
try replacing data: {'sesskey=':M.cfg.sesskey},
with data: {sesskey: M.cfg.sesskey},
it might be worth you reading through this
mdn link for javascript objects.
You usually need to JSON.stringify() the objects sent via ajax.
which may be part of the problem.

Backbone: Feed JSON in a variable instead of fetching through URL

We are trying to modify an existing script which uses backbone.js to fetch JSON from a URL and render it in a defined way on screen.
Earlier the script was pointing to an external PHP file to fetch the JSON from it.
url: function () {
var ajaxValue = document.getElementById('ajax').value;
return this.options.apiBase + '/liveEvents.json';
} else {
var eventDate = document.getElementById('timestamp').value;
return this.options.apiBase + '/ajax.php?eventDate='+eventDate;
But now we are trying to omit the requirement of PHP and get JSON purely using Javascript. For this, we created a JS function fetch_data_set(), that returns proper JSON
var ArrayMerge = array1.concat(array2,array3,array4);
return JSON.stringify(ArrayMerge);
So our question is, how can we feed this JSON to backbone instead of using an external URL. Because if we do this (which is obviously wrong):
url: function () {
var ajaxValue = document.getElementById('ajax').value;
var data_set = fetch_data_set();
return data_set;
It throws error: Error: A "url" property or function must be specified
The main key is to extend Backbone.sync instead of url() method, so you could use this way to fetch your models in any kind of model, and you could do something similar like this link:
Backbone.Model contains a sync() function able to load JSON data from an url. sync() uses the url() function to determine from where it should fetch data. (Note : sync() is called under-the-hood by save(), fetch() and destroy())
The trick here is that you should stop overriding url() and reimplement sync() directly instead, cf. http://backbonejs.org/#Model-sync
Here is an example :
// specialized version to be used with a store.js - like object
sync: function(method, model, options) {
console.log("sync_to_store begin('"+method+"',...) called with ", arguments);
var when_deferred = when.defer();
var id = this.url();
if(method === "read") {
if(typeof id === 'undefined')
throw new Error("can't fetch without id !");
var data = model.store_.get(id);
// apply fetched data
when_deferred.resolve( [model, undefined, options] );
else if(method === "create") {
// use Backbone id as server id
model.id = model.cid;
model.store_.set(id, model.attributes);
when_deferred.resolve( [model, undefined, options] );
else if(method === "update") {
if(typeof id === 'undefined')
throw new Error("can't update without id !");
model.store_.set(id, model.attributes);
when_deferred.resolve( [model, undefined, options] );
else if(method === "delete") {
if(typeof id === 'undefined')
throw new Error("can't delete without id !");
model.store_.set(id, undefined);
model.id = undefined;
when_deferred.resolve( [model, undefined, options] );
else {
// WAT ?
console.log("sync_to_store end - Current changes = ", model.changed_attributes());
return when_deferred.promise;
Note 1 : API is slightly different from vanilla Backbone since I return
a when promise
Note 2 : url() is still used, as an id

How to access an object literal property from another property?

This is probably incredibly simple and my Google-fu is just not strong enough. My apologies if it is a duplicate.
Consider the following object literal:
var config = {
url: 'http://google.com',
message: 'You must go to Google to search!'
I get an error saying that url is not defined. How do I access the url element from the message element?
I think you can wrap the config object, e.g.
var config = (function() {
var _url = 'http://google.com';
return {
url : _url,
message : 'You must go to Google to search!'
You may just do this
var config = {
url: 'http://google.com',
message: function () { return 'You must go to Google to search!' }
And call
to get the message.

Trouble with jQuery ajax

I am getting different errors in FF, Chrome and IE, but it all boils down there is an error with the data in $.ajax. Following is the code. Please go easy if I made a dumb mistake. I have spent hours researching this and can't figure it out. Any help appreciated.
Edited to include the error messages
FF Error message: NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS: Could not convert JavaScript argument
Chrome Error message:Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation
IE9 Error message: SCRIPT65535: Argument not optional
Here is the code
mc.mc_data.click_tracking = [];
var sequence = 0;
var send_it;
// the container click event will record even extraneous clicks. need to change it to extending the jquery on click handler
$('#container').on('click', function(event) {
function sendIt(){
var tracking = mc.mc_data.click_tracking;
var url = '/ajax/click_trackin';
console.log("clicks["+sequence+"] "+$.isArray(tracking));
$.each(tracking, function(i,v){
console.log(i + v.innerText + " - " + v.sequence);
send_it = window.setInterval(function(){
type: 'POST',
url: url,
data: {
success: function(response)
console.log(response+ ': no response');
tracking = mc.mc_data.click_tracks = [];
mc.mc_data.click_tracks = [];
error: function(a, b, c){
console.log(a+" - " + b+" - "+ c);
}, 5000);
function logClicks(e){
var temp_click = {
'workflow': 'dummy data',
'sequence': sequence,
'parent': e.target.parentElement,
'innerText': $(e.target).text()
For data, you are meant to pass an object which will later be converted into a query string. You are passing the variable tracking, which contains stuff like e.target.parentElement, which is a DOM Node, containing really a lot of further properties (like other DOM Nodes!). The error can originate from either having problems converting a DOM Node into a query string, or creating a way too long query string. It would not make much sense to send a DOM Node to the server anyways.
Only send what is necessary and can be reasonably converted to a query string.

passing multiple object to controller using ajax in ASP.NET MVC

I work on an ASP.NET MVC project.
I have to pass two parameters to an action in my controller. the first is a serializable object, and the second one is an integer.
First time I tried to pass only one parameter, the serializable object. There is no problem, but when I add the second parameter, the serializable object doesn't delivered (null value), but the integer parameter delivered successfully.
this is my action look like :
public bool MyAction(MySerializableObject myData, int intParameter)
and this is how I try to pass the parameters :
$('#submit-button').click(function () {
var formData = $("#MyForm").serialize();
var posturl = '/MyController/MyAction';
var retUrl = '/MyCOntroller/SomeWhere';
$.post(posturl, { myData: formData, intParameter: '5005' }, function (result) {
if (result == 'True') {
location.href = retUrl;
else {
Anyone can explain about it ? how can it happens and how to solve the problem ?
this may be a bit of a longshot but have you tried swapping the order of the parameters around (IE public bool MyAction(int intParameter, MySerializableObject myData) The reason im asking is that it may be that your client side serialize isnt working quite right.
If not your best bet is to take a look at whats actally getting posted to the server. Open up firebugs net tab or similar in webkit and take a look at whats actually going back to the server.
You could use the following plugin (serializeObject) instead of .serialize:
var formData = $('#MyForm').serializeObject();
// add some data to the request that was not present in the form
formData['intParameter'] = 5005;
var posturl = '/MyController/MyAction';
var retUrl = '/MyCOntroller/SomeWhere';
$.post(posturl, formData, function (result) {
if (result == 'True') {
location.href = retUrl;
else {

