How to append an HTML string to a DocumentFragment? - javascript

I'm adding textnodes to a documentFragment like this:
var foo = document.createDocumentFragment();
var someText = "Hello World";
This works fine, but sometimes I'm being passed "text" which includes inline links like this:
var someOtherText = "Hello <a href=''>World</a>";
Which in my handler is converted to hardcoded text instead of a link.
How do I append an HTML string like the above into a documentFragment? If I'm not using textNodes can this be done using appendChild?

Create a template-element, add the text with .innerHTML and get a doumentFragment with the content-property:
function stringToFragment(string) {
const temp = document.createElement('template');
temp.innerHTML = string;
return temp.content;
Now you can create a documentFragment from a string, and you can even append a documentFragment to a documentFragment:
const frag = stringToFragment('<div>Hello</div>');

document.createRange().createContextualFragment("<span>Hello World!</span>");
It returns a DocumentFragment.
Support IE >= 9
recent versions Safari seems to fail with the short way, here is a little bit longer but working way:
var range = document.createRange();
range.selectNode(document.body); // Select the body cause there is always one (documentElement fail...)
var fragment = range.createContextualFragment("<span>Hello World!</span>");

This may works:
var foo = document.createDocumentFragment();
var someText = 'Hello World';
var item = document.createElement('span');
item.innerHTML = someText


object HTMLDivElement to string [duplicate]

Imagine I have the following HTML:
<div><span><b>This is in bold</b></span></div>
I want to get the HTML for the div, including the div itself. Element.innerHTML only returns:
Any ideas? Thanks
Use outerHTML:
var el = document.getElementById( 'foo' );
alert( el.outerHTML );
Expanding on jldupont's answer, you could create a wrapping element on the fly:
var target = document.getElementById('myElement');
var wrap = document.createElement('div');
I am cloning the element to avoid having to remove and reinsert the element in the actual document. This might be expensive if the element you wish to print has a very large tree below it, though.
First, put on element that wraps the div in question, put an id attribute on the element and then use getElementById on it: once you've got the lement, just do 'e.innerHTML` to retrieve the HTML.
<div><span><b>This is in bold</b></span></div>
<div id="wrap"><div><span><b>This is in bold</b></span></div></div>
and then:
var e=document.getElementById("wrap");
var content=e.innerHTML;
Note that outerHTML is not cross-browser compatible.
old question but for newcomers that come around :
You'll want something like this for it to be cross browser.
function OuterHTML(element) {
var container = document.createElement("div");
return container.innerHTML;
If you want a lighter footprint, but a longer script, get the elements innerHTML and only create and clone the empty parent-
function getHTML(who,lines){
if(!who || !who.tagName) return '';
var txt, ax, str, el= document.createElement('div');
txt= el.innerHTML;
ax= txt.indexOf('>')+1;
str= txt.substring(0, ax)+who.innerHTML+ txt.substring(ax);
el= null;
return lines? str.replace(/> *</g,'>\n<'): str;
//easier to read if elements are separated
var x = $('#container').get(0).outerHTML;
as outerHTML is IE only, use this function:
function getOuterHtml(node) {
var parent = node.parentNode;
var element = document.createElement(parent.tagName);
var html = element.innerHTML;
return html;
creates a bogus empty element of the type parent and uses innerHTML on it and then reattaches the element back into the normal dom
define function outerHTML based on support for element.outerHTML:
var temp_container = document.createElement("div"); // empty div not added to DOM
if (temp_container.outerHTML){
var outerHTML = function(el){return el.outerHTML||el.nodeValue} // e.g. textnodes do not have outerHTML
} else { // when .outerHTML is not supported
var outerHTML = function(el){
var clone = el.cloneNode(true);
outerhtml = temp_container.innerHTML;
return outerhtml;
var el = document.getElementById('foo');

js: how to simplify html string

is there any way to simplify the HTML string? Like removing all redundant tags from the string.
For instance:
Source HTML:
Expected output:
(or even less)
I've known some libs like quilljs can do this, but it's a huge library, kind of overkill for my case.
also, is kind of what I want, but it does not have a js release
You can try using the DOMParser:
let s = `<div><span><span>1</span></span><span>2</span></div>`
let d = new DOMParser()
let doc = d.parseFromString(s, 'application/xml')
let tag = doc.children[0].tagName
let text = doc.children[0].textContent
let result = `<${tag}>${text}</${tag}>`
Please refer to the below code, It may help you to go further.
var childs = document.querySelectorAll("div#parent")
var tmpTexts = []
for (const c of childs) {
if (tmpTexts.includes(c.innerText)) continue
tmpTextArr = tmpTexts[0].split('\n');
const para = document.createElement("div");
tmpTextArr.forEach(function(text) {
var node = document.createElement("div");
var nodeTxt = document.createTextNode(text);
In tmpTexts, for every new line - you should add a div tag.
Create a new Element and iterate the tmpTexts array and a div tag by using innerHTML

How to get the text within the a tag present in javascript variable

I want the text present in anchor tag which is present in javascript variable.
var a= 9374227
i want "9374227"
How can i get it?
Assuming a can be made as a string, use jQuery text()
var a = '9374227';
var jQueryAnchor = $(a);//convert to jquery object
var text = jQueryAnchor.text();
<script src=""></script>
Try this out. It will give you the result as expected.
var temp = document.createElement('div');
temp.innerHTML = '9374227';
var number = temp.childNodes[0].innerHTML;

splitting an html line into separate variables with JS

In pure javascript (not using JQuery/dojo/etc), what is the best/easiest/quickest way to split a string, such as
var tempString = '<span id="35287845" class="smallIcon" title="time clock" style="color:blue;font-size:14px;" contenteditable="false">cookie</span>';
var id = 'id="35287845"';
var class = 'class="smallIcon"';
var title = 'title="time clock"';
var style = 'style="color:blue;font-size:14px;"';
var contenteditable = 'contenteditable="false"';
Things to note:
a "space" cannot be used as a proper delimiter, since it may appear in a value, such as title, above (time clock).
maintaining the double quotes around each variable, such as id="35287845" is important
the opening/closing span tags can be discarded, as well as the content, which in this case, is "cookie"
Here is one approach, which is to place the input string as innerhtml into a javascript created dom element and then leverage the attributes array
//Input html string
var tempString = '<span id="35287845" class="smallIcon" title="time clock" style="color:blue;font-size:14px;" contenteditable="false">cookie</span>';
//make element to contain html string
var tempDiv = document.createElement("div");
//place html string as innerhtml to temp element
tempDiv.innerHTML = tempString;
//leverage attributes array on element
var attributeArray = tempDiv.firstChild.attributes;
//log results
Note that you may now do something like
var classString = attributeArray.class;
var titleString = attributeArray.title;
Here is a function that will do it:
function getAttributesFromString(htmlString)
var tempDiv = document.createElement("div");
tempDiv.innerHTML = htmlString;
return tempDiv.firstChild.attributes;
I think you are trying to get the properties in the span, check this response telling you how to do it.
Get all Attributes from a HTML element with Javascript/jQuery
also you could get the properties and make the string concatenating the the values with your strings.
(You can fin a explanation in pure javascript there)

JavaScript Node.replaceChild() doesn't count new child's innerHtml

While creating a Firefox addon, I've run into a weird problem.
I have an array of nodes, returned by some iterator. Iterator returns only nodes, containing Node.TEXT_NODE as one or more of it's children. The script runs on page load.
I have to find some text in that nodes by regexp and surround it with a SPAN tag.
//beginning skipped
var node = nodeList[i];
var node_html = node.innerHTML;
var node_content = node.textContent;
if(node_content.length > 1){
var new_str = "<SPAN class='bar'>" + foo + "</SPAN>";
var regexp = new RegExp( foo , 'g' );
node_html = node_html.replace(regexp, new_str);
node.innerHTML = node_html;
Basic version looked like this, and it worked except one issue - node.innerHTML could contain attributes, event handlers, that could also contain foo, that should not be surrounded with <span> tags.
So I decided to make replacements in text nodes only. But text nodes can't contain a HTML tag, so I had to wrap them with <div>. Like this:
var node = nodeList[i];
for(var j=0; j<node.childNodes.length; j++){
var child = node.childNodes[j];
var child_content = child.textContent;
if(child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && child_content.length >1){
var newChild = document.createElement('div');
// var newTextNode = document.createTextNode(child_content);
// newChild.appendChild(newTextNode);
var new_html = child_content;
var new_str = "<SPAN class='bar'>" + foo + "</SPAN>";
var regexp = new RegExp( foo , 'g' );
new_html = new_html.replace(regexp, new_str);
newChild.innerHTML = new_html;
node.replaceChild(newChild, child);
In this case, alert(newChild.innerHTML); shows right html. But after the page is rendered, all <div>s created are empty! I'm puzzled.
If I uncomment this code:
// var newTextNode = document.createTextNode(child_content);
// newChild.appendChild(newTextNode);
alert also shows things right, and <div>s are filled with text (textNode adding works ok) , but again without <span>s. And another funny thing is that I can't highlight that new <div>s' content with a mouse in browser.
Looks like it doesn't take new innerHTML into account, and I can't understand why.
Do I do something wrong? (I certainly do, but what? Or, is that a FF bug/feature?)
Since you are in Firefox you can use fun stuff like TreeWalker and Range. You may even be able to get rid of the code that gives you the initial array of nodes.
var walker = document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
var range = document.createRange();
var wrapper = document.createElement('span');
wrapper.className = "wrapper";
var node;
var re = /^wrap me$/;
while (node = walker.nextNode()) {
if (re.test(node.textContent)) {
You could tweak this so only part of the text node is wrapped by setting the range differently and TreeWalker can be filtered more.
Range / TreeWalker
That code is really odd; why are those three lines outside of the if statement?
I think it should look something like this:
var node = nodeList[i];
for(var j=0; j<node.childNodes.length; j++){
var child = node.childNodes[j];
var child_content = child.textContent;
if(child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && child_content.length >1){
var newChild = document.createElement('div');
newChild.innerHTML = '<span class="bar">' + child_content + '</span>';
node.replaceChild(newChild, child);
Now I can't figure out what was going on with that regex and the replacement stuff; it makes no sense to me in the code you've posted.

