Java Script if statement not working - javascript

I have javascript function that includes few if else statements for some reason one of the statements is not working properly.
function makePayment(reservationID) {
var expirationDate = $("#expirationDate").val();
var creditCard = $("#creditcard").val();
if (creditCard.length == 16 && expirationDate.length == 4) {
var month = "";
var year = "";
month += expirationDate.charAt(0);
month += expirationDate.charAt(1);
year += expirationDate.charAt(2);
year += expirationDate.charAt(3);
var monthInt = parseFloat(month);
var yearInt = parseFloat(year);
var currect;
if (monthInt > 0 && monthInt < 13 && yearInt > 12 && yearInt < 24) {
url: "CreditAuthentication",
data: "type=reserve&creditCard=" + creditCard + "&expirationDate=" + expirationDate,
success: function(responseText) {
currect = responseText;
}, error: function(xhr) {
if (currect == true) {
type: "POST",
url: "paymentMethods",
data: "type=make&reservationID=" + reservationID,
success: function(msg) {
alert("Payment made");
document.location = "index.jsp#reservation";
else if(currect === "false") {
alert("Please enter valid details. 3rd");
} else {
alert("Please enter valid details. 2nd");
} else {
alert("Please enter valid payment information. 1st");
I have checked in FireBug and the return value from my servlet is correct and and the console.log(responseText); displays the response in console. However for some reason this part of statement is not working and not displaying the alerts:
if (currect == true) {
type: "POST",
url: "paymentMethods",
data: "type=make&reservationID=" + reservationID,
success: function (msg) {
alert("Payment made");
document.location = "index.jsp#reservation";
} else if (currect === "false") {
alert("Please enter valid details. 3rd");
Thanks in Advance!

Please make sure currect is not null or undefined and if it is not.
make a 'currect' global so it can be accessable:
var currect; //declare it here
url: "CreditAuthentication",
data: "type=reserve&creditCard=" + creditCard + "&expirationDate=" + expirationDate,
success: function(responseText) {
currect = responseText;
}, error: function(xhr) {
then if currect is a boolean then try:
if (currect) {
//your code
} else {
//your code
and if it is string:
if (currect === 'true') {
//your code
} else if(currect === 'false') {
//your code

You have to place the currect if/else in the success function of your ajax call.


how make control validation with jquery

I have a function Checkdate. I want to connect this function to a save button when the user addss an event.
If the date exists, the save button shouldn't work:
$('#btnSave').click(function () {
if ($('#txtSubject').val().trim() == "") {
alert('Subject required');
if ($('#txtStart').val().trim() == "") {
alert('Start date required');
if ($('#chkIsFullDay').is(':checked') == false && $('#txtEnd').val().trim() == "") {
alert('End date required');
else {
var startDate = moment($('#txtStart').val(), "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm A").toDate();
var endDate = moment($('#txtEnd').val(), "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm A").toDate();
if (startDate > endDate) {
alert('Invalid end date');
// call function for submit data to the server
This is my function:
$('#btnSave').click (function () {
var StartDate = $('#txtStart').val();
type: "POST",
url: "/Home/Checkdate",
data: '{StartDate: "' + StartDate + '" }',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
var message = $("#message");
if (response) {
//Email available.
message.css("color", "green");
message.html(" date is not exist ");
else {
//Email not available.
message.css("color", "red");
message.html("date existe ");
function ClearMessage() {
I hope you look at this image to understand me:
enter image description here

Cannot access element in Javascript array

I'm trying to do Inventory checking with using ajax post method and return with some array value. My response is okay, but I cannot access the array value of my response. I'm using response[0] and response[1]["OptionKey"] but it doesn't show anything.
function InventoryChecking(LineOptionData) {
var ItemID = $("#tiItemID").val();
var OptVal = LineOptionData;
type: 'POST',
enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
url: '<?= site_url() ?>item/InventoryChecking',
data: "ItemID=" + ItemID + "&OptVal=" + OptVal + "&From=" + From,
success: function (response) {
if (From === "mytray") {
} else {
qty = $("#quantity").val();
if (From === "mytray" && response[0] - qty === -qty && BaseLineOptionData === response[1]["OptionKey"]) {
$("#btnAddToTray").attr("disabled", false);
} else if ((response - qty) < 0) {
// if( (response-qty)<0 ) {
if (response <= 0) {
$("#ItemBalance").text(0); //Show 0 instead of negative
if (ItemStockCheck == 0) {
$("#btnAddToTray").attr("disabled", true);
} else {
$("#btnAddToTray").attr("disabled", false);
} else {
$("#btnAddToTray").attr("disabled", false);
PHP to respond
if ($From === "mytray") {
$array = [$reserved,$CombineOptID];
echo json_encode($array);
Based on jwatts1980 comment, my response is in string. To fix this I need to change my response to Javascript object.
var obj = JSON.parse(response);

Save values of dynamic generated HTML using javascript

I m generating dynamic html with its id. You can see the below link for the dynamic generated HTML.
Dymanic Generated HTML
So for saving this, I need some suggestion on how to save it in javascript. I tried the other fields of the HTML..
function SaveNPEDetails() {
var DashboardFields = {};
if ($('#ddlFiberised').val() == '--Select--' || $('#ddlFiberised').val() == null) {
alert('Please select FIBERISED');
return false;
else {
DashboardFields.NPEFiberised = $('#ddlFiberised').val();
if ($('#txtNoFDPSite').val() == '' || $('#txtNoFDPSite').val() == null) {
alert('Please add NO. OF FDP AT SITE');
return false;
else {
DashboardFields.NoOfFDPatSite = $('#txtNoFDPSite').val();
if ($('#txtNoOfRoutesTerAtFDP').val() == '' || $('#txtNoOfRoutesTerAtFDP').val() == null) {
alert('Please add NO. OF ROUTES TERMINATED AT FDP');
return false;
else {
DashboardFields.NoOfRoutesTermAtFDP = $('#txtNoOfRoutesTerAtFDP').val();
// Need to write saving logic for dynamic generated html here.
type: "POST",
url: "DashboardData.aspx/UpdateNPEData",
data: JSON.stringify({ DashboardFields: DashboardFields }),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
error: function (response) {
alert('Something went wrong..!!');
As per our discussion you can try something like
function SaveNPEDetails() {
var data = [];
var DashboardFields = {};
if ($('#ddlFiberised').val() == '--Select--' || $('#ddlFiberised').val() == null) {
alert('Please select FIBERISED');
return false;
else {
DashboardFields.NPEFiberised = $('#ddlFiberised').val();
if ($('#txtNoFDPSite').val() == '' || $('#txtNoFDPSite').val() == null) {
alert('Please add NO. OF FDP AT SITE');
return false;
else {
DashboardFields.NoOfFDPatSite = $('#txtNoFDPSite').val();
if ($('#txtNoOfRoutesTerAtFDP').val() == '' || $('#txtNoOfRoutesTerAtFDP').val() == null) {
alert('Please add NO. OF ROUTES TERMINATED AT FDP');
return false;
else {
DashboardFields.NoOfRoutesTermAtFDP = $('#txtNoOfRoutesTerAtFDP').val();
var chs = $("#dvNPEAddData").children(".addNPEData")
for (var i = 0; i < chs.length; i++) {
var d = {};
var ch = chs[i];
var val = $(ch).find("input[name='TerRouteName']").val();
d[$(ch).find("input[name='TerRouteName']").attr("name")] = val;
val = $(ch).find("select[name='CableType']").val();
d[$(ch).find("select[name='CableType']").attr("name")] = val;
val = $(ch).find("select[name='CableSize']").val();
d[$(ch).find("select[name='CableSize']").attr("name")] = val;
val = $(ch).find("input[name='NoLiveFibre']").val();
d[$(ch).find("input[name='NoLiveFibre']").attr("name")] = val;
var d = JSON.stringify(data);
type: "POST",
url: "DashboardData.aspx/UpdateNPEData",
data: JSON.stringify({ DashboardFields: DashboardFields , myJsonXML : d}),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
error: function (response) {
alert('Something went wrong..!!');
Using your example in the fiddle I've done the following
$('#submit').click(function() {
var DashboardFields = {},
status = true;
$.each($('input[type="text"]'), function(i, v) {
var id = $(v).attr('id');
if ($(v).val() == '') {
alert(id + ' field is empty');
status = false;
} else {
DashboardFields[id] = $(v).val();
$.each($('select'), function(i, v) {
var id = $(v).attr('id');
if ($(v).val() == '--Select--' || $(v).val() == null) {
alert(id + ' select is empty');
status = false;
} else {
DashboardFields[id] = $(v).val();
alert('you have empty fields');
} else {
console.log(DashboardFields); //Here should be your Ajax Call
I've used your example with ID's and created a filter in order to take dynamically the fields not by ID's, I used the ID's to map the DashboardFields object but I strongly encourage to use name or other data- param and change the jQuery code after (the line with var id=$(v).attr('id'))
Hope this helps you

Change text using javascript not working in chrome

I want to change text to "saving ... " when a link clicked, then I use ajax, query resets to save the form. one i receive the request i need to change the text back to normal.
In Firefox the work fine, but in chrome the text get change once response received. There is a delay in changing the text.
See my code:
function submitForm(frm, action) {
var performAction = true;
var isChange = false;
document.getElementById('saveButton').innerHTML = 'processing....';
if ((document.getElementById("primaryIframe") != null) && (action == "Save")) {
var frameId = 0;
functionSaveIframes(frameId, isChange);
} else {
if (performAction == true) {
sessionStorage.setItem('singlePage', 'false');'', '_self');
function functionSaveIframes (frameId,isChange) {
var iframes = {"0":"frame1","1":"frame2"};
var url = {"0":"/test/",
var iframe = document.getElementById(iframes[frameId]);
var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
var form = doc.forms[0];
var isEdited = doc.forms[0].isEdited.value;
var formData = $(form).serializeArray();
formData.push({name: 'fwdval', value: 'Save'});
var myUrl = url[frameId];
if(isEdited == 'true'){
type: "POST",
async: false,
cache: false,
url: myUrl,
data: formData,
success: function(data) {
doc.forms[0].isEdited.value = "false";
frameId = frameId + 1 ;
if (frameId < 9) {
}else if (frameId == 9){
error: function(e){
alert("error Saving Data in " + iframes[frameId] + "Please try again");
frameId = frameId + 1 ;
if (frameId < 9) {
else if (frameId == 9){
<li><a id="saveButton" href="javascript:submitForm( document.forms[0], 'Save' );"><i class="fa fa-floppy-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> Save</a>
**In Success Function you need to change text by using .html() **
Please check the below example.

Function as a KnockoutJS observable

I have the following script (see below). I have two questions regarding it:
1.What does the following line mean in the context of Knockoutjs?
2.How can I invoke a function not yet defined as in here:
Here is the full script:
$(document).ready(function() {
function ChatViewModel() {
var that = this;
that.userName = ko.observable('');
that.chatContent = ko.observable('');
that.message = ko.observable('');
that.messageIndex = ko.observable(0);
that.activePollingXhr = ko.observable(null);
var keepPolling = false;
that.joinChat = function() {
if (that.userName().trim() != '') {
keepPolling = true;
function pollForMessages() {
if (!keepPolling) {
var form = $("#joinChatForm");
that.activePollingXhr($.ajax({url: form.attr("action"), type: "GET", data: form.serialize(), cache: false,
success: function(messages) {
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
that.chatContent(that.chatContent() + messages[i] + "\n");
that.messageIndex(that.messageIndex() + 1);
error: function(xhr) {
if (xhr.statusText != "abort" && xhr.status != 503) {
console.error("Unable to retrieve chat messages. Chat ended.");
complete: pollForMessages
that.postMessage = function() {
if (that.message().trim() != '') {
var form = $("#postMessageForm");
$.ajax({url: form.attr("action"), type: "POST",
data: "message=[" + that.userName() + "] " + $("#postMessageForm input[name=message]").val(),
error: function(xhr) {
console.error("Error posting chat message: status=" + xhr.status + ", statusText=" + xhr.statusText);
that.leaveChat = function() {
function resetUI() {
keepPolling = false;
//Activate knockout.js
ko.applyBindings(new ChatViewModel());
ko.observable(null); creates an observable with a value of null. Nothing different than ko.observable(5);, where the value would be 5.
I see that you're using the that.activePollingXhr observable by passing it the result of an ajax call. However, this call is asynchronous and $.ajax doesn't return the data it got from the server, but rather a jquery deferred. You need to use that.activePollingXhr insude the success callback. Here's is how your code might look like:
$.ajax({url: form.attr("action"), type: "GET", data: form.serialize(), cache: false,
success: function(messages) {
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
that.chatContent(that.chatContent() + messages[i] + "\n");
that.messageIndex(that.messageIndex() + 1);
that.activePollingXhr(messages); // <-- Note where the call to activePollingXhr is
error: function(xhr) {
if (xhr.statusText != "abort" && xhr.status != 503) {
console.error("Unable to retrieve chat messages. Chat ended.");
complete: pollForMessages
As for the comment under your question: that.activePollingXhr is defined as that.activePollingXhr = ko.observable(null); - an observable with value of null.
That just initializes an observable with null as the initial value.
If you need to invoke a function that is an observable, just add a second set of parenthesis.

