How can I fix this bar chart sorting? - javascript

Here is a JSFiddle of the issue I'm currently facing.
Basically, I have an array of objects that I use to draw some bars. After sorting the array, I try to update the bars' y positions accordingly but that does not work.
So, this is the scale I use to draw the bars:
var yScale = d3.scale.ordinal()
.domain(d3.range(0, numberOfBars))
.rangeBands([0, numberOfBars * barHeight]);
So if I have 3 bars and a bar is 40px high, then I'm mapping 0-3 => 0-120px.
Next, I have a function that uses this scale to return the right y position:
var y = function(d, i) {
return yScale(i);
After drawing the bars using this y function, I then sort the data array and try to redraw the bars:
.attr('y', y); // Not working. I thought this would order the bars.
//.attr('y', 120); // This works though. It moves all the bars to this y.
This is where I'm stumped. Since I reordered the array (chartData.users), and since the bars are "joined" with the data, shouldn't the bars change their y according to the data's new position in the array?

So I figured out what the problem was. Since I was sorting an array of objects, D3.js couldn't figure out by itself which array objects matched which DOM objects. So I had to create a key function to identify the objects:
var key = function(d) { return }
Then, all I had to do was call data() using this key function and then order(), so the DOM order matches the array order:
.data(chartData.users, key)
.attr('y', y);
Here's the working JSFiddle.

Your Fiddle is very long. I'd recommend paring it back to the bare minimum and seeking help with that specific point.
For example, try testing
immediately after you've declared chartData. It appears to be identical to the sorted one, so it might not be the sorting that's at fault. If you do some more work yourself and then ask a more specific, concise question, you'll probably get more answers.
Good luck with D3!


How to format array of values to form a distribution for google-charts histogram?

I have 1000 values in no particular order but I'd like to format them into a normal distribution to plot on a histogram using google-charts.
I've tried using d3.js and I got it working just based off some examples but it looks extremely ugly and I don't have enough time to learn d3 in and out to get the results I want. Google-charts visual format are great.
The problem is google-charts expects data in a format where each value has a name along with headers. So when I organized it into this:
'dsSample1': [
['price', 'number'],
['price', 11386.057139142767],
['price', 27659.397260273952],
['price', 44159.39726027395],
'dsSample2': [
google charts works, but I get the following:
This is as close as I've come to getting it working in d3: It works but it's extremely ugly.
I've managed to arrange the array data into bins using some d3 code but it is imcompatible with google-charts and I don't know to make it compatible, and also don't know how to format the data so it plays nice with google-charts histogram
this code
var values = => {
return x + 128608.42487322348
var max = d3.max(values)
var min = d3.min(values)
var x = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([min, max])
.range([0, 800]);
var histGenerator = d3.layout.histogram()
this.data1 = histGenerator
returns this array transformation
My problem is I don't know how to massage my array of data so I can get something like this in google-charts:
there are two data formats for the google charts version.
a single series format, with the names,
or a multi-series format, with just the numbers.
it is ok to use the multi-series format with a single series.
so, assigning names is not required.
but you will have to convert each value to its own array.
'dsSample1': [
'dsSample2': [
you can use the map method to format the data. (value) {
return [value];
see following fiddle...
I know you have decided against D3, but since your question is still tagged with d3.js, I will post an answer using D3 anyways :)
I have made an updated JSFiddle, with an adaption of your code:
In short, to manipulate this histogram, look to the following lines:
1038 and 1039 to change the dimensions (width and height respectively) of the visualization. The values given are in pixels.
1049 to change the number of buckets for you histogram. Currently it is set to 100.
1083 to change the width of the individual bars. Currently, I've set it to 0.25 of the space calculated for each bar. If you e.g. change 0.25 to 1 the bars will be so wide, they will be drawn right next to each other.
1085 to change the color of the bars. Currently they are given a darker shade of red the higher number of values they represent. If you want e.g. just blue, change the line to .attr("fill", "steelblue")
Play around with these values and see if you can get to a chart that is close to what you want.
To elaborate a bit on the changes I've made, they consist mainly of the following:
Line 1038: lowered the width to 600.
Line 1073: updated to position the visualization correctly:
.attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left},${})`);
Line 1083: lowered the width of the bars by multiplying by 0.25:
.attr("width", (x(data[0].dx) - x(0)) * 0.25)
Other than that I have removed the following code to remove the text labels, as they indeed made the chart look messy:
.attr("dy", ".75em")
.attr("y", -12)
.attr("x", (x(data[0].dx) - x(0)) / 2)
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.text(function(d) { return "$" + d3.format(",.2f")(d.x); });
Besides this, I have added an y axis and changed the way the axes are drawn in order to make them look a bit nicer. I can go into detail about these changes, but I think they are of lesser interest to your goal.
Hope this helps!

Add points (x,y) to a d3 multi-line graph with time scale x-axis

I'm currently attempting to build a a multi-line graph with a d3.time.scale() for the x-axis.
I'm trying to add circles to each point on lines of the graph, but have been unsuccessful thus far.
When I do something like:
.attr('cx', function(d){ return x(d.price) })
I get a negative number.
I was thinking of setting up another scale (pointsScale) to handle this but have been largely unsuccessful.
What am I doing wrong?
Please refer to my JSBin for the code.
You're running into a few issues here:
Since you made the x-axis a time-scale, I'm guessing that you actually want price to be the y variable, while date is the x variable. That's why x(d.price) is negative - d3 is trying to interpret the prices as dates, which doesn't end up making much sense. So replace your line of code above with this: .attr('cy', function(d){ return y(d.price) })
In order to actually have circles be visible, they need to have three parameters set: cx, cy, and r. Since d3 already knows that your x axis is a time scale, you can set cx with .attr('cx', function(d){ return x( }). You can make r be whatever radius you want for the circles. Just choose one, or it will default to 0 and you won't be able to see the circles. .attr('r', 4), for instance, would set the radius to a perfectly visible value of 4.
You're drawing the circles before you draw the lines. As a result, the lines get drawn over the circles and it looks kind of weird. So move the circle code to after the line code if you want to avoid that.
Putting it all together, this is roughly what the code to create your circles should look like, and it should go after you declare var paths:
var circles = company.selectAll('circle')
.data(function(d){ return d.values; })
.attr('cy', function(d){
return y(d.price);}) //Price is the y variable, not the x
.attr('cx', function(d){
return x(;}) //You also need an x variable
.attr('r',4); //And a radius - otherwise your circles have
//radius 0 and you can't see them!
Updated jsbin:,console,output

d3 x axis too short for scatterplot content

I'm having trouble with my X axis width on a D3 scatterplot - what's happening is that my x-axis isn't filling the space allotted, that the Data happily fill. JSfiddle here:
I've defined my d3 scale's output range thusly:
.range([padding, svgWidth - padding]);
and the output range of points on the scatterplot perfectly lines up with this, but the x-axis doesn't - it stops short of the range of points displayed, - it's doing exactly what I tell it to do, and yet, as the svg extends farther out, the data fill in that space too, leaving a section of data that are visible, but not being placed in context of an axis.
Thanks for any help you can offer!
Likely the problem is that your defined domain doesn't include the full extent of your data. The scale domain/range are used to map ranges of data values so that if your domain is [0,10] and your range is [0,100], you will get values like range(0) = 0, range(1) = 10, range(2) = 20... range(10) = 100 (depending on the kind of scale used).
Since it's just mapping domain to range, if you give it a value that it can't map, you aren't likely to get a value inside of your range's extent. Eg. if you do range(11) you won't get a value between 0 and 100. Since the range value is what your axis and plot are likely using to build the actual svg, the points that fall outside of your domain are going to end up off your plot (or NaN or something).
Try deriving the domain from the data itself. D3 has min, max, and extent functions to make this easy for you. If you have an array of point objects, you can use the accessor as a function to provide the right value to use in the calculation.
Here's an example:
var data = [{x:1, y:1}, {x:2, y:4}, {x:3, y:2}, {x:4, y:1}, {x:5, y:2}];
var xExtent = d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d.x; });
var yExtent = d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d.y; });
See the jsFiddle:
Looking at your fiddle, it looks like there's an error in the logic where you're using the wrong domain for what's actually being plotted. If you get rid of the default min and max stuff, it seems to correct the problem you're describing:
function makeScales(xAxisRepresents, domainMinOverride, domainMaxOverride) {
var domainMin = d3.min(dataset, function datumToValueTransformer(datum) { return datum[xAxisRepresents]; });
var domainMax = d3.max(dataset, function datumToValueTransformer(datum) { return datum[xAxisRepresents]; });

Object Consistency when updating shape attributes

I'm very new to D3 and Javascript, so forgive me if my code looks a little ugly or poorly organized.
I have been working on a plot that utilizes 3 metrics: an x and y axis, and the radius of the circle as a data metric for the plot. The data I am reading is a two dimensional array, with each row being a different metric, and each column being a new data point. I have successfully implemented a method to change the radius of the circle dynamically by picking a different metric from a drop box, but this was after struggling endlessly with a very particular issue - my data was being assigned to the wrong circle!
When I initially create my circles, I first use sort() to sort the circles in descending order from the default radius metric (in my code, its "impactcpu"). This was done to fix an issue where larger circles that were drawn after smaller circles were obstructing the smaller circles, so I wanted to "paint" the largest circles first.
I was able to get past this issue by first sorting my calculated data array before assignign it to the circles, which preserved the default order. However, I am now trying to do something similar with my X and Y axis. While my dropdown menu is correctly assigning metric values to circles, it is doing so to the WRONG circles. I have yet to figure out a solution to this issue, as re-sorting the array before assignign is like I was doing for the radius isn't working (which I expected). Are there any suggestions as to how I could ensure the right data point is assigned to the correct circle? Preferably one that wouldn't require an overhaul of the rest of my code :)
Please take a look at my jsfiddle for an example of my above situation:
Example of how I am creating my circles initially:
var circles = svg.selectAll("circle")
.data(dataset, function(d) { return })
.sort(function(a, b){ //Sort by radius size, helps reduce obstruction of circles
return d3.descending(a[14], b[14]);
.attr("cx", function(d){ //x axis is Req IO, col index 9
return xScale(d[9]);
.attr("cy", function(d){ //y axis is Req CPU, col index 8
return yScale(d[8]);
.attr("r", function(d){ //radius is based off Impact CPU, col 14
console.log("Rad: " + d[14])
return d[14] * 1.5;
.attr("class", "dataCircle")
How I am currently altering my radius:
function changeRad() {
var myRadData = [];
var index = metricHash[this.value];
var weight; //to adjust data to fit appropriately in graph
case "impactcpu":
weight = 1.5;
case "spool":
weight = .0000001; //spool is normally a very large value
case "pji":
weight = 8;
case "unnecio":
weight = 12;
case "duration":
weight = .0002;
default: alert("Invalid value: " + this.value);
for(var i=0; i < dataset.length; i++)
myRadData.push(dataset[i][index] * weight);
myRadData.sort(function(a,b){return b-a});
.attr("r", function(d){
return d;
});; //reassign old data set (with all data values)
There are two things I see with your code:
Inconsistent key function on your data binding - you correctly use it on your initial creation of the circles(.data(dataset, function(d) { return })), but do not reference it when updating them, adding the same key on the updates will make sure that you are updating the same elements.
DOM sorting - Your use of selection.sort when initially creating your circles seems logical and appropriate(.sort(function(a, b){ return d3.descending(a[14], b[14]); })) I would recommending extending this to your update functions, rather than re-binding data.
I have made these quick updates to your code and it appears to solve your issues:
I'm not sure I grasp your entire code (it's quite long), but I think the solution lies along these lines:
1 - When you initially create the circles, use a keys function. Good, you're doing this:
.data(dataset, function(d) { return; })
2 - Give the circles an ID attribute using the same function:
.attr("ID", function(d) { return; })
3 - Then when you need to modify a particular circle individually you can select it like so:'#' + myCircleID).attr('blahblah', somevalue)
I also notice that you've lost the ID attribute as you build up the myRadData array. This will prevent the code from joining them to the correct circles. Since you have an ID attribute at the beginning, you're better off using the keys function throughout, rather than trying to use sorting to make things line up.
If you want a more specific answer I think you need to boil the example down to the simplest possible form that reproduces the issue.

Brushing on ordinal data does not work

I really like this graph and its functionality and it is perfect for what I want/need. The only thing I need to change is I need it to allow ordinal data on the y-axis and I cannot seem to get that to work (I am a beginner).
When I change the y scale from linear to ordinal:
yscale[k] = d3.scale.linear()
.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return +d[k]; }))
.range([h, 0]));
yscale[k] = d3.scale.ordinal().rangePoints([h, 0]),
yscale[k].domain( { return d[k]; })))
Brushing still shows up and works by itself but it does not filter leaving the selected lines. No lines show up unless I move it to the very top of the axis then, all or mostly all show up. When I stepped through the code with firebug it looked like it was just not getting the lines that were in the brush area but all(?)... and I can't seem to figure out. :(
If anyone could help out with this (especially all the places I have to change and how), I would love to get this working and learn what I am doing wrong :-\
Brushing an ordinal axis returns the pixels, while brushing a quantitative axis returns the domain.
The scale is typically defined as a
quantitative scale, in which case the extent is in data space from the
scale's domain; however, it may instead be defined as an ordinal
scale, where the extent is in pixel space from the scale's range
My guess is that you need to work backwards and translate the pixels to the domain values. I found this question because I'm trying to do the same thing. If I figure it out, I'll let you know.
EDIT: Here's an awesome example to get you started.
function brushmove() {
var s =;
symbol.classed("selected", function(d) { return s[0] <= (d = x(d)) && d <= s[1]; });
He grabs the selection extent (in pixels), then selects all of the series elements and determines whether they lie within the extent. You can filter elements based on that, and return data keys or what have you to add to your filters.
There is an example of an ordinal scale with brushing here:
The basic idea is as #gumballhead suggests, you are responsible for projecting the pixel values back onto the input domain. The relevant snippet from the example is:
brushed = function(){var selected = yScale.domain().filter(function(d){return (brush.extent()[0] <= yScale(d)) && (yScale(d) <= brush.extent()[1])});".selected").text(selected.join(","));}

