I'm trying to develop program which can render images and text in canvas. I tried to handle click on image in canvas, but it work for rectable images.
My question: Did you know solution or frameworks for handle click on visible part of image (not transparent part) in canvas ?
I'm looking for javascript implementation of ActionScript hitTestObject function, if someone familiar with it.
Here is simple algorithm with rectable hit text: http://jsfiddle.net/V92Gn/298/
var hitted = e.clientX >= position.x &&
e.clientX <= position.x + logoImg.width &&
e.clientY >= position.y &&
e.clientY <= position.y + logoImg.height;
Solution using pure JavaScript + canvas
For cases where the hit target is mixed with the background you can do two things:
Create a separate canvas which is stacked on top of the main canvas, draw the target object on that and do the testing of that canvas.
Create an off-screen canvas which contains the target object isolated and test on that
In this example I will use an off-screen canvas.
What we do is to basically replicate the image by creating an off-screen canvas the size of the image and draw in the image when loaded. This will protect the background and keep it transparent no matter what is on the main canvas:
Modified fiddle here
/// create an off-screen canvas to hold image
var ocanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var octx = ocanvas.getContext('2d');
/// set off-screen canvas to same size as image
ocanvas.width = this.width;
ocanvas.height = this.height;
octx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
... rest of code
Then using your existing code but with an adjustment for mouse position we can use the hitted variable you use to first check if we are inside the target object.
$(canvas).on('mousemove', function(e) {
/// correct mouse position so it becomes relative to canvas
var r = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(),
x = e.clientX - r.left,
y = e.clientY - r.top;
var hitted = x >= position.x && x <= position.x + logoImg.width &&
y >= position.y && y <= position.y + logoImg.height;
Now that we know we are inside the rectangle we can extract a pixel from the off-screen canvas by compensating for the object position:
if (hitted === true) {
/// extract a single pixel at the adjusted position
var pixel = octx.getImageData(x - position.x, y - position.y, 1, 1).data;
/// set hitted again based on alpha value is 0 or not
hitted = pixel[3] > 0;
As you can see in the modified fiddle we only change the class you use to red when we are on an actual pixel in the target no matter what the background of it is (when drawn separately).
Finally a couple of words on CORS: In this case, as you use DropBox, you can request CORS usage of the image simply by activating the crossOrigin property on the image object before you set the source:
logoImg.crossOrigin = ''; /// this is the same as setting anonymous
As DropBox (and image sharing sites such as ImgUr.com) support CORS usage they will allow the request and we can therefor extract pixels from the image.
If the servers didn't allow it however we wouldn't be able to do this. To be sure CORS is ok you should host the image in the same domain as the page when you release it.
I recommend using EaselJS which has a hitTest method similar to how it works in Actionscript:
myDisplayObject.hitTest(localX, localY);
Here you can find some demos that show the technique:
I am creating a web-based annotation application for annotating images via the HTML canvas element and Javascript. I would like the user to mouse down to indicate the start of the rectangle, drag to the desired end coordinate and let go to indicate the opposite end of the rectangle.
Currently, I am able to take the starting coordinates and end coordinates to create a rectangle on the image with the context.rects() function, however as I am uncertain on how to resize a specific rectangle on the canvas, that leaves me with the rectangle only being drawn after the user has released the mouse click.
How would I be able to resize a specific rectangle created onmousedown while dragging?
The following is the code snippet that performs the function:
var isMouseDown = false;
var startX;
var startY;
canvas.onmousedown = function(e) {
isMouseDown = true;
var offset = $(this).offset();
startX = parseInt(e.pageX - offset.left);
startY = parseInt(e.pageY - offset.top);
canvas.onmousemove = function(e) {
if(isMouseDown) {
var offset = $(this).offset();
var intermediateX = parseInt(e.pageX - offset.left);
var intermediateY = parseInt(e.pageY - offset.top);
canvas.onmouseup = function(e) {
isMouseDown = true;
var offset = $(this).offset();
var endX = parseInt(e.pageX - offset.left);
var endY = parseInt(e.pageY - offset.top);
var width = endX - startX;
var height = endY - startY;
context.strokeStyle = "#FF0000";
context.rect(startX, startY, width, height);
isMouseDown = false
Here my handy-front-end scripts come in handy!
As I understood the question, you wanted to be able to move your mouse to any point on the canvas, hold the left mouse button, and drag in any direction to make a rectangle between the starting point and any new mouse position. And when you release the mouse button it will stay.
Scripts that will help you accomplish what you are trying to do:
Both scripts just makes the code a lot cleaner and easier to understand, so I used those.
Here is a fiddle as simple as you can make it really using
const canvas = new Canvas([]);
const mouse = new Pointer();
Did I understand your question correctly?
Do you want a version with comments describing every line and what is does?
There are still some bugs at the moment but im going to fix those soon!
After reading your questions again, I reacted to: "...however as I am uncertain on how to resize a specific rectangle on the canvas...".
Canvas is like an image. Once you have drawn to it, you can NOT "resize" different shapes. You can only clear the whole canvas and start over (ofcourse you can clear small portions too).
That's why the Canvas helper is so helpful. To be able to "animate" the canvas, you have to create a loop that redraws the canvas with a new frame each 16ms (60 fps).
The canvas API does not preserve references to specific shapes drawn with it (unlike SVG). The canvas API simply provides convenient functions to apply operations to the individual pixels of the canvas element.
You have a couple options to achieve a draggable rectangle:
You can position a styled div over your canvas while the user is dragging. Create a container for your canvas and the div, and update the position and size the div. When the user releases, draw your rectangle. Your container needs to have position: relative and the div needs to be absolutely positioned. Ensure the div has a higher z-index than the canvas.
In your mouse down method, set div.style.display to block. Then update the position (style.left, style.top, style.width, and style.height) as the mouse is dragged. When the mouse is released, hide it again (style.display = 'none').
You can manually store references to each item you want to draw, clear the canvas (context.clearRect), and redraw each item on the canvas each frame. This kind of setup is usually achieved through recursive usage of the window.requestAnimationFrame method. This method takes a callback and executes on the next draw cycle of the browser.
The first option is probably easier to achieve in your case. If you plan to expand the capabilities of your app further, the 2nd will provide more versatility. A basic loop would be implemented as so:
// setup code, create canvas & context
function mainLoop() {
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
/** do your logic here and re-draw **/
function startApp() {
This tutorial has detailed explanation of event loops for HTML canvas: http://www.isaacsukin.com/news/2015/01/detailed-explanation-javascript-game-loops-and-timing
I also have a fully featured implementation on my GitHub that's part of rendering engine I wrote: https://github.com/thunder033/mallet/blob/master/src/mallet/webgl/webgl-app.ts#L115
I currently have a system that take display an image and allows drawing on it using https://github.com/yiom/sketchpad . This plugin (and some others, possibly all) won't draw where I click when the image is resized using css (with max-width/height), the drawing is done on another part of the image. I think the plugin calculate pointer position on the canvas not relative to it's height/width attribute compared to it's displayed height/width.
I did resolve this issue by creating a buffer canvas that will be displayed. Then I take it's pixel height/width and apply it to a new canvas attributes.
This makes the image being resized, which I don't want.
Any idea about how I can resolve this issue? Possibly by using another (free/cheap) plugin.
When your canvas width and height are different with style properties :
<canvas style="width:800px;height:800px" height="400" width="400" class="sketchpad" id="sketchpad"></canvas>
in the sketchpad.js find this :
Sketchpad.prototype._cursorPosition = function(event) {
return {
x: event.pageX - $(this.canvas).offset().left,
y: event.pageY - $(this.canvas).offset().top,
change it to :
Sketchpad.prototype._cursorPosition = function(event) {
var wd = $(this.canvas).width()*1 / $(this.canvas).attr('width')*1;
var hd = $(this.canvas).height()*1 / $(this.canvas).attr('height')*1;
return {
x: (event.pageX - $(this.canvas).offset().left) / wd ,
y: (event.pageY - $(this.canvas).offset().top) / hd ,
I am working on a site where the body has many color. When the content is scrolled down the background of the content changes.
In the below image u can see body text with blue color background. So when the content is scrolled down with the scrollbar then the background image should also scroll along with the content.
So what happens is when scroll bar stops at a color like blue then automatically the menu header(Home) background should change to blue.
First of all we should know what we want to do. Step one is actually get a color of the image, thus acces a property of the image.
However the browser cannot get direct information of the image itself(You can, of course, get information from the element of the image). However one webbrowser drawing method let us control every aspect of a image: Canvas.
So first we have to convert our image to an canvas element.
This is fairly simply done with drawImage(img, posx, posy, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
We will also stretch the canvas image + the element to the entire screen. The reason we want to define to size also at the canvas is because this way the canvas will calculate every new generated pixel, so we can acces every of the new pixels:
var screenWidth = window.innerWidth,
screenHeight = window.innerHeight,
c = document.createElement('canvas');
ctx = c.getContext("2d"),
img = document.getElementById("image");
c.width = screenWidth;
c.height = screenHeight;
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);
$(c).attr('id', 'c');
An Canvas element as is dynamically made and will fit to the screen size(Note that this is only at first start of the webbrowser. So when you resize the canvas will not resize with the screen).
We remove the image as it is no use anymore. It's a good practive to transform from image to canvas in my opinion. As you will be certain that the image will be loaded in the browser first and then transformed to a canvas element.
Next we're going to acces a pixel. You can acces pixel data with getImageData(offsetX, offsetY, sizeX, sizeY).data; And RGBA color array will be returned.
Now the offsetX and offsetY will be the offset of the element color picker. Note that this elements offset should be relative to the webbrowsers viewport as the background is fixed You can do this with getBoundingClientRect();
The size is just 1x1 as we want 1 pixel.
This all should happen when the user is scrolling, you can catch the scroll event with .scroll(function); :
$(window).scroll(function () {
var offset = document.getElementById('color').getBoundingClientRect(),
offsetX = offset.left,
offsetY = offset.top;
var color = document.getElementById('c').getContext('2d').getImageData(offsetX, offsetY, 1, 1).data;
$('header').css('background-color',"rgba("+ color[0] + ', ' + color[1] + ', '+ color[2] + ', ' + color[3] + ")");
Where we add the rgba array colors just with the first 4 indexes(Because and rgba collor pattern never has more as 4 values) with plain css to the header element.
Loading External image into a canvas
When you want to transform an external image to a canvas element you might get this error:
Cross-origin image load denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy.
It is for security reasons that you can't fully acces this image.
As explained here: HTML 5 canvas getImageData from an externally-loaded image
There are some external hosts that supports this, for example dropbox.
However when you just store it locally it will just work fine.
This method was tested in chrome, IE and firefox.
I want to use those external (dropbox) files
I'm not sure why this happens but for some reason with this method there are still some security diffecults. To enable this CORS you have to add a image property .crossOrigin = "Anonymous";. However when you load the image with HTML the the element has been made without this property. So you should assign this property when the image is created:
var canvas = document.getElementById("c"),
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"),
screenWidth = window.innerWidth,
screenHeight = window.innerHeight;
// Using image WITH crossOrigin=anonymous
// Succeeds in Chrome+Mozilla, Still fails in IE
var externalImage2 = new Image();
externalImage2.onload = function(){
canvas.width= screenWidth;
canvas.height= screenHeight;
ctx.drawImage(externalImage2, 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);
// this will FAIL on a CORS violation
externalImage2.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
This is just an picture i uploaded to my dropbox where i just shared the photo. Note:
The way to convert a share link to a direct link is to change the domain from "www.dropbox.com" to "dl.dropboxusercontent.com". See https://www.dropbox.com/developers/blog/53/programmatically-download-content-from-share-links.
source: Cross-origin image load from cross-enabled site is denied
This creates an image and puts it into an excisting canvas element. So note that you should have a canvas element into your HTML.
This method does only work for chrome and firefox as other browsers still have some security issues.
Additional note is the pixel that gets captured is the top-left pixel of the 'color-pick' element. You can adjust this offset if you want it to catch, for example, the middle pixel of the element.
This was a very interesting question. I hope it helped!
well, you may give background color of the home bar as transparent if you have no band between the home and the content.
Why doesn't the drawing canvas work properly? The line drawn is away from the point clicked. However, if I use the canvas out of reveal.js it works perfectly. http://codepen.io/anon/pen/eEaKh
Also when the erase function is run, it leaves a white border outside. How do I fix these problems?
just change e.pageX to e.clientX and e.pageY to e.clientY because in your codepen account
canvas origin and page origin is almost at same place but in other it is not.
To calculate the mouse position you need to subtract the position of the canvas:
Here is one way of doing this (inside the event handler):
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(),
x = e.clientX - rect.left,
y = e.clientY - rect.top;
Now your x and y will be relative to canvas.
Here's a copy/pasta of a small part of my paint app. Notice I'm using offsets of the canvas in my calculations. I also have a zoom function that scales the canvas, so taking into account that I added it to the calculation of the mouse cursor.
$('canvas').mousemove(function(e) {
// x and y are globals, x inits to null, mousedown sets x, mouseup returns x to null
if (x==null) return;
x = (100/$('#zoom').val())*(e.pageX - $(this).offset().left);
y = (100/$('#zoom').val())*(e.pageY - $(this).offset().top);
$('#debug').html(x+', '+y); // constantly update (x,y) position in a fixed div during debugging
Recently, I have started dabbling with HTML5 and the mighty canvas. However, I am trying to accomplish something and I am not sure what the best way would be to handle it.
I am trying to make a randomly generated set of buildings with windows, as you can see in the following example that uses divs:
Example Using Divs
The issue that I am coming up with is that I want to be able to randomly generate images/content in the windows of these buildings, and be able to easily capture when a window is clicked, but I am not sure how to go about handling it using the canvas.
Example Building:
function Building()
this.floors = Math.floor((Math.random()+1)*7); //Number of Floors
this.windows = Math.floor((Math.random()+1)*3); //Windows per Floor
this.height = (this.floors*12); //1px window padding
this.width = (this.windows*12); //1px window padding
//Do I need to build an array with all of my windows and their locations
//to determine if a click occurs?
Example Window:
function Window(x,y)
this.x = x; //X Coordinate
this.y = y; //Y Coordinate
this.color = //Random color from a range
this.hasPerson //Determines if a person in is the window
this.hasObject //Determines if an object is in the window
Summary: I am trying to generate random buildings with windows, however I am unsure how to go about building them, displaying them and tracking window locations using the canvas.
I was finally able to get the buildings to generate as I was looking for, however now all I need to do is generate the windows within the buildings and keep track of their locations.
Building Generation Demo
I guess if you are drawing the window, you already have the function to create their canvas path. So you can apply the isPointInPath function on all window you have to determine if the user clicked on a window.
(functions corresponding to your window path)
var isInWindow = canvasContext.isInPath(clicPosX,clicPosY);
Actualy you have to check where mouse is clicked, and if it's in window, then call some function. And yes, you will need to have array, of locations.
Take a look here
Draw your squares using fillRect, store their north-western point coordinates into an array. You'll also need these rectangles' dimensions, but since they are all equal squares — no need to store them in the array.
Then add a click listener to the canvas element, in which detect the pointer's position via pageX/pageY minus the position of the canvas element.
Then on each click traverse the array of rectangles and see if they contain the pointer's coordinates:
if (((pageX > rectX && pageX < rectX + rectWidth) || (pageX < rectX && pageX > rectX + rectWidth))) &&
((pageY > rectY && pageY < rectY + rectHeight) || (pageY < rectY && pageY > rectY + rectHeight))) {
/* clicked on a window */