Add textbox into iframe and append in a different html - javascript

Is it possible to add a textbox into an iframe, and append it into the src of the iframe. So i have created an modal box displaying a button for the user to click "ADD BUTTON"
<div id="addFeature" class="openAdd">
<button class="text" type="button">Text</button>
As the user clicks on the button, I need the modal box to close and a text box added. The following iframe is within main.html. As you can see the iframe displays the other html page.
<iframe class="newIframe" id="newIframe" src="webpage.html" onload="iFrameOn();">
Your browser does not support Iframes
Though I need the textbox to be added in webpage.html which is
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
<body onload="iFrameOn();">
<div id="design">
addTextBox() {
var text = "'<div><input type='textbox'/></div>'"
var textbox = document.createElement('div');
textbox.innerHTML = text;
var addText = document.getElementById('div').src = "webpage.html";
Is it possible to do what I'm asking?

I'm afraid explaining this in the way you're trying to do this now, would be an endless swamp. Here's some guidelines, how you can achieve this quite easy.
Probably you need to remove the onload from iframe tag first. Then put these lines to your main page:
var textForIframe; // Take care that this variable is declared in the global scope
function addText () {
document.getElementById('newIframe').src = 'webpage.html';
textForIframe = '<div><input type="text" /></div>'; // or whatever text you need
When ever your dialog is ready, call addText().
Then in webpage.html, remove the onload from body tag, and add the function below to somewhere after <script src="index.js"></script> tag.
window.onload = function () {
var addTextElement = document.getElementById('design'), // or whatever element you want to use in iframe
textToAdd = parent.textForIframe;
// depending on what iFrameOn() does, place it here...
addTextElement.innerHTML = textToAdd;
iFrameOn(); // ... or it can be placed here as well
These snippets add a new input type="text" to #design within iframe.


javascript: hide the div if external .php file has .. inline style never changes

story: hide the iframe if the .php is deleted or similar. So i try to hide the div that contains the iframe. Website of customer A can iframe a video from my website (external-website). But if the video is deleted, it should hide the complete iframe (the div). The complete php will be deleted or renamed if the video is not available.
Hide the <div> if external file (i want to iframe)
is not available or named as .php?=123456 or has not a <div "id", whatever.
The inline style never changes.
I tried each of this above, i don`t get it working.
I can edit the external .php file (my website too).
I do not get the script to change the inline style whatever i try.
What i want to do, hide the div if "something".
<div id="hide-me">
<iframe src="" style="background-color: white;border: 0;height: auto;text-align:center;width: auto;max-height: 100%;" scrolling="no"></iframe>
function yourFunctionName () {
var anyname = document.getElementById("hide-me").style.display;
if(document.getElementById("id-in-external-php").src == ''){
} else {
I asked a similar question here, but it did not give a solution
enter link description here
content of :
<div id="id-in-external-php">this is content for the iframe</div>
This is how I ran your code again and it worked, so you can try it:
<div id="hide-me" style="display: none;">
<iframe style="display: none;" id="id-in-external-php" src="" style="background-color: white;border: 0;height: auto;text-align:center;width: auto;max-height: 100%;" scrolling="no"></iframe>
const yourFunctionName = () => {
const anyname = document.getElementById("hide-me");
const frameId = document.getElementById("id-in-external-php");
const check = frameId.contentDocument.body.children
const c = check[0].innerText;
if(c.startsWith('Cannot')) {"none";"none";
} else {"block";"block";
window.addEventListener("load", yourFunctionName, false);
I did not see where you invoked the function, so i invoked mine when window load

Update html image via javascript functions

I'm fairly new to javascript, and getting quite frustrated by the following code
<!DOCTYPE html>
var time = '0'
var area = 'neast'
function update_area(input) {
area = input;
function update_time(input) {
time = input;
function load_updated_image(area,time) {
var url = ''+area+'_wetbulb'+time+'.png';
document.getElementById("theImage").src = url;
document.getElementById("url").innerHTML = url;
<body onload="load_updated_image(area,time)">
<p>URL Output:</p>
<p id="url"></p>
<font size = 4><b>Forecast Hour: </b>
<font size = 3>
<a href="#" onmouseover="update_time(0);" /> 00</a>
<a href="#" onmouseover="update_time(1);" /> 01</a>
<a href="#" onmouseover="update_time(2);" /> 02</a>
<img id="theImage" src=undefined width="850" height="600" />
<br> <font size = 4><b>Region Selection: </b>
<a href="#" onclick="update_area(neast);" /> Northeast</a>
<a href="#" onclick="update_area(seast);" /> Southeast</a>
I have 18 different "hours" of images for different regions across the US. The goal is to change the hour of the image when the hour links are moused over, and update the region when the region links are clicked.
The function update_time() works as expected, changing the image as I mouse over the links. However, the function update_area() fails with the following error:
"Uncaught ReferenceError: neast is not defined"
I'm not sure why this is happening, because the update_time and update_area functions are built in exactly the same way, and I globally defined the time and area variables at the start of the script.
Any help would be appreciated!
You have to put the arguments in quotes .
<!DOCTYPE html>
var time = '0'
var area = 'neast'
function update_area(input) {
area = input;
function update_time(input) {
time = input;
function load_updated_image(area,time) {
var url = ''+area+'_wetbulb'+time+'.png';
document.getElementById("theImage").src = url;
document.getElementById("url").innerHTML = url;
<body onload="load_updated_image(area,time)">
<p>URL Output:</p>
<p id="url"></p>
<font size = 4><b>Forecast Hour: </b>
<font size = 3>
<a href="#" onmouseover="update_time(0);" /> 00</a>
<a href="#" onmouseover="update_time(1);" /> 01</a>
<a href="#" onmouseover="update_time(2);" /> 02</a>
<img id="theImage" src=undefined width="850" height="600" />
<br> <font size = 4><b>Region Selection: </b>
<a href="#" onclick="update_area('neast');" /> Northeast</a>
<a href="#" onclick="update_area('seast');" /> Southeast</a>
In JavaScript variables are not restricted to a single 'type', but a String will always be contained in quotes and a number will not. Also a variable cannot be, or start with, a number. This is why when you use a string as an argument it must be contained within quotes, otherwise it thinks you are sending a variable.
You're starting your document with <!doctype html> so you're saying you're writing HTML5, but there is a whole bunch of things that are incredibly wrong here due to use HTML3.2 and obsolete ways to invoke javascript.
Under modern HTML5 rules, there are no self-closing elements. It's not a hard error, but don't add that /> at the end of an <img.... Also <font> hasn't existed as element for 20 years now. It was removed in HTML4.1 in 1998. Then some semantics: if you need button functionality (i.e. clickable, but NOT navigating to some (part of a) page), use <button>. That's what it's for. Do not use <a>, and definitely not with href="#", because that's an active instruction for the browser to scroll to the top of the page. Finally, on...=... handlers are an ancient attribute that is unfortunately still supported, but you should never use. Use addEventListener in your Javascript, after you've declared all your HTML.
So let's just fix everything at the same time:
<!-- this line literally tells the browser "I am using HTML5" -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- always have a header section -->
<!-- no / at the end of meta elements -->
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>Always just fill this in, it's good practice</title>
/* you want this in its own file, see the note at the end of this post */
h1 {
font-size: 100%;
font-weight: bold;
<!-- sectioning isn't mandatory, but extremely good practice -->
<section id="output">
<h1>URL Output:</h1>
<p>Forecast Hour:</p>
<div class="controls">
<!-- let's use data attributes, and be explicit about the values here -->
<button class="forecast update" data-value="0">0h</button>
<button class="forecast update" data-value="1">1h</button>
<button class="forecast update" data-value="2">2h</button>
<!-- if you've never see the figure/figcaption elements: they exist -->
<figure id="forecast-image">
<!-- no / at the end of this element -->
<img src="placeholder.jpg" width="850" height="600" alt="forecast map">
<h1>Region Selection</h1>
<div class="controls">
<button class="area update" data-value="neast">Northeast</buton>
<button class="area update" data-value="seast">Southeast<button>
<!-- don't put your script in the page. put it in its own file -->
<script src="updates.js"></script>
And then we make a second file for the javascript called updates.js:
// this goes last, so that the DOM is done by the time you invoke your script.
var currentTime = 0;
var currentArea = `NorthEast`;
// this function doesn't need parameters: we already know what they are
function load_updated_image() {
var url = `${currentArea}_wetbulb${currentTime}.png`;
let figure = document.getElementById(`forecast-image`);
// update the image
let img = figure.querySelector(`img`);
img.src = url;
// update the image caption with a link
let caption = figure.querySelector(`figcaption`);
caption.innerHTML = ``;
let link = document.createElement(`a`);
link.href = url;
// update the area, and called image update
function update_area(area) {
currentArea = area;
// update the time, and called image update
function update_time(time) {
currentTime = timel
// add the initial page load handling
document.addEventListener(`ready`, evt => load_updated_image());
// add the click handling for forecast time buttons
let forecastButtons = document.querySelectorAll(`button.forecastupdate`);
forecastButtons.forEach(button => {
// get the button's data-value
value = button.dataset.value;
// and then set up a click listener to update the forecast time
button.addEventListener(`click`, evt => update_time(value));
// add the click handling for forecast area buttons
let areaButtons = document.querySelectorAll(`button.area.update`);
forecastButtons.forEach(button => {
// get the button's data-value
value = button.dataset.value;
// and then set up a click listener to update the forecast area
button.addEventListener(`click`, evt => update_area(value));
And then to be even more proper, don't use <style>...</style> but make a new file called "forecast.css" and then link to that in your page using <link href="forecast.css" rel="stylresheet"> (note: this is still HTML5, you don't put /> at the end. Link elements simply don't have a closing tag)

HTML/Javascript form - How to make a new div element that overlays?

I'm really confused on how to go about this.
What I'm trying to do is, have a form in HTML (not <form>), just a bunch of <input> tags with a <button>.
Basically, in the javascript code, there's an event listener that activates the MakeCard() method, when the <button> is pressed.
The MakeCard() method is supposed to then replace the form (in the HTML body) with a <div> that has it's own random stuff.
How do I make this system work? Please no JQuery and other such libraries. I'm only allowed to use DOM.
This is the code I have so far:
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"/>
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
var nameOfRecipient = document.getElementById("nameOfRecipient");
var colorInfo = document.getElementById("colorInformation");
var fontSize = document.getElementById("fontSize");
var resultNameOfRecipient = document.getElementById("resultNameOfRecipient");
var resultColorInfo = document.getElementById("resultColorInformation");
var resultFontSize = document.getElementById("resultFontSize");
function MakeCard(){
// Make the card
// Show the results
function ShowResults(){
// Show the user choices
resultNameOfRecipient.innerHTML = nameOfRecipient.value;
resultColorInfo.innerHTML = colorInfo.value;
resultFontSize.innerHTML = fontSize.value;
document.getElementById("submitButton").addEventListener("click", MakeCard);
<div id="headerContainer">
Welcome to the Card Maker!
<div id="formContainer">
<p>Name of recipient<input type="text" id="nameOfRecipient"></p>
<p>Color Information<input type="text" id="colorInformation"></p>
<p>Font Size<input type="number" id="fontSize"></p>
<input type="button" id="submitButton" value="Make Card!">
<div id="resultContainer">
<p id="resultNameOfRecipient"></p>
<p id="resultColorInformation"></p>
<p id="resultFontSize"></p>
PLEASE IGNORE THE LAST DIV WITH ID="resultContainer" and ignore all the variables that have the result in front. That stuff is other extra stuff.
It would be amazing if I could just know how to make an entirely new div that REPLACES the div with ID="formContainer".
First things first: Why use listeners when you can use onclick tags? Set the button like this, and change the listener to a dedicated function:
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
function myfunction() {
and don't forget to change the end of the script from }); to }..
Also, remove the listener from the button, which is this line.
document.getElementById("submitButton").addEventListener("click", MakeCard);
And add an onclick event to the button, and change it to a button type, to make sure it doesn't submit:
<button type="button" id="submitButton" onclick="myfunction()">Make Card!</button>
Secondly: You've set variables to actual HTML elements, which would show something like: HTML[buttonElement]... I'm assuming what you want is what was typed in the element, which is the "value" tag. You would get that by changing the variables to this:
var nameOfRecipient = document.getElementById("nameOfRecipient").value;
var colorInfo = document.getElementById("colorInformation").value;
var fontSize = document.getElementById("fontSize").value;
var resultNameOfRecipient = document.getElementById("resultNameOfRecipient").value;
var resultColorInfo = document.getElementById("resultColorInformation").value;
var resultFontSize = document.getElementById("resultFontSize").value;
So now that we've tidy'd up your syntax and stuff, I wanna get on to the part where you said you wanted to replace the DIV. Here's my way of doing it:
I would give every element in the DIV an ID (other than the button, we've already discussed that).
<p id="nameofrecipentp">Name of recipient<input type="text" id="nameOfRecipient"></p>
<p id="colorinformationp">Color Information<input type="text" id="colorInformation"></p>
<p id="fontsizep">Font Size<input type="number" id="fontSize"></p>
You could then call a function when the function myfunction() is called.
function myfunction() {
And define replacediv() to replace all the elements in the form to whatever you'd like.
function replacediv() {
document.getElementById("nameofrecipentp").innerHTML =
"Enter your data here"
document.getElementById("colorinformationp").innerHTML =
"Enter your data here, for the color information"
document.getElementById("fontsizep").innerHTML =
"enter your data here for font size"
I think I pretty much covered everything. If you still need help, tell me.

Prevent backspacing HTML in an iFrame.

I am using an iFrame as a text editor and want to ensure that the first part of the body is always a p tag. As such, I have it set so when users first click on the body it will insert
This works, unless the user holds down the backspace button. Once the user runs out of plaintext to backspace, it removes the tags above.
I have captured the event for backspace, but how can I prevent the users from removing the paragraph tags?
I got 11 options (I'm assuming you are using jQuery).
First, capture the keydown event, and if the value is equal to the default value, prevent the action. This will probably be inside to source html of the iframe.
$('#editor').unbind('keydown').bind('keydown', function (event) {
var doPrevent = false;
if (event.keyCode === 8 && $('#editor').html() === '<p><br></p>'){
Option two: just make the element that's editable a div instead.
I prefer to avoid the use of an iframe. They make things needlessly complicated (imo).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function DoEdit(){
var idContent = document.getElementById('idContent');
idContent.contentEditable = "true";
//var editor = (idContent.contentWindow || idContent.contentDocument).content.document;
//editor.designMode = "on";
//editor.body.contentEditable = "true";
//editor.contentEditable = "true";
function ShowContent(){
var contentValue = "<p><br></p>"+$('#idContent').html();
<div style="text-align: center;margin:0 auto;width: 500px; height: 300px; border: solid; border-width: 2px;">
<div id="idContent" style="text-align: left; width:100%; height: 100%">
<div style="text-align: center;"><input id="showContentBtn" type="button" value="Show Content"></div>
Added a button in case there was some requirement to get the value for the content and keep those elements in it.
Option 3: If it needs to be inside the iframe, just set url for the above as the src for the iframe.
<div style="text-align: center">Edit Frame</div>
<iframe src="/widgets/editor/rich-text" ></iframe>
I hope that this will give you a few ideas you can work with inside your project.

replace all images with inputs elements jquery

i need find all images from textarea value and then replaces with inputs text elements
and the value of those with the src of the img was reemplace
after that the final string is output on a new div ('#newDiv')
my script dont replace nothing i dont know why
here is what i have done so far,
<textarea id="caja"></textarea>
<input type="button" onClick="parsingHtml()" value="read">
<div id="newDiv"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
function parsingHtml()
var content = $('#caja').val();
var newContent = $(content).find("img").replaceWith('<input type="text">');
any ideas? thanks in advance!
There are 2 problems that I can see
newContent is referring to only the img elements, not the complete content
Since you are passing the value to jQuery, if the value does not start with < it will be considered as a selector not as a element creation command
//dom ready handler
jQuery(function($) {
//click event handler registration
function parsingHtml() {
var content = $('#caja').val();
var newContent = $('<div />', {
html: content
newContent.find("img").replaceWith('<input type="text">');
<script src=""></script>
<textarea id="caja"></textarea>
<input type="button" id="read" value="read">
<div id="newDiv"></div>

