Pass and get variables from server for JavaScript/HTML site - javascript

so I need to pass and get variables from a server for my HTML Site (JavaScript). I'm trying to make a online game so I need to pass variables like names and all players online. I'm a total noob with stuff like servers so how can I get a simple server to hold variables and read and write files or something like that, because I want to create folders for accounts on the server.
Thanks in advance! :)

My advice is to learn PHP. It's one of the easier server-sided languages.
You should store your data in databases. For example mysql. You will also have to learn how to do this ;-)
Use AJAX in case you want to get the data from the server while the site is already loaded. Google it ;-)
If you want to create the server yourself on your own computer instead of using one in the internet you should use something like XAMPP. It includes every program you need for the beginning without the configuration-pain ^^
Overall you will have to do a lot of learning ^^ Noobs don't create games, so stop being one ;-)


Python, Scraping Data from javascript website

So, i am kinda of a new python programmer, if i can call myself like that, and i am trying to learn through the "picking new projects" procedure.
What i want to do now is :
enter a website that gives live score results as for example.
somehow scrape all the teams that playing against each other and manipulate those data.
Then i want to build an app that takes those data, arrange them nicely in a table format (let's say) and then update it every time a team scores a goal (possibly through scrapping again ? i don't know..). So i want to project them as my own data.
As i am new to python, i don't even know if that's possible to be done.
If so, can you help me ? Point me to some directions maybe, point me specific chapters of python to read, specific modules etc etc ?
I really need any help i can get because i am really lost on the matter.
I don't know where to begin with.
Thanks in advance
For web scraping i would recommand using regular requests library of python + the BeautifulSoup library for parsing HTML. This way you can have a look at the content of the website.
The problem starts with dynamically added data, which is probably the case for you. the actual live data is probably coming from XHR requests the site is making to the server, so there lies the data you are really interested in.
In order to get the data you can try looking at those XHR requests and maybe try to mimic them.
Another platform from extracting data from sites is the Selenium project. Its more of an automated web browser, which gives you the access to all the data , even the dynamically loaded ones.

creating a database in javascript using xampp

I am wanting to use a database in javascript. I am familiar only with xampp for databases. With the code snippet .openDatabase('test1'.x .x .x) A new DB 'test1' is created if one doesn't exist, otherwise it opens 'test1'. Where is this DB found? And probably more importantly,how do I make use xampp instead? Of course should I actually be using javascript at all?
I do understand that what I am asking is not that secure. At this point in time, I don't care. I need to get some sort of practice before adding in extra levels of difficulty.
For your need, you can see the tutorial from:
other tutorial:
For other CRUD with JavaScript Tutorials:

Is it possible to retrieve data from using objective-c and show it in website?

I have an iOS app in which I use as backend service. Now, I hired someone to do a website interface using HTML and CSS. I want to share the same data between iOS app and website, I know offers me a few ways to do this, including creating a javaScriptapplication. The problem is, my programmer doesn't have any experience in JavaScript, nor do I.
My question is: Is it possible to use what I have (objective-c, xcode) as far as retrieving data from and showing on website? Even if I need to code something new, is it possible to use objective-c together with HTML and CSS?
Parse has several APIs, one of which is REST. Your web developer should use the REST API to get data from Parse
If there is will there is way, but you'll be making something really specific to your use and will be non standard and will be immediately hard to maintain, I recommend that you hire another developer and do things properly using the technologies given to you by parse !. if the cost will be high now I can promise you it'll be much higher if you went the path you're going to now.
So my answer is:
Yes, everything is possible and no, don't do it ! :)
Edit: Added an example to a possible way to do it to actually answer OP's question.
Example case:
1-Create a simple Mac Application in Xcode that fetches data exactly like you do it on iOS, and store the needed data into a database of your choice on your server
2-You now have access to the data you needed from parse, but on a local mirror. you will need some tool to fetch that data though, I recommend a simple PHP script.
Note that this will require an OSX server to always be running to fetch that data, you'll also need of find a way to fetch data on demand when a user needs it Vs. polling at specified intervals, this will hardly scale and will be costly as I said.

Security in CouchApps

I am just getting started couchdb and have been looking into writing couch apps. the idea is pretty cool. From what I can tell so far, its great for writing front facing apps, but what I have not been able to tell yet is securing data and your code.
For example, if I have an app on something like iriscouch, it seems like the whole database is replicatable to the world. which is fine for those things. But if I were to host something on something like cloudant (or self hosted) where I dont want joe schmoe to replicate my db (assuming I have it at my own domain), is there a way to secure and not let all of your source code out?
Maybe its just my understanding so far. But when you have javascript you can always see the source. Is that any different when building couch apps? Such as if I wanted to keep the back end js code proprietary.
When building front ends, the client code obviously doesnt matter. But Im wondering if is possible to use the html/js to build apps where I can keep the back end proprietary. Or is this just out of scope of couchapps?
CouchDB has very primitive access control. It is not possible to build a security minded web application, like a shopping cart, using this access control system. In order to enforce more complex access control rules you need to build a middle-ware between JavaScript and CouchDB. In this case the user logs into the middle-ware, and this code is responsible for keeping track of who the user is and what resources they have access to.

How can you read and write to a MySQL database starting at a JavaScript web game?

First of all, I'm not much of a programmer if at all. This question may seem silly but I would honestly like some advice from real programmers.
I'd like to make a bit of an adventure game on a webpage.
Could I make it by having a MySQL database setup to store variables while JavaScript, HTML and CSS is used for the user interface and JavaScript for the game programming and PHP to communicate with MySQL.
I don't entirely understand it but I followed a tutorial and got it working. It also showed me how you can replace text on the screen by giving that text an elementid and then just setting its value to other text.
In this tutorial script, it has it so when the JavaScript file wants to communicate with php, it will open the php file with a ?=value at the end of the hyperlink where the value part turns into some kind of MySQL search value.
Something like this:
and then in the PHP file:
$sql="SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = '".$q."'";
This means you will always search by specific id number. The problem with this is that the php file is always set to look at the exact same table.
Sometimes you want to look at different tables, or multiple values from multiple tables, etc. Basically, you should be able to select each value like it's a record from one of those automatic DJs that radio stations used to have. Also, sometimes you'd want to write or append the database like when variables change and need to be updated and all of that has to happen securely.
The only thing I can think of is to have a ton of php files that work the same way and call the appropriate file when you want a certain kind of response. But then if I have a file on my website that has a php file that lets me write TO the database then someone can just read the javascript code, see that, and then basically hijack the mysql database.
So how can I securely do this?
I would recommend you to look into using jQuery and Ruby on Rails.
jQuery is a JavaScript library that will make easy your interaction with a server (MySQL) and will help you to get code that works in a lot of different web browsers.
Ruby on Rails is a web framework that will encapsulate everything you need to store state (game data) to a database (MySQL) and handle secure communication, as well as a host of other needs you may eventually face.
In addition to jQuery and Ruby on Rails, there are tons of other comparable frameworks you could use.
YUI3 ( and Django are two more examples. Express (for Node.js) is a JavaScript back end framework (like Ruby on Rails) that you could use with your existing JavaScript knowledge.
Anyway, good luck!
Theoretically, without moving towards different frameworks, here are a few things to think about...
I think you have the right idea with this what you are trying to do. The PHP file is used as server side logic. It should not be available to the user.
What the user can see is that there is a function available to make changes to something. This he will see from your AJAX call in JavaScript ( xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function()"GET","index.php?q="+str,true); ).
Your responsibility, in the PHP (server side logic) is to make sure you scan the parameters to this function before you allow any changes to be made on the Database.
As with any requests to a database, you need to make sure you are escaping the parameters before any call is made to prevent SQL Injections.
As with previous answer, there are some libraries that exist that have some tools already built in. Some poeple prefer certain tools/languages/libraries over others, but they can all pretty much all do the same thing. What changes is a bit of how it's done. I think you are on the right path, just need to protect those PHP pages of injections and inputs/parameters you do not want.
If you are using multiple PHP pages for different actions, it is possible to have the same PHP script accessed from all other pages. Therefore your escaping (preventing SQL Injections) can be done in the same script and don't need to include it in every single PHP page that makes a database call.
Hope this helps a bit!

