websockets do not work when assigned to global var - javascript

I use websockets along with javascript and html5
I have the following code.
<input type="text" onFocus=" so = new websocket('ws://localhost:1234');" onBlur="so.close();" onKeyUp="keyup();" >
<script type='text/javascript'>
var so; //this is global...
//wait a little (user stops typing)
function keyup(){
if (timeout) {clearTimeout(timeout);}
timeout = setTimeout(lookup, 250);
function lookup(){
//it's global, so use it right away
so.onopen = function(){
//send data to server to get responce...
So, websockets open/close if user clicks/or not a textfield. User types something on textfield. The value of textfield is sended to the server, a query is executed and if there are matching results, they render on the screen of the user.
If I click on the text field I see in the console "connected" and if I click anyware else I see "closed normally", as I should. That's ok.
But when I type letteres to the textfield, to send data to server, nothing is sended. I see nothing in the console. I see no errors.
What am I missing? It's like so.onopen never get executed.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance

The problem is that you recreate the socket but don't bind the onopen event handler.
On focus, you should call a function doing both : create the websocket and bind the onopen event handler :
<input id=someid type="text" onBlur="so.close();" >
<script type='text/javascript'>
var so, field = document.getElementById('someid');
field.onfocus = function(){
so = new websocket('ws://localhost:1234');
so.onopen = function(){
// do things


JQuery validation resetForm is not working

I have a very simple issue: There is a form with a clear form button. When I click on it, all fields reset. But I also have an extra validation rule: at least one additional field should be filled. After clearing, they all are empty, of course, but I don't want to see these validation messages. I want it to clear the entire form, hide all validation messages and so on. Here is my code:
$("a[data-clear]").click(function (event) {
var now = new Date();
$("#report_search section:gt(0) input").val("");
$("#includeDerived").prop("checked", true);
$("#includeApp").prop("checked", true);
$("#includeOrg").prop("checked", false);
$("input[name='FromDate']").datepicker().datepicker("setDate", now.dateAdd("year", -1));
$("input[name='ToDate']").datepicker().datepicker("setDate", now);
I have only one form on the page so multiple forms is not an issue.
Desired result: form is cleared, validation messages are not shown.
Actual result: form is cleared, validation messages persist.
Sample rule which is checking if fields are filled:
function (value, element, params) {
var hasPersonInfo = $("input[name='LastName']").val() && $("input[name='FirstName']").val();
if (hasPersonInfo) {
return true;
var hasDocInfo = $("select[name='D']").val() && $("input[name='C']").val() && $("input[name='E']").val();
if (hasDocInfo) {
return true;
return $("input[name='A']").val() || $("input[name='B']").val();
}, "File some fields");
$("#IsEnoughInfo").rules("add", { isSufficientInfo: "" });
If you're still looking for the answer,
I suspect that $("form").validate() creates a new validator instance.
What you need is the previously created instance:
Or store the validator in a variable:
var v = $("form").validate()
Reason for error
Your event for click event is getting propagated from button to window (inside-out). This is causing your form to trigger validation and thus you are getting the same error message, even after you call the resetForm. If you debug the validation library step by step and get to this.hideErrors then you will see that when this.hideErrors gets executed, the error messages are gone. Since the validation script hasn't finished yet, it continues with other statements, and at the end the event that got propagated is handled by the window from inside-out. The error messages are again shown as this event triggers the request on the form.
The solution is to move your call to event.preventDefault() to the top, like as shown below:
$("a[data-clear]").click(function (event) {
event.preventDefault(); // Move to top
var now = new Date();
$("#report_search section:gt(0) input").val("");
$("#includeDerived").prop("checked", true);
$("#includeApp").prop("checked", true);
$("#includeOrg").prop("checked", false);
$("input[name='FromDate']").datepicker().datepicker("setDate", now.dateAdd("year", -1));
$("input[name='ToDate']").datepicker().datepicker("setDate", now);
$("form").validate().resetForm(); // this should work now
Also see the updated jsfiddle sample
Give it a try and let me know if this works for you or not. I did the step-by-step debug and got to this conclusion.

Refresh form after save and close

I have some custom script that adds the latest note value to a hidden text field, and the hidden text field is subsequently displayed in one of my views for the entity. When I click save and close after adding a new note, the view does not update with the newest note since the form was not refreshed. What can I do so that the form will be refreshed if the user clicks on save and close?
EDIT: #Arthur For some reason, I cannot add a comment to your post.
Anyhow, I tried as you have suggested. When I tried to click on "save" alone, the form refreshed and the value returned was true, so the flag was tripped. However, when I tried the same with "save and close" the form did not refresh, and consequently the flag was not tripped. This is leading me to assume that I must refresh the form in order for the view to update.
EDIT 2: Here is the code that retrieves the information.
function GetLatestNote() {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("GET", encodeURI(Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/AnnotationSet?" + "$select=NoteText&$filter=ObjectId/Id eq guid'" + Xrm.Page.data.entity.getId() + "'&$orderby=CreatedOn desc&$top=1"), true);
req.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState === 4) {
req.onreadystatechange = null;
if (this.status === 200) {
var note = JSON.parse(req.responseText).d;
var results = note.results;
var NoteText = results[0].NoteText;
var newnote = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_lastcomment").setValue(NoteText);
new_lastcomment is the hidden field. What I am trying to do now is that if the user clicks on save and close, to stop the save event, reload the page, and use the script to close the form. Here is the code for that function:
function save(executionObj) {
var savestate = executionObj.getEventArgs.getsavemode();
if (savestate == 2) {
What happens when I test this code however is that I get the following message when I attempt to save and close :
There was an error with this field's customized event.Field: crmForm, Event: onsave, Error: Object does not support property or method 'getsavemode'
However, once I click ok, the script closes and the view is updated as I want it! But now there is a problem because I do not want this error message popping up every time I hit save and close. To add more depth here, I run both of these function as an onsave event, and for the save function, I have "Pass execution context as first parameter" checked. I tried to run it without checking this box, and got an error that the value was undefined, but once again, after I clicked ok, the form would close and the view updated. Why is this error coming up now?
EDIT: #Arthur The form is now refreshing, but I am still getting the same error message that I was getting before.
Typically a "isdirty" flag gets triggered whenever there is a change to the form.
This flag lets CRM know that there have been modifications to the form in question, and to make sure to display the "There are unsaved changes" dialog box.
My guess is that this flag is not being tripped when you update the textbox.
if you put
in your javascript and check out the resulting code, does it say true or false?
If it's false you'll need to set the dirty flag using
EDIT: I don't think this is the issue any more. refer to below.
After you set the value of the text box try executing this:
That should save it, that way the save and close button doesn't have to.
After doing some research, I have found out what the issue was.
In my function GetLatestNote(), I was retrieving the data from the note field asynchronously. This may have resulted in the control returning to the user before the code was executed and the field was populated on the form. Therefore, this resulted in the information not being brought over when I clicked save and close.
Here is the code with the JSON code being executed synchronously, for those who may need it in the future. Works like a charm :)
function GetLatestNote() {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("GET", encodeURI( Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/AnnotationSet?" + "$select=NoteText&$filter=ObjectId/Id eq guid'"+Xrm.Page.data.entity.getId()+"'&$orderby=CreatedOn desc&$top=1"), false);
req.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
var note = JSON.parse(req.responseText).d;
var results = note.results;
var NoteText = results[0].NoteText;
var newnote = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_lastcomment").setValue(NoteText);
#Arthur thank you very much for trying to help me out. I truly appreciated it!

Why do my functions keep reading input from my input text field?

The input on my html form has a problem. Curently I am taking the input which is a twitter name into an Ajax function that calls tweets via php from the twitter api.
As I have a setInterval function to keep checking for updates, the input is passed again and again into the function to get tweets.
The problem is that the function seems to be reading the input directly from what is in the text input box. So if the user changes the text without pressing enter or hitting the button, the function keeps reading that text as the input. So the input entered initially is not fixed after pressing enter or hitting the button to submit.
Here is the html form taking in the input:
<div id="topdiv">Input Twitter ID: <input type="text" id="userid" onkeydown="if(event.keyCode===13) {document.getElementById('tweet-button').click();}">
<input type="submit" id="tweet-button" onclick="getStatusesX();" value="Get recent tweets">
<p id="tweetbox"></p>
Here are the functions:
function getStatusesX() {
var userID = document.getElementById("userid").value;
var intervalstop = setInterval(function() {getStatuses(userID);}, 20000);
//Create a cross-browser XMLHttp Request object
function getXMLHttp() {
var xmlhttp;
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
XMLHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
XMLHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
alert("Your browser does not support XMLHTTP!");
return XMLHttp;
//function that searches for the tweets via php
function getStatuses(userID){
XMLHttp1 = getXMLHttp();
//ajax call to a php file that will extract the tweets
XMLHttp1.open( 'GET', 'TwitterGlimpsePHP.php?userid='userID, true);
// Process the data when the ajax object changes its state
XMLHttp1.onreadystatechange = function() {
if( XMLHttp1.readyState == 4 ) {
if( XMLHttp1.status ==200 ) { //no problem has been detected
I want the input to be taken as the text after enter is pressed. I have tried assigning it to variables but cannot work out why it keeps reading from the input field. Any help appreciated.
This is not an official answer - just trying to clear up my comments
This is what I mean by declaring outside the function...
var intervalstop;
function getStatusesX() {
var userID = document.getElementById("userid").value;
intervalstop = setInterval(function() {getStatuses(userID);}, 20000);
that way you initialize the var and inside the function you clear first to ensure it's not compounding. Then you set the var to a new interval to begin again.
You said twitter doesn't like something about this code if the user clicks many times - Makes perfect sense. They will want to throttle the API to prevent someone from making 50,000 requests per minute cause of improper coding. You should check the API specs to make sure you're within a realistic zone and consider caching the results locally if you are pushing boundaries.
The issue is that you are re-reading the value of the textbox every time getStatuses is called.
Try capturing the value of the textbox first, and passing it into your getStatuses function:
So your new getStatusesX is:
function getStatusesX() {
var userID = document.getElementById("userid").value;
setInterval(function() {
}, 20000);
Update getStatuses to take a userID parameter and delete the line where you're reading the textbox's value inside of getStatuses.
That having been said, it might be an issue if this is possible to begin with - what if the user clicks the button to automatically refresh statuses multiple times? You might want to disable the button/textbox after it's been clicked, or have it clearInterval the old interval first.

javascript firing event when textbox changes programmatically

I have an application in which server is sending data to client that I need to program. Each string of data is sent to a unique text box. I want to catch this data and format it before displaying depending on state of independent selectable list. I cannot fire an event using onchange as it works only for user's input. Is there an easy way of doing that? I couldn't find one straight solution for this.
<input class="dios" id="diosinput" type="text" value="" data-ref="#source" data-path="/abc/0/input" />
<select class="widthed">
//my function
function decToHex(d)
var displayHex = d.toString(16);
if(displayHex.length<2) displayHex = '0'+ displayHex;
return '0x'+ displayHex.toUpperCase();
Try this:
function fireEvent(element,event) {
if (document.createEventObject) {
// dispatch for IE
var evt = document.createEventObject();
return element.fireEvent('on'+event,evt)
} else {
// dispatch for others
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent(event, true, true ); // event type,bubbling,cancelable
return !element.dispatchEvent(evt);
fireEvent(document.getElementById('InsertIdOfYourInput'), 'change');
There are only two way to change a text box from the server:
When the browser loads the whole page
When the browser sends an AJAX request to the server and replaces the text in the input element
There is no way for a web server to "send data to a text box". You probably mean something else but you're missing the right words to express it.
What I can see from the source is data-ref and data-path. This suggests that AJAX is used to fetch a new value from the server and put it into the DOM.
To change this, look at the whole source code of the page (including all JavaScript code) and look for path or data-path or data('path') or data("path")
If you find the place where the request is made, you will know where to add your own callback.
function Evaluate() {
var q1 = document.getElementById("<%=txtqty.ClientID %>").value
<asp:TextBox ID="txtqty" runat="server" CssClass="txtclass" Width="40px" ValidationGroup="AddLoan" onchange="return Evaluate();" >

Intercept page exit event

When editing a page within my system, a user might decide to navigate to another website and in doing so could lose all the edits they have not saved.
I would like to intercept any attempt to go to another page and prompt the user to be sure they want this to happen since they could potentially lose their current work.
Gmail does this in a very similar way. For example, compose a new email, start typing into the message body and enter a new location in the address bar (say twitter.com or something). It will prompt asking "Are you sure?"
Ideas how to replicate this? I'm targeting IE8, but would like to be compatible with Firefox and Chrome also.
Similar to Ghommey's answer, but this also supports old versions of IE and Firefox.
window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
var message = "Your confirmation message goes here.",
e = e || window.event;
// For IE and Firefox
if (e) {
e.returnValue = message;
// For Safari
return message;
See this article.
The feature you are looking for is the onbeforeunload
sample code:
<script language="JavaScript">
window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
function confirmExit()
return "You have attempted to leave this page. If you have made any changes to the fields without clicking the Save button, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to exit this page?";
Instead of an annoying confirmation popup, it would be nice to delay leaving just a bit (matter of milliseconds) to manage successfully posting the unsaved data to the server, which I managed for my site using writing dummy text to the console like this:
// only take action (iterate) if my SCHEDULED_REQUEST object contains data
for (var key in SCHEDULED_REQUEST){
postRequest(SCHEDULED_REQUEST); // post and empty SCHEDULED_REQUEST object
for (var i=0;i<1000;i++){
// do something unnoticable but time consuming like writing a lot to console
console.log('buying some time to finish saving data');
}; // no return string --> user will leave as normal but data is send to server
See also Synchronous_AJAX and how to do that with jquery
I have users who have not been completing all required data.
<cfset unloadCheck=0>//a ColdFusion precheck in my page generation to see if unload check is needed
var erMsg="";
<cfif q.myData eq "">
<cfset unloadCheck=1>
verify(); //function elsewhere that checks all fields and populates erMsg with error messages for any fail(s)
if(erMsg=="") window.onbeforeunload = null; //all OK so let them pass
else window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit(); //borrowed from Jantimon above;
<cfif unloadCheck><!--- if any are outstanding, set the error message and the unload alert --->
window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
function confirmExit() {return "Data is incomplete for this Case:"+erMsg;}

