Django: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < - javascript

I'm using django with jquery to upload files using ajax. However, after the file has uploaded (and the files do upload correctly; the database is updated and they are on the server) javascript returns with an SyntaxError: Unexpected token < error.
I don't know if this is an error in javascript or an error in django; other questions I saw seemed to recommend making sure the information is indeed in JSON format, but it seems to be properly formatted in my case. I don't really understand why there is an error, since everything seems to work fine. There are no errors in my logs.
If I could only see a more helpful error message, I would have a much easier time fixing the issue.
Here's my
def response_mimetype(request):
if "application/json" in request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT']:
return "application/json"
return "text/plain"
class JSONResponse(HttpResponse):
"""JSON response class."""
def __init__(self,obj='',json_opts={},mimetype="application/json",*args,**kwargs):
content = simplejson.dumps(obj,**json_opts)
a = super(JSONResponse,self).__init__(content,mimetype,*args,**kwargs)
class UploadedFileCreateView(CreateView):
model = UploadedFile
form_class = UploadedFileForm
def form_valid(self, form):
self.object =
self.object.project_id = self.kwargs['proj_key']
f = self.request.FILES.get('file')
data = [{
'url': "/uploads/xmlfiles/" +" ", "_"),
'delete_url': reverse('fileupload:upload-delete',
'delete_type': "DELETE"}]
response = JSONResponse(data, {}, response_mimetype(self.request))
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline; filename=files.json'
return super(UploadedFileCreateView, self).form_valid(form)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(UploadedFileCreateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['files'] = UploadedFile.objects.all()
context['proj'] = int(self.kwargs["proj_key"])
return context
And here's my
class UploadedFile(models.Model):
"""This represents a file that has been uploaded to the server."""
(STATE_UPLOADED, "Uploaded"),
(STATE_ANNOTATED, "Annotated"),
(STATE_PROCESSING, "Processing"),
(STATE_PROCESSED, "Processed"),
status = models.SmallIntegerField(choices=STATES,
default=0, blank=True, null=True)
file = models.FileField(upload_to=settings.XML_ROOT)
project = models.ForeignKey(Project)
def __unicode__(self):
def name(self):
return os.path.basename(
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.status:
self.status = self.STATE_UPLOADED
super(UploadedFile, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(UploadedFile, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)
def get_absolute_url(self):
return u'/upload/projects/%d' %
class UploadedFileForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = UploadedFile
exclude = ('project',)

According to the documentation here, the form_valid() method needs to return the JSON as a HTTPResponse. Calling the form_valid() on the super class will, instead, overwrite the response created on the previous two lines.
Edit - This is working for me:
def response_mimetype(request):
if "application/json" in request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT']:
return "application/json"
return "text/plain"
class UploadedFileCreateView(CreateView):
model = UploadedFile
form_class = UploadedFileForm
def form_valid(self, form):
self.object =
self.object.project_id = self.kwargs['proj_key']
f = self.request.FILES.get('file')
data = [{
'url': "/uploads/xmlfiles/" +" ", "_"),
'type': "application/xml",
'size': self.object.file.size,
'delete_url': reverse('fileupload:upload-delete',
'delete_type': "DELETE"}]
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(data), content_type = response_mimetype(self.request))
The code in the link above bundles the ajax response code as a Mixin which would allow other forms in the project to reuse the code.
Viewing the response to the Ajax call in the Firefox plugin Firebug, Net tab or Chrome equivalent will help. These will show both the request and response headers ensuring the correct settings are being sent and returned.


webscraping logins with javscript and ajax

i'm stuck trying to get viewstate data to pass for form authentication. heres my code:
import scrapy
from scrapy_splash import SplashRequest, SplashFormRequest
class BrpSplashSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'brp_splash'
allowed_domains = ['']
# start_urls = ['']
script = '''
function main(splash, args)
url = args.url
return splash:html()
def start_requests(self):
yield SplashRequest(
endpoint = 'execute',
args = {
def parse(self,response):
yield SplashFormRequest.from_response(
'AJAXREQUEST' : '_viewRoot'
'j_id0:j_id5' : 'j_id0:j_id5'
'j_id0:j_id5:Login1_Dealer_No': '******'
'j_id0:j_id5:Login1_UserName': '******'
'j_id0:j_id5:Login1_Password': '*********'
'j_id0:j_id5:j_id26': 'en'
inspecting the webpage and looking at the form data i can see a huge string that is the viewstate data. its not in the html. where is it and how do i reference it?
thanks for looking,
the object i'm looking for is in the login page. i was looking for it after logging in. newbie learning curve mistake

Why an event handler function in is called multiple times and then web-socket connection is killed forcefully?

I have created a real time notifier using web-socket, implemented using Django-Channels. It sends the "Post Author" a real time notification whenever any user likes the author's post.
The problem is, for single like button click, multiple notifications are being saved in database. This is because the function (like_notif()) defined in which is saving notification data to database when the 'like button click' event happens is called multiple times (when it should be called only once) until the web-socket is disconnected.
In the following lines I will provide detail of what is actually happening(to the best of my understanding) behind the scene.
Like button is clicked.
<a class="like-btn" id="like-btn-{{ }}" data-likes="{{ post.likes.count }}" href="{% url 'like_toggle' post.slug %}">
JavaScript prevents the default action and generates an AJAX call to a URL.
$('.like-btn').click(function (event) {
var this_ = $(this);
var url = this_.attr('href');
var likesCount = parseInt(this_.attr('data-likes')) || 0;
url: url,
method: "GET",
data: {},
success: function (json) {
// DOM is manipulated accordingly.
error: function (json) {
// Error.
The URL is mapped to a function defined in (Note: Code for Post Model is at the last if required for reference.)
# In
urlpatterns = [
path('<slug:slug>/like/', views.post_like_toggle, name="like_toggle"),
# In
def post_like_toggle(request, slug):
Function to like/unlike posts using AJAX.
post = Post.objects.get(slug=slug)
user = request.user
if user in post.likes.all():
# Like removed
# Like Added
user_profile = get_object_or_404(UserProfile, user=user)
# If Post author is not same as user liking the post
if str(user_profile.user) != str(
# Sending notification to post author is the post is liked.
channel_layer = get_channel_layer()
text_dict = {
# Contains some data in JSON format to be sent.
"like_notif", {
"type": "notif_like",
"text": json.dumps(text_dict),
response_data = {
# Data sent to AJAX success/error function.
return JsonResponse(response_data)
Consumer created to handle this in
# In
class LikeNotificationConsumer(AsyncConsumer):
async def websocket_connect(self, event):
print("connect", event)
await self.channel_layer.group_add("like_notif", self.channel_name)
await self.send({
"type": "websocket.accept",
async def websocket_receive(self, event):
print("receive", event)
async def websocket_disconnect(self, event):
print("disconnect", event)
await self.channel_layer.group_discard("like_notif", self.channel_name)
async def notif_like(self, event):
print("like_notif_send", event)
await self.send({
"type": "websocket.send",
"text": event.get('text')
json_dict = json.loads(event.get('text'))
recipient_username = json_dict.get('recipient_username')
recipient = await self.get_user(recipient_username)
sender_username = json_dict.get('sender_username')
sender = await self.get_user(sender_username)
post_pk = json_dict.get('post_pk', None)
post = await self.get_post(post_pk)
verb = json_dict.get('verb')
description = json_dict.get('description', None)
data_dict = json_dict.get('data', None)
data = json.dumps(data_dict)
await self.create_notif(recipient, sender, verb, post, description, data)
def get_user(self, username_):
return User.objects.get(username=username_)
def get_post(self, pk_):
return Post.objects.get(pk=pk_)
def create_notif(self, recipient, sender, verb, post=None, description=None, data=None, *args, **kwargs):
return Notification.objects.create(recipient=recipient, sender=sender, post=post, verb=verb, description=description, data=data)
Note: notif_like() function is being called multiple times and thus data is being saved multiple times in the database. Why is this function being called multiple times?
JavaScript code(written in HTML file) handling websocket connection. I have used Reconnecting Websockets .
<script type="text/javascript">
var loc = window.location
var wsStart = 'ws://'
if(loc.protocol == 'https:') {
wsStart = 'wss://'
var endpoint = wsStart + + "/like_notification/"
var likeSocket = new ReconnectingWebSocket(endpoint)
likeSocket.onmessage = function (e) {
console.log("message LikeNotificationConsumer", e)
var data_dict = JSON.parse(
DOM manipulation using data from data_dict.
NOTE: All the intended data is coming through perfectly fine.
likeSocket.onopen = function (e) {
console.log("opened LikeNotificationConsumer", e)
likeSocket.onerror = function (e) {
console.log("error LikeNotificationConsumer", e)
likeSocket.onclose = function (e) {
console.log("close LikeNotificationConsumer", e)
Post model for reference
# In
class Post(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=False, null=True, verbose_name='Post Title')
post_content = RichTextUploadingField(blank=False, null=True, verbose_name='Post Content')
author = models.ForeignKey(
likes = models.ManyToManyField(User, blank=True, related_name='post_likes')
published = models.DateTimeField(, blank=True)
tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tags, verbose_name='Post Tags', blank=True, default=None)
slug = models.SlugField(default='', blank=True)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.slug = slugify(self.title + str(
super(Post, self).save()
def get_like_url(self):
return reverse("like_toggle", (), {'slug', self.slug})
def __str__(self):
return '%s' % self.title
Notification model for reference
# In
class Notification(models.Model):
recipient = models.ForeignKey(User, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="Recipient",)
sender = models.ForeignKey(
# Post (If notification is attached to some post)
post = models.ForeignKey(
verb = models.CharField(max_length=255)
description = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
data = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
timestamp = models.DateTimeField(
unread = models.BooleanField(default=True, blank=False, db_index=True)
def __str__(self):
return self.verb
Channels layer setting.
# In
"default": {
"BACKEND": "channels_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer",
"hosts": [("localhost", 6379)]
I expect the notification to be saved only once per click on the like button but it is being saved multiple times as the notif_like() function defined in is being called multiple times per click.
Moreover, web-socket gets disconnected abruptly after this and following warning is displayed in the terminal -
Application instance <Task pending coro=<SessionMiddlewareInstance.__call__() running at /home/pirateksh/DjangoProjects/ccwebsite/ccenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/channels/> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0x7fb7603af1c8>()]>> for connection <WebSocketProtocol client=['', 52114] path=b'/like_notification/'> took too long to shut down and was killed.
I am struggling with this for quite a time now, so it will be really helpful if someone can guide me through this.
After almost a year I was working on a very similar project and I was able to reproduce this bug and also figured out what was causing this.
I am pretty sure that this is somehow being caused by ReconnectingWebSocket.
The reason for this is that when I switched back to using vanilla WebSocket, everything worked fine.
I have also opened an issue regarding this on the ReconnectingWebSocket's Github repository.

Flask clear session not happening global

I have been trying to clear the session but it is not getting cleared globally.
Here is my code:
app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = 'xxxxx'
def make_session_permanent():
session.permanent = True
app.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta(minutes=30)
def index():
session['game'] = 1
session['level'] = 1
return render_template('index.html')
#app.route('/level', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def show_session():
x = (session.get('game'), session.get('level'))
return jsonify(x)
#app.route('/clear-session', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def clear_session():
response = {'level': session.get('level')}
return jsonify(**response)
An this is the JavaScript code snippet that I am using to send AJAX requests:
$.post('http://localhost:8000/level', function(data){console.log(data);}) // returns data
$.post('http://localhost:8000/clear-session', function(data){ console.log(data);}) // returns null as data is cleared
$.post('http://localhost:8000/level', function(data){console.log('session cleared'); console.log(data);}) //returns data again. Session not cleared properly
How can I overcome this and clear the session permanently when I send a request to clear-session?

Django + Angular method PUT and POST not allowed

I refactoring a project with Django/Django-Rest and AngularJS 1.4.9. All my GET requests are working fine, but PUT and POST requests don't. I receive a "405 (METHOD NOT ALLOWED)" error.
All my http requests were Ajax and worked fine, but I'm changing to $http now and having this trouble. What is wrong?
'use strict';
angular.module('myapp', [], function($interpolateProvider, $httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'jxcsrf';
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRFToken';
}).run(function($http) {
$http.defaults.headers.common['Content-Type'] = "application/json";
UPDATE showing the django view (but I think is not a django problem, because worked with ajax)
The view
class MusicAction(APIView):
Create a music instance or update the vote field in a music instance.
permission_classes = (IsAllowedOrAdminOrReadOnly,)
def get_playlist(self, station, playlist_id):
return Playlist.objects.get(station=station, pk=playlist_id, playing="1")
except Playlist.DoesNotExist:
raise ValidationError(u'Essa playlist não está em uso.')
def get_music(self, music_id, playlist_id):
obj = Music.objects.get(music_id=music_id, playlist_id=playlist_id)
return obj
except Music.DoesNotExist:
raise ValidationError(u'Essa música já tocou ou não existe.')
def get_object(self, station_id):
obj = Station.objects.get(pk=station_id, is_active=True)
self.check_object_permissions(self.request, obj)
return obj
except Station.DoesNotExist:
return Response(status=404)
def put(self, request, format=None):
station_id ="sid")
station = self.get_object(station_id)
playlist_id ="pid")
playlist = self.get_playlist(station, playlist_id)
music_id ='mid')
music = self.get_music(music_id, playlist_id)
vote = int("vote"))
with transaction.atomic():
total = = total + vote
station.last_update =
if vote > 0:
Voting.objects.create(voted_by=request.user, music=music)
vote = Voting.objects.get(voted_by=request.user, music=music)
serializer = MusicSerializer(music)
return Response(
return Response(serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
This is the header.
Try using one of the generic views of django rest framework:
for example, if you'd like to accept get and put use the RetrieveUpdateAPIView:
from rest_framework import generics
class MusicAction(generics.RetrieveUpdateAPIView):

Redirect after pdf generation

I'm generating a pdf after a form submission and I'd like to redirect to a "pdf has been generated" or reload the page with the form. I don't know how to do that, I guess it can be done with javascript/jquery but I didn't found a way to do that.
This is the view that generates the pdf:
def myview(response):
resp = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
result = generate_pdf('my_template.html', file_object=resp)
return result
You can't redirect from same view tath you are creating the PDF file, one option is send the success page first, and after start the download.
Your success view:
def pdf_success(request):
# View stuff
return render_to_response('pdf.html', {}, context_instance=ctx)
And you need to add this to your pdf.html template:
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url={% url "myview" %}">
First create that success view:
def pdf_success(request):
return render_to_response('pdf_success.html', {},
Then do a redirection after success:
def myview(response):
resp = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
result = generate_pdf('my_template.html', file_object=resp)
if result:
return HttpResponseRedirect('/url/to/success/view')
Just to give you the idea
From this snippet you can create a custom decorator
from functools import wraps
from django.http import HttpResponsePermanentRedirect, HttpResponseRedirect
def redirect(url):
Executes a HTTP 302 redirect after the view finishes processing. If a value is
returned, it is ignored. Allows for the view url to be callable so the
reverse() lookup can be used.
def goto_google(request):
#redirect(lambda: reverse('some_viewname'))
def do_redirect(request):
def outer(f):
def inner(request, *args, **kwargs):
f(request, *args, **kwargs)
return HttpResponseRedirect(url if not callable(url) else url())
return inner
return outer
def permanent_redirect(url):
Executes a HTTP 301 (permanent) redirect after the view finishes processing. If a
value is returned, it is ignored. Allows for the view url to be callable so the
reverse() lookup can be used.
def redirect_view(request):
#redirect(lambda: reverse('some_viewname'))
def do_redirect(request):
def outer(f):
def inner(request, *args, **kwargs):
f(request, *args, **kwargs)
return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(url if not callable(url) else url())
return inner
return outer
You can use any of these from the next way:
def myview(response):
resp = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
result = generate_pdf('my_template.html', file_object=resp)
return result
def myview(response):
resp = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
result = generate_pdf('my_template.html', file_object=resp)
return result

