Set the value of JavaScript variable into a PHP variable - javascript

I want to set the value of a JavaScript variable into a PHP variable. How can that be done?
Kindly give me some suggestions.
My code is :
document.getElementById("dummy").value= <?php echo ("document.getElementById('txtplan').value"); ?> //document.formn.txtplan.options[document.formn.txt'+fld+'.selectedIndex].value //eval(''); $_POST['txtplan']
$planname = $_POST["dummy"];
$plandetails = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM membershipplan where planname='$planname'");
while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($plandetails))
document.getElementById("txtduration").value=<?php echo $row1['planduration']; ?>
document.getElementById("txtplancontact").value=<?php echo $row1['plannoofcontacts']; ?>
document.getElementById("txtplanamount").value=<?php echo $row1['planamount']; ?>
am not do with this means kindly give me the alternative way for the above process

JS -> PHP = impossible (only if you send that info to PHP using POST or GET)
PHP -> JS = possible var text = <?php echo( $text ); ?> ;
The only reason for that is that the PHP code is executed on your server.

You cant do that i.e you cant assign a javascript variable to a php variable
(unless you are using cookie or ajax) but u can assign a php variable to a javascript variable using
var a=<?php echo $a ?> ;
but be careful with that as the php variables will be executed in the server.

The answer is simple. Impossible. Because,
Java script is a client side scripting. Client machine can handle
this script, If it is possible to assign javascript value to PHP
variable that leads to some sort of vulnerability.
So this can't be done.
If you want to accomplish something by doing this kind of assignment, Definitly there would be a way of doing it. Post another question what do you want to do, you will be showered with answers.


how to use a php variable in javascript value in mysql query? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the difference between client-side and server-side programming?
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Actually, I have a javascript variable I pass this to PHP variable and use this variable as a MySQL query when I submit the query the page gets reloaded and value of the javascript variable is finished and therefore query doesn't work
I just want a modification in my code or there is another relevant solution regarding my problem then kindly please help me.
Everything works fine when echo the PHP variable it shows me the variable only problem is in the query of my SQL that in the query the PHP variable which has javascript variable is not working.
var buttontext="esteem";
$ff ="<script>document.write(buttontext);</script>";
$connDB= mysqli_select_db($conn,'beelist');
echo $ff;
$query="SELECT beaconid FROM `customer` WHERE `beaconid` = '$code' && name = '$ff'";
$data = mysqli_query($conn,$query);
if ($res1) {
echo '<script> alert("Beacon found")</script>';
echo '<script> showp();</script>';
else {
echo '<script> alert("Beacon ID is wrong!")</script>';}
echo '<script> alert("Beacon ID is required")</script>';
As I said in the comments
Where do I start, Client and Server (JS and PHP) are separate. One runs on the server one runs on the clients computer. PHP goes first and as such only PHP can affect JS (as that is part of the output of the PHP) the JS's state cannot be known in PHP as it's on a entirely different computer. Basically you are left with making a request, either from a page reload (such as form submission) or AJAX where you can pass that data back to the server so it can work on it.
Basically what you have now is $ff literally is this text:
$ff ="<script>document.write(buttontext);</script>";
And because you don't echo it, it's actually never passed to the Client as part of the source.
Your query is like this:
$query="SELECT beaconid FROM `customer` WHERE `beaconid` = '$code' && name = '<script>document.write(buttontext);</script>'";
It's too broad of a topic for me to really give you a working answer, and there are plenty of tutorials out there that can do it better justice them me. But hopefully, you understand what is going on now.
PS. you can test this easily by doing echo $query; right after the query. Also be aware you should not put PHP variables directly in SQL, or you risk SQLInjection type attacks against your site. For example if $_POST['Bid']="' OR 1 -- your query would be this:
$query="SELECT beaconid FROM `customer` WHERE `beaconid` = '' OR 1 --' && name = '<script>document.write(buttontext);</script>'";
Where -- is the start of a comment in MySQL. So now I just selected your entire table by injecting SQL commands into your Query, which is a very bad thing.

How to pass javaScript values to PHP

How to pass javaScript values to PHP, my code is following
function a{
var b = a;
<button onclick="a(2)">Values</button>
$select = mysql_query("select * from tabl1 where id='values'"); // values comes here
echo $select;
There's a lot of thing you could do.
Principal things you have to know is that javaScript run on the client side (browser), while PHP is running on the server.
Then If you want to pass a variable from your JS to your PHP you have to make a server call.
There's various way you can use in order to send variable from client to server.
As I understand from your example, it looks like your php code and your javascript on the same file. so maybe call your file another time will be enough for you.
Let's say your file's name is index.php.
function yourJavascriptFunction(id) {
window.location.href = "index.php?id=" + id;
Then in change your PHP code to this:
$select = mysql_query("select * from tabl1 where id='".$_GET['id']."'"); // values comes here
echo $select;
$_GET will get the variable you've sent in your Js function.
Doing like this will refresh the page.
May be you don't want to refresh the page? Then look at the ajax way.
I hope it helps you

How can we get value in php variable from javascript variable

Can we get like this.
but i am not getting in php variable.
<?php $n ?> = $(search1).size();
but i am getting like this
var n = $(search1).size();
please help me....
PHP is processed on the server, before sending the result to the client.
For example, if you do this:
$name = "Dan";
print "hello, $name, ";
How are you?
The client will get:
<p>hello, Dan, How are you?</p>
And then, the client will process any javascript included in the code.
So in your case, the server would try to process this code:
<?php $n ?>
and then send the result to the server, appending the code out of the tags. Which would give an error, since $n by itself is not a valid php instruction.
So: PHP is executed on the server, and then, javascript is executed on the client.
You should check some tutorials, and try first to understand how PHP and Javascript work.

Assign js variable in PHP variable

function show_selling_price(sp,co)
var e="select * from tbl where id='$r'; ?>";
//php assign value does not work why?
//Please correct above code with proper description
You can not set a PHP variable from JavaScript. For example this is not possible:
var js_var = 10;
$php_var = js_var;
However you can set a JS variable from PHP:
var js_var = <?php echo $php_var ?>;
PHP is executed on the server side and then the result shows up on the browser.
JavaScript is executed on the client side once the server returns the response.
If you really need to pass a JS var then use AJAX to submit vars to the server.
It is not possible to assign a javascript variable to a php variable like your example above.
Javascript is a client side language whilst PHP is a server side language.
What you can do is to echo out php variables to a javascript code before it is rendered at the visitors web browser like:
var text = "<?php echo $variable; ?>";
If you are setting a variable in Javascript first, and then want to pass it on to PHP, you either have to use ajax, or use a html-form to post the information to the server

How to get PHP string value in javascript?

Hi have looking on various questions but none of them seem to help me. I have a php variable in my php code and I am trying to access that in my javascript when I do. . .
var thing = "<?php echo($phpvariable); ?>";
then when I do
It comes out to be "<?php echo($phpvariable); ?>" in the alert statement
What am I doing wrong?
Your PHP is obviously not being parsed. Are you in a .php file? If you're in a .js file, you'll need the server to parse those (or, more safely, put the PHP part somewhere in the DOM that the JS can access)
However, you're doing it wrong:
var thing = <?php echo json_encode($phpvariable); ?>;
Note: no quotes. json_encode will take care of that for you.
If this code is in a function in javascirpt that executes on click or at a specific event, then:
You are writing PHP Syntax in javascript, there is no way that you load the page then you run the php code. PHP code runs on the server side, so before any other HTML Javascript code executes
Else if you want to dynamically set the variable thing in javascript when the page is first loaded, then most probably you meant to write in the php file:
var thing = <?php echo '"'.$phpvariable.'"'; ?>;

