Copy contents of one field to another using jQuery - javascript

I have a table structure like:
<table id='myTable'>
<th class='name'>Name</th>
<th class='nick-name'>Nick Name</th>
<th class='age'>Age</th>
<td class='name'>Ilona</td>
<td class='nick-name'>Baby Doll</td>
<td class='age'>21</td>
<td class='name'>Sieraa</td>
<td class='nick-name'></td>
<td class='age'>24</td>
<td class='name'>Britney</td>
<td class='nick-name'>Blondie</td>
<td class='age'>27</td>
<td class='name'>Kate</td>
<td class='nick-name'>Night Queen</td>
<td class='age'>19</td>
<td class='name'>Dani</td>
<td class='nick-name'></td>
<td class='age'>23</td>
<td class='name'>Aliee</td>
<td class='nick-name'></td>
<td class='age'>26</td>
<td class='name'>Brandi</td>
<td class='nick-name'></td>
<td class='age'>27</td>
As some Nick Name fields are empty, I want to display the value of Name in Nick Name if they are empty.
Eg: In Second Row of Table Body, The Nick Name field is empty, The Name field contains Sierra. So, I want to display Sierra in Nick Name field instead of leaving it empty.
How can I achieve this using jQuery or JavaScript

this only works when the .name is always the exact previous element of .nick-name like in your structure
$('.nick-name').each(function () {
if ($(this).text().length === 0) {
This works when both .name and .nick-name have the same parent
$('.nick-name').each(function () {
if ($(this).text().length === 0) {
var name = $(this).parent().find('.name').text();
You should read up on DOM Traversing with jQuery, there is lots of stuff you can do to get to your elements.

This should help
$('#myTable tr').each(function(){
var nickname = $(this).find('.nick-name').html();
Refer: How to get a table cell value using jQuery?


unable to bold a particular word inside td tag of a table in angular

I am trying to show some words in bold inside a table. That is, I am putting a sentence inside td tag, and I want to bold some words of that is working when I put a string in Html and give to that word. but when I give a variable it is not working.
<table class="action_tables" border="1">
<td class="header_column">Name1:</td>
<td class="content_column">this is <b>bold</b></td>
<td class="header_column">Name2:</td>
<td class="content_column">{{element[0].matched_keyword}}</td>
<td class="header_column">Subject1:</td>
<td class="content_column">{{element[0].nlp_matched_sentence}}</td>
<td class="header_column">bold value1:</td>
<td class="content_column">{{x}}</td>
<td class="header_column">bold value2:</td>
<td class="content_column"><span style="font-weight:bold">Your bold text</span></td>
.ts file
element = [
id: 5636,
matched_keyword: "test",
"The <strong>Air Force</strong> Test Center"
after my research I got 3 solutions but none of them are working for me. please check the demo for more information.
stackbliz demo
Take a look at demo code
You need to add [innerHTML] as below:
<td class="content_column" [innerHTML]="element[0].nlp_matched_sentence"></td>
To set html content programatically, we need to use innerHTML.
To use innerHTML as a data binding, we need to use interpolation syntax => innerHTML = {{}}
To use innerHTML as property binding, we need to use square brackets syntax => [innerHTML]=""
Change your html code like below,
<table class="action_tables" border="1">
<td class="header_column">Name:</td>
<td class="content_column">this is <b>bold</b></td>
<td class="header_column">Name:</td>
<td class="content_column">{{ element[0].matched_keyword }}</td>
<td class="header_column">Subject:</td>
<td class="content_column">
<div innerHTML="{{ element[0].nlp_matched_sentence }}"></div>
<td class="header_column">bold value:</td>
<td class="content_column"><div innerHTML="{{ x }}"></div></td>

JS loop through table and print text in column based on condition

I have a simple table, and I need to print a text in a certain column based on condition over hidden columns. There are multiple rows as a record which have same TD ID. What I need to do is, to go through each row of table and check status1 (gv-field-15-139), status2 (gv-field-15-140) and status3 (gv-field-15-141). If one of this status (gv-field-15-150) is 'Completed' I want to print Completed in Status column. is it possible?
if(($('td#gv-field-15-139').text() == 'Completed') || ($('td#gv-field-15-
140').text() == 'Completed') || ($('td#gv-field-15-141').text() == 'Completed') ) {
<th>Student Name</th>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student A</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">India</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student B</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
This only works for 1 row and when it becomes 2 row or more it doesn't work. Could you please show me a way to achieve this.
Loop your tr except the first tr which has th and check td. Though you can achieve the solution to your problem with ids, its recommended to use class instead of ids.
$(document).ready(function() {
var trs = $('tr').not(':eq(0)');
$.each(trs, function() {
var $this = $(this);
if (($this.find('>td#gv-field-15-139').text() == 'Completed') || ($this.find('>td#gv-field-15-140').text() == 'Completed') || ($this.find('>td#gv-field-15-141').text() == 'Completed')) {
<script src=""></script>
<th>Student Name</th>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student A</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">India</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student B</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student B</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
Do not use duplicate id's, you can use the index of the cells intead:
const table = document.querySelector('table');
//take all rows except the header
const rows = Array.from(table.querySelectorAll('tr')).slice(
rows.forEach((row) => {
const cells = Array.from(
//get the 3rd cell
const [, , toSet] = cells;
//all values after 3rd cell
const [, , ,...values] =
(cell) => cell.innerText.trim()//map to the innerText of the cell
toSet.innerHTML = 'Completed'
<th>Student Name</th>
<td>Student A</td>
<td>Student B</td>
<td>Student C</td>
<td>Not Completed</td>
This solution is so simplistic it doesn't even have a need for jQuery, I also thought that it might be nicer to read if you broke the logic up a bit, i.e. rather than having an ugly & long looking if statement, I've implemented the isComplete function.
FYI. ID's are meant to be unique throughout the entire page, it may be a better idea to change them to classes if you can.
After having looked at the beautiful solution produced by #HMR I thought I'd include some of the elegant code that was implemented into this solution, I can't take all the credit there!
// Just short hand.
const $e = queryString => document.querySelectorAll(queryString);
const term = 'Completed';
// Returns a boolean.
const isComplete = td => td.textContent.replace(/\ /, '') === term;
// Some fallback function.
const fallback = () => console.log('Next...');
// Render the update(s).
const render = (v, t) => v.includes(true) ? t.textContent = term : fallback();
// Updates the relevant td tags.
const update = tr => {
const tds = Array.from(tr.querySelectorAll('td'));
const [, , , ...values] = => isComplete(td));
const [, , td] = tds;
render(values, td);
// Iterate over the relevant tr tags.
const loop = () => Array.from($e("table tr")).splice(1, ).forEach(tr => update(tr));
// Start the process.
<th>Student Name</th>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student A</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">India</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student B</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-1">Student C</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td id="gv-field-15-139">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td id="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
There are couple of issues:
You have duplicate IDs. ID must be unique. In your current code, you will always get first element with necessary ID. So you should use classes instead
You are not looping. Since its a table and you have to handle each row, you have to loop over all rows and based on current row, you have to check/update necessary column's value.
$(document).ready(function() {
var $tr = $('table tr');
$.each($tr, function(index, tr) {
if (
($('.gv-field-15-139', tr).text() == 'Completed') ||
($('.gv-field-15- 140', tr).text() == 'Completed') ||
($('.gv-field-15-141', tr).text() == 'Completed')
) {
$(".gv-field-15-150", tr).text('Completed');
<script src=""></script>
<th>Student Name</th>
<td class="gv-field-15-1">Student A</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-90">India</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td class="gv-field-15-139">Completed</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-1">Student B</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-150"> </td>
<td class="gv-field-15-139">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-140">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-141">Pending</td>
Loop through all the rows in the table except the first row(and hence => $('tr').length-1).
.eq() function is used to access each element/text by index..
$(document).ready(function () {
if( ($('td#gv-field-15-139').eq(i).text() == 'Completed') || ($('td#gv-field-15-140').eq(i).text() == 'Completed') || ($('td#gv - field - 15 - 141').eq(i).text() == 'Completed') ) {
#IDs Must Always be Unique
Having duplicated #ids makes HTML invalid, more importantly it cripples JS/jQ because it is expected that #ids are unique so once found, no efforts are made to continue for second occurrence of an #id.
All #ids have been changed to .classes
The last 3 <td> of each row have a shared class: .status
The 3rd <td> of each row has a new class: .primary
Three lines of code...that's all you need.
$('.status').each(function() {
if ($(this).text() === 'Completed') {
<th>Student Name</th>
<td class="gv-field-15-1">Student A</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-90">India</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-150 primary"> </td>
<td class="gv-field-15-139 status">Completed</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-140 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-141 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-1">Student B</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-90">China</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-150 primary"> </td>
<td class="gv-field-15-139 status">Completed</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-140 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-141 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-1">Student C</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-90">USA</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-150 primary"> </td>
<td class="gv-field-15-139 status">ERROR</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-140 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-141 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-1">Student D</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-90">France</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-150 primary"> </td>
<td class="gv-field-15-139 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-140 status">Pending</td>
<td class="gv-field-15-141 status">Completed</td>
<script src=""></script>

Color table cells onclick

I have a 5x5 table, with each cell containing a word. When I click on the word, I want the color of the cell to be updated to a pre-defined color. In the example below, a table is set up with the colors encoded - what I want is them to be white until their corresponding word is clicked.
<TD BGCOLOR="#ffff00">Yellow</TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="#00ff00">Green</TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="#ff00ff">Purple</TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="00ffff">Blue</TD>
Using jQuery you could do this:
$('table td').on('click', function() {
$(this).attr("bgcolor", $(this).attr("data-color"));
<script src=""></script>
<TD data-color="#ffff00">Yellow
<TD data-color="#00ff00">Green
<TD data-color="#ff00ff">Purple
<TD data-color="00ffff">Blue
For a larger project I'd recommend selecting the table by ID.
If you want to use vanilla Javascript you can add a simple onClick event listener and set the color. The color would need to be stored in a data-bgcolor attribute.
const tableCells = document.querySelectorAll('TD')
tableCells.forEach( function (cell) {
cell.addEventListener('click', function (e) { =;
<TD data-bgcolor="#ffff00">Yellow</TD>
<TD data-bgcolor="#00ff00">Green</TD>
<TD data-bgcolor="#ff00ff">Purple</TD>
<TD data-bgcolor="#00ffff">Blue</TD>

Get the value from inside the row html in Javascript

I have a database table that I'm outputting onto a internal webpage. I need to find the value of a selected row so I can then merge the rows and send the value back to the db so it knows which rows to merge.
When clicking on a button to merge rows this is my function I have created:
//merge the rows now
function mergeTheRows() {
//get value from each row
$("#mergeRowsBody tr").each(function() {
rowValue = document.getElementsByTagName("tr").value;
Here is the body of the table (I'm only showing two rows for the example):
<tbody id="mergeRowsBody">
<tr class="rowEditData odd mergeSelect" value="110461" role="row">
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric sorting_1">ABBEVILLE</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">South Carolina</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">null</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">null</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">001</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">39</td>
<tr class="rowEditData even mergeSelect" value="107045" role="row">
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric sorting_1">Abbeville County</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">South Carolina</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">001</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">45</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">null</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">null</td>
I keep getting undefined when it console logs to the browser. I've tried finding the value by ID and class as well, but it keeps saying undefined. What am I doing wrong?
All I need is to be able to save the ID of the row so I can then let the database know which rows will be merged.
You should use data- property instead of value, value is for inputs, selects... Also you need to add table in your html and then you can use map() and get() to return array of data-values.
var mergeRowsArray = $("#mergeRowsBody tr").map(function() {
return $(this).data('value')
<script src=""></script>
<tbody id="mergeRowsBody">
<tr class="rowEditData odd mergeSelect" data-value="110461" role="row">
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric sorting_1">ABBEVILLE</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">South Carolina</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">null</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">null</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">001</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">39</td>
<tr class="rowEditData even mergeSelect" data-value="107045" role="row">
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric sorting_1">Abbeville County</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">South Carolina</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">001</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">45</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">null</td>
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">null</td>
getElementsByTagName returns a live HTMLCollection of elements with the given tag name.
rowValue = document.getElementsByTagName("tr").value;
replace with
rowValue =$(this).attr("value");
Have you tried using just jQuery?
rowValue = $(".mergeSelect").val();

how to find clicked tr from tbody jquery

This is my html table
<td class="td20"><h3>Patient Name</h3></td>
<td class="td20"><h3>Summary</h3></td>
<td class="td20"> <h3>Created</h3></td>
<td class="td20"><h3>Last visit</h3></td>
<td class="td20"> <h3>Refer to a Doctor</h3></td>
<tbody id="patient_table">
<tr id="1">
<td class="td20">Patient Name</td>
<td class="td20">Summary</td>
<td class="td20">Created</td>
<td class="td20">Last visit</td>
<td class="td20">Refer to a Doctor</td>
<tr id="2">
<td class="td20">Patient Name</td>
<td class="td20">Summary</td>
<td class="td20">Created</td>
<td class="td20">Last visit</td>
<td class="td20">Refer to a Doctor</td>
This is my script:
$("#patient_table").click(function(e) {
var id = $(this).children('tr').attr('id');
The <tr> is generated dynamically inside the <tbody>.
I need to find the id of <tr> on click of <tr> itself.
With the script I'm always getting the first <tr> id only irrespective of the second <tr> click.
Use this instead:
$("#patient_table").on('click','td',function (e) {
var id = $(this).closest('tr').attr('id');
jsFiddle example
Since you mentioned the rows being generated dynamically you want to use .on() to delegate the event handling to the table cells.

