Prevent click on another button jquery - javascript

How to prevent click another button if first is clicked...
Like -
When you click Like button i want disable click on Dislike button and inversely...
im try with removing class but seems that not working...

You can remove the click handler
$(function () {
$('.vote_like').one('', function () {
$('.vote_dislike').one('', function () {
Demo: Fiddle

Because you've attached the .one handler to each button, it will still be executed at most one time according to the jquery docs. To prevent the click you must remove the handler after one is clicked.
Like -
But better yet, why not just attach the one handler to both elements and check which was clicked:
//set data for like
//set data for dislike
//make ajax call

Anchors don't have a way to disable them, so you'd either need to remove the anchor or set a boolean in your javascript to track if it's been clicked.
Or, you can convert them into actual button elements, play with the disabled state.
Or you can use jquery to add custom data attributes to the anchor to track if it's "disabled"

$('.vote_like, .vote_dislike').on('click',function(){
$(this).siblings('.vote_like, .vote_dislike').add($(this)).prop('disabled',true);
if ($(this).hasClass('vote_like')) {
/* Do like things */ alert('like');
/* Do dislike things */ alert('dislike');

Can use one handler for both buttons and remove click handler within it for both
var btns=$('.vote_like, .vote_dislike').on('click',function(e){
var isLikeBtn=$(this).is('.vote_like');
/* remove click handler for both, remove class from other button */'click').not(this).removeClass( isLikeBtn ? 'vote_dislike' : 'vote_like');
Since using off on both would be equivalent of using one


automatic close function for selection

I have a button which creates a pulldown in which you can select several categories.
Now i want this to close automatically when i click outside the pulldown.
Something like a lightbox or modal popup which closes if you click anywhere else on the page.
Now i have to click the button again to close it. If i dont and go elsewhere on the page, the dropdown stays visible (until i click it)
This is the code of the button:
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) $(this).find('span').html('▲')
else $(this).find('span').html('▼')
Is this possible?
Using jquery this is the code I used for a similar case scenario sometime ago:
$(document).click(function(event) {
if(!$('.pulldown').length) {
if($('.pulldown').is(":visible")) {
You can read more about this in the original post How to detect a click outside an element? submitted by Art.
I'm not exactly sure of the elements you want to hide as you don't have a demo, so I cannot provide a fully working code, however you should do something like this:
$("body").click(function(event) {
if ( != "browse-btn") {
// Do something when there's a click outside of #browse-btn
// and the element you want to hide is currently visible
You can attach a click event to all chidren of the body tag that removes that active class, but you would want to make sure to unbind that event so it doesn't run every time a click takes place that doesn't have some sort of prevent default on it. Something like this:
var hidePulldown = function(){
$('body *').unbind("click", hidePulldown);
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) $(this).find('span').html('▲')
else {
$(document).on('click', 'body *', hidePulldown);
Also, the
$(document).on('click', element, function(){function body})
is the preferred way to attach click events i believe: $(document).on('click', '#id', function() {}) vs $('#id').on('click', function(){})
This is what worked flawlessly for me after reading some of the answers here:
$(document).click(function(event) {
if(!$('#menucontainer').length &&
!$('#menucontainer')) {
if($('#menucontainer').is(":visible")) {
Thanks for pointing me in the right way!

Change Div Class on click takes multiple clicks before it works

I used the methods in this question:
change div class onclick on another div, and change back on body click
So here's my jQuery function:
jQuery('.checkbox_wrapper').on('click', function(e){
However it doesn't seem to be working properly. It takes multiple clicks before the class changes.
See my jsfiddle:
I cut it down to the bare essentials thinking it might be conflicting javascript, but even with the single function it takes multiple clicks before the class actually changes. Because the production environment has 1 click toggle a hidden checkbox, multiple clicks is not reasonable.
Could someone help me figure out what's causing this issue?
The click function fires twice, once for the image, and once for the input, as both will bubble to the parent element, and firing twice reverts the classes again (proof).
Just target the image instead, as that is what you're really trying to click, not the parent :
jQuery('.deck_card img').on('click', function (e) {
jQuery(this).closest('div').parent().toggleClass('not_selected selected')
i guest you need the checkbox checked together with the toggling of your div.
$(document).ready(function(e) {
$('.checkbox_wrapper').on('click', function(e){
var checked = $(this).find('input[type="checkbox"]').is(":checked");
Your code is triggering click event twice. So use .preventDefault()
This makes the default action of the event will not be triggered.
$('.checkbox_wrapper').on('click', function(e){
e.preventDefault(); // prevent the default action to be
}); // triggered for next time
Check this JSFiddle
try this
jQuery(document).on("click",'.checkbox_wrapper', function(e){
Multiple Clicks are getting triggered because you are using class selector. You need to use not to exclude extra elements :
jQuery("div.checkbox_wrapper :not('div.checkboxdiv')").on('click', function(e){
.toggleClass('not_selected selected')
Here is a FIDDLE.

Jquery appending with styling and functions

i appending buttons with some IDs and i use those IDs to make on click stuff
when it appending didn't take button() effect
and on click it don't take the function that I created it for this button id
$("button#edit-doc").each(function() {
$(this).on("click", function(){
append button
$("#append").on("click", function(){
$('div#container').append("<button id='edit-doc'> Edit </button>");
<div id="container"></div>
This seems to be what you're after:
function handler() { alert('clicked'); }
$("#append").on("click", appendButton);
function appendButton(){
$('#container').append(function() {
return $("<button id='edit-doc'> Edit </button>").on("click", handler);
See jQuery how to bind onclick event to dynamically added HTML element for more information on this behavior.
$(document).on("click", "#selector", function(){
//Your code here.
Using document for your selector with .on will allow you to bind events to dynamically created elements. This is the only way I've found to do it when the DOM elements don't exist prior to execution.
I do this in a dynamically created table that is sort-able and works great.
Here is an example. Click the button to add a div then click the div to get it's contents.
The first code-block attaches an event listner to all buttons with class='edit-doc', use classes instead of an id since an id's name may only exist once per page. So I was saying, when your browser reaches this code an event listner is added to all available buttons in your document at that moment. It doesn't add an event listner to buttons you will be adding later onclick of some element, because it doesn't know. You will have to explicitly execute the code again for the buttons that you append. But what you don't want is to add a new event listner to the original buttons, causing two events being called.
Something like:
// Load all buttons with class=edit-doc and add event listner
$(function() {
$("button.edit-doc").button().on("click", function(){
// Append button if button with id=append is clicked
$("#append").on("click", function(){
var button = $.parseHTML("<button class='edit-doc'>Edit</button>");
$(button).button().on("click", function(){
Working example:

change div class onclick on another div, and change back on body click

Let me define the problem a little bit more:
i have
<div class="contact">
<div id="form"></div>
<div id="icon"></div>
i want onclick on #icon, to change the class of .contact to .contactexpand( or just append it).
Then i want that the on body click to change the class back, but of course that shouldnt happen when clicking on the new class .contactexpand, and if possible that clicking on icon again changes the class back again.
I tried numerous examples and combinations but just couldn't get the right result and behavior.
Check this: Working example
Let's go step by step
I want onclick on #icon, to change the class of .contact to .contactexpand( or just append it). […] and if possible that clicking on icon again changes the class back again.
You want to use the toggleClass() method to achieve this. Simply:
$('#icon').on('click', function(e){
Then i want that the on body click to change the class back
You will have to make sure that body removes contactexpand class and adds contact. At this point I would just give the container element an id (or class if you prefer), just to make things simpler. Then what you do is pretty simple:
$('body').on('click', function(e){
but of course that shouldnt happen when clicking on the new class .contactexpand.
This is the step that the other answers missed, I think. Since everywhere you click, you also click on the body element, you will always trigger the click event on the body, hence removing the contactexpand class and adding the contact one.
Enter event.stopPropagation(). This method will make sure that the events doesn't bubble up the DOM, and will not trigger the body click.
$('#thisdiv').on('click', function(e){
Working example
You can add a class to parent element like the following code.
$(".contact #icon").click(function(){
var element = $(this).parent(".contact");
I like to the jQuerys toggleClass function like so:
Or you could use addClass('className') and removerClass('className') if you would like to apend it rather than toggle it :)
Here is an example:
You can also add an onclick event to the body of the page and use hasClass('className') to see whether or not to toggle the class when the body is clicked. You could use something like this (Although I havent tested this bit!):
if( $('#contactbox').hasClass('contactexpand') ){
You can do this
$('body').on('click', function(event) {
if ($('id') == 'icon') {
} else {
Check out this jsfiddle
var $contact = $('.contact');
$contact.find('#icon').click(function(e, hide) {
$contact[hide ? 'removeClass' : 'toggleClass']('contactexpand');
$(document).on('click', function(e) {
if (e.srcElement === $contact[0]) return;
$contact.find('#icon').trigger('click', true);

$('body').on('click', '.anything', function(){})

$('body').on('click', '.anything', function() {
doesn't work for anything right now and I can't figure out why. I'm able to anchor to anything else, say I just toss a #wrap div right inside the body. Then I'm able to do
$('#wrap').on('click', '.anything', function() {
for any element I want.
Any idea what I could have done to disable this ability on the body element?
You should use $(document). It is a function trigger for any click event in the document. Then inside you can use the jquery on("click","body *",somefunction), where the second argument specifies which specific element to target. In this case every element inside the body.
$(document).on('click','body *',function(){
// $(this) = your current element that clicked.
// additional code
You can try this:
You must follow the following format
$('element,id,class').on('click', function(){....});
*JQuery code*
$('body').addClass('.anything').on('click', function(){
//do some code here i.e
If you want to capture click on everything then do
//code here
I use this for selector:
This is used for handling clicks:
And then use
To stop normal clicking actions.

