mask work for id but not for class - javascript

hi i have a problem with my javascript code it works for input by id but i wat to use it on class element. I do not know what is i am doing wrong any idea? I paste my code
i want to mask time on my input
function maska(inputName, mask, evt) {
var text = document.getElementsByClassName(inputName);
try {
var value = $(text).val(); //text.value;
// Jeśli ktoś naciśnie dela lub backspace to czyszcze inputa
try {
var e = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode;
if (e == 46 || e == 8) {
$(text).val() = ""; //text.value = "";
} catch (e1) { }
var literalPattern = /[0\*]/;
var numberPattern = /[0-9]/;
var newValue = "";
for (var vId = 0, mId = 0; mId < mask.length; ) {
if (mId >= value.length)
// Wpada jakaś inna wartość niż liczba przechowuje tylko ta dobra wartosc
if (mask[mId] == '0' && value[vId].match(numberPattern) == null) {
// Wpadł literał
while (mask[mId].match(literalPattern) == null) {
if (value[vId] == mask[mId])
newValue += mask[mId++];
var godzina = value.substr(0, 2);
var minuty = value.substr(3,4);
if (minuty > '59' || godzina > '23') {
newValue += value[vId++];
text.val() = newValue;
//text.value = newValue;
} catch (e) { }

getElementById returns a single DOMElement while getElementsByClass returns an array of elements. To allow for both, you could have one function that accepts a DOMElement and two functions that find the elements, one for id and one for class:
function maska(elem, mask, evt) {
try {
var value = $(elem).val();
// blah blah, rest of the function
function maskById(id, mask, evt) {
var element = document.getElementById(id);
maska(element, mask, evt);
function maskByClass(class, mask, evt) {
var element_list = document.getElementsByClass(class);
for(var i = 0; var i < element_list.length; i++) {
maska(element_list[i], mask, evt);
But you would be better off using the jquery selector combined with .each , which always returns results as a set/array, regardless of selector type.

document.getElementById returns a single element, which your code is written to handle.
document.getElementsByClassName returns multiple elements. You need to loop over them and process them each individually.

I don't get why you use getElementsByClassName and then use jQuery features?
try $('input.' + inputName)

getElementById returns a single element, while getElementsByClassName returns a collection of elements. You need to iterate over this collection
function maska(inputName, mask, evt) {
var text = document.getElementsByClassName(inputName);
try {
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
var value = text[i].value;
// Jeśli ktoś naciśnie dela lub backspace to czyszcze inputa
try {
var e = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode;
if (e == 46 || e == 8) {
text[i].value = "";
} catch (e1) { }
var literalPattern = /[0\*]/;
var numberPattern = /[0-9]/;
var newValue = "";
for (var vId = 0, mId = 0; mId < mask.length; ) {
if (mId >= value.length)
// Wpada jakaś inna wartość niż liczba przechowuje tylko ta dobra wartosc
if (mask[mId] == '0' && value[vId].match(numberPattern) == null) {
// Wpadł literał
while (mask[mId].match(literalPattern) == null) {
if (value[vId] == mask[mId])
newValue += mask[mId++];
var godzina = value.substr(0, 2);
var minuty = value.substr(3,4);
if (minuty > '59' || godzina > '23') {
newValue += value[vId++];
text[i].value = newValue;
} catch (e) { }


Error in validating my password with Javascript

I am trying to check my user inputted password with a series of if statements and boolean variables within a function. It seems like my if statements are not modifying my boolean variables. Could someone tell me why?
I was trying to use (/[a-zA-z]/).test(pValue.charAt(0))) as a boolean to see if the first character entry was a lower or upper case letter, but that didn't work either.
document.querySelector("#enter").addEventListener("click", validate);
function validate(e) {
var count = false;
var firstChar = false;
var hasNum = false;
var special = false;
var pValue = document.querySelector("#passwrd").value;
var pLength = pValue.length;
if(pLength > 4 && pLength <= 8) {
count = true;
if( === [65 - 90]) === 0) {
firstChar = true;
for(var j = 0; j < pLength; j++) {
if(pValue.charAt(j) == "$" || pValue.charAt(j) == "%" || pValue.charAt(j) == "#") {
special = true;
for(var i = 0; i < pLength; i++) {
if(!isNaN(pValue.charAt(i))) {
hasNum = true;
if(count && firstChar && hasNum && special) {
document.querySelector("#show_word").textContent = pValue;

Translating jQuery to javascript [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm new to SO and to JS. I want to translate this code to pure JS but I'm really struggling. May someone help me please?
var displayFix = function(num) {
if (num.length > 9) {
var number = "";
var newNumber = "";
var operator = "";
var total = $(".display");
$(".numbers span").not(".clear, .dot").click(function(){
number += $(this).text();
$(".dot").click(function() {
if ( number.length == 0)
{ number = "0.";
} else {
number += $(this).text();
$(".operators span").not(".igual").click(function(){
operator = $(this).text();
newNumber = number;
number = "";
number = "";
newNumber = "";
if (operator === "+"){
number = (parseFloat(newNumber,10) + parseFloat(number,10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "-"){
number = (parseFloat(newNumber,10) - parseFloat(number,10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "/"){
number = (parseFloat(newNumber,10) / parseFloat(number,10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "*"){
number = (parseFloat(newNumber,10) * parseFloat(number,10)).toString(10);
number = "";
newNumber = "";
var keycode = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which);
if (keycode === 49) {
} else if (keycode === 50) {
} else if (keycode === 51) {
I suppose I can replace the following lines:
var total = $(".display") with var total = document.querySelector(".display")
total.text("0") with total.innerHTML="0"
$(".dot").click(function() { with document.querySelector(".dot").onclick = function() {
Also, the browser I'm using is a updated Chrome and I don't need it to support other browsers.
youmightnotneedjquery is your friend.
You'll see that you can define your own replacement for jQuery.ready():
function ready(fn) {
if (document.readyState != 'loading'){
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn);
Then you'll need to get used to do without jQuery wrapper, which means dealing with array indexes and possibly empty results. So for instance document.querySelector(".dot").onclick = function() { is not going to be enough, you want to do
var dots = document.querySelector(".dot");
for(var i=0; i<dots.length; i++ ){
dots[i].onclick = function() { ... }
Finally, you need to discard elements manually since you have no jQuery .not():
var operators = document.querySelector(".operators span");
for(var i=0; i<operators.length; i++ ){
var operator = operators[i];
if(operator.className.indexOf("igual") < 0){
//do stuff
Note: you may want to use document.getElementById() and document.getElementsByClassName when your selector is just an id or a class.
Hope this short guidance is enough for you to start.
The Javascript equivalent will almost look like this for your jquery code,
(function() {
var displayFix = function(num) {
if (num.length > 9) {
total.innerHTML = num.substr(0, 9);
var number = "";
var newNumber = "";
var operator = "";
var total = document.getElementsByClassName("display");
total.innerHTML = "0";
var sel1 = document.querySelector(".numbers span");
for (var i = sel1.length; i--;) {
if (sel1[i].className != 'clear' && sel1[i].className != 'dot') {
var arg = sel1[i].innerHTML;
sel1[i].onclick = function(arg) {
return function() {
number += arg;
total.innerHTML = number;
var sel2 = document.querySelector(".dot");
sel2.onclick = function() {
if (number.length == 0) {
number = "0.";
} else {
number += sel2.innerHTML;
total.innerHTML = number;
var sel3 = document.querySelector(".operators span");
for (var i = sel3.length; i--;) {
if (sel3[i].className != 'igual') {
var arg = sel3[i].innerHTML;
sel3[i].onclick = function(arg) {
return function() {
operator = arg;
newNumber = number;
number = "";
total.innerHTML = "0";
document.querySelector(".clear").onclick = function() {
number = "";
total.innerHTML = "0";
newNumber = "";
document.querySelector(".igual").onclick = function() {
if (operator === "+") {
number = (parseFloat(newNumber, 10) + parseFloat(number, 10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "-") {
number = (parseFloat(newNumber, 10) - parseFloat(number, 10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "/") {
number = (parseFloat(newNumber, 10) / parseFloat(number, 10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "*") {
number = (parseFloat(newNumber, 10) * parseFloat(number, 10)).toString(10);
total.innerHTML = number;
number = "";
newNumber = "";
document.querySelector(".igual").onkeypress = function(event) {
var keycode = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which);
var elm = "";
if (keycode === 49) {
elm = document.getElementById("num1");
} else if (keycode === 50) {
elm = document.getElementById("num2");
} else if (keycode === 51) {
elm = document.getElementById("num3");
Disclaimer: The code is just converted to the JavaScript equivalent, not tested with any values.

How to get whether the pressed key is backspace or not in JavaScript?

I have a input text which used to filter data in a table using the onkeyup event
<input id="NameFilterText" type="text" onkeyup="return filterDataRow('NameFilterText','Name'); return false;" /></td>
I'm calling this JavaScript function in the onkeyup to the filter data
function filterDataRow(field, name) {
var textBox = document.getElementById(field);
var columnName = name;
var table = document.getElementById('table1');
var headRow = table.rows[0];
var column = 0
var text = textBox.value;
for (var i = 0; i < headRow.cells.length; i++) {
var cellName = headRow.cells[i].innerHTML;
if (cellName == columnName) {
column = i;
for (var i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++) {
table.rows[i].style.display = 'table-row'; // execute only when pressing backspace
for (var v = 0; v < text.length; v++) {
var CurCell = table.rows[i].cells[column];
var CurCont = CurCell.innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "");
var reg = new RegExp(text + ".*", "i");
if (CurCont.match(reg) == null) {
table.rows[i].style.display = 'none';
return false;
I don't want to execute that commented line if the pressed key is not backspace. How can I do that ?
var input = document.getElementById('NameFilterText');
var keydown=0;
input.onkeydown = function() {
var key = event.keyCode || event.charCode;
if( key == 8 || key == 46 )
return false;
Now in your code filterDataRow()
if(keydown=1){ do your thing. and set keydown = 0 again}
Hope it Helps !
First you need to change the onkeyup event to this:
<input ... onkeyup="filterDataRow('NameFilterText','Name');" />
Then inside the function edit the line you want to be executed only one time adding this if-statement:
if (window.event.keyCode == 8) table.rows[i].style.display = 'table-row';
I wrote a library called keysight that does this kind of thing for all keyboard keys:
node.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
var key = keysight(event).key
if(key === '\b') {
console.log("We got one!")

Highlight search keywords result

I am using the below search function in my table. I need to highlight any results matching with the keywords in the search input in the table. I am not sure how to add the scripting in. Kindly assist me on this as I am very new to Jscripting and still learning.
window.tableSearch = {};
tableSearch.init = function () {
this.Rows = document.getElementById('data').getElementsByTagName('TR');
this.RowsLength = tableSearch.Rows.length;
this.RowsText = [];
for (var i = 0; i < tableSearch.RowsLength; i++) {
this.RowsText[i] = (tableSearch.Rows[i].innerText) ? tableSearch.Rows[i].innerText.toUpperCase() : tableSearch.Rows[i].textContent.toUpperCase();
tableSearch.runSearch = function () {
this.Term = document.getElementById('textBoxSearch').value.toUpperCase();
for (var i = 0, row; row = this.Rows[i], rowText = this.RowsText[i]; i++) { = ((rowText.indexOf(this.Term) != -1) || this.Term === '') ? '' : 'none';
} = function (e) {
var keycode;
if (window.event) {
keycode = window.event.keyCode;
} else if (e) {
keycode = e.which;
} else {
return false;
if (keycode == 13) {
} else {
return false;
They people in this thread used a jQuery pluging to highlight the search string.
var words = "keyword1,keyword2,keyword3";
var keywords = words.split(',');
for(var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) {
Is that something you could implement in your code as well?

Any Good Number Picker for JQuery (or Javascript)?

Are there any good number picker for jquery (or standalone js)?
I would like a number picker where there is a max and min number that the user can choose from. Also, it have other options such as displaying odd number or even number or prime number or a range of number whereby some numbers in between are skipped.
Using a select to do this you can create an array with the numbers to skip and do a for loop to write the options:
int minNumber = 0;
int maxNumber = 10;
int[] skipThese = { 5, 7 };
for (int i = minNumber; i <= maxNumber; i++)
if(!skipThese.Contains(i)) Response.Write(String.Concat("<option value=\"", i, "\">", i, "</option>"));
You can do this with razor or any other way to output the HTML.
You can also do this with jQuery, dynamicaly, following the same idea:
$(document).ready(function() {
var minNumber = 0;
var maxNumber = 10;
var skipThese = [5, 7];
for (var i = minNumber; i <= maxNumber; i++) {
if ($.inArray(i, skipThese) == -1) $('#selectListID').append("<option value=\"" + i + "\">" + i + "</option>");
Or you can use the C# code above in an aspx page and load it with AJAX from the page:
Create a select box in the page:
<select name="numPicker" id="numPicker">
In a script in this page you could use jQuery's ajax() to fetch the data and populate the <select>:
$(document).ready(function() {
var numPickerSelect = $("#numPicker");
url: 'url/to/page.aspx',
type: 'post'
success: function(data) {
numPickerSelect.find('option').remove(); // Remove the options in the select field
numPickerSelect.append(data); // Load the content generated by the server into the select field
error: function() {
alert('An error has ocurred!');
//Or use this (not sure if will work)
I have used this. You should be able to modify to add extra options such as min and max fairly easily.
// Make a control only accept numeric input
// eg, $("#myedit").numeric()
// $("#myedit").numeric({alow: ' ,.'})
// $("#myedit").numeric({decimals: 2})
(function($) {
$.fn.alphanumeric = function(p) {
if (p == 'destroy') {
p = $.extend({
ichars: "!##$%^&*()+=[]\\\';,/{}|\":<>?~`.- ",
nchars: "",
allow: "",
decimals: null
}, p);
return this.each
function() {
if (p.nocaps) p.nchars += "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
if (p.allcaps) p.nchars += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
s = p.allow.split('');
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) if (p.ichars.indexOf(s[i]) != -1) s[i] = "\\" + s[i];
p.allow = s.join('|');
var reg = new RegExp(p.allow, 'gi');
var ch = p.ichars + p.nchars;
ch = ch.replace(reg, '');
var dp = p.decimals;
var isInteger = function(val) {
var objRegExp = /(^-?\d\d*$)/;
return objRegExp.test(val);
var isNumeric = function(val) {
// If the last digit is a . then add a 0 before testing so if they type 25. it will be accepted
var lastChar = val.substring(val.length - 1);
if (lastChar == ".") val = val + "0";
var objRegExp = new RegExp("^\\s*-?(\\d+(\\.\\d{1," + dp + "})?|\\.\\d{1," + dp + "})\\s*$", "g");
if (dp == -1)
objRegExp = new RegExp("^\\s*-?(\\d+(\\.\\d{1,25})?|\\.\\d{1,25})\\s*$", "g");
var result = objRegExp.test(val);
return result;
$(this).blur(function(e) {
var text = $(this).val();
if (dp != null) {
if (dp == 0) {
if (!isInteger(text)) {
else {
if (!isNumeric(text)) {
} else {
var c = text.split('')
for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
if (ch.indexOf(c[i]) != -1) {
function(e) {
switch (e.which) {
//Firefox fix, for ignoring specific presses
case 8: // backspace key
return true;
case 46: // delete key
return true;
if (dp != null) {
if (e.which == 32) { e.preventDefault(); return false; }
var range = getRange(this);
var typed = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
var text = $(this).val().substr(0, range.start) + typed + $(this).val().substr(range.start);
if (dp == 0) {
if (!isInteger(text)) e.preventDefault();
else {
if (!isNumeric(text)) e.preventDefault();
if (!e.charCode) k = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
else k = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode);
if (ch.indexOf(k) != -1) e.preventDefault();
if (e.ctrlKey && k == 'v') e.preventDefault();
$(this).bind('contextmenu', function() { return false });
$.fn.numeric = function(p) {
if (p == 'destroy') {
var az = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
az += az.toUpperCase();
var opts = {};
if (!isNaN(p)) {
opts = $.extend({
nchars: az
}, { decimals: p });
} else {
opts = $.extend({
nchars: az
}, p);
return this.each(function() {
$.fn.integer = function(p) {
if (p == 'destroy') {
var az = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
az += az.toUpperCase();
p = {
nchars: az,
allow: '-',
decimals: 0
return this.each(function() {
$.fn.alpha = function(p) {
if (p == 'destroy') {
var nm = "1234567890";
p = $.extend({
nchars: nm
}, p);
return this.each(function() {

