Error 0x8007000e (NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY) - javascript

I'm working on an addon to a forum and I get this error:
Error: Component returned failure code: 0x8007000e (NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY) [nsIXPCComponents_Utils.evalInSandbox]
I read that the error means that the script goes into infinite loop until it fills the sandbox.
apparently the js file that leads to this error is script-compiler.js
this is the script:
var ddplus_gmCompiler={
// getUrlContents adapted from Greasemonkey Compiler
// used under GPL permission
// most everything else below based heavily off of Greasemonkey
// used under GPL permission
getUrlContents: function(aUrl){
var ioService=Components.classes[";1"]
var scriptableStream=Components
var channel=ioService.newChannel(aUrl, null, null);
return str;
isGreasemonkeyable: function(url) {
var scheme=Components.classes[";1"]
return (
(scheme == "http" || scheme == "https" || scheme == "file") &&
contentLoad: function(e) {
if (unsafeWin.wrappedJSObject) unsafeWin=unsafeWin.wrappedJSObject;
var unsafeLoc=new XPCNativeWrapper(unsafeWin, "location").location;
var href=new XPCNativeWrapper(unsafeLoc, "href").href;
if (
&& ( /http:\/\/ddunlimited\.net/.test(href) )
&& true
) {
var script=ddplus_gmCompiler.getUrlContents(
ddplus_gmCompiler.injectScript(script, href, unsafeWin);
injectScript: function(script, url, unsafeContentWin) {
var sandbox, script, logger, storage, xmlhttpRequester;
var safeWin=new XPCNativeWrapper(unsafeContentWin);
sandbox=new Components.utils.Sandbox(safeWin);
var storage=new ddplus_ScriptStorage();
xmlhttpRequester=new ddplus_xmlhttpRequester(
unsafeContentWin, window//appSvc.hiddenDOMWindow
// patch missing properties on xpcnw
// add our own APIs
sandbox.GM_addStyle=function(css) { ddplus_gmCompiler.addStyle(sandbox.document, css) };
sandbox.GM_setValue=ddplus_gmCompiler.hitch(storage, "setValue");
sandbox.GM_getValue=ddplus_gmCompiler.hitch(storage, "getValue");
// kick : aggiunta la funzione
sandbox.GM_remove=ddplus_gmCompiler.hitch(storage, "remove");
sandbox.GM_openInTab=ddplus_gmCompiler.hitch(this, "openInTab", unsafeContentWin);
xmlhttpRequester, "contentStartRequest"
try {
} catch (e) {
var e2=new Error(typeof e=="string" ? e : e.message);
evalInSandbox: function(code, codebase, sandbox) {
if (Components.utils && Components.utils.Sandbox) {
// DP beta+
Components.utils.evalInSandbox(code, sandbox);
} else if (Components.utils && Components.utils.evalInSandbox) {
// DP alphas
Components.utils.evalInSandbox(code, codebase, sandbox);
} else if (Sandbox) {
// 1.0.x
evalInSandbox(code, sandbox, codebase);
} else {
throw new Error("Could not create sandbox.");
openInTab: function(unsafeContentWin, url) {
var tabBrowser = getBrowser(), browser, isMyWindow = false;
for (var i = 0; browser = tabBrowser.browsers[i]; i++)
if (browser.contentWindow == unsafeContentWin) {
isMyWindow = true;
if (!isMyWindow) return;
var loadInBackground, sendReferrer, referrer = null;
loadInBackground = tabBrowser.mPrefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground");
sendReferrer = tabBrowser.mPrefs.getIntPref("network.http.sendRefererHeader");
if (sendReferrer) {
var ios = Components.classes[";1"]
referrer = ios.newURI(content.document.location.href, null, null);
tabBrowser.loadOneTab(url, referrer, null, null, loadInBackground);
hitch: function(obj, meth) {
var unsafeTop = new XPCNativeWrapper(unsafeContentWin, "top").top;
for (var i = 0; i < this.browserWindows.length; i++) {
this.browserWindows[i].openInTab(unsafeTop, url);
apiLeakCheck: function(allowedCaller) {
var stack=Components.stack;
var leaked=false;
do {
if (2==stack.language) {
if ('chrome'!=stack.filename.substr(0, 6) &&
) {
} while (stack);
return leaked;
hitch: function(obj, meth) {
if (!obj[meth]) {
throw "method '" + meth + "' does not exist on object '" + obj + "'";
var hitchCaller=Components.stack.caller.filename;
var staticArgs =, 2, arguments.length);
return function() {
if (ddplus_gmCompiler.apiLeakCheck(hitchCaller)) {
// make a copy of staticArgs (don't modify it because it gets reused for
// every invocation).
var args = staticArgs.concat();
// add all the new arguments
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
// invoke the original function with the correct this obj and the combined
// list of static and dynamic arguments.
return obj[meth].apply(obj, args);
addStyle:function(doc, css) {
var head, style;
head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (!head) { return; }
style = doc.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = css;
onLoad: function() {
var appcontent=window.document.getElementById("appcontent");
if (appcontent && !appcontent.greased_ddplus_gmCompiler) {
appcontent.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ddplus_gmCompiler.contentLoad, false);
onUnLoad: function() {
//remove now unnecessary listeners
window.removeEventListener('load', ddplus_gmCompiler.onLoad, false);
window.removeEventListener('unload', ddplus_gmCompiler.onUnLoad, false);
.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ddplus_gmCompiler.contentLoad, false);
}; //object ddplus_gmCompiler
function ddplus_ScriptStorage() {
this.prefMan=new ddplus_PrefManager();
ddplus_ScriptStorage.prototype.setValue = function(name, val) {
this.prefMan.setValue(name, val);
ddplus_ScriptStorage.prototype.getValue = function(name, defVal) {
return this.prefMan.getValue(name, defVal);
ddplus_ScriptStorage.prototype.remove = function(name) {
return this.prefMan.remove(name);
window.addEventListener('load', ddplus_gmCompiler.onLoad, false);
window.addEventListener('unload', ddplus_gmCompiler.onUnLoad, false);
The user script is massive and available in this gist.
To be able to see the error:
install the addon
go to the message board at
open any thread and open click the reply link
The message will appear as soon as the reply page loads.
in practice is a tool created specifically for a forum ... with the functions targeted to simplify the daily actions of the moderator. Now the forum has changed domain and tried to make it compatible with the new forum. I'm editing the js file with a simple text editor. ettengo the error when I edit the script that I posted above. if you do not touch this script ... some functions disappear and are no longer present.
someone can help me? thank you very much: D

OK, reproducible after all. The error in this case has a bogus message, as this isn't actually an OOM condition, but evalInSandbox() receiving a notification from the JS engine that the script was aborted (due to it being unresponsive) and evalInSandbox() not being able to tell the difference.
The reason is an infinite loop in your code at line 425 (cont.):
var max = textArea.parentNode.parentNode.clientHeight;
while (max == textArea.parentNode.parentNode.clientHeight)
This loop whill never abort as the condition will never get false.


Detect URL if it is already opened and throw pop-up : HTML+JS [duplicate]

I want to check with JavaScript if the user has already opened my website in another tab in their browser.
It seems I cannot do that with pagevisibility...
The only way I see is to use WebSocket based on a session cookie, and check if the client has more than one socket. But by this way, from current tab, I have to ask my server if this user has a tab opened right next to their current browser tab. It is a little far-fetched!
Maybe with localstorage?
The shorter version with localStorage and Storage listener
<script type="text/javascript">
// Broadcast that you're opening a page.
localStorage.openpages =;
var onLocalStorageEvent = function(e){
if(e.key == "openpages"){
// Listen if anybody else is opening the same page!
localStorage.page_available =;
if(e.key == "page_available"){
alert("One more page already open");
window.addEventListener('storage', onLocalStorageEvent, false);
Works on page crash as well.
Stimulate page crash in chrome: chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz
Live demo
Using local storage I created a simple demo that should accomplish what your looking to do. Basically, it simply maintains a count of currently opened windows. When the window is closed the unload events fire and remove it from the total window count.
When you first look at it, you may think there's more going on than there really is. Most of it was a shotty attempt to add logic into who was the "main" window, and who should take over as the "main" window as you closed children. (Hence the setTimeout calls to recheck if it should be promoted to a main window) After some head scratching, I decided it would take too much time to implement and was outside the scope of this question. However, if you have two windows open (Main, and Child) and you close the Main, the child will be promoted to a main.
For the most part you should be able to get the general idea of whats going on and use it for your own implementation.
See it all in action here:
Oh yeah, to actually see it in action... Open the link in multiple windows. :)
I've made the necessary changes to have the the local storage maintain the "main" window. As you close tabs child windows can then become promoted to a main window. There are two ways to control the "main" window state through a parameter passed to the constructor of WindowStateManager. This implementation is much nicer than my previous attempt.
// noprotect
var statusWindow = document.getElementById('status');
(function (win)
//Private variables
var _initialized = false;
var _isMainWindow = false;
var _unloaded = false;
var _windowArray;
var _windowId;
var _isNewWindowPromotedToMain = false;
var _onWindowUpdated;
function WindowStateManager(isNewWindowPromotedToMain, onWindowUpdated)
_onWindowUpdated = onWindowUpdated;
_isNewWindowPromotedToMain = isNewWindowPromotedToMain;
_windowId =;
_initialized = true;;
//Determine the state of the window
//If its a main or child window
function determineWindowState()
var self = this;
var _previousState = _isMainWindow;
_windowArray = localStorage.getItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY);
if (_windowArray === null || _windowArray === "NaN")
_windowArray = [];
_windowArray = JSON.parse(_windowArray);
if (_initialized)
//Determine if this window should be promoted
if (_windowArray.length <= 1 ||
(_isNewWindowPromotedToMain ? _windowArray[_windowArray.length - 1] : _windowArray[0]) === _windowId)
_isMainWindow = true;
_isMainWindow = false;
if (_windowArray.length === 0)
_isMainWindow = true;
_windowArray[0] = _windowId;
localStorage.setItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(_windowArray));
_isMainWindow = false;
localStorage.setItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(_windowArray));
//If the window state has been updated invoke callback
if (_previousState !== _isMainWindow)
//Perform a recheck of the window on a delay
//Remove the window from the global count
function removeWindow()
var __windowArray = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY));
for (var i = 0, length = __windowArray.length; i < length; i++)
if (__windowArray[i] === _windowId)
__windowArray.splice(i, 1);
//Update the local storage with the new array
localStorage.setItem(_LOCALSTORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(__windowArray));
//Bind unloading events
function bindUnload()
win.addEventListener('beforeunload', function ()
if (!_unloaded)
win.addEventListener('unload', function ()
if (!_unloaded)
WindowStateManager.prototype.isMainWindow = function ()
return _isMainWindow;
WindowStateManager.prototype.resetWindows = function ()
win.WindowStateManager = WindowStateManager;
var WindowStateManager = new WindowStateManager(false, windowUpdated);
function windowUpdated()
//"this" is a reference to the WindowStateManager
statusWindow.className = (this.isMainWindow() ? 'main' : 'child');
//Resets the count in case something goes wrong in code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<div id='status'>
<span class='mainWindow'>Main Window</span>
<span class='childWindow'>Child Window</span>
border:1px solid black;
margin:0 auto;
#status.main .mainWindow,
#status.child .childWindow
(2021) You can use BroadcastChannel to communicate between tabs of the same origin.
For example, put the following at the top level of your js code, then test by opening 2 tabs:
const bc = new BroadcastChannel("my-awesome-site");
bc.onmessage = (event) => {
if ( === `Am I the first?`) {
bc.postMessage(`No you're not.`);
alert(`Another tab of this site just got opened`);
if ( === `No you're not.`) {
alert(`An instance of this site is already running`);
bc.postMessage(`Am I the first?`);
I know it is late, but maybe help someone
This snippet of code, will detect how many tabs are open and how many are active (visible) and if none of tabs is active, it will choose last opened tab, as active one.
This code will handle windows/tab crash too and it will refresh the count at crash.
Because localStorage is not supported on Stack Overflow currently, please test here.
Open in several tabs or windows
<div id="holder_element"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Create a windows ID for each windows that is oppened
var current_window_id = + "";//convert to string
var time_period = 3000;//ms
//Check to see if PageVisibility API is supported or not
var PV_API = page_visibility_API_check();
function page_visibility_API_check ()
var page_visibility_API = false;
var visibility_change_handler = false;
if ('hidden' in document)
page_visibility_API = 'hidden';
visibility_change_handler = 'visibilitychange';
var prefixes = ['webkit','moz','ms','o'];
//loop over all the known prefixes
for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++){
if ((prefixes[i] + 'Hidden') in document)
page_visibility_API = prefixes[i] + 'Hidden';
visibility_change_handler = prefixes[i] + 'visibilitychange';
if (!page_visibility_API)
//PageVisibility API is not supported in this device
return page_visibility_API;
return {"hidden": page_visibility_API, "handler": visibility_change_handler};
if (PV_API)
document.addEventListener(PV_API.handler, function(){
//console.log("current_window_id", current_window_id, "document[PV_API.hidden]", document[PV_API.hidden]);
if (document[PV_API.hidden])
//windows is hidden now
//skip_once = true;
//windows is visible now
//skip_once = false;
check_current_window_status ();
}, false);
** ADD CURRENT WINDOW TO main_windows LIST **
//update active_window to current window
localStorage.active_window = current_window_id;
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function ()
** ADD TO main_windows LIST **
function add_to_main_windows_list(window_id)
var temp_main_windows_list = get_main_windows_list();
var index = temp_main_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index < 0)
//this windows is not in the list currently
localStorage.main_windows = temp_main_windows_list.join(",");
return temp_main_windows_list;
** GET main_windows LIST **
function get_main_windows_list()
var temp_main_windows_list = [];
if (localStorage.main_windows)
temp_main_windows_list = (localStorage.main_windows).split(",");
return temp_main_windows_list;
function remove_from_main_windows_list(window_id)
var temp_main_windows_list = [];
if (localStorage.main_windows)
temp_main_windows_list = (localStorage.main_windows).split(",");
var index = temp_main_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index > -1) {
temp_main_windows_list.splice(index, 1);
localStorage.main_windows = temp_main_windows_list.join(",");
//remove from active windows too
return temp_main_windows_list;
** GET active_windows LIST **
function get_active_windows_list()
var temp_active_windows_list = [];
if (localStorage.actived_windows)
temp_active_windows_list = (localStorage.actived_windows).split(",");
return temp_active_windows_list;
** REMOVE FROM actived_windows LIST **
function remove_from_active_windows(window_id)
var temp_active_windows_list = get_active_windows_list();
var index = temp_active_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index > -1) {
temp_active_windows_list.splice(index, 1);
localStorage.actived_windows = temp_active_windows_list.join(",");
return temp_active_windows_list;
** ADD TO actived_windows LIST **
function add_to_active_windows(window_id)
var temp_active_windows_list = get_active_windows_list();
var index = temp_active_windows_list.indexOf(window_id);
if (index < 0)
//this windows is not in active list currently
localStorage.actived_windows = temp_active_windows_list.join(",");
return temp_active_windows_list;
//If the last update didn't happened recently (more than time_period*2)
//we will clear saved localStorage's data and reload the page
function manage_crash()
if (localStorage.last_update)
if (parseInt(localStorage.last_update) + (time_period * 2) <
//seems a crash came! who knows!?
function check_current_window_status(test)
if (PV_API)
var active_status = "Inactive";
var windows_list = get_main_windows_list();
var active_windows_list = get_active_windows_list();
if (windows_list.indexOf(localStorage.active_window) < 0)
//last actived windows is not alive anymore!
//set the last added window, as active_window
localStorage.active_window = windows_list[windows_list.length - 1];
if (! document[PV_API.hidden])
//Window's page is visible
localStorage.active_window = current_window_id;
if (localStorage.active_window == current_window_id)
active_status = "Active";
if (active_status == "Active")
active_windows_list = add_to_active_windows(current_window_id);
active_windows_list = remove_from_active_windows(current_window_id);
console.log(test, active_windows_list);
var element_holder = document.getElementById("holder_element");
element_holder.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", "<div>"+element_holder.childElementCount+") Current Windows is "+ active_status +" "+active_windows_list.length+" window(s) is visible and active of "+ windows_list.length +" windows</div>");
console.log("PageVisibility API is not supported :(");
//our INACTIVE pages, will remain INACTIVE forever, you need to make some action in this case!
localStorage.last_update =;
//check storage continuously
check_current_window_status ();
}, time_period);
//initial check
check_current_window_status ();

Browser Full screen feature

Hi I have the below page where you simply click the button Full screen and the page browser takes up the full screen, the navigation controls are also hidden to - which is what I like. However if you page refresh (or in my case my page refreshes every 5 minutes) the navigation controls return and it is no longer the view as previous. How can I solve this so that when it refreshed the navigation etc doesn't return and it remains full screen?
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src="screenfull.js"></script>
$(function () {
$('#supported').text('Supported/allowed: ' + !!screenfull.enabled);
if (!screenfull.enabled) {
return false;
$('#request').click(function () {
// does not require jQuery, can be used like this too:
// screenfull.request(document.getElementById('container'));
$('#exit').click(function () {
function fullscreenchange() {
var elem = screenfull.element;
$('#status').text('Is fullscreen: ' + screenfull.isFullscreen);
if (elem) {
$('#element').text('Element: ' + elem.localName + ( ? '#' + : ''));
if (!screenfull.isFullscreen) {
$('#external-iframe').remove(); = 'hidden';
document.addEventListener(screenfull.raw.fullscreenchange, fullscreenchange);
// set the initial values
<button id="request"><i class="fa fa-arrows-alt"></i> Request</button>
<button id="exit">Exit</button>
(function () {
'use strict';
var isCommonjs = typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports;
var keyboardAllowed = typeof Element !== 'undefined' && 'ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT' in Element;
var fn = (function () {
var val;
var valLength;
var fnMap = [
// new WebKit
// old WebKit (Safari 5.1)
var i = 0;
var l = fnMap.length;
var ret = {};
for (; i < l; i++) {
val = fnMap[i];
if (val && val[1] in document) {
for (i = 0, valLength = val.length; i < valLength; i++) {
ret[fnMap[0][i]] = val[i];
return ret;
return false;
var screenfull = {
request: function (elem) {
var request = fn.requestFullscreen;
elem = elem || document.documentElement;
// Work around Safari 5.1 bug: reports support for
// keyboard in fullscreen even though it doesn't.
// Browser sniffing, since the alternative with
// setTimeout is even worse.
if (/5\.1[\.\d]* Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
} else {
elem[request](keyboardAllowed && Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT);
exit: function () {
toggle: function (elem) {
if (this.isFullscreen) {
} else {
raw: fn
if (!fn) {
if (isCommonjs) {
module.exports = false;
} else {
window.screenfull = false;
Object.defineProperties(screenfull, {
isFullscreen: {
get: function () {
return Boolean(document[fn.fullscreenElement]);
element: {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return document[fn.fullscreenElement];
enabled: {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
// Coerce to boolean in case of old WebKit
return Boolean(document[fn.fullscreenEnabled]);
if (isCommonjs) {
module.exports = screenfull;
} else {
window.screenfull = screenfull;
Online Demo :
Make onepage website (ajax) (no refresh) Use history pushstate to save all your links so you can use history navigation and change your URL. (most of time I use this approach.)
Or you can use localstorage to save state.
Theoretically You can store an indication of what was the previews state (full-screen / normal) in the browser storage.
Then on page load, read the stored value and activate full-screen if necessary.
However, modern browsers require this to be an interactive user action (not automatically via script on load)
If you try to automate this, you'll get these type of warnings in the browser's console:
Avoid full refreshes
Workaround using custom browser extension to restore the fullscreen state

Jquery how clean formData object in my own upload plugin

I tried to create my own plugin for upload files via ajax.
If the page where there is the input file is reloaded after upload It seems to work good.
If the page where there is the input file is NOT reloaded after upload (because was reloaded only ajax content) There are problems with IE and Chrome because the files to upload are appended to previous just uploaded (with firefox is ok).
I tried to fix it by cleaning the input file after the first upload but in this way then with IE and Chrome I can no longer upload other files.
complete: function () {;
// If page where is the input file not reloaded
// after upload files IE and Chrome not working
In truth I would clean the formData object after every upload but I haven't been able to do it
;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
// Function-level strict mode syntax
'use strict';
$.fn.ajaxUpload = function(options) {
var defaults = {
num_files : 0,
max_files : 2,
max_concurrent : 10,
max_filesize : 1024 * 4096,
php_max_size : 1024 * 8192,
allowed_types : ['jpeg','jpg'],
ajax_url : 'action.php',
var_name : 'file',
extra_fields : {},
onFinish : function() {}
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.on('change', function() {
var files = $this[0].files;
var len = files.length;
var items = 0;
var diff_files = parseInt(defaults.max_files - defaults.num_files - len);
if(diff_files < 0) {
return false;
if(!maxUploadFiles(len, defaults.max_concurrent)) {
return false;
var formdata = new FormData();
jQuery.each(files, function(i, file) {
if(!isOverSized(file, defaults.max_filesize)) {
return false;
if(!isAllowedTypes(file, defaults.allowed_types)) {
return false;
if(!totalFilesSize(file, defaults.php_max_size)) {
return false;
formdata.append(defaults.var_name + '['+i+']', file);
// Append extra data to formdata
$.each(defaults.extra_fields, function(name, value) {
formdata.append(name, value);
// Check that files have passed all test
if (len != items) { return false; }
url: defaults.ajax_url,
data: formdata,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
type: 'POST',
beforeSend: function () {
success: function(data) {
totalSize = 0;
complete: function () {;
// If page where is the input file not reloaded
// after upload files IE and Chrome not working
var totalSize = 0;
function totalFilesSize(file, php_max_size) {
totalSize += file.size;
if(totalSize > php_max_size) {
totalSize = 0;
return false;
return true;
function maxUploadFiles(len, max_concurrent) {
if(len > max_concurrent) {
return false;
return true;
function isAllowedTypes(file, allowed_types) {
var ext ='.').pop().toLowerCase();
if(jQuery.inArray(ext, allowed_types) < 0) {
return false;
return true;
function isOverSized(file, max_filesize) {
if(file.size > max_filesize) {
return false;
return true;
})(jQuery, window, document);
According to you that changes should I do to solve my problem?
Thank you
I add this line on complete, and It seems to work
The problem with your plugin is that you keep a reference to the original input with $this and then tried to replace it with a clone. Because you are cloning is better to get a new reference each time so you should unbind and bind .
(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
// Function-level strict mode syntax
'use strict';
$.fn.ajaxUpload = function (options) {
var defaults = {
num_files: 0,
max_files: 2,
max_concurrent: 10,
max_filesize: 1024 * 4096,
php_max_size: 1024 * 8192,
allowed_types: ['jpeg', 'jpg'],
ajax_url: 'action.php',
var_name: 'file',
extra_fields: {},
onFinish: function () {}
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
var bindInput = function (elem) {
var element = $(elem),
bindFunc = function (evt) {
var files = evt.currentTarget.files;
var len = files.length;
var items = 0;
var diff_files = parseInt(defaults.max_files - defaults.num_files - len);
if (diff_files < 0) {
return false;
if (!maxUploadFiles(len, defaults.max_concurrent)) {
return false;
var formdata = new FormData();
jQuery.each(files, function (i, file) {
if (!isOverSized(file, defaults.max_filesize)) {
return false;
if (!isAllowedTypes(file, defaults.allowed_types)) {
return false;
if (!totalFilesSize(file, defaults.php_max_size)) {
return false;
formdata.append(defaults.var_name + '[' + i + ']', file);
// Append extra data to formdata
$.each(defaults.extra_fields, function (name, value) {
formdata.append(name, value);
// Check that files have passed all test
if (len != items) {
return false;
url: defaults.ajax_url,
data: formdata,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
type: 'POST',
beforeSend: function () {},
success: function (data) {
totalSize = 0;
complete: function () {;
var previous = $(evt.currentTarget);'change', bindFunc);
var newElem = previous.val('').clone(true)
element.on('change', bindFunc);
return this.each(function () {
var totalSize = 0;
function totalFilesSize(file, php_max_size) {
totalSize += file.size;
if (totalSize > php_max_size) {
totalSize = 0;
return false;
return true;
function maxUploadFiles(len, max_concurrent) {
if (len > max_concurrent) {
return false;
return true;
function isAllowedTypes(file, allowed_types) {
var ext ='.').pop().toLowerCase();
if (jQuery.inArray(ext, allowed_types) < 0) {
return false;
return true;
function isOverSized(file, max_filesize) {
if (file.size > max_filesize) {
return false;
return true;
})(jQuery, window, document);
The problem that originate your question is the nightmare of every file upload plugin developer. As you are developing a plugin you should be aware that the input tag may contain other styles and event handlers set by the consumer of the plugin that you must preserve or you will break existing functionality.
For security reasons the value of the input type file cannot be changed with javascript. There are a lot of answers in SO about that. Search for clear+input+file and see for yourself, the most remarkable is this Clearing <input type='file' /> using jQuery
As you can see there are basically two choices:
Clone the input and call val('') before cloning (calling jQuery $(input).val('') is not the same that calling input.value = '').
The problems of this approach is for example that in IE this event is called twice when clearing the file input and you must be carefull about releasing memory and references to the input being replaced while preserving current styles and event handlers that were not set by your plugin
The second is better but has issues as well. Wrap your input in a form tag and call the form's reset method.
Check the docs about the sintax of the form tag and you will see the following quote
Note: It's strictly forbidden to nest a form inside another form. Doing so can behave in an unpredictable way that will depend on which browser the user is using.
The main reasoning behind that is that your plugin can be applied to an input tag that is already inside a form leaving you with invalid html so you must wrap the form call the reset method and remove this form right away. Also remember that forms may have visual styles applied to them breaking the user interface if you leave them around.
In the second alternative is easier to fix your code. Just change the complete callback like this. No cloning is needed in this case.
complete: function () {;
This changes should happen so fast that the users will not notice them. I tested with 1000 elements around and no visual glitches were visible.

Navigating to Blacklisted URL's and Canceling Them

I need to write a Firefox extension that creates a blacklist and whitelist of URL's, and checks to make sure the user wants to navigate to them whenever the user attempts to do so. I'm doing this using a main script and a content script that I attach to every page (using PageMod); I attached a listener using jQuery to every link (with the tag "a") which executes a function using window.onbeforeunload. I have two questions:
How would I prompt/ask the user if they actually did want to go to the site?
How would I stop the browser from navigating to the site if the user decided not to?
Right now my code passes messages between the two scripts in order to accomplish my goal; as far as I can tell, I can only use "document" in the content script, and save the blacklist/whitelist in the main script. I'm using simple-storage to save my lists, and the port module to pass messages between the scripts.
For question 1, I've attempted using confirm(message) to get a positive/negative response from the user, but the popup either doesn't show up or shows up for a split second then gets automatically answered with a negative response. When I look in my console's error messages, I see a "prompt aborted by user" error.
For question 2, I've already tried using event.preventDefault() by passing the click event to the function (this worked, I think). Is there a better way to do this? I've seen people using window.location = "", et cetera to do this.
Anyways, the code is below:
var ss = require("sdk/simple-storage");
exports.main = function() {
if (! { = [];}
if (! { = [];}
var data = require("sdk/self").data;
var pageMod = require("sdk/page-mod");
include: "*",
contentScriptFile: [data.url("jquery-1.10.2.min.js"),data.url("secChk.js")],
onAttach: function(worker) {
function whiteCNTD(str) {
for (var index = 0; index <; index++) {
if ([index] == str) {
return index;
return -1;
function blackCNTD(str) {
for (var index = 0; index <; index++) {
if ([index] == str) {
return index;
return -1;
function checkLists(URL) {
if (whiteCNTD(URL) == -1) {
if (blackCNTD(URL) != -1) {
var bool = false;
worker.port.emit("navq", "Do you want to go to this link and add it to the whitelist?");
worker.port.on("yes", function() {
bool = true;
worker.port.on("no", function() {
bool = false;
if (bool == true) {, 1);;
return true;
else {
return false;
else {
var bool = false;
worker.port.emit("safeq", "Is this a safe site?");
worker.port.on("yes", function() {
bool = true;
worker.port.on("no", function() {
bool = false;
if (bool == true) {;
return true;
else {;
return false;
return true;
worker.port.on("newURL", function(URL) {
var s = "";
s = URL;
if (checkLists(s)) {
worker.port.emit("good", s);
} else if (!checkLists(s)) {
worker.port.emit("bad", s);
//Check if the site is a bad site whenever a link is clicked
$("a").click(function(event) {
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
self.port.on("navq", function(message) {
var r = confirm("Do you want to go to this link and add it to the whitelist?");
if (r == true) {
self.port.emit("yes", message);
} else if (r == false) {
self.port.emit("no", message);
self.port.on("safeq", function(message) {
var r = confirm("Is this a safe site?");
if (r == true) {
self.port.emit("yes", temp);
} else if (r == false) {
self.port.emit("no", temp);
link = document.activeElement.href;
self.port.emit("newURL", link);
self.port.on("good", function(message) {
return true;
self.port.on("bad", function(message) {
return false;

GM_registerMenuCommand is not defined

everybody. I'm puzzled as to why I keep getting the error "GM_registerMenuCommand is not defined" when I try to run a userscript that I created. I have tried this in Firefox using Scriptish 1.0b9 and the latest version of Greasemonkey. I even disabled all addons except Scriptish to see if it was a conflict, but with no joy.
I'm including jQuery in my userscript using this template by Erik Vold. Before trying this template, I put the exact same code block in the template proposed by Joan Piedra and everything worked fine. Unfortunately, Piedra's template did not work in Chrome, which is something that I think is necessary, considering Chrome's growing userbase. The snippet that's throwing the error is below:
// a function that loads jQuery and calls a callback function when jQuery has finished loading
function addJQuery(callback) {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.setAttribute("src", "");
script.addEventListener('load', function() {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.textContent = "(" + callback.toString() + ")();";
}, false);
// the guts of this userscript
function main() {
var isLevelupMove = false;
var isTutorMove = false;
var isTM = false;
var TMhead = $('#moves\\:machine');
var hasSecondEvo = false;
var hasFinalEvo1 = false;
var hasFinalEvo2 = false;
var header = $('.header-row').eq(1);
var TMmoves = new Array();
//This section deals with the user-defined colors
GM_registerMenuCommand("Color for pre-evolutionary-only moves", prevoColorPrompt);
GM_registerMenuCommand("Color for first evolution-only moves", evoColorPrompt);
if(localStorage.getItem('prevoColor') == null || localStorage.getItem('evoColor') == null)
localStorage.setItem('prevoColor', 'red');
localStorage.setItem('evoColor', 'orange');
var prevoColor = localStorage.getItem('prevoColor');
var evoColor = localStorage.getItem('evoColor');
function prevoColorPrompt()
var input = prompt("Please enter a desired 6-digit hex color-code for pre-evolutionary pokemon:")
localStorage.setItem('prevoColor', '#'+input);
function evoColorPrompt()
var input = prompt("Please enter the desired 6-digit hex color-code for first-evolution pokemon:")
localStorage.setItem('evoColor', '#'+input);
//This loop tests each 'th' element in a sample header row, determining how many Evos are currently present in the chart.
if($(this).find('a').length != 0)
case 2:
hasSecondEvo = true;
case 3:
hasFinalEvo1 = true;
case 4:
hasFinalEvo2 = true;
//All 'tr' siblings are TM moves, since it's the last section on the page
//This array puts only the names of the available TMs into the TMmoves array
var moveName = $(this).children(":first").find('a').eq(0).html();
moveName = $.trim(moveName);
case 'moves:level-up':
isLevelupMove = true;
case 'moves:egg':
isLevelupMove = false;
case 'moves:tutor':
isTutorMove = true;
case 'moves:machine':
isTM = true;
if(isLevelupMove || isTutorMove)
var babyMoveCell = $(this).find('td').eq(0);
babyMoveText = $.trim(babyMoveCell.html());
secondEvoCell =;
secondEvoText = $.trim(secondEvoCell.html());
finalEvo1Cell =;
finalEvo1Text = $.trim(finalEvo1Cell.html());
finalEvo2Cell =;
finalEvo2Text = $.trim(finalEvo2Cell.html());
//This checks if evolutions have checkmarks
if(babyMoveText.length > 0)
if(hasSecondEvo && secondEvoText.length == 0 || hasFinalEvo1 && finalEvo1Text.length == 0 ||
hasFinalEvo2 && finalEvo2Text.length == 0)
//See if the move is a TM before proceeding
var tm = tmCheck(moveName);
if(secondEvoText.length > 0)
babyMoveCell.css("color", evoColor);
secondEvoCell.css("color", evoColor);
babyMoveCell.prev().find('a').eq(0).css("color", evoColor); //highlights move name
babyMoveCell.css("color", prevoColor);
babyMoveCell.prev().find('a').eq(0).css("color", prevoColor);
else if(secondEvoText.length > 0)
if(hasFinalEvo1 && finalEvo1Text.length == 0 || hasFinalEvo2 && finalEvo2Text.length == 0)
var tm = tmCheck(moveName);
secondEvoCell.css("color", evoColor);
babyMoveCell.prev().find('a').eq(0).css("color", evoColor);
function tmCheck(input)
var isTM = false;
//Iterate through TMmoves array to see if the input matches any entries
for(var i = 0; i < TMmoves.length; i++)
if(input == TMmoves[i])
isTM = true;
if(isTM == true)
return true;
return false;
//alert("evoColor: " + localStorage.getItem('evoColor') + ". prevoColor: " + localStorage.getItem('prevoColor'))
}//end main()
// load jQuery and execute the main function
This is the userscript I'm trying to implement this for. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas about why I'm getting the error, I'd love to hear them!
This does not work because, if you look carefully at what addJQuery does, you'll realize that it injects the code of the function you pass it into a script element that gets appended to the end of the body element.
This means that you're now working in the same space as the scripts the website has, so all GM_* are not going to be available. What you can do is to move some of the code which require those functions to outside the main function, but remember that the Greasemonkey sandbox means that code running inside the main function cannot communicate with code outside it directly. You can have indirect communication, through for example watching DOM manipulation, or even unsafeWindow, but looking at your code it does not appear to be easily separateable.
This approach will not work because addJQuery() is not transferring workspace objects to the page's scope, it's essentially recreating your code from the source.
That means that the GM_ functions are not usable because there is no link between the sandbox and the copy of the code that addJQuery() made.
If your script needs GM_ functions, then just use straight GM code with the // #require directive for things like jQuery. Your only option for Chrome is Tampermonkey.
In both cases, addJQuery()-like tricks are not needed.

