Show div only if specific other divs have been clicked - javascript

I am new to jQuery (this is my second attempt). I looked for answers via Google and StackOverflow and I have tried quite a few but have yet to figure out the last part of my problem. Any help or guidance is most appreciated.
What I want to do is have a bunch of images(apple, pumpkin, candle, etc) that when clicked, fade the image out and then cross off the image's name in a text list. Then, if you click on specific sets of those images they will show a div containing a deal.
An example: If you click on the images of apple, pear and pumpkin (in any order) a deal will show.
Another example: You click on the images of candle, apple, pumpkin and key(in any order) a deal will show.
Another example: You click on all image items(in any order) a deal shows.
I have the first part working (click on an image, it fades out and crosses its name off the list).
What I need help with is checking to see if certain combinations of images have been clicked and if so show the deal div.
I was thinking I could use index for this but I haven't been able to make it work. Maybe there is a better way? Thanks for any guidance.
Here is my test code so far (JSFIDDLE):
<div class="pic1">
<img width="50" height="50" src="" />
<div class="pic2">
<img width="50" height="50" src="" />
<div class="pic3">
<img width="50" height="50" src="" />
<div class="pic4">
<img width="50" height="50" src="" />
<div class="pic5">
<img width="50" height="50" src="" />
<div class="pic6">
<img width="50" height="50" src="" />
<div id="items">
<p class="apple">Apple</p>
<p class="pumpkin">Pumpkin</p>
<p class="candle">Candle</p>
<p class="pear">Pear</p>
<p class="mouse">Mouse</p>
<p class="key">Key</p>
<div class="someText">Reveal Deal #1 after finding apple, candle and mouse</div>
<div class="deal1">This is deal box #1! You must have found apple, candle and mouse! WIN</div>
<div class="someText">Reveal Deal #2 after finding key, pumpkin, pear and mouse!</div>
<div class="deal2">This is deal box #2! You must have found key, pumpkin, pear and mouse!</div>
<div class="someText">Reveal Deal #3 after finding ALL objects!</div>
<div class="deal3">This is deal box #3! You must have ALL the items!</div>
<div id="output"></div>`
.intro, .someText {
font-weight: bold;
.deal1, .deal2, .deal3 {
font-size: 18px;
color: red;
Javascript: jQuery
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.deal1, .deal2, .deal3').hide();
$('.pic1').click(function () {
$('.pic2').click(function () {
$("#items p.pumpkin").wrap("<strike>");
$('.pic3').click(function () {
$("#items p.candle").wrap("<strike>");
$('.pic4').click(function () {
$("#items p.pear").wrap("<strike>");
$('.pic5').click(function () {
$("#items p.mouse").wrap("<strike>");
$('.pic6').click(function () {
$("#items p.key").wrap("<strike>");
$(document).on('click', '*', function (e) {
var tag = this.tagName;
var index = $(tag).index(this); // doesn't work, as it gives the total no. elements

first of all you can give your divs a corresponding data value to their p items for instance if you implement your div ( and all the other divs)
<div class="pic" data="pumpkin">
instead of
<div class="pic2">
You can write an almost oneliner with jquery
$('.pic').click(function () {
$("#items p."+$(this).attr("data")).wrap("<strike>");
you can define your sets:
set1 = ["apple","pumpkin"]
and after every click you can check clicked paragraphes with
$(document).ready(function () {
var set1 = ["apple", "candle", "mouse"]
$('.deal1, .deal2, .deal3').hide();
$('.pic').click(function () {
$("#items p." + $(this).attr("data")).wrap("<strike>").addClass("strike");
//test for set1
set1Completed = true;
for (i = 0; i < set1.length; i++) {
if ($("p.strike." + set1[i]).length==0) {
set1Completed = false;
if (set1Completed) {
$('div.deal1').fadeIn(); // or fadeIn whatever u want

Create a custom event:
And then trigger it with the other click:
This is obviously supergeneralized, but it gives the framework necessary to trigger the event you want.
Alright, so you will need to store each value for the clicks needed, as well as the total needed. I always prefer to use object-based variables rather than globals, so:
var click = {
This creates arrays for each deal, the first being the number of clicks that have happened and the second being the total needed minus 1. You will then increment the "clicks that have happened" value, as well as prevent it from allowing double-clicks, by the JS described later. First, I recommend adding a generic class to all clickable items, as well as the deal items they are associated with, and verifying that way. The HTML:
<div class="picItem d1" data-fruit="apple">
<div class="picItem d2" data-fruit="pumpkin">
<div class="picItem d1" data-fruit="candle">
<div class="picItem d2" data-fruit="pear">
<div class="picItem d1 d2" data-fruit="mouse">
<div class="picItem d2" data-fruit="key">
And the JS I described:
var $this = $(this),
$fruit = $'fruit');
if($this.hasClass('d1') && !$this.hasClass('clicked1')){
if(click.deal1[0] < click.deal1[1]){
} else {
if($this.hasClass('d2') && !$this.hasClass('clicked2')){
if(click.deal2[0] < click.deal2[1]){
} else {
if(click.deal3[0] < click.deal3[1]){
} else {
The last if is for all elements clicked, hence not the need for adding a class and checking. The final piece grabs the associated data attribute and strikes it out.
Now you just trigger the event:
This event will only be triggered when the appropriate number of clicks has been reached. Here is the jsFiddle you gave me updated to show it is working as requested.
If you want to only allow one deal, you would just turn off the event after being triggered:
var $allDeals = $('.deal1,.deal2,.deal3');
// this is to prevent deal 1 and deal 2 showing, since the criteria for them is also met
// this turns off all other deals
Not sure if you would need it or not, figured I would include it just in case. Here is an updated jsFiddle to show that case working.


dynamically insert div after row containing floating divs jquery [duplicate]

I have a number of divs floating in several rows. The divs contain text-previews and a link to slide down the full content (see for an example).
What happens now: When you slide down the content-div it opens right after the connected preview.
What I want to happen: Open the content-div after the last div in the row.
I assume the could be done by:
1. find out which div is the last one in the row of the activated preview,
2. add an id to this div and
3. append the content-div to this div.
I have a solution for steps 2 und 3 using jQuery but no guess how to do the first step.
I can manage to get the document width and the x- and y-value of each div but I have no idea how to find out which div has the highest x- as well the highest y-value and as well is in the row of the activated preview-div.
Any idea anyone? Thanks
Here is an example that does what you want. I simplified your code, so you don't have to manually ID every entry and preview.
It's a little complicated. Let me know if you have questions.
Basically, when the window is resized, the script goes through and finds the first preview in each row by finding the preview with the same left offset as the very first one. It then adds a class last to the entry before (previous row) and class first to this preview. I do css clear: left on both of these so that everything wraps normally when the entries open.
I made your code generic, without IDs:
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text <a class="trigger" href="#">…</a></p>
<div class="entry">
<div class="close_button">
<a class="close" href="#">×</a>
<p>Some content text.</p>
This makes you not have to write the same code over and over.
The open/close script:
$('.trigger').click(function() {
$('.openEntry').slideUp(800); // Close the open entry
var preview = $(this).closest('.preview'); // Grab the parent of the link
// Now, clone the entry and stick it after the "last" item on this row:'.entry').clone().addClass('openEntry').insertAfter(preview.nextAll('.last:first')).slideDown(800);
// Use "on()" here, because the "openEntry" is dynamically added
// (and it's good practice anyway)
$('body').on('click', '.close', function() {
// Close and remove the cloned entry
This could be simplified a bit I'm sure, especially if you were willing to reformat your html a little more, by putting the entry inside of the preview element (but still hidden). Here is a slightly simpler version, with the html rearranged:
(I also color the first and last element on the line so you can see what is going on)
You could just get the last div in the array after calling getElementsByTagName.
var divArray = wrapperDiv.getElementsByTagName("div");
if(divArray.length > 0)
var lastDiv = divArray[divArray.length-1];
i am not able to correctly understand your question, but if you want to find out last div element in the document then you can do something like this
so this will give you last div of the document
$([1,2]).each(function(idx,el) {
$("#entry" + el).hide().insertAfter("div.entry:last");
$("#trigger" + el).click(function() {
$("#entry" + el).slideDown('800');
$("#close" + el).click(function() {
$("#entry" + el).slideUp('800');
I got same problem as yours, and I have been redirected to this question. But I think the answer is too complicated to my need. So I made my own way. Supposedly, you get your div list from a JSON, you can do this:
product[0] = {id: "name1", text: "text1"}
product[1] = {id: "name2", text: "text2"}
product[2] = {id: "name3", text: "text3"}
private getLastElement(id, products) {
const getTop = (id) => $("#" + id).position().top;
let itemPos = getTop(id);
let itemIndex = =>;
let lastID = itemIndex;
while (lastID < products.length - 1) {
if (getTop(products[lastID + 1].id) > itemPos) break;
return products[lastID].id;
But you can also find out by gathering all id inside your wrapper.
It works by scanning next id's row position, and return the last id of the same row.
I was looking for the same but on a single element to add style on first and last elements. #Jeff B answer helped me so alter and use it for me on one element. So the search phrase 'Get the last div in a row of floating divs' and someone looking for the same, this code may helpful:
$(function() {
$(window).on('resize', function() {
var startPosX = $('.preview:first').position().left;
$('.preview').removeClass("first last");
$('.preview').each(function() {
if ($(this).position().left == startPosX) {
.preview {
float: left;
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>

Loop through element and change based on link attribute

Trying to figure this out. I am inexperienced at jQuery, and not understanding how to loop through elements and match one.
I have 3 divs:
<div class="first-image">
<img src="images/first.png">
<div class="second-image">
<img src="images/second.png">
<div class="third-image">
<img src="images/third.png">
And off to the side, links in a div named 'copy' with rel = first-image, etc.:
Clicking the link will fade up the image in the associated div (using GSAP TweenMax)
Here is the function I've been working on to do this... but I am not fully understanding how to loop through all the "rel" elements, and make a match to the one that has been clicked on.
//pause slideshow on members to ledger when text is clicked, and show associated image
$(function() {
$('.copy').on('click','a',function(e) {
var slideName = $(this).attr('rel');
if (this.rel == slideName) {
//var change_screens_tween ='.'+slideName+'', 1, {
What am I doing wrong? I don't even get an error in my browser. :-(
Thanks to the answer below, I got farther. Here is my revised code.
$('[rel]').each(function(k, v){
if (v == slideName) {
var change_screens_tween ='.'+slideName+'', 1, {
} else {
var change_screens_tween ='.'+slideName+'', 1, {
This is starting to work, but makes the screenshots appear and then instantly fade out. And it only works once. Any thoughts?
Add brackets around rel, like so:
$('[rel]').each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('rel') == slideName) {

adding and removing a class upon slidetoggle

I have created a 3 x 2 grid of squareish buttons that are monotone in colour. I have a slidetoggle div that pops down inbetween both rows of 3 and as it does so it pushes the content down of the rest of hte page, this is all working perfectly so far.
But i have made a class (.active) thats css is the same as the :hover state so that when i hover over a button the coloured version replaces the monotone version, however i have tried to add some js to make the colour (.active) stay on once i have clicked on a certain button so that you can see which button (product) the slidedown div relates to and the rest are still in monotone around it...
The .active code below works perfectly to turn the bottons colour on and off when you click that one button, but i have set it up so that if one button's div is open and you click on a different one, the open one closes and then the new one opens. This feature however throws off the balance of the code i have for the .active state here. When you have say button 1 open and you click button 1 to close, this works fine, the color goes on and then off, but if yo uhave button 1 open and click on button 2, button 1's div closes and opens button 2's div but then botton 1 stays in colour as button 2 turns to colour. the order is thrown off...
I need to add some js to say, that only one button can be in color (.active) at a time, or that if one is .active it must be turned off before the new one is turned on... Please help :)
$("").removeClass('active'); //<<this .active code &
if($(this).parent('a').hasClass('active')){ //<<<this .active code
$(this).parent('a').removeClass('active'); //<<
}else{ //<<
$(this).parent('a').addClass('active'); //<<
} //<<
$("#product2box").slideUp('slow', function() {
$("#product3box").slideUp('slow', function() {
$("#product4box").slideUp('slow', function() {
$("#product5box").slideUp('slow', function() {
$("#product6box").slideUp('slow', function() {
//do i need
//something here??
And here is the HTML
<div id="row1">
<a href="#!" class="active"><span id="product1">
<div id="productblueheader">
<div id="productlogosblue1"></div>
<div id="productstitle">Stops all spam and unwanted email.</div>
<div id="producttext">With over 8 million users ******* is the leading in anit-spam software on the market today! Sort all your spam issues in one place now!</div>
<a href="#!" class="active"><span id="product2">
<div id="productblueheader">
<div id="productlogosblue2"></div>
<div id="productstitle">The easiest email encryption ever.</div>
<div id="producttext">In todays world, we won’t enter personal details in to untrusted websites, but we send personal information via regular (insecure) email all the time.</div>
<a href="#!" class="active"><span id="product3">
<div id="productblueheader">
<div id="productlogosblue3"></div>
<div id="productstitle">The easiest email encryption ever.</div>
<div id="producttext">****** is a revelation in security and ease of use. Get the best protection against viruses, spyware, scam websites and other threats.</div>
(then the same for row2 products 4-6)
you use .each() method of jquery and find .active class to remove it,
and then add .active class.
This ought to work, but I couldn't test it without the relevant HTML:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#product1").click(function () {
$("#product2box").slideUp('slow', function () {
$("#product3box").slideUp('slow', function () {
$("#product4box").slideUp('slow', function () {
$("#product5box").slideUp('slow', function () {
$("#product6box").slideUp('slow', function () {
Also, there would probably be a better way to write all those sliding up functions. Do they really need to go on by one by the way?
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".producthandler").click(function() {
var ctx = $(this);
var productboxId = ctx.children().eq(0).attr("id");
$("#" + productboxId + "box").stop().slideToggle(1000);
$(".producthandler").each(function() {
var ctx = $(this);
var producthandlerId = ctx.children().eq(0).attr('id');
if (productboxId !== producthandlerId) {
$("#" + producthandlerId + "box").slideUp(1000);

Get the last div in a row of floating divs

I have a number of divs floating in several rows. The divs contain text-previews and a link to slide down the full content (see for an example).
What happens now: When you slide down the content-div it opens right after the connected preview.
What I want to happen: Open the content-div after the last div in the row.
I assume the could be done by:
1. find out which div is the last one in the row of the activated preview,
2. add an id to this div and
3. append the content-div to this div.
I have a solution for steps 2 und 3 using jQuery but no guess how to do the first step.
I can manage to get the document width and the x- and y-value of each div but I have no idea how to find out which div has the highest x- as well the highest y-value and as well is in the row of the activated preview-div.
Any idea anyone? Thanks
Here is an example that does what you want. I simplified your code, so you don't have to manually ID every entry and preview.
It's a little complicated. Let me know if you have questions.
Basically, when the window is resized, the script goes through and finds the first preview in each row by finding the preview with the same left offset as the very first one. It then adds a class last to the entry before (previous row) and class first to this preview. I do css clear: left on both of these so that everything wraps normally when the entries open.
I made your code generic, without IDs:
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text <a class="trigger" href="#">…</a></p>
<div class="entry">
<div class="close_button">
<a class="close" href="#">×</a>
<p>Some content text.</p>
This makes you not have to write the same code over and over.
The open/close script:
$('.trigger').click(function() {
$('.openEntry').slideUp(800); // Close the open entry
var preview = $(this).closest('.preview'); // Grab the parent of the link
// Now, clone the entry and stick it after the "last" item on this row:'.entry').clone().addClass('openEntry').insertAfter(preview.nextAll('.last:first')).slideDown(800);
// Use "on()" here, because the "openEntry" is dynamically added
// (and it's good practice anyway)
$('body').on('click', '.close', function() {
// Close and remove the cloned entry
This could be simplified a bit I'm sure, especially if you were willing to reformat your html a little more, by putting the entry inside of the preview element (but still hidden). Here is a slightly simpler version, with the html rearranged:
(I also color the first and last element on the line so you can see what is going on)
You could just get the last div in the array after calling getElementsByTagName.
var divArray = wrapperDiv.getElementsByTagName("div");
if(divArray.length > 0)
var lastDiv = divArray[divArray.length-1];
i am not able to correctly understand your question, but if you want to find out last div element in the document then you can do something like this
so this will give you last div of the document
$([1,2]).each(function(idx,el) {
$("#entry" + el).hide().insertAfter("div.entry:last");
$("#trigger" + el).click(function() {
$("#entry" + el).slideDown('800');
$("#close" + el).click(function() {
$("#entry" + el).slideUp('800');
I got same problem as yours, and I have been redirected to this question. But I think the answer is too complicated to my need. So I made my own way. Supposedly, you get your div list from a JSON, you can do this:
product[0] = {id: "name1", text: "text1"}
product[1] = {id: "name2", text: "text2"}
product[2] = {id: "name3", text: "text3"}
private getLastElement(id, products) {
const getTop = (id) => $("#" + id).position().top;
let itemPos = getTop(id);
let itemIndex = =>;
let lastID = itemIndex;
while (lastID < products.length - 1) {
if (getTop(products[lastID + 1].id) > itemPos) break;
return products[lastID].id;
But you can also find out by gathering all id inside your wrapper.
It works by scanning next id's row position, and return the last id of the same row.
I was looking for the same but on a single element to add style on first and last elements. #Jeff B answer helped me so alter and use it for me on one element. So the search phrase 'Get the last div in a row of floating divs' and someone looking for the same, this code may helpful:
$(function() {
$(window).on('resize', function() {
var startPosX = $('.preview:first').position().left;
$('.preview').removeClass("first last");
$('.preview').each(function() {
if ($(this).position().left == startPosX) {
.preview {
float: left;
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>
<div class="preview">
<p>Some preview text</p>

How to detect mouseleave() on two elements at once?

Answer can be in vanilla js or jQuery. I want to hide a div with the id "myDiv" if the user is no longer hovering over a link with the id "myLink" or a span with the id "mySpan". If the user has his mouse over either element "myDiv" will still show, but the second the user is not hover over either of the two (doesn't matter which element the user's mouse leaves first) "myDiv" will disappear from the face of existence.
In other words this is how I detect mouse leave on one element:
$('#someElement').mouseleave(function() {
// do something
but how to say (in a way that will actually work):
$('#someElement').mouseleave() || $('#someOtherElement').mouseleave()) {
// do something
How to detect this?
Something like this should work:
var count = 0;
$('#myLink, #mySpan').mouseenter(function(){
if (!count) {
You could use a multiple selector:
$("#someElement, #someOtherElement").mouseleave(function() {
// Do something.
You can beautifully use setTimeout() to give the mouseleave() function some "tolerance", that means if you leave the divs but re-enter one of them within a given period of time, it does not trigger the hide() function.
Here is the code (added to lonesomeday's answer):
var count = 0;
var tolerance = 500;
$('#d1, #d2').mouseenter(function(){
setTimeout(function () {
if (!count) {
}, tolerance);
I think, it's your solution!!!
$(document).ready(function() {
var someOtherElement = "";
var someOtherElement = $(this).attr("href");
var someOtherElement= $(this).attr("href");
<div id="someElement">
<div id="tab1" style="display: none"> TAB1 </div>
<div id="tab2" style="display: none"> TAB1 </div>
While the answer from lonesomeday is perfectly valid I changed my html to have both elements in one container. I originally wanted to avoid this hence I had to do more refactoring for my clients in other html templates, but I think it will pay out on the long term.
<div id="my-container">
<div class="elem1">Foo</div>
<div class="elem2">Bar</div>
$('#my-container').mouseleave(function() { console.log("left"); });

