Call a function in node.js - javascript

I am new to node.js .Here I write a sample function in node.js to print the contents of a json file as follows.
exports.getData =function(callback) {
readJSONFile("Conf.json", function (err, json) {
if(err) { throw err; }
console.log("Server running on the port 9090");
What I am doing here is I just want to read a json file and print the contents in console. But I do not know how to call the getData function. While running this code it only prints the sever running on the port..", not myjson` contents.
I know the above code is not correct
How can I call a function in node.js and print the json contents?

Node.js is just regular javascript. First off, it seems like you are missing a }. Since it makes the question easier to understand, I will assume that your console.log("Server... is outside exports.getData.
You would just call your function like any other:
console.log("Server running on the port 9090");
I would note that you have a callback argument in your getData function but you are not calling it. Perhaps it is meant to be called like so:
exports.getData = function(callback) {
readJSONFile("Conf.json", function (err, json) {
if(err) { throw err; }
console.log("Server running on the port 9090");
exports.getData(function (json) {
Truthfully, your getData function is a little redundant without any more content to it since it does nothing more than just wrap readJSONFile.

Don't take this the wrong way, but your code appears to be a mixed up mess of unrelated examples. I recommend you start by learning the basics of JavaScript and node.js (for example, read Eloquent JavaScript and Felix's Node.js Beginners Guide).
But on to your code. First of all, you are creating a function (called getData) and exporting it. Then you're printing "Server running on the port 9090". There is no server code in your script, and the function you created is never executed.
I think this is what you intended to write:
readJSONFile("Conf.json", function (err, json) {
if(err) { throw err; }
Assuming that readJSONFile is a real function.


fs.readFileSync doesn't wait

fs.readFileSync(process.env.id_to_name, 'utf-8', function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
a lot of stuff
fs.writeFileSync(`clips/recap.json`, '{"players":[]}', 'utf8');
fs.readFileSync(`clips/recap.json`, 'utf-8', function(err, data) {
var info = JSON.parse(data);
info.players.push(/* stuff */);
fs.writeFileSync(`clips/recap.json`, JSON.stringify(info), 'utf8', function (err) { });
I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.
The second fs.readFileSync just doesn't wait for the first one to end so it doesn't find the file he should read.
You're using fs.readFileSync() incorrectly. It does not accept a callback as an argument and does not call a callback. See doc here.
I don't know if you meant to show us fs.readFile() that does accept a callback or not.
fs.readFileSync() returns its result directly (in a synchronous fashion) from the function call as in:
let data = fs.readFileSync(someFileName, someEncoding);
It does not use a callback and it throws an exception if there's an error reading the file.
If you meant to show us an example using fs.readFile(), then it's a non-blocking, asynchronous call. If you want your second file read to wait until the first one is done, you would have to put the second file read INSIDE the completion callback of the first.
Also, please never write code like if (err) throw err; inside an asynchronous callback. That's a pointless piece of code that does nothing useful as nothing can catch that throw and you have no way to communicate back errors. It is most unfortunate that nodejs documentation shows that regularly in its examples as real world code should never do that. You will need to write real error handling where you either handle the error in some way and continue or you abort the process or you communicate back the error (probably with a callback) so the calling code can handle and see the error. Exceptions throw in asynchronous callbacks do NOT propagate back to the caller. They end up going back to the bowels of the file system code where the callback was triggered from where you cannot catch or handle them.
If you really mean to be using all synchronous calls, then you would write your code like this:
try {
let data1 = fs.readFileSync(process.env.id_to_name, 'utf-8');
// other code here
fs.writeFileSync(`clips/recap.json`, '{"players":[]}', 'utf8');
let data2 = fs.readFileSync(`clips/recap.json`, 'utf-8');
var info = JSON.parse(data2);
info.players.push(/* stuff */);
fs.writeFileSync(`clips/recap.json`, JSON.stringify(info));
} catch(err) {
// handle errors here
Note that this code can likely only be run once without error because fs.mkdirSync('clips') will fail unless you set the recursive flag.
Hint, you can use require() to load and parse a JSON file in one step so you don't have to read it and then parse it into a Javascript object.

nodejs/pg, callback parameters

I am fairly new to node.js, and haven't done much of javascripts. Tried to search my problem, but couldn't find specific answer related to it.
So, while I was working on attaching the PostgreSQL to my app, I followed a snippet from some example on web, and it seems like working pretty well.
Anyways I wanted to understand how it works, I had a problem understanding specific part of the following code:
module.exports = {
query: function(text, values, cb) {
pool.connect(function(err, client, done) {
if(err) {
return console.error('error fetching client from pool', err);
client.query(text, values, function(err, result) {
cb(err, result);
and the specific part is:
pool.connect(function(err, client, done) { ... }
What I understood is connect function takes callback function with err, client, and done as parameter, however I couldn't understand from where the function(err, client, done) is passed to connect function as parameter. By where, I mean an object or a caller that call connect function.
I had suspected that it would be handled internally, but I wanted to know clearly.
Bydefault all callback function, the first parameter must be an error and second will be a result of ur callback function.
Done is similar to callback keyword, which says, your task is over and give response back from where the function has called, its just like return statement in normal function
function callbackDemo(arg1, arg2, callback) {
if (condition)
callback(null, "Success");
callbackDemo(1, 2, function(err, result){

Why does node.js look for error as the first parameter in a callback

I have the following simple code.. however the "data" variable doesn't return the contents of input.txt.
var fs = require("fs");
fs.readFile('input.txt', function (data) {
console.log("Program Ended");
The code below works because node.js reads the first parameter, err, and the input.txt contents come from the 2nd parameter
var fs = require("fs");
fs.readFile('input.txt', function (err, data) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
console.log("Program Ended");
Is this just a node.js thing to look for the error in the first parameter? What if I did not want to check for an error in the callback function?
It's convention to pass error as the first parameter to a callback function. It's first to prevent it from being ignored. You don't have to check it, of course, but if there is an error it's likely that your data is bad or meaningless anyway.
The reason that fs.readFile('input.txt', function (data) { doesn't work is that the error is passed into your data variable, since it is the first parameter. What you actually name the parameters doesn't matter, the parameter order is decided by fs.readFile.

Blocking Node in Script

I'm using Node.js to write system scripts that run on a server. Due to Node's asynchronous nature, my script is exiting before the database calls have a chance to complete and nothing is ever written to the database.
I'm using Mongoose as an ORM and talking to a MongoDB, if that makes any difference. Node.js offers SYNCHRONOUS method calls for this very reason, for example:
I guess my questions are:
1) Does mongoose offer a way to block so my scripting process can wait for the database call to return?
2) If not, is there another method I should consider other than something like:
(function wait () {
if (!SOME_EXIT_CONDITION) setTimeout(wait, 1000);
3) Is node not the best tool for the job for writing scripts? I love node for web app development, and can write nested callbacks or work with promises all day long. But what about as a scripting language?
EDIT -----------------------------------------------
Below is an quick example of the script to provide more clarity of the situation:
#!/usr/bin/env node
# Please note the above that this is a bash script
var schema = mongoose.Schema({
// ... attributes ...
var model = new (mongoose.model('ModelObject'))();
model['attribute'] = 42;
console.log('This gets printed first'); {
console.log('Nothing in the callback gets printed because callback is never called');
if(err) { // Can't check for errors because this is never reached
console.log('This never gets printed to the screen');
console.log('And consequently nothing is ever saved to mongo');
} else {
console.log('This never gets printed either');
console.log('This gets printed second');
If your model does not get saved, there is a Mongo error. Following MongoDB conventions you have to check for errors:, savedItem) {
if(error) {
// nothing is saved
Otherwise, have you considered using Promises? It useful for chaining events and simpler error handling.
Promise = require('bluebird');
model.saveAsync().then(function(savedItem) {
// saved
.catch(function(error) {
// handle error
I think you are looking for this, check below if this help you.
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
model1 = mongoose.model('model1'),
model2 = mongoose.model('model2');
model1.findOne({"type" : 'Active'}, function err(err, catConfig) {
//This will execute once above DB call is done!
model2.findOne(condition).remove(function(err, gAnalysis) {
//Lines of code that you want to execute after second DB call
I don't see you opening a connection to the database so presumably saving a model instance does nothing, not even call the callback with an error...
I've tested the below example:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var kittySchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: String
var Kitten = mongoose.model('Kitten', kittySchema);
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test', function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
var silence = new Kitten({ name: 'Silence' }); (err, saved) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Kitty Silence is saved!');
mongoose.disconnect(function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
Running node test.js prints this to the console:
Kitty Silence is saved!
and examining my local test database shows that Silence is indeed saved.

How to make javascript code to work witn node.js?

I have the following code and I know that if I use it in the terminal (node test.js, in the case the file is called test.js) but how do I make this code work in javascript with HTML? I mean, how do I make possible to click a button and execute the code? Thank you!
var SerialPort = require("serialport").SerialPort
var serialPort = new SerialPort("/dev/ttyACM0", {
baudrate: 9600
}, false);
serialPort.on('error', function(err) {
}); {
if (err) {
serialPort.on('data', function(data) {
console.log('data received: ' + data);
serialPort.write('1', function(err, results) {});
You can't execute this in a browser (which wouldn't let you access the serial port, for example) but there are various solutions to package some HTML code with nodejs.
The best solution today for a local all-including "desktop-type" architecture is probably node-webkit which has a good support and traction.
Another standard architecture is to simply make nodejs act as a server serving an HTML page including your button. That might be more suited for piloting an Arduino.

