Express JS Integration testing with Supertest and mock database - javascript

Is it possible to test an Express JS REST API using supertest but replacing the actual database connection with a mock database object? I have unit tests covering the database models and other parts of the application as well as functional tests of the API endpoints making actual database connections, but I have a weird requirement to create integration tests that are like the functional tests but use mock database connections. A sample endpoint controller is below:
var model = require('../../../lib/models/list');
module.exports = {
index: function(req, res) {
var data = { key: 'domains', table: ''};
var dataModel = new model(data);
dataModel.query().then(function(results) {
res.respond({data: results}, 200);
}).fail(function(err) {
res.respond({message: 'there was an error retrieving data'}, 500);
And the index for the URI is
var express = require('express'), app, exports;
app = exports = module.exports = express();
exports.callbacks = require('./controller');
app.get('/', exports.callbacks.index);
The list model used in the controller connects to the database and retrieves the data that is output. The challenge is mocking that actual database call while still using supertest to make the request and retrieve the data from the URI
Any information would be helpful including if you think this is a bad or pointless idea

I have had limited success with 2 approaches:
1) use rewire to replace the database driver library like mongodb with a mocked one, perhaps using the spy/stub/mock capabilities of sinon
2) Set your db as an app setting via app.set('mongodb', connectedDb) for dev/prod but in test environment set a mock database instead. This requires your db-accessing code (models typically) to get the DB from the app, or otherwise be mock-friendly or designed with a dependency injection pattern.
Neither of these make everything clean and painless, but I have gotten some utility out of them.


How to change PrismaClient database connection at runtime?

I have .env file like
DATABASE_URL="sqlserver://srv:50119;initial catalog=mydb;user=aaa;password=bbb;"
and then schema.prisma like
datasource db {
provider = "sqlserver"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["microsoftSqlServer"]
I generate a client using:
npx prisma generate
and then Prisma works great in my express app using:
const prisma = new PrismaClient();
Say I wanted to use a different db for user for multi-tenancy, how can I achieve this? Ideally I'd want to switch the db connection at runtime but it seems that DATABASE_URL is only read during prisma generate and not at runtime so the generated client ends up with a hardcoded db url.
You can use the datasource property to create a new PrismaClient instance and pass a dynamic URL.
Programmatically overrides properties of the datasource block in the schema.prisma file - for example, as part of
an integration test. See also: Data sources

Nodejs controller is being messy

I'm new to javascript, node.js (or backend at all). I am trying to create a controller for the login page requests and I am confused about getting data from the MYSQL table and User Authentication and working with JWT package !
In my Controller, I first check if the user input is available in the user table (with a simple stored procedure), then I compare the database password and the user input, after this I want to create a token and with limited time. (I have watched some tutorial videos about JWT and there is no problem with it), my main problem is to figure out how to write a proper controller with this functions?
I have 2 other questions:
1.Is it the right and secure way to get data from MySQL table inside the route? Or should I create a JS class for my controller? (I'm a bit confused and doubtful here)
2.Assuming that comparePassword() returns true, how can I continue coding outside of the db.query callback function scope? Because I have to execute comparePasssword() inside db.query callback
loginController.js :
const { validationResult } = require('express-validator');
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
const db = require('../../sqlConnection')
let comparePassword = (dbPass, inputPass) => {, dbPass, function(err, result) {
// for get request
exports.getController = (req, res) => {
// for post request
exports.postController = (req, res) => {
let errors = validationResult(req)
if(!errors.isEmpty()) {
res.status(422).json({ errors: errors.array() })
// find data from MYSQL table
let sql = `CALL findUser(?)`
db.query(sql, [req.body.username], (err, res) => {
if(err) console.log(err)
var data = JSON.stringify(res[0])
data = JSON.parse(data).find(x => x)
data ? comparePassword(data.password, req.body.password) : res.status(400).send('cannot find
res.send('post login')
login.js :
const express = require('express')
const router = express.Router()
const { check } = require('express-validator');
const loginCont = require('../api/controllers/loginController')
check('username').isLength({min: 3}).notEmpty(),
check('password').isLength({min: 4}).notEmpty()
module.exports = router
In my point of view, looks like there is no easy answer for your question so I will try to give you some directions so you can figure out which are the gaps in your code.
First question: MySQL and business logic on controller
In a design pattern like MVC or ADR (please take a look in the links for the flow details) The Controllers(MVC) Or Actions(ADR) are the entry point for the call, and a good practice is to use these entry points to basically:
Instantiate a service/class/domain-class that supports the request;
Call the necessary method/function to resolve what you want;
Send out the response;
This sample project can help you on how to structure your project following a design pattern:
Second question: db and continue the process
For authentication, I strongly suggest you to take a look on the OAuth or OAuth2 authentication flow. The OAuth(2) has a process where you generate a token and with that token you can always check in your Controllers, making the service a lot easier.
Also consider that you may need to create some external resources/services to solve if the token is right and valid, but it would facilitate your job.
This sample project should give you an example about how to scope your functions in files:
You may have to think in splitting your functions into scoped domains so you can work with them in separate instead of having all the logic inside the controllers, then you will get closer to classes/services like: authenticantion, user, product, etc, that could be used and reused amount your controllers.
I hope that this answer could guide you closer to your achievements.

Run each express request in new fork

So I'm trying to implement forking all express requests to setup different uid per fork.
My current approach I just setup euid and restore it after a request like this:
const mainUID = process.geteuid();
app.get('/', () => {
// some action1 that requires privelegies of user id 500
// some action2 that requires privelegies of user id 500
But in case of concurrent requests it fails because after action1 and action2 some source code could be executed.
So I read some information about cluster module: but I have no idea how to use it in my case.
The more preferred way for me to create fork for each express request without splitting actually javascript code... So is it possible?

Send data on configuration

I want to send asynchronous data to the node on configuration. I want to
perform a SQL request to list some data in a .
On node creation, a server side function is performed
When it's done, a callback send data to the node configuration
On node configuration, when data is received, the list is created
Alternatively, the binary can request database each x minutes and create a
cache that each node will use on creation, this will remove the asynchronous
part of code, even if it's no longer "live updated".
In fact, i'm stuck because i created the query and added it as below :
module.exports = function(RED) {
"use strict";
var db = require("../bin/database")(RED);
function testNode(n) {
// Create a RED node
// Store local copies of the node configuration (as defined in the
var node = this;
var context = this.context();
this.on('input', function (msg) {
node.send({payload: true});
But I don't know how to pass data to the configuration node. I thought of
Socket.IO to do it, but, is this a good idea and is it available? Do you know any solution ?
The standard model used in Node-RED is for the node to register its own admin http endpoint that can be used to query the information it needs. You can see this in action with the Serial node.
The Serial node edit dialog lists the currently connected serial devices for you to pick from.
The node registers the admin endpoint here:
RED.httpAdmin.get("/serialports", RED.auth.needsPermission(''), function(req,res) {
serialp.list(function (err, ports) {
Key points:
pick a url that is namespaced to your node type - this avoids clashes
the needsPermission middleware is there to ensure only authenticated users can access the endpoint. The permission should be of the form <node-type>.read.
Its edit dialog then queries that endpoint from here:
$.getJSON('serialports',function(data) {
//... does stuff with data
Key points:
here the url must not begin with a /. That ensures the request is made relative to wherever the editor is being served from - you cannot assume it is being served from /.

Using NodeJS with Express 3.x and Jade templates is it possible to just re-render one item for a previously rendered list?

I have been trying to find any post that can explain if it is possible to re-render one 'new' item (append) to a jade template list.
Say that we have a list of log-entries and upon first request we render a fetched list from a MongoDB collection 'logs', using res.render and Jades each functionality.
Since we like to retrieve updates from the database we also have a MongoWatch attached to that collection that listens for changes. Upon update can we execute some code that appends to that first list in the Jade-template?
/* app.js */
Display server log
app.get ('/logs', function(req, res, next) {
// Using Monk to retrieve data from mongo
var collection = db.get('logs');
collection.find({}, function(e,docs){
// watch the collection'application.logs', function(event){
// Code that update the logs list with the new single entry
// Request resources to render
res.render('logs', { logs: docs } );
<!-- logs.jade -->
extends layout
block content
each log in logs
p.url= log.url
Maybe i should use the template engine in another fashion, i am quite new to Express, Jade and really appreciate all you guys that spends your time answering problems like these..
// Regards
Ok, so i have looked up the suggestion from Jonathan Lenowski, thanks by the way!, and i came up with a solution to my problem. Thought i'd follow up and perhaps help someone else along the way..
Basically i am now using as suggested
So first install the npm module by adding it to package.json and run npm install, i used 'latest' as version.
Next to use the '' on the client-side you actually have to copy the file from the installed module to your javascript folder.
Path (seen from project root is): 'node_modules/'
Setup DB, Watcher, Webserver, Socket and controller on server-side
in app.js
var mongo = require('mongodb');
var monk = require('monk');
var db = monk('localhost:'+app.get('port')+'/application');
var watcher = new MongoWatch({ format: 'pretty', host: 'localhost', port: app.get('port') });
var server = Https.createServer({key: certData.serviceKey, cert: certData.certificate}, app);
var io = require('').listen(server);
server.listen(app.get('port'), function(){
console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port'));
Display server log - controller
app.get ('/logs', function(req, res, next) {
// Using Monk to retrieve data from mongo
var collection = db.get('logs');
collection.find({}, function(e,docs){
// watch the collection logs in database application'application.logs', function(event){
io.sockets.emit('logs', { log: });
// Request resources to render
res.render('logs', { logs: docs } );
Include the javascript in layout
Add client side script
in layout.jade
script(type='text/javascript' src='/javascripts/')
Use the client
in logs.jade
extends layout
block content
var socket = io.connect('https://localhost:4431');
socket.on('logs', function (data) {
// Here we use javascript to add a .log-entry to the list
// This minor detail i leave to the developers own choice of tools
div.header-log Some application
each log in logs
p.method= log.method
p.url= log.url
p.status(style='color: #'+log.color+' !important')= log.status
p.response-time= log.time
p.content-length= log.length
Use the functionality, remember that this flow is triggered by actually adding a row in the database 'application' and the collection 'logs'.
I use ssl thus with regular http we create a 'http' server instead and connect from the client with a standard address prefix of http://...
Also as an additional note, in order to use MongoWatch it is required of you to setup the MongoDB with replication set. Which is a mirror database that can be used as a fallback (dual purpose).
Cheers! And once again thanks to Jonathan!

