javascript will not work onload - javascript

The javascript on the page needs to work onpage load. So I tried adding the document ready function into the code. It doesn't seem to work.
<script>$(document).ready(function() {
function addItem(item) {
var itemInCart = item.cloneNode(true);
itemInCart.onclick = function() { removeItem(this); };
var cart = document.getElementById("cart");
function removeItem(item) {
var itemInItems = item.cloneNode(true);
itemInItems.onclick = function() { addItem(this); };
var cart = document.getElementById("cart");
Any advice would be much appreciated! I'm very new to javascript and just trying to learn it a step at a time.

First, you'll want to have your page using a more modern version of jquery:
<script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script>
Then, AFTER linking the jquery, which you have done correctly, you can rewrite your code like this:
function init(toAdd, toRemove){
function addItem(item) {
var itemInCart = item.cloneNode(true);
function removeItem(item) {
var itemInItems = item.cloneNode(true);
itemInItems.on("click", function(){addItem(this);});
init($("#myAddedItem"), $("myRemovedItem"));
This way, you'll have your functions addItem and removeItem available elsewhere on the page. You currently seem to have them set up to run only once, from the page initialization.
I'm not sure what you're doing with cloneNode.


Chrome Extension - How to pass variables from JS to popup.html?

I have some variables in the following JS:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function (){
document.getElementById('btn4').addEventListener('click', getbg);
getbg = function()
function (bg) {
var allcompanynames = bg.companynames;
As you can see, the variable is "allcompanynames".
However, how do I pass them and show it on the popup.html page?
I have tried
<script type="text/javascript" src="companynames.js"></script>
<p id="allcompanynames"></p>
no luck. What's wrong?
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function (){
document.getElementById('btn4').addEventListener('click', getbg);
getbg = function()
function (bg) {
var allcompanynames = bg.companynames;
I'm guessing you should add that last line after displaying the pop up to add the content into the page.
Write your code in this way
var background = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
var allcompanynames = background.companynames;

disable function using javascript

I can not seem to find the code to disable a javascript function. What I want to do is have a javascript function and then I want to disable it. Here is the code:
var fooFunc = function fooFunction() {
$(document).ready(function() {
<button onclick="fooFunc()">Button</button>
Basically, when the button is click the function should not work, it should be disabled. Thanks
"Disabling" fooFunc is the same as setting it to an empty function (not to null--that will cause an error when it is called the next time). In this case:
$(document).ready(function() {
fooFunc = function() { };
But I don't see how this is different from simply removing the onclick handler from the HTML element.
If you want the ability to disable/re-enable the function, you can write it like this:
fooFunc = function() {
function _fooFunc() {
if (!enabled) return;
var enabled = true;
_fooFunc.enable = function() { enabled = true; };
_fooFunc.disable = function() { enabled = false; };
return _fooFunc;
If you want to extend this to allow any function to be enabled/disabled, you can write a higher-order function, which takes any function as a parameter, and returns a function with enable and disable methods attached to it:
function disablable(fn) {
function inner() {
if (!enabled) return;
var enabled = true;
inner.enable = function() { enabled = true; };
inner.disable = function() { enabled = false; };
return inner;
Now you can define fooFunc as
var fooFunc = disablable(function fooFunction() {
and the rest of your code will work as you want.
You can access the onclick property of the element..
<button id="id" onclick="fooFunc()">Button</button>
document.querySelector('#id').onclick = '';
If you don't want the function to work at all and be totally disabled then use the below.
If you want the function to work only under certain conditions then you will need if/else statements so it will work only when the conditions that you have set are met.
You were going to define it back to undefined or null.
You Should be doing this :) Change function definition on very first run and you are good to go.
<! DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
var fooFunc = function() {
fooFunc = function(){};
var enablefooFunc = function()
fooFunc = function() {
fooFunc = function(){};
<button onclick="fooFunc()">Run once and Disable FooFunc</button>
<button onclick="enablefooFunc()">Enable FooFunc</button>

setInterval and clearInterval javascript not working as needed

I have the following code partially working. I am newbie in javascript so please don't blame me if my approach is not the best.
window.url_var = "status.htm";
window.elem = "#e1";
function menu_item(){
$(window.elem).click(function (event)
$("#e1").click(function (event)
window.url_var = "demo2.txt";
window.elem = "#e1";
auto_refresh = setInterval(menu_item(), 5000);
$("#e2").click(function (event)
window.url_var = "status.htm";
window.elem = "#e2";
auto_refresh = setInterval(menu_item(), 5000);
$("#e3").click(function (event)
window.url_var = "form.htm";
window.elem = "#e3";
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
auto_refresh = setInterval(menu_item(), 5000);
Whenever I click elements e1 and e2, the setInterval works as expected and as soon as I click element e3, the element cease to be reloaded.
That's the behavior I want so far. But I also wants to start the setinterval again if e1 or e2 get's again clicked.
the last is what it's not working on the above code.
I will appreciate if you could point me in the right direction.
I have come to this code after seeing some of the answers to my original question (thanks to everyone). To clarify my original idea, I need to update some items on my web page on a regular basics but the content can be change with some menu and also some of the contents like a form should not be updated.
window.url_var = "demo2.txt";
var auto_refresh = null;
function setRefresh() {
var self = this; = function() {
if(window.url_var != ""){
auto_refresh = setTimeout(function() {; }, 5000);
$("#e1").click(function (event)
window.url_var = "demo2.txt";
$("#e2").click(function (event)
window.url_var = "status.htm";
$("#e3").click(function (event)
window.url_var = "form.htm";
window.url_var = "";
$(document).ready(function() {
Try using 2 different variables and clearing all if needed. This is: auto_refresh1 and auto_refresh2. Each time you call setinterval, it creates a new timer with a new id. You are overwriting auto_refresh variable and the timer before that will still fire.
Or you can store the setinterval in a hash object and run through and clear them all.
I'm unclear as to what exactly it is that you're trying to do here. Nevertheless, I've rewritten your code a bit to make some improvements (and fix one glaring bug in your code involving the setInterval calls).
var url_var = "status.htm",
elem = "#e1",
$destination = $("#divTestArea1"),
function menu_item() {
$(elem).bind("click", function (e) {
function load() {
function set(url, id) {
url_var = url;
elem = id;
function setRefresh() {
return setInterval(menu_item, 5000);
function handleClick(e) {
auto_refresh = setRefresh();
$("#e1").on("click", {
url: "demo2.txt",
id: "#e1"
}, handleClick);
$("#e2").on("click", {
url: "status.htm",
id: "#e2"
}, handleClick);
$("#e3").on("click", function (e) {
set("form.htm", "#e3");
$(document).ready(function () {
auto_refresh = setRefresh();
I'm guessing that maybe those setInterval calls should actually be setTimeout calls? Why would you want to bind a "click" event handler over and over again?
EDIT #1: Switched to jQuery's currently preferred on method from the bind method, included use of event data parameter to further abstract event handling code.

How to store functions in an Object?

I'd like to store multiple functions in one object. However, my current code seems to overwrite the previous data.
Because it is a loop with other stuff going on, the code cannot be within the same block of javascript.
My Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var at = {
atleft_1: function drawChart() {
// data goes here
// Next loop
<script type="text/javascript">
var at = {
atleft_2: function drawChart() {
// data goes here
If at is already defined, just assign a property:
var at = {};
at.atleft_1 = function.....;
at.atleft_2 = function.....;
Although by the look of it you may be better of with:
at.atleft = function(id) {...};
You Can do something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var at = {
atleft_2: function() {
// data goes here
atleft_1: function(){
//data goes here
Why are you using drawChart?? I didn't get it.

applying a var to an if statement jquery

Need to apply a var to a statement if its conditions are met, this syntax isn't throwing errors but its not working.
<script type="text/javascript">
var action_is_post = false;
//stuff here
$(this).ready(function () {
if ($("#stepDesc0").is(".current")) {
action_is_post = true;
//stuff here
should I use something other than .ready? Do I even need the $(this).ready(function ()... part? I need it to apply the var when #stepDesc0 has the class current.
var action_is_post = false;
$("form").submit(function () {
action_is_post = true;
if ($("#stepDesc0").is(".current")) {
var action_is_post = true;
window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
function confirmExit()
if (!action_is_post)
return 'Using the browsers back, refresh or close button will cause you to lose all form data. Please use the Next and Back buttons on the form.';
<script type="text/javascript">
var action_is_post=$("#stepDesc0").is(".current");
If you want the variable to be accessible outside the $(document).ready(function(){..., then you'll need to declare it outside the statement like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var action_is_post;
HTML (in order to test it):
Show value
$(function() {
var actionIsPost = $('#stepDesc0').is('.current');
alert( actionIsPost );
If you are adding the current class to #stepDesc0 on an event then put the .is check in the event handler.

