jQuery to dynamically resize divs - javascript

I'm using the media thumbnails that twitter bootstrap v2.3 has in their CSS library. You can see what I'm working on here.
Here is the jQuery I'm using:
$(window).load(function () {
var maxHeight = 0;
var divs = jQuery(".thumbnail");
jQuery.each(divs, function () {
var height = jQuery(this).height();
if (maxHeight < height) maxHeight = height;
divs.css('min-height', maxHeight + 'px');
$(window).resize(function () {
var maxHeight = 0;
var divs = jQuery(".thumbnail");
jQuery.each(divs, function () {
var height = jQuery(this).height();
if (maxHeight < height) maxHeight = height;
divs.css('min-height', maxHeight + 'px');
Basically my goal was since each thumbnail had different heights and I wanted them to all be equal heights, this script gives them all the same min-height in CSS on load, and everytime the screen is resized based on whichever thumbnail has the greatest height.
I got all that to work, but now the problem I can't figure out is when you drag the screen to smaller/bigger sizes and the min-height becomes very large, I have no code to decrease the min-height so they thumbnail divs look way too big. Does anyone have any code suggestions for me so the divs will all have equal height, but never get too big?
And if you set the height css property rather than min-height, the solution doesn't work for my original goal because the text paragraphs end up extending outside the divs.

On window resize you can set the min-height of the divs again, like this:-
$( window ).resize(function() {
if($( window ).height() < 300){
$( "div" ).css({min-height: 300px});
} else {
$( "div" ).css({min-height: 600px});


Change height of element on resize

Hello guys I'm trying to change height of my element dynamically.
These are my variables.
var windowWidth = 1440;
var currentWidth = $(window).width();
var elementHeight = $('#line4').height();
Now what I want is when difference between window width and current width is lower then 6 I want to change height of my element. I want to do this every time when (windowWidth - currentWidth)<6. So every time when window resizes and it's lower then 6 I want to change height of element by minus 14px. This is what I've tried.
$( window ).bind("resize", function(){
if((windowWidth - currentWidth)<6) {
$("#line4").css('height', elementHeight-14);
It does not work and I don't know what I'm missing. Also follow up question can I change other CSS properties this way. For this particular problem I will also need to change css top property in the same way, because I have some div with absolute position.
You need to measure the current width of the window on every resize event, since it's changing too.
var windowWidth = 1440;
var currentWidth = $(window).width();
var elementHeight = $('#line4').height();
$( window ).bind("resize", function(){
currentWidth = $(window).width()
if((windowWidth - currentWidth)<6) {
$("#line4").css('height', elementHeight-14);
You need to get windowWidth each time resize event called
And you should add debounce into resize event for better performance.
I often do like this, maybe you can search any better way:
var resizeTimer;
$(window).on('resize', function(e) {
resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() {
// Run code here, resizing has "stopped"
currentWidth = $(window).width()
if((windowWidth - currentWidth)<6) {
$("#line4").css('height', elementHeight-14);
}, 250);
and I created this to test, you can try it. Btw i increase from 6 to 600 to check easier :D

Get height of the div on window resize

I have a function that resizes divs depending on how high (in pixels) other divs with the same class are:
<script type="text/javascript">
function resizeTheDivs(tag){
// first get the tags to adjust
var $tags = $('.' + tag);
var $new_height = 0;
// find out which one is largest
$('.' + tag).each(function(){
$(this).height() > $new_height ? $new_height = $(this).height() : null;
// make all others that height
// I console.log($new_height) here sometimes
// resize divs on document load
// resize divs on window resize
$(window).resize(function () {
The divs resize correctly on page load, but when console.log($new_height) fires from the window resize function, the $new_height is not changed.
Context: There are 3 divs (floated left, so next to each other with 33% width) that contain text in p tags. So when I resize the browser width, the text gets 'longer', but the javascript function isn't picking up the new heights of the divs.
Any ideas?
You need to reset the height to auto before measuring it, or else it will always return the fixed value you set in $(document).ready:
function resizeTheDivs(tag){
// first get the tags to adjust
var $tags = $('.' + tag);
var $new_height = 0;
// find out which one is largest
$('.' + tag).each(function(){
$(this).height() > $new_height ? $new_height = $(this).height() : null;
// make all others that height
// I console.log($new_height) here sometimes

jQuery resize all images with a certain class to be square

My page content is dynamically created, I am trying to write a script that searches for all images in a container 'image-rounded', and if they are not square, change either the height or width to make them square (based on the size of the smallest edge).
Here is my script so far:
jQuery(function($) {
$('.wrapper-site').find('.image-rounded img').each(function () {
var round_image_width = $(this).width();
var round_image_height = $(this).height();
if(round_image_height > round_image_width) {
$(this).css('height', 'round_image_width');
} else {
$(this).css('width', 'round_image_height');
But currently this does nothing.
$(this).css('height', 'round_image_width');
should be
$(this).css('height', round_image_width);
Same for the height... Happens to the best of us :)

Responsive margin resizing

I want to have my elements resize their margins equally so that they fill the page. I tried turning the page width into a value using jquery but that didn't work.
var margen = $(window).width()
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#FixedMenu *').animate({
'margin-left': 'margen/6'
I make little update to your jsFiddle, you can see it here:
What i change is this:
You found width of screen:
var screenWidth = $(window).width();
You found total width of child elements of your fixed menu
var widthOfChilds = 0;
$('#FixedMenu > *').each(function() {
widthOfChilds += $(this).outerWidth( true );
You take off total width of child elements from screen size and you will get "free"width around child elements.
There are six of them, but you need space after last one from right, so you divide "free"width by number of childs + 1
var newmargin = (screenWidth - widthOfChilds)/7;
$('#FixedMenu *').animate({
'margin-left': newmargin
I hope it helped! :)

Window width and resize

I would like to calculate the number of icons e.g. 50px depending on the width of the window for a menu.
So I started with:
While loading the page with document ready function the width will be given. OK!
Now I would calculate the right amount of icons while resize the window.
$(window).resize(function() {
//resize just happened, pixels changed
Initial width of the window -> if user is not resizing the window
Variable width of the window -> if user is resizing the window
Each task is running but i donĀ“t get it together.
Can u help me --> THX!!
How can i calculate the number of icons with an initial width of the window and while resizing the window?
My Start:
var activeItemcount;
function checkWidth() {
windowSize = $(window).width();
// console.log(windowSize);
var activeItemWidth = '100'; // width of the icons
var maxWidth = windowSize; // max div width on screen
activeItemcount = maxWidth / activeItemWidth; // max icon with actual screen width
activeItemcount = Math.round(activeItemcount) -1; // calculation
var i = '0';
if(i < activeItemcount ){
$(this).wrapAll('<div class="iconview-1" />');
$(this).wrapAll('<div class="iconview-2" />');
I didn't get you clearly.
but this code will return the variable width of the windows while resizing.
$(window).resize(function() {
A sample of the code
Place your calculation into its own function:
function calculateIcons()
var viewport = { width: $(window).width(), height: $(window).height() };
// Do cool things with viewport.width
And then you can simply bind this function to the DOMReady and resize functions in jQuery as follows:

