Javascript unit testing - stub the data in a success callback - javascript

I'm writing a javascript test for my UserRepository.
I want to stub the data in the success callback function of the $http object.
User Repository code:
function UserRepository($http) {
return {
getUsers: function () {
$http({ url: '/GetUsers' }).success(function (data) {
//populate users
return users;
My test code:
var httpStub = function() {
return new {
success: function(callback) {
var array = [];
array.push({ forename: 'john', surname: 'smith' });
var userRepository = new UserRepository(httpStub);
The error i'm getting is "the object is not function" which i think is happening where my httpstub returns the object literal containing the success function, but I can't figure out how to fix it.

I've fixed the problem. The httpStub was doing
return new{
success : function .....
When there should have been no new keyword e.g:
return {
success : function .....


Set javascript variable to return value of function

I am trying to set a variable in my controller to the return value of a function. This function is creating a new entry in a table, and then returning its id. When I debug in chrome developer tools, I can see that my function is working correctly and that is in fact a number. However, when I try to set a variable to this function call, the value is being set as undefined.
My AngularJS component:
function saveNewGame($http, gameData) {
var newGameData = {
"InvestigatorGroupUserId": gameData.GroupUserId,
"InvestigatorGroupGameId": gameData.GroupGameId,
"WithTeacher": gameData.WithTeacher
$"/APGame.WebHost/play/newGamePlayed", newGameData)
.then(function(response) {
function controller($http) {
var model = this;
var gameData = model.value;
var gamePlayedId;
model.startGame = function() {
gamePlayedId = saveNewGame($http, gameData);
templateUrl: "/APGame/GameAngular/game-app.html",
controllerAs: "game",
bindings: {
value: "<"
controller: ["$http", controller]
This is what my service call is doing:
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate = "newGamePlayed")]
int NewGamePlayed(GamePlayedData gamePlayedData);
public int NewGamePlayed(GamePlayedData gamePlayedData)
var gamePlayedRepo = _gamePlayedRepo ?? new GamePlayedRepository();
var newGame = new GamePlayed()
InvestigatorGroupUserId = gamePlayedData.InvestigatorGroupUserId,
InvestigatorGroupGameId = gamePlayedData.InvestigatorGroupGameId,
GameStartTime = DateTime.Now,
IsComplete = false
return gamePlayedRepo.Create(newGame);
Add a promise resolvement listener to the method invoke like following:
model.startGame = function() {
gamePlayedId = saveNewGame($http, gameData)then(function(response) {
}, function(reason) {
alert('Failed: ' + reason);
Return the http.get promise instead of the data
function saveNewGame($http, gameData) {
var newGameData = {
"InvestigatorGroupUserId": gameData.GroupUserId,
"InvestigatorGroupGameId": gameData.GroupGameId,
"WithTeacher": gameData.WithTeacher
return $"/APGame.WebHost/play/newGamePlayed", newGameData);
The reason is because your function is not returning any value thus undefined.
$"/APGame.WebHost/play/newGamePlayed", newGameData)
.then(function(response) {
// notice that you are returning this value to the function(response) not your saveNewGame function
Due to asynchronous nature of javascript, you should do something like instead. $ return a promise object which can be used like following.
return $"/APGame.WebHost/play/newGamePlayed", newGameData);
And in your calling function.
saveNewGame($http, gameData).then(function(response){
gamePlayedId =;

How do I chain Intern Page Object function calls?

Following the Intern user guide, I wrote a simple page object:
define(function(require) {
function ListPage(remote) {
this.remote = remote;
ListPage.prototype = {
constructor: ListPage,
doSomething: function(value) {
return this.remote
return ListPage;
In the test, I want to call doSomething twice in a row, like this:
define(function(require) {
var registerSuite = require('intern!object');
var ListPage = require('../support/pages/ListPage');
registerSuite(function() {
var listPage;
return {
name: 'test suite name',
setup: function() {
listPage = new ListPage(this.remote);
beforeEach: function() {
return listPage
.doSomething('Value 1')
.doSomething('Value 2');
'test function': function() {
// ...
However, when I run the test, I get this error:
TypeError: listPage.doSomething(...).doSomething is not a function
I tried some approaches described in this question, to no avail.
A better way to implement page objects with Intern is as helper functions rather than Command wrappers. Groups of related helper functions can then be used to create Page Object modules.
// A helper function can take config parameters and returns a function
// that will be used as a Command chain `then` callback.
function doSomething(value) {
return function () {
return this.parent
// ...
registerSuite(function () {
name: 'test suite',
'test function': function () {
return this.remote.get('page')
// In a Command chain, a call to the helper is the argument
// to a `then`
.then(doSomething('value 1'))
.then(doSomething('value 2'));

Jasmine, Testing functions that call query.get/find

I'm trying to get my head around testing a backed data service, but have not found a satisfying solution so far. Basically, I want to use karma/jasmine to test a function returning a promise.
I'm spying on the query.get() method to intercept and return an object that was created in the implementation of the jasmine spec. However, when the spy returns the local object, the success path of the query.get options argument is not executed. Instead, the to-be-tested function directly returns the unresolved promise, which is not what I want. Basically, I want to test the success path (and the error path) of the data service.
Here's the code:
to-be-tested data services
var doFunction1 = function(){
var promise = new Parse.Promise();
var ParseObjectClass = Parse.Object.extend('ParseObject');
var query = new Parse.Query(ParseObjectClass);
success: function(result){
error: function(result, error){
return promise;
return {
function1: doFunction1
jasmine spec
describe('MyServices Tests', function() {
var AppServices;
var scope;
beforeEach(function() {
beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, AppServices) {
AppServices = AppServices;
scope = $rootScope.$new();
Parse.initialize("key1", "key2");
var user = new Parse.User({
id: 'abc1234',
var ParseObjectClass = Parse.Object.extend('ParseObject');
var obj1 = new ParseObjectClass({
id: 'xyc789'
spyOn(Parse.Query.prototype, 'get')
.and.callFake(function(options) {
it('parseMockTest', function() {
var result = AppServices.function1(2);
This is the result from the karma log:
LOG: '{"_resolved":false,"_rejected":false,"_resolvedCallbacks":[],"_rejectedCallbacks":[]}'
I would have expected that the returned promise is resolved.
Any ideas/hints on how to test functions that return promises?

in javascript constructor, how to put paramterized function inside object scope?

have been using a pretty much loving Crockford's constructor, but, having problems adding scoped functions to the object:
'use strict';
var Constructor = function( params ) {
let config = params,
data = params.datum,
action = function(a,b) { return config.actions[a](b); };
return Object.freeze({
action: action
var cns = Constructor({
datum: 123,
actions: {
getData: function(b) { return data; }
get Uncaught ReferenceError: data is not defined.
how do I have a function as an argument to the constructor and have that function have the scope of object?
If you are following Crockford's private members in JavaScript post, then getData should be a "privileged" function (a function that has access to private members such as data). Therefore, this function should follow the "privileged" pattern given in his post (JSFiddle example).
var Constructor = function (params) {
var config = params;
var data =;
// Privileged function pattern:
// By using a closure, this method has access to private members.
this.getData = function (b) {
return data;
// Note: Changed to `new` in order to instantiate the class
var cns = new Constructor({
data: 123
the easiest way seems to be to manually pass object guts to the function, either with call or as an extra argument. since I'm dodging this, am using the extra argument, here self. self is not exposed to the world at large, only to the functions that need to see it.
'use strict';
var Constructor = function( params ) {
let config = params,
data = params.datum,
self = { data: data },
action = function(a,b) { return config.actions[a](b,self); };
return Object.freeze({
action: action
var cns = Constructor({
datum: 123,
actions: {
getData: function(b,s) { return; }

Using callback function with prototype functions

I am having trouble figuring out how to pass the objects method rather than sort "generic prototype" method when doing callback.
function Client() { = "hello";
Client.prototype.apiCall = function(method, params, callback) {
Client.prototype.onLogin = function(error, data) {
console.log(;// undefined!!!!
Client.prototype.start = function() {
var self = this;
self.apiCall('rtm.start', {
}, self.onLogin) // passing of method like this does not work.
I am passing the onLogin method but well it does not work. This is code I have re-written. Previously I nested all methods inside the Client function but well, I learned that that is not the way to do it so now I am trying using prototype.
I know there is some solution "binding" the onLogin function inside the Client() function but well I want to understand the issue.
You need to bind the apiCalls context to the callback using bind:
Client.prototype.apiCall = function(method, params, callback) {
var bound = callback.bind(this);
Otherwise, the this within onLogin is set to the global object.
See Call, Apply And Bind for further details.
Basically .bind(obj) returns a function which, when called, will internally use (obj) as this.
So you create this bound and then you call it.
You can use call or apply to bind this, see snippet. I've modified your code for demonstration purposes. Hope it clarifies things for you
function Client() { = "hello";
Client.prototype = {
apiCall: function(method, params, callback) {
try {
var trial =, params);
callback.apply(this, [null, trial]);
} catch (e) {
callback.apply(this, [e, null]);
onLogin: function(error, data) {
if (error) {'<b style="color: red">' +
'An error occured!</b> <i>' +
error.message + '</i>')
} else {, ' (data.result = ' + data.result + ')');
start: function() {
// error from this.rtm.start'Command: <code>', 'this.apiCall(this.rtm.start, {will: \'not work\'}, this.onLogin);','</code>');
this.apiCall(this.rtm.start, {will: 'not work'}, this.onLogin);
// is ok'<br>Command: <code>',
'this.apiCall(, {will: \'work\'}, this.onLogin);',
this.apiCall(, {
will: 'work'
}, this.onLogin);
// --------------------------------
// added rtm for snippet demo
rtm: {
start: function(params) {
return anerror;
works: function(params) {
return {
result: 'worked, <code>params: ' + JSON.stringify(params) + '</code>'
new Client().start(); //<= here
<script src=""></script>

