How to use within an array - javascript

I'm creating a basic Firefox plugin with which I want to block certain domain names and let them redirect to another external webpage.
How can I let '' search within the VAR 'blockedSites' ?
(And if anyone knows how to fix the problem where Firefox loads the correct redirect-website, but in fullscreen-mode removing all tabs, would be welcome aswell)
This is the code so far:
onPageLoad: function (aEvent) {
var doc = aEvent.originalTarget;
var blockedSites=["","",""];
if ("blockedSites") > -1)
window.location = ""

Use indexOf instead of search:
if (blockedSites.indexOf(doc.location.href) >= 0)
indexOf will return the position the string in the array, so it must be 0 or greater to be an blocked site.


Reordering/move pages using Indesign script

I have a nearly 400 page document that I need to [randomly] reorder the pages. (If you need to know, this is a book of single page stories that need to be randomly distributed. I created a random list of pages to input into the script.)
I've been working with a modified script I found elsewhere on the internet that creates an array and moves the pages around:
var order="...list of new page numbers...";
// Create an array out of the list:
ranges = toSeparate (order);
if (ranges.length != app.activeDocument.pages.length)
alert ("Page number mismatch -- "+ranges.length+" given, "+app.activeDocument.pages.length+" in document");
// Consistency check:
sorted = ranges.slice().sort(numericSort);
for (a=0; a<sorted.length-1; a++)
if (sorted[a] < sorted[a+1]-1 ||
sorted[a] == sorted[a+1])
alert ("Mismatch from "+sorted[a]+" to "+sorted[a+1]);
// alert ("New order for "+order+"\nis "+ranges.join(", "));
// Convert from 1..x to 0..x-1:
for (moveThis=0; moveThis<ranges.length; moveThis++)
for (moveThis=0; moveThis<ranges.length; moveThis++)
if (moveThis != ranges[moveThis])
app.activeDocument.pages[ranges[moveThis]].move (LocationOptions.BEFORE, app.activeDocument.pages[moveThis]);
} catch(_) { alert ("problem with page "+moveThis+"/index "+ranges[moveThis]); }
for (updateRest=moveThis+1; updateRest<ranges.length; updateRest++)
if (ranges[updateRest] < ranges[moveThis])
function toSeparate (list)
s = list.split(",");
for (l=0; l<s.length; l++)
try {
if (s[l].indexOf("-") > -1)
indexes = s[l].split("-");
from = Number(indexes[0]);
to = Number(indexes[indexes.length-1]);
if (from >= to)
alert ("Cannot create a range from "+from+" to "+to+"!");
s[l] = from;
while (from < to)
s.splice (++l,0,++from);
}} catch(_){}
// s.sort (numericSort);
return s;
function numericSort(a,b)
return Number(a) - Number(b);
This code worked, except that it was consistently rearranging them into the wrong random order, which, at the end of the day, is workable, but it'll just be a bigger pain in the ass to index the stories.
I suspected the problem might be caused by starting at the begginning of the document rather than the end, so I modified the script to start at the end, but then app.activeDocument.pages[ranges[moveThis]] kept coming up as undefined.
So I gave up and tried this:
app.activeDocument.pages[298].move (LocationOptions.BEFORE, app.activeDocument.pages[366]);
app.activeDocument.pages[33].move (LocationOptions.BEFORE, app.activeDocument.pages[365]);
app.activeDocument.pages[292].move (LocationOptions.BEFORE, app.activeDocument.pages[364]);
And so on for every page. (This reminds me of my time in junior high using sendKeys to create programs in Visual Basic. Had I bothered to seriously learn JavaScript instead of creating shitty AOL chatroom scrollers, I probably wouldn't be on here today.)
Nevertheless, I received the following error:
Error Number: 30477
Error String: Invalid value for parameter 'reference' of method 'move'. Expected Page or Spread, but received nothing.
I'm trying to avoid having to manually move the pages, especially considering the amount of time I've already been working on this. Any suggestions on what I need to change? Thank you!
The issue might be that you are using more than one page per spread and then trying to shuffle them across spread. The better way is to use single page per spread.
Here is a small snippet that works on my machine
var doc = app.activeDocument;
doc.documentPreferences.facingPages = false;
for (var i =0; i < 100; i++){
var index = parseInt((Math.random() * doc.spreads.length) % doc.spreads.length + '' , 10);
What this does is
Disables the facing pages options and makes one page per spread. A desirable condition as you mentioned that your stories are one page each(I am assuming that your stories will not violate this assumption).
Takes a random spread from the doc and sends it to the end of the spreads in the doc. It does so 100 times.
The result is what you wanted. A script to shuffle the current SPREADS randomly.

If Statement Have A String And Other String (Make To List)

Sorry i cant find the tutorial in google because i dont know the keyword...
var currentURL=location.href;
var str = currentURL;
if(str == "" || str == ""){
window.location = "";
} else {
How to make str == "" || str == "" to list ? so if i want to input some url again, i just input the url to the list. Can give me the code or link tutorial ???
Basically you'll need to place all of your URL's into an array and then iterate over the array checking each item.
var urls = ['','',''];
var current_url = '...';
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++){
if (current_url == urls[i]){
window.location = "";
break; // exit the loop since we have already found a match
The break command will terminate the loop and stop searching the array for matching URLs. Since the action you want to take needs to happen if any of the URLs match, it's enough for one to match in order to stop searching.
Lists are called arrays in javascript, and are declared using square brackets, like this: var badUrls = ["", ""].
To check whether the current URL appears in the array, you can use the .indexOf function of the array, which will return the first position in the array where the string you provide can be found (starting with 0 for the first element), or -1 if it doesn't exist. For example, if you have an array var arr = ["foobar", "foo", "bar", "baz"], and you do arr.indexOf("foo"), you get 1 because it's the 2nd element in the array. If instead you do arr.indexOf("fooba"), you will get -1 because none of the elements in the array are fooba exactly. In your code, you want to redirect the user if badUrls.indexOf(str) > -1. You can get more information on indexOf in the MDN Documentation.
That makes your code look like:
var currentURL=location.href;
var str = currentURL;
var badUrls = ["", ""]
if(badUrls.indexOf(str) > -1){
window.location = "";
} else {
window.location is a browser object, it you want the page to go to, you should use
window.location.href = "";
However, it looks like you are trying to prevent people from visiting pages using JavaScript. This is extremely insecure, because anyone that lists your code will see which URLs you're trying to protect and immediately request them. If they request those URLs with JavaScript disabled, or using curl, the pages will be delivered.
You should protect the pages with server side configuration. With Apache, you can use the Allow/Deny configuration or RewriteRules.

syntaxis on matching urls from an array saved on extension storage

I have been going through the Google chrome APIs in order to work on an extension and the processes regarding it. I stumbled upon the chrome.webRequest I have been tinkering with the syntax but I am lost with it because I'm relatively new to programming and using the chrome APIs
What I was thinking was using chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(function callback) and then making it use chrome.tabs.remove to remove the tab is it matches the array but I am not sure how to do that
I have this for the removing of the tab using the google chrome match filters
var urlArray= ["*://*", "*://*", "*://*" ];
chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener(function (tab) {
for (var i = 0, len = urlArray.length; i < len; i++) {
if (tab.url.indexOf(urlArray[i]) > -1) {
The problem in your code is that, if you check for "*somestring*", the .indexOf() function will actually look for that exact string, meaning that asterisks aren't used as a wildcard, and will only match if the string contains them.
Here's an example:
"hello".indexOf("*hello") // -1 there's no *
"123hello".indexOf("*hello") // -1 there's no *
"*hello".indexOf("*hello") // 0 here it is, in the first position
"123*hello".indexOf("*hello") // 3 and again, in the fourth position
So, in your case, you should use Regular Expressions, like this:
var urlExp= /https?\:\/\/(facebook|google|example)\.com/i;
chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener(function (tab) {
if (urlExp.test(tab.url)) {

How to find URL domain using JavaScript

I was working on how to find a URL's domain, and thanks to my previous question, I came to this answer:
var domain = (
var arr=domain.split(".")
However, I have 2 problems:
It works fine untill you come across to a site with extension
Is there a way to count . from the start and not from the end?
For example, for the website, it'd start counting from the www, and not from the com.
Okay, here's the edit to make you understand how it works.
Say, your website is "". If you understand array, this line would return you the array of 4 elements delimited by '.'
var arr=domain.split(".")
i.e. [www, cnn, co, uk];
Now it's really upto you what element you want out of this array. If you know the element name, and you want to retrieve cnn, you can do
`extension = arr[1];`
You can also iterate over an array to get each element.
extension = arr[0];
it will return you www.
Use this function:
function GetDomainName() {
if ('.')[0] == 'www') {
} else {
Call it like this:
var domainName=GetDomainName();
But remember, this will not work in subdomains like

JavaScript & string length: why is this simple function slow as hell?

i'm implementing a charcounter in the UI, so a user can see how many characters are left for input.
To count, i use this simple function:
function typerCount(source, layerID)
outPanel = GetElementByID(layerID);
outPanel.innerHTML = source.value.length.toString();
source contains the field which values we want to meassure
layerID contains the element ID of the object we want to put the result in (a span or div)
outPanel is just a temporary var
If i activate this function, while typing the machine really slows down and i can see that FF is using one core at 100%. you can't write fluently because it hangs after each block of few letters.
The problem, it seems, may be the value.length() function call in the second line?
I can't tell you why it's that slow, there's just not enough code in your example to determine that. If you want to count characters in a textarea and limit input to n characters, check this jsfiddle. It's fast enough to type without obstruction.
It could be having problems with outPanel. Every time you call that function, it will look up that DOM node. If you are targeting the same DOM node, that's very expensive for the browser if it's doing that every single time you type a character.
Also, this is too verbose:
This is sufficient:
JavaScript is dynamic. It doesn't need the conversion to a string.
I doubt your problem is with the use of innerHTML or getElementById().
I would try to isolate the problem by removing parts of the function and seeing how the cpu is used. For instance, try it all these ways:
var len;
function typerCount(source, layerID)
len = source.value.length;
function typerCount(source, layerID)
len = source.value.length.toString();
function typerCount(source, layerID)
outPanel = GetElementByID(layerID);
outPanel.innerHTML = "test";
As artyom.stv mentioned in the comments, cache the result of your GetElementByID call. Also, as a side note, what is GetElementByID doing? Is it doing anything else other than calling document.getElementById?
How would you cache this you say?
var outPanelsById = {};
function getOutPanelById(id) {
var panel = outPanelsById[id];
if (!panel) {
panel = document.getElementById(id);
outPanelsById[id] = panel;
return panel;
function typerCount(source, layerId) {
var panel = getOutPanelById(layerId);
panel.innerHTML = source.value.length.toString();
I'm thinking there has to be something else going on though, as even getElementById calls are extremely fast in FF.
Also, what is "source"? Is it a DOMElement? Or is it something else?

