What kind of pattern is this? - javascript

I've learnt development by looking at other people's codes, so I'm not very good with terminologies. Lately I've been writting my JS/Jquery this way:
$(document).ready(function() {
var testingFunc = {
$object: $('#object'),
init: function() {
var _that = this;
Can someone please tell me if this a pattern of some sort? Or can someone please tell me how to describe the code I've done above?

This particular style represented in your code is an "object literal" pattern. It differs only slightly from a "module" pattern when you find yourself not requiring specific properties or methods to be private.
Before getting into a trap of terminologies, you may want to understand (in principle) what Javascript patterns are, and then identify those which may be architecturally best-fit for your project.
You may get an in-depth understanding from this mini-book from Addy Osmani:
And a high-level article from him:

The first part is using a jQuery selector with the listener "ready". What this means is that the callback function attached to the selector and listener will run once the document (in this case the browser window) is ready (in web terms, this means when the page finishes loading).
The second part of your code is following a standard called object literal, which is a JavaScript methodology that follows the principles of key->value

Perhaps you can name it the Object Literal pattern like used by Rebecca Murphey in her article. However I do not think that it's widely adopted as an official name for this kind of code structure, but it seems appropriate.

I guess you are wondering about the ready function. In order to understand how it works, you have to know that when you load an HTML page into you browser, the HTML structure is turned into a javascript tree called "DOM" (Document Object Model). In your sample, the DOM is referenced through the variable named document. To populate this tree, each markup has to be initialized as a javascript object. Once this job is done, the "ready" event is raised, invoking every function which is bound to it. To summarize :
$(document).ready(function () { testingFunc.init(); });
// translation : Once the DOM has been initialized, call "init".
Regarding your code, $('#object') attempts to query the DOM tree to find a node with an id set to "object" (e.g. <div id="object">). However, the document is probably not yet fully initialized. As a result, this query might fail. To avoid this risk you should rather do this :
var testingFunc = {
$object: null,
init: function() {
this.$object = $('#object');
You can think of the DOM as a folder structure, where each folder and file is an HTML markup. jQuery browses the DOM tree the same way that you browse your files explorer.


Using modular design pattern in Javascript with DOM selections

I have been following the Modular Design Pattern for quite some time now and find it extremely useful as it helps in the well maintenance of code & separation of blocks into modules.
Regular usage of the module structure with jQuery has led to most of my applications/code following the below structure:
(function() {
var chat = {
websocket: new WebSocket("ws://echo.websocket.org/"),
that: this,
init: function() {
bindEvents: function() {
elements: {
indicator: $(".indicator"),
statusText: $(".status-text"),
chatHeadNames: $(".people li .name"),
filterInput: $("#filter-input"),
msgInput: $("#msg-input"),
sendBtn: $(".send")
filterPeople: function() {
var that = this;
this.elements.chatHeadNames.each(function() {
$(this).attr('data-search-term', $(this).text().toLowerCase());
What I would like to know is whether referencing all my elements via jQuery as part of a single variable chat.elements is a good practice?
One part of me tells that it indeed is a good way to reference all your selectors at once and cache them in variables so that multiple usages of the same element can be done with the cached variables (instead of multiple DOM selections).
Another part of me tells that this might be an anti-pattern and specific elements should be selected and cached locally when required.
I have used similar structures throughout and have got mixed responses about the code, but nothing solid. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Caching the selectors is a good thing. Hanging on to them is a good idea. It improves performance over repeatedly querying the DOM for the same thing. The code you have above looks very similar to BackboneJS and MarionetteJS code.
I do have some warnings for you though:
This pattern could cause memory leaks. Consider the case where you destory a subview, but you keep a reference to something that selected it. This is called a dangling pointer. The view won't really disappear. All bindings will remain. Events will continue to fire behind the scenes.
You will eventually run into a bug where you decided to re-render part of your screen. Cleaning up all your bindings is then required and you need to remember to delete and selectors. If you don't do this you will almost certainly run into issues where you wonder why an event is indeed firing but nothing appears to happen on screen.... (this will be because its happening off screen, to the element that you tried to delete, that still exists... sorta).
The current way you are querying for elements causes searches against the entire page. Take a look at https://api.jquery.com/find/. If you cache one selector and then perform searches within that selector it may gain you a little performance bump.
I think, If the chat module has selectors only for its children, then it's a good pattern. Like:
<div id="chat-module">
<div class="indicator">...</div>
<div class="status-text">...<div>
<script src="and your chat module.js"></script>
// your chat module selecting .indicator:
// $('#chat-module.indicator')
Also, add a shut-down function to your module. So, when you remove it from the view (as in a single-page-app), you can nullify your selectors and detaching event handlers, like: delete this.elements.indicator and event detaching code.
There are also other/better patterns for this, like, when a user types something, you fire an event, and catch that event in your module. To separate UI and the code.

How are custom broadcast events implemented in JavaScript (or jQuery)?

I want to implement a custom event that can be "broadcast", rather than sent to specific targets. Only those elements that have registered themselves as listeners for such events will receive them.
What I have in mind would look as follows.
First, in various places of the code, there would be statements of the form
some_subscriber.on_signal( 'some_signal', some_handler );
I'm using the term signal as shorthand for "broadcast event". In the expression above, some_subscriber registers itself as a listener of one type (called 'some_signal') of such signals, by providing a handler for it.
Elsewhere in the code, there would be statements of the form
publisher.signal_types[ 'some_signal' ].broadcast( event_data );
When statements like these get executed, a new event is generated and "broadcast". By this I mean that the code that calls the broadcast method has no direct information about the listeners for the signal it is issuing.
I have implemented a sketch of this idea in this jsFiddle, mostly in order to illustrate what I described in words above1. (It's certainly not production-grade, and I'm not particularly confident that it could be made so.)
The key elements of this implementation are the following. First, publisher objects do not keep track of their subscribers, as can be seen in the implementation of a factory method for such a publisher, shown below:
function make_publisher ( signal_types ) {
// ...
var _
, signal = {}
, ping = function ( type ) {
signal[ type ].broadcast( ... );
signal_types.forEach( function ( type ) {
signal[ type ] = $.register_signal_type( type );
} );
return { signal_types: signal_types, ping: ping };
This publisher object exposes only two items: the types of signals it broadcasts (in signal_types), and a ping method. When its ping method is invoked, the publisher responds by broadcasting a signal:
signal[ type ].broadcast( ... )
The ultimate recipients of this broadcast are nowhere to be seen in this code.
Second, elsewhere in the code, subscribers register themselves as listeners of these broadcast signals, like so
$( some_selector ).on_signal( signal_type, some_handler );
Note: It is basically impossible to illustrate the rationale for this scheme using an example that is both small and realistic. The reason for this is that the strength of this scheme is that it supports very loose coupling between the publisher code and subscriber code, and this is a feature that is never necessary in a small example. On the contrary, in a small example, code that implements such loose coupling invariably comes across as unnecessarily complex. It is therefore important to keep in mind that this apparent excess complexity is an artifact of the context. Loose coupling is very useful in larger projects. In particular, loose coupling via a publisher/subscriber-type pattern is one of the essential features of MVC.
My question is: is there a better (or at least more standard) way to achieve this effect of "broadcasting" custom events?
(I'm interested in both jQuery-based answers as well as "pure JS" ones.)
1An earlier, ill-fated version of this post was met with almost universal incomprehension, and (of course) the all-too-typical down-voting. With one exception, all the comments I got challenged the very premises of the post, and one directly questioned my grasp of the basics of event-driven programming, etc. I'm hoping that by presenting a working example of what I mean at least it won't come across as utterly inconceivable as it did when I described it in words alone. Luckily, the one helpful comment I did get on that earlier post informed me of the function jQuery.Callbacks. This was indeed a useful tip; the sketch implementation mentioned in the post is based on jQuery.Callbacks.
All right.
So I think what you can do is use the native dispatchEvent and addEventListener methods and use document as the only element for both publishing and subscribing to those events. Something like:
var myCustomEvent = new Event('someEvent');
document.addEventListener('someEvent', doSomething, false);
And to make cross-browser, you could:
var myCustomEvent = new Event('someEvent');
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('someEvent', doSomething, false);
} else {
document.attachEvent('someEvent', doSomething);
You can read more on the subject here and here. Hope this helps.
My question is: is there a better (or at least more standard) way to
achieve this effect of "broadcasting" custom events?
No, there is not a more standard way of doing publish/subscribe in Javascript. It is not directly built into the language or the browser and there are no platform standards for it that I'm aware of.
You have several options (most of which you seem aware of) to put your own system together.
You could pick a specific object such as the document object or the window object or a new object you create and use jQuery's .on() and .trigger() with that object as a central clearing house to cobble together a publish/subscribe-like model. You could even hide the existence of that object from your actual use by just coding it into a few utility functions if you want.
Or, as you seem to already know, you could use the jQuery.Callbacks functionality. There's even publish/subscribe sample code in the jQuery doc.
Or, you can find a third party library that offers a somewhat traditional publish/subscribe model.
Or, you can build your own from scratch which really just involves keeping a list of callback functions that are associated with a specific event so when that event is triggered, you can call each callback function.
If you came here looking for the jQuery way of doing this, here you go:
Add the event broadcast/dispatch code:
complete: function () {
// signal to registered listeners that event has occured
Register a listener for the event:
$(<element-name>).on(<event-name>, function() {...});
$(document).on("build_complete", function () {
Doing it this way: $(document).build_complete(function() {...}); leads to an error: Uncaught TypeError: $(...).build_complete is not a function.
I know this has been marked as answered back in 2015 -- but a solution that is also elegant and simple could be to use Redux

How to use javascript namespaces correctly in a View / PartialView

i've been playing with MVC for a while now, but since the project i'm on is starting to get wind in its sails more and more people are added to it. Since i'm in charge of hacking around to find out some "best practice", i'm especially wary about the possible misuses of javascript and would like to find out what would be the best way to have our views and partial views play nicely with javascript.
For the moment, we're having code that looks like this (only simplified for example's sake)
<script type="text/javascript">
function DisableInputsForSubmit() {
if ($('#IsDisabled').is(':checked')) {
$('#Parameters :input').attr('disabled', true);
} else {
$('#Parameters :input').removeAttr('disabled');
<%=Html.SubmitButton("submit", Html.ResourceText("submit"), New With {.class = "button", .onclick = "DisableInputsForSubmit(); if ($('#EditParameters').validate().form()) {SetContentArea(GetHtmlDisplay('SaveParameters', 'Area', 'Controller'), $('#Parameters').serialize());} return false;"})%><%=Html.ResourceIcon("Save")%>
Here, we're saving a form and posting it to the server, but we disable inputs we don't want to validate if a checkbox is checked.
a bit of context
Please ignore the Html.Resource* bits, it's the resource management
The SetContentArea method wraps ajax calls, and GetHtmlDisplay
resolves url regarding an area,
controller and action
We've got combres installed that takes care of compressing, minifying
and serving third-parties libraries and what i've clearly identified as reusable javascript
My problem is that if somebody else defines a function DisableInputsForSubmit at another level (let's say the master page, or in another javascript file), problems may arise.
Lots of videos on the web (Resig on the design of jQuery, or Douglas Crockford for his talk at Google about the good parts of javascript) talk about using the namespaces in your libraries/frameworks.
So far so good, but in this case, it looks a bit overkill. What is the recommended way to go? Should i:
Create a whole framework inside a namespace, and reference it globally in the application? Looks like a lot of work for something so tiny as this method
Create a skeleton framework, and use local javascript in my views/partials, eventually promoting parts of the inline javascript to framework status, depending on the usage we have? In this case, how can i cleanly isolate the inline javascript from other views/partials?
Don't worry and rely on UI testing to catch the problem if it ever happens?
As a matter of fact, i think that even the JS code i've written that is in a separate file will benefit from your answers :)
As a matter of safety/best practice, you should always use the module pattern. If you also use event handlers rather than shoving javascript into the onclick attribute, you don't have to worry about naming conflicts and your js is easier to read:
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
// your button selector may be different
$("input[type='submit'].button").click(function(ev) {
if ($('#EditParameters').validate().form()) {
SetContentArea(GetHtmlDisplay('SaveParameters', 'Area','Controller'), $('#Parameters').serialize());
function DisableInputsForSubmit() {
if ($('#IsDisabled').is(':checked')) {
$('#Parameters :input').attr('disabled', true);
} else {
$('#Parameters :input').removeAttr('disabled');
This is trivially easy to extract into an external file if you decide to.
Edit in response to comment:
To make a function re-usable, I would just use a namespace, yes. Something like this:
(function() {
MyNS = MyNS || {};
MyNS.DisableInputsForSubmit = function() {
//yada yada

jQuery, What's Best, Have All the Binds in One Single File For an Entire Site or on a per Page Basis?

I'm in the middle of building a web app with heavy use of jQuery plugins and lots of bindings.
The backend was developed with a template system which only allows (as of now) to place all scripts in that one HTML file. We will use YUI compressor to merge all these into one.
Now, for bindings, how bad is it to have binds in an HTML file (which now is a template for the whole site) for elements that may not be present on a particular page?
Any advice is greatly appreciated
I've been using Paul Irish's markup-based solution pretty extensively on larger sites.
One of the biggest problems with doing this is one of performance - the selector will be evaluated and the DOM searched for each binding not intended for a specific page. At the very least, perhaps set up an object literal to run appropriate ready binding code based on a page identifier, which could be the window.location.href or a substring of. Something like
// avoid global pollution!
(function() {
var pages = {
pageX : {
ready: function() { /* code to run on ready */ },
teardown: function() { /* code to run on teardown */ }
pageY : {
ready: function() { /* code to run on ready */ },
teardown: function() { /* code to run on teardown */ }
// set up ready event handler
// handler function to execute when ready event raised
// Note: Access to pages through closure
function ready() {
var location = window.location.href;
Be careful with your selectors if you've got some large pages. For example, if you've got some pages with big, but inert (no bindings) tables, but other pages where tables are small but have controls in them, you probably don't want to do this:
$('td.bindMe').bind('whatever', function() { ... });
(Set aside the live() issue here; sometimes you need to do element-by-element work and that's what I'm talking about.) The problem is that Sizzle will have to look through all the td elements on the page, potentially. Instead, you can put some sort of "marker" container around things like the "active" table with controls, and work it that way:
$('table#withControls').find('td.bindMe').bind(/* ... */);
That way Sizzle only needs to figure out that there's no table called "withControls", and then it's done.
Biggest problem for using all bindings on all pages is that you can get bindings that you did not intended to have, causing troubles...
And of course you will have some performance issues in the page load, but if that is a problem is of course depending on how many bindings you have and how the code looks like.
You might lose some performance on the client side (parsing the file, executing the document-ready handler), but it improves caching on the client (i.e. the file doesn't need to be transferred more than once). That saves server lookups as well. I think this is rather an advantage than a disadvantage as long as you can ensure you're not accidentally modifying objects.
I think the selector engine is fast enough that you, or anyone else, shouldn't notice a difference.
Obviously this is not a "best practice," but if you're binding to ID's and classnames and you won't have any conflicts or unintended bindings then I don't see the harm.

Call a JavaScript function from C++

I have a CDHTMLDialog, with which I have 2 HTML pages and a .js file with a few fairly simple functions.
I would like to be able to call one of the JS functions from my program with a simple data type passed with it. e.g. MyFunc(int). Nothing needs to be returned.
I would appreciate any guidance on how I go about this,
Edit: Thanks to CR for his answer, and everyone else who submitted there ideas too.
Something a little like this worked in the end (stripped a little error handling from it for clarity):
void callJavaScriptFunc(int Fruit)
CString FuncStr;
CString LangStr = "javascript";
VARIANT vEmpty = {0};
CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> HTML2Doc;
CComPtr<IHTMLWindow2> HTML2Wind;
hRes = GetDHtmlDocument(&HTML2Doc);
hRes = HTML2Doc->get_parentWindow(&HTML2Wind);
if( Fruit > 0 )
FuncStr = "myFunc(808)"; // Javascript parameters can be used
hRes = HTML2Wind->execScript(FuncStr.AllocSysString(), LangStr.AllocSysString(), &vEmpty);
Easiest approach would be to use the execScript() method in the IHTMLWindow2 interface.
So you could get the IHTMLDocument2 interface from your CDHTMLDialog by calling GetDHtmlDocument, then get the parentWindow from IHTMLDocument2. The parent window will have the IHTMLWindow2 interface that supports execScript().
There might be an easier way to get the IHTMLWindow2 interface from your CDHTMLDialog but I'm used to working at a lower level.
the SpiderMonkey library can "Call a JavaScript function from C++", please refer to
but in your case, maybe this is not the answer.
To give you a hint - javascript injection in server-side-technologies is usually performed through bulk-load at startup (GWT) or injected when the HTML is generated and served each post-back (ASP.NET).
The important point of both approaches is that they inject the javascript calls somewhere in the page (or in a separated .js file linked in the HTML in case of GWT) when generating the HTML page.
Even if you're on win development (looks like it since you're on MFCs) it might be the case that you have to insert your js method call in the HTML and then load (or reload if you wish to interact with the html from your MFC app) the HTML file in your CHTMLDialog.
I don't see any other way of achieving this (maybe I am just not aware of some suitable out-of-the-box functionality) other than editing your HTML and (re)loading it - which is pretty convenient and workable if you have to call your js method once off or just inject some kind of event-handling logic.
Might be a bit of a pain if you have to interact with the page from your MFC app. In this case you have to re-generate your HTML and reload it in your CHTMLDialog.
Either way you can simply have some kind of placeholder in your HTML file, look for that and replace with your javascript code, then load the page in your CHTMLDialog:

