Please see comment under question first.
I apologize to those that have read this question so far (10 views). I'm still not sure of the syntax to pass in the quiz configuration but she apparently allows it.
I'm trying to make a small change so the slickQuiz plugin supports multiple quizes on the same page, which the author 3 years suggested it probably can do. However it's loading in the same quiz questions and it seems due to the defining of quizJSON in slickQuiz-config.js file:
// Setup your quiz text and questions here
var quizJSON = {
"info": {
"name": "Test Your Knowledge!!",
"main": "<p>Think you're smart enough to be on Jeopardy?
... continues on ...
and the following line in slickQuiz.js, apparently allowing no variability on the quizJSON configuration loaded in:
// Set via json option or quizJSON variable (see slickQuiz-config.js)
var quizValues = (plugin.config.json ? plugin.config.json : typeof quizJSON != 'undefined' ? quizJSON : null);
I'm quite new to Javascript and am not sure how I could pass something in to set which quiz configuration (questions/answers) file is used for quizValues . Note the plugin includes a tiny master.js file, where it appears I can set a different id for each quiz:
// master.js file -- originally just defined #slickQuiz
$(function () {
$(function () {
But how do I pass a parameter into slickQuiz() that I can use inside slickQuiz.js? This is probably trivial, but the way the function is invoked and its options are confusing to me new to JS.
Note here is how the slickQuiz id gets used in the plugin's example html file:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type">
<title>SlickQuiz Demo</title>
<link href="css/reset.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="css/slickQuiz.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="css/master.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body id="slickQuiz">
<h1 class="quizName"><!-- where the quiz name goes --></h1>
<div class="quizArea">
<div class="quizHeader">
<!-- where the quiz main copy goes -->
<a class="button startQuiz" href="#">Get Started!</a>
<!-- where the quiz gets built -->
<div class="quizResults">
<h3 class="quizScore">You Scored: <span><!-- where the quiz score goes --></span></h3>
<h3 class="quizLevel"><strong>Ranking:</strong> <span><!-- where the quiz ranking level goes --></span></h3>
<div class="quizResultsCopy">
<!-- where the quiz result copy goes -->
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/slickQuiz-config.js"></script>
<script src="js/slickQuiz.js"></script>
<script src="js/master.js"></script>
Here is most of the slickQuiz.js file (only allowed to copy in so much, rest at link above):
* SlickQuiz jQuery Plugin
$.slickQuiz = function(element, options) {
var plugin = this,
$element = $(element),
_element = '#' + $element.attr('id'),
defaults = {
checkAnswerText: 'Check My Answer!',
nextQuestionText: 'Next »',
backButtonText: '',
completeQuizText: '',
tryAgainText: '',
questionCountText: 'Question %current of %total',
preventUnansweredText: 'You must select at least one answer.',
questionTemplateText: '%count. %text',
scoreTemplateText: '%score / %total',
nameTemplateText: '<span>Quiz: </span>%name',
skipStartButton: false,
numberOfQuestions: null,
randomSortQuestions: false,
randomSortAnswers: false,
preventUnanswered: false,
disableScore: false,
disableRanking: false,
scoreAsPercentage: false,
perQuestionResponseMessaging: true,
perQuestionResponseAnswers: false,
completionResponseMessaging: false,
displayQuestionCount: true, // Deprecate?
displayQuestionNumber: true, // Deprecate?
animationCallbacks: { // only for the methods that have jQuery animations offering callback
setupQuiz: function () {},
startQuiz: function () {},
resetQuiz: function () {},
checkAnswer: function () {},
nextQuestion: function () {},
backToQuestion: function () {},
completeQuiz: function () {}
events: {
onStartQuiz: function (options) {},
onCompleteQuiz: function (options) {} // reserved: options.questionCount, options.score
// Class Name Strings (Used for building quiz and for selectors)
questionCountClass = 'questionCount',
questionGroupClass = 'questions',
questionClass = 'question',
answersClass = 'answers',
responsesClass = 'responses',
completeClass = 'complete',
correctClass = 'correctResponse',
incorrectClass = 'incorrectResponse',
correctResponseClass = 'correct',
incorrectResponseClass = 'incorrect',
checkAnswerClass = 'checkAnswer',
nextQuestionClass = 'nextQuestion',
lastQuestionClass = 'lastQuestion',
backToQuestionClass = 'backToQuestion',
tryAgainClass = 'tryAgain',
// Sub-Quiz / Sub-Question Class Selectors
_questionCount = '.' + questionCountClass,
_questions = '.' + questionGroupClass,
_question = '.' + questionClass,
_answers = '.' + answersClass,
_answer = '.' + answersClass + ' li',
_responses = '.' + responsesClass,
_response = '.' + responsesClass + ' li',
_correct = '.' + correctClass,
_correctResponse = '.' + correctResponseClass,
_incorrectResponse = '.' + incorrectResponseClass,
_checkAnswerBtn = '.' + checkAnswerClass,
_nextQuestionBtn = '.' + nextQuestionClass,
_prevQuestionBtn = '.' + backToQuestionClass,
_tryAgainBtn = '.' + tryAgainClass,
// Top Level Quiz Element Class Selectors
_quizStarter = _element + ' .startQuiz',
_quizName = _element + ' .quizName',
_quizArea = _element + ' .quizArea',
_quizResults = _element + ' .quizResults',
_quizResultsCopy = _element + ' .quizResultsCopy',
_quizHeader = _element + ' .quizHeader',
_quizScore = _element + ' .quizScore',
_quizLevel = _element + ' .quizLevel',
// Top Level Quiz Element Objects
$quizStarter = $(_quizStarter),
$quizName = $(_quizName),
$quizArea = $(_quizArea),
$quizResults = $(_quizResults),
$quizResultsCopy = $(_quizResultsCopy),
$quizHeader = $(_quizHeader),
$quizScore = $(_quizScore),
$quizLevel = $(_quizLevel)
// Reassign user-submitted deprecated options
var depMsg = '';
if (options && typeof options.disableNext != 'undefined') {
if (typeof options.preventUnanswered == 'undefined') {
options.preventUnanswered = options.disableNext;
depMsg += 'The \'disableNext\' option has been deprecated, please use \'preventUnanswered\' in it\'s place.\n\n';
if (options && typeof options.disableResponseMessaging != 'undefined') {
if (typeof options.preventUnanswered == 'undefined') {
options.perQuestionResponseMessaging = options.disableResponseMessaging;
depMsg += 'The \'disableResponseMessaging\' option has been deprecated, please use' +
' \'perQuestionResponseMessaging\' and \'completionResponseMessaging\' in it\'s place.\n\n';
if (options && typeof options.randomSort != 'undefined') {
if (typeof options.randomSortQuestions == 'undefined') {
options.randomSortQuestions = options.randomSort;
if (typeof options.randomSortAnswers == 'undefined') {
options.randomSortAnswers = options.randomSort;
depMsg += 'The \'randomSort\' option has been deprecated, please use' +
' \'randomSortQuestions\' and \'randomSortAnswers\' in it\'s place.\n\n';
if (depMsg !== '') {
if (typeof console != 'undefined') {
} else {
// End of deprecation reassignment
plugin.config = $.extend(defaults, options);
// Set via json option or quizJSON variable (see slickQuiz-config.js)
var quizValues = (plugin.config.json ? plugin.config.json : typeof quizJSON != 'undefined' ? quizJSON : null);
// Get questions, possibly sorted randomly
var questions = plugin.config.randomSortQuestions ?
quizValues.questions.sort(function() { return (Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); }) :
// Count the number of questions
var questionCount = questions.length;
// Select X number of questions to load if options is set
if (plugin.config.numberOfQuestions && questionCount >= plugin.config.numberOfQuestions) {
questions = questions.slice(0, plugin.config.numberOfQuestions);
questionCount = questions.length;
// some special private/internal methods
var internal = {method: {
// get a key whose notches are "resolved jQ deferred" objects; one per notch on the key
// think of the key as a house key with notches on it
getKey: function (notches) { // returns [], notches >= 1
var key = [];
for (i=0; i<notches; i++) key[i] = $.Deferred ();
return key;
// put the key in the door, if all the notches pass then you can turn the key and "go"
turnKeyAndGo: function (key, go) { // key = [], go = function ()
// when all the notches of the key are accepted (resolved) then the key turns and the engine (callback/go) starts
$.when.apply (null, key). then (function () {
go ();
// get one jQ
getKeyNotch: function (key, notch) { // notch >= 1, key = []
// key has several notches, numbered as 1, 2, 3, ... (no zero notch)
// we resolve and return the "jQ deferred" object at specified notch
return function () {
key[notch-1].resolve (); // it is ASSUMED that you initiated the key with enough notches
plugin.method = {
// Sets up the questions and answers based on above array
setupQuiz: function(options) { // use 'options' object to pass args
var key, keyNotch, kN;
key = internal.method.getKey (3); // how many notches == how many jQ animations you will run
keyNotch = internal.method.getKeyNotch; // a function that returns a jQ animation callback function
kN = keyNotch; // you specify the notch, you get a callback function for your animation
.replace('%name', ).fadeIn(1000, kN(key,1));
$quizHeader.hide().prepend($('<div class="quizDescription">' + + '</div>')).fadeIn(1000, kN(key,2));
// add retry button to results view, if enabled
if (plugin.config.tryAgainText && plugin.config.tryAgainText !== '') {
$quizResultsCopy.append('<p><a class="button ' + tryAgainClass + '" href="#">' + plugin.config.tryAgainText + '</a></p>');
// Setup questions
var quiz = $('<ol class="' + questionGroupClass + '"></ol>'),
count = 1;
// Loop through questions object
for (i in questions) {
if (questions.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var question = questions[i];
var questionHTML = $('<li class="' + questionClass +'" id="question' + (count - 1) + '"></li>');
if (plugin.config.displayQuestionCount) {
questionHTML.append('<div class="' + questionCountClass + '">' +
.replace('%current', '<span class="current">' + count + '</span>')
.replace('%total', '<span class="total">' +
questionCount + '</span>') + '</div>');
var formatQuestion = '';
if (plugin.config.displayQuestionNumber) {
formatQuestion = plugin.config.questionTemplateText
.replace('%count', count).replace('%text', question.q);
} else {
formatQuestion = question.q;
questionHTML.append('<h3>' + formatQuestion + '</h3>');
// Count the number of true values
var truths = 0;
for (i in question.a) {
if (question.a.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
answer = question.a[i];
if (answer.correct) {
// Now let's append the answers with checkboxes or radios depending on truth count
var answerHTML = $('<ul class="' + answersClass + '"></ul>');
// Get the answers
var answers = plugin.config.randomSortAnswers ?
question.a.sort(function() { return (Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); }) :
// prepare a name for the answer inputs based on the question
var selectAny = question.select_any ? question.select_any : false,
forceCheckbox = question.force_checkbox ? question.force_checkbox : false,
checkbox = (truths > 1 && !selectAny) || forceCheckbox,
inputName = $element.attr('id') + '_question' + (count - 1),
inputType = checkbox ? 'checkbox' : 'radio';
if( count == quizValues.questions.length ) {
nextQuestionClass = nextQuestionClass + ' ' + lastQuestionClass;
for (i in answers) {
if (answers.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
answer = answers[i],
optionId = inputName + '_' + i.toString();
// If question has >1 true answers and is not a select any, use checkboxes; otherwise, radios
var input = '<input id="' + optionId + '" name="' + inputName +
'" type="' + inputType + '" /> ';
var optionLabel = '<label for="' + optionId + '">' + answer.option + '</label>';
var answerContent = $('<li></li>')
// Append answers to question
// If response messaging is NOT disabled, add it
if (plugin.config.perQuestionResponseMessaging || plugin.config.completionResponseMessaging) {
// Now let's append the correct / incorrect response messages
var responseHTML = $('<ul class="' + responsesClass + '"></ul>');
responseHTML.append('<li class="' + correctResponseClass + '">' + question.correct + '</li>');
responseHTML.append('<li class="' + incorrectResponseClass + '">' + question.incorrect + '</li>');
// Append responses to question
// Appends check answer / back / next question buttons
if (plugin.config.backButtonText && plugin.config.backButtonText !== '') {
questionHTML.append('' + plugin.config.backButtonText + '');
var nextText = plugin.config.nextQuestionText;
if (plugin.config.completeQuizText && count == questionCount) {
nextText = plugin.config.completeQuizText;
// If we're not showing responses per question, show next question button and make it check the answer too
if (!plugin.config.perQuestionResponseMessaging) {
questionHTML.append('' + nextText + '');
} else {
questionHTML.append('' + nextText + '');
questionHTML.append('' + plugin.config.checkAnswerText + '');
// Append question & answers to quiz
// Add the quiz content to the page
// Toggle the start button OR start the quiz if start button is disabled
if (plugin.config.skipStartButton || $quizStarter.length == 0) {
plugin.method.startQuiz.apply (this, [{callback: plugin.config.animationCallbacks.startQuiz}]); // TODO: determine why 'this' is being passed as arg to startQuiz method
kN(key,3).apply (null, []);
} else {
$quizStarter.fadeIn(500, kN(key,3)); // 3d notch on key must be on both sides of if/else, otherwise key won't turn
internal.method.turnKeyAndGo (key, options && options.callback ? options.callback : function () {});
// Starts the quiz (hides start button and displays first question)
startQuiz: function(options) {
var key, keyNotch, kN;
key = internal.method.getKey (1); // how many notches == how many jQ animations you will run
keyNotch = internal.method.getKeyNotch; // a function that returns a jQ animation callback function
kN = keyNotch; // you specify the notch, you get a callback function for your animation
function start(options) {
var firstQuestion = $(_element + ' ' + _questions + ' li').first();
if (firstQuestion.length) {
firstQuestion.fadeIn(500, function () {
if (options && options.callback) options.callback ();
if (plugin.config.skipStartButton || $quizStarter.length == 0) {
start({callback: kN(key,1)});
} else {
$quizStarter.fadeOut(300, function(){
start({callback: kN(key,1)}); // 1st notch on key must be on both sides of if/else, otherwise key won't turn
internal.method.turnKeyAndGo (key, options && options.callback ? options.callback : function () {});
if ( && { (null, []);
*** had to delete code because stackoverflow limits what I can put into a question,
here is the end of the slickQuiz file found at the link above:
$.fn.slickQuiz = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
if (undefined === $(this).data('slickQuiz')) {
var plugin = new $.slickQuiz(this, options);
$(this).data('slickQuiz', plugin);
I am having difficulty figuring out the best method of doing the following. I am getting anywhere from 0 to x number of string names, ie: Zillow, Trulia. What I am wanting to do is associate an image with those string names and then display them into a list. I am attempting to do a switch statement, but am unsure if that will work for more than 1 condition...please correct me if I am wrong.
So for instance, the variable list is holding two items (Zillow/Trulia), how can I check ky split function variable for multiple values and then add the output: $('#review-icon-list').wrapInner('<li class="review-icon">' + zillowImg + '</li>');
Right now my switch case is throwing an unexpected token error, but I do not think I am using the right method anyways. Does anyone know how I would do this? Would I be doing some sort of loop and if so, how would I structure it?
var reviewSiteNames = 'Zillow,Trulia';
reviewSiteNames = reviewSiteNames.split(',');
var zillowImg = '<img src="" alt="Zillow">';
var truliaImg = '<img src="" alt="Trulia">';
if (reviewSiteNames == '') {
$('#no-current-reviewSites').html('No review sites currently added')
/*else if (reviewSiteNames) {
$('#review-icon-list').wrapInner('<li class="review-icon"></li>');
switch (true) {
case (reviewSiteNames.indexOf('Zillow') >= 0):
$('#review-icon-list').wrapInner('<li class="review-icon">' + zillowImg + '</li>');
case (reviewSiteNames.indexOf('') >= 0):
$('#review-icon-list').wrapInner('<li class="review-icon">' + realtorDotComImg + '</li>');
case (reviewSiteNames.indexOf('Trulia') >= 0):
$('#review-icon-list').wrapInner('<li class="review-icon">' + truliaImg + '</li>');
default: return '';
New method of trying this. The only image that is displaying is the last if statement in the each function.
$.each(reviewSiteNames, function (index, value) {
if (reviewSiteNames.includes('Zillow')) {
$('#review-icon-current').wrapInner('<li class="review-icon">' + zillowImg + '</li>');
if (reviewSiteNames.includes('Trulia')) {
$('#review-icon-current').wrapInner('<li class="review-icon">' + truliaImg + '</li>');
//return (value !== 'three');
Here is how I would write what I understand from your code:
I think you want to check if some specific word are in the reviewSiteNames array to determine how to wrap the #review-icon-list element.
// Site names as a string
var reviewSiteNames = 'Zillow,Trulia';
// Site names as an array
reviewSiteNames = reviewSiteNames.split(',');
// Some images used in li wrappers...
var zillowImg = '<img src="" alt="Zillow">';
var truliaImg = '<img src="" alt="Trulia">';
// If the array is empty
if (reviewSiteNames.length == 0) {
$('#no-current-reviewSites').html('No review sites currently added')
var myHTMLtoInsert = "";
// Check if specific values are in array
if( $.inArray('Zillow', reviewSiteNames) ){
myHTMLtoInsert += '<li class="review-icon">' + zillowImg + '</li>';
if( $.inArray('', reviewSiteNames) ){
myHTMLtoInsert += '<li class="review-icon">' + realtorDotComImg + '</li>';
if( $.inArray('Trulia',, reviewSiteNames) ){
myHTMLtoInsert += '<li class="review-icon">' + truliaImg + '</li>';
// The names:
var names = 'Zillow,Trulia';
names = names.split(',');
// The images mapper: an object that has names as keys and images as values
var images = {
"Zillow": '<img src="" alt="Zillow">',
"Trulia": '<img src="" alt="Trulia">'
// if names is empty: (names == '' won't work because names is no longer a string, it's an array now)
if (names.length === 0) {
$('#no-current-reviewSites').html('No review sites currently added')
// if there is names
else {
// loop through all names
names.forEach(function(name) {
// if this name got an image in the images mapper (images[name] !== undefined)
if(images[name]) {
// then do magic stuff with it
$('#review-icon-list').wrapInner('<li class="review-icon">' + images[name] + '</li>');
I hope this is usefull as I'm not quite sure what the goal really is.
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
Is there a cleaner, more concise way to write the following conditional statement that creates a string in Javascript?
var search;
if (text === '' && user === '' && filter !== '') {
search = filter;
} else if (filter === '' && text === '' && user !== '') {
search = 'email="' + user + '"';
} else if (filter === '' && user === '' && text !== '') {
search = 'text~"' + text + '"';
} else if (text !== '' && user !== '' && filter === '') {
search = 'text~"' + text + '" ANDemail="' + user + '"';
} else if (text !== '' && filter !== '' && user === '') {
search = 'text~"' + text + '" AND ' + filter;
} else {
search = 'text~"' + text + '" AND ' + filter + '" ANDemail="' + user + '"';
// using computed switch
var TEXT = 1, haveText = (text !== "") << 0;
var FILTER = 2, haveFilter = (filter !== "") << 1;
var USER = 4, haveUser = (user !== "") << 2;
switch(haveText + haveFilter + haveUser)
case FILTER: search = filter; break;
case USER: search = 'email="' + user + '"'; break;
case TEXT: search = 'text~"' + text + '"'; break;
case TEXT+USER: search = 'text~"' + text + '" AND email="' + user + '"'; break;
case TEXT+FILTER: search = 'text~"' + text + '" AND ' + filter; break;
case TEXT+FILTER+USER: search = 'text~"' + text + '" AND ' + filter + '" AND email="' + user + '"'; break;
case FILTER+USER: search = filter + '" AND email="' + user + '"'; break;
default: search = ""; // no search criteria
makes two possible errors in the compound if statement version stand out:
The case of FILTER+USER was not tested for and produced a search using TEXT,
The case of no criteria was not tested in the if statement and also produced a search using TEXT.
Off the top of my head, one thing you can do to simplify this is to use the js rule that '' falsy which simplifies this. Also, short circuits with return would help.
var search;
function getSearch(user, text, filter) {
if (!text && !user && filter) return filter;
if (!filter && !text && user) return 'email="' + user + '"';
if (!filter && !user && text ) return 'text~"' + text + '"';
if (text && user && !filter) return 'text~"' + text + '" ANDemail="' + user + '"';
if (text && filter && !user) return 'text~"' + text + '" AND ' + filter;
return 'text~"' + text + '" AND ' + filter + '" ANDemail="' + user + '"';
search = getSearch(user, text, filter);
I think that's a little cleaner. It could be cleaned up a lot if the formatting of your string wasn't so strange, but I'm assuming it's specific and required so this maintains the exact formatting you're after in the "search" string.
You can make a function to build the search string, that way you can easily add more variables in the future. The builder is messy, it's a messy process, but it won't get much more messy, no matter how many variables you add. As a side-note, remember that in some cases like this (with a lot of conditionals) you can consider refactoring using polymorphism, that probably wouldn't work for you here, though. The fiddle for this is here:
function buildSearchString(text, user, filter) {
var returnString = '';
var strings = [];
if (text) {strings.push('text~ =' + text);}
if (user) {strings.push('email = ' + user);}
var length = strings.length;
for(var i =0; i < length; ++i){
var s = strings[i];
if(i ===length -1){
returnString += s;
returnString += s+' AND ' ;
return returnString;
alert(buildSearchString('', 'there', 'guy'));
The following may fit the criterion "concise", but it may not fit "cleaner":
var text = 'someText';
var filter = '';
var user = 'aUser';
var search = text? 'text~"' + text + '"' : '';
search += search && filter? ' AND ' + filter : filter? filter : '';
search += search && user? ' AND email="' + user + '"' : user? 'email="' + user + '"' : '';
document.write('Search: ' + search); // text~"someText" AND email="aUser"
var search;
if (filter)
search = appendFilter(search, filter);
if (text)
search = appendFilter(search, 'text~"' + text + '"');
if (user)
search = appendFilter(search, 'email="' + user + '"');
function appendFilter(search, f) {
return search ? search + ' AND ' + f : f;
Hello i'd like to put condition for my code in javascript if the code has already called, so after the _edg.source it wont to called again:
for (var j in GexfJS.graph.edgeList) {
var _edg = GexfJS.graph.edgeList[j]
if ( ( == _curra) && (_edg.source != _nodeIndex) && ( != _n)) {
var _nod = GexfJS.graph.nodeList[_edg.source];
if(_n != _nod){
_str += '<li><div class="smallpill" style="background: ' + _nod.color.base +'"></div>' + _nod.label + 'b' + ( GexfJS.params.showEdgeWeight && _edg.weight ? ' [' + _edg.weight + ']' : '') + '</li>';
try to use condition with an object and set the true value after the value has called, insert this code after the var _nod
if(check[_nod.label] != true){
check[_nod.label] = true;
I took the following example for using google data chart with Selection handler. But it says it could not return Column index.
It says it should
anyone could give me some hints on how to implement the handler to select the column index?
// Note: This sample shows the select event.
// The select event is a generic select event,
// for selecting rows, columns, and cells.
// However, in this example, only rows are selected.
// Read more here:
function drawVisualization() {
visualization = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('table'));
visualization.draw(data, null);
// Add our selection handler., 'select', selectHandler);
// The selection handler.
// Loop through all items in the selection and concatenate
// a single message from all of them.
function selectHandler() {
var selection = visualization.getSelection();
var message = '';
for (var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
var item = selection[i];
if (item.row != null && item.column != null) {
var str = data.getFormattedValue(item.row, item.column);
message += '{row:' + item.row + ',column:' + item.column + '} = ' + str + '\n';
} else if (item.row != null) {
var str = data.getFormattedValue(item.row, 0);
message += '{row:' + item.row + ', (no column, showing first)} = ' + str + '\n';
} else if (item.column != null) {
var str = data.getFormattedValue(0, item.column);
message += '{(no row, showing first), column:' + item.column + '} = ' + str + '\n';
if (message == '') {
message = 'nothing';
alert('You selected ' + message);