Executing a function after the dgrid renderRow - javascript

I'm trying to tie a function to be executed after the renderRow event of the grid. So I used the aspect.after from DOJO, but here is the kicker. This execute before the row is indeed rendered, therefore the divs\tds are not on the screen yet. And since I do want to use the position of the items, using the dojo/domgeometry returns an object filled with zeroes. How can I guarantee that my function will execute after the row is finished displaying?
Below you can find the JS where I'm calling it.
aspect.after(grid, 'renderRow', function(row, args) {
var object = args[0];
if (object.type == 'tipo_exec') {
row.className += ' black';
} else if(object.type == 'exec') {
row.className += ' gray';
} else if(object.type == 'ic') {
if ((typeof(object.dep)!='undefined') && (object.dep.length > 0)) {
function(domGeom, domConstruct){
return row;
EDIT: Another thing, I'm using the tree extension, and the renderRow happens after a click on the parent to expand.
EDIT: So here is a bit of more info in case it is needed. The store is simple:
store = new Observable(new Memory({'data': data,
'getChildren': function(parent, options){
return this.query({'parent': parent.id}, options);
'mayHaveChildren': function(parent){
return parent.hasChildren;
And the grid is declared as:
grid = new (declare([OnDemandGrid, Selection, Keyboard, CompoundColumns]))({
'columns': nCols,
'query': { 'parent': undefined },
'store': store
}, gridId);
This is the inside of the aspect after
if ((typeof(object.dep)!='undefined') && (object.dep.length > 0)) {
console.log('just before adding the refresh');
on.once(this, 'dgrid-refresh-complete', function(){
console.log('finished refreshing');
function(domGeom, domConstruct){
The console.log('finished refreshing');never gets called, neither does the the position log.
There are many columns on the grid, a couple tied on a compouding column, a name colum which is a tree, and a couple of others. The renderRow is called when expanding the tree!
Image of the grid with a couple of data removed

You can defer the invocation of domGeom.position(row) until the dgrid-refresh-complete event has been emitted. You'll need to include dojo/on.
aspect.after(grid, 'renderRow', function(row, args) {
var object = args[0];
if (object.type == 'tipo_exec') {
row.className += ' black';
} else if(object.type == 'exec') {
row.className += ' gray';
} else if(object.type == 'ic') {
if ((typeof(object.dep)!='undefined') && (object.dep.length > 0)) {
on.once(this, 'dgrid-refresh-complete', function(){
function(domGeom, domConstruct){
return row;
Updated jsfiddle to accommodate tree


Ag-grid highlight cell logic not working properly

I created an editable grid using ag-grid and I need to highlight the cells that were changed. I added the following code:
And the method:
onDemandsCellValueChanged(params): void {
if (params.oldValue === params.newValue) {
params.data.modified = true; // add modified property so it can be filtered on save
const column = params.column.colDef.field;
params.column.colDef.cellStyle = { 'background-color': '#e1f9e8' }; // highlight modified cells
force: true,
columns: [column],
rowNodes: [params.node],
The cell is highlighted but when I scroll up and down all the cell from that column are highlighted.
You can check the behavior on stackblitz.
Also if you have a better way of doing this I'm open to new solutions.
I understand your problem You can achieve what you want like this - you should use cellStyle in your column definition as showing in docs and for this code is below
cellStyle: params => {
if (
params.data["modifiedRow" +
params.node.rowIndex +"andCellKey"+
) {
return { backgroundColor: "#e1f9e8" };
} else {
return null;
and after that in this function onDemandsCellValueChanged please add and modify this property modified as true and change your function like this as shown below
onDemandsCellValueChanged(params): void {
if (params.oldValue === params.newValue) {
const column = params.column.colDef.field;
params.data["modifiedRow" + params.rowIndex + "andCellKey" + column] = true;
force: true,
columns: [column],
rowNodes: [params.node]
Now it should work even when you scroll. Here is complete working Example on stackblitz

Template.onRendered() called too early

I have hit a strange problem. I am using hammer.js to configure long-press events, and attaching the event watcher within the Template.onRendered() callback. This works perfectly on my local development machine. However, when I deploy to a server, it seems that onRendered() is being fired before the template is finished rendering in the browser. The jQuery selector is empty. I've had to resort to setting a timer to make sure the template is rendered before configuring the event handler. Alternatively, I've tried configuring the event handler within a Tracker.afterFlush() in place of setTimeout(), but the template is still not rendered when this fires.
It seems that I shouldn't have to use setTimeout() here. Am I doing something wrong or out of order?
Template.CATEGORIES.onRendered(function () {
Meteor.setTimeout(function () {
console.log('setting up hammer object', this.$('.collapsible'));
var h = this.$('.collapsible').hammer({domEvents:true});
h.on('tap press swipe pan', '.collapsible-header', function (ev) {
// get the ID of the shopping list item object
var target = ev.target;
var $target = $(target);
var type = ev.type;
var $header = $target;
if (Collapse.isChildrenOfPanelHeader($target)) {
$header = Collapse.getPanelHeader($target);
console.log('Firing ', type, ' on ', $header);
Kadira.trackError('debug', 'Firing ' + type + ' on ' + $header);
// handler for checkbox
if (type === 'tap' && $target.is('label')) {
var data = Blaze.getData(target);
var TS = data.checkedTS;
data.checked = !data.checked;
console.log('Checkbox handler', data);
if (data.checked && !TS) {
TS = new Date()
} else if (!data.checked) {
TS = null
// Set the checked property to the opposite of its current value
ShoppingList.update(data._id, {
$set: {checked: data.checked, checkedTS: TS}
} else if (type === 'tap' && $target.has('.badge')) {
// if the user taps anywhere else on an item that has a child with .badge class
// this item has deals. Toggle the expand.
console.log('badge handler');
} else if (type === 'press' || type === 'swipe' || type === 'pan') {
// remove any selected deals
var itemID, item;
var $label = $header.find('label');
console.log('long press handler');
if ($label) {
itemID = $label.attr('for');
item = ShoppingList.findOne(itemID);
if (item && item.deal) {
Deals.update(item.deal._id, {$set: {'showOnItem': false}});
ShoppingList.update(itemID, {$set: {'deal': null}});
}, 2000);
Someone answered this the other day but must have withdrawn their answer. They suggested that the template was actually rendered, but that the data subscription had not finished replicating yet. They were right.
I was able to validate that I need to wait until the data subscription finishes prior to setting up my java script events.

emptying an array upon closing a dialog with Javascript and AngularJS

I'm using AngularJS. The following code sits in a controller. I'm trying to fill $scope.highlighted with Objects whose highlight property is set to true. I need $scope.highlighted to be emptied when the dialog is closed. For some reason, the $scope.highlighted in my closeDialog() function is not the same array I propagate in getHighlighted(). I can't tell if this is a AngularJS scope problem, a JavaScript reference issue, or something else?
$scope.highlighted = [];
$scope.closeDialog = function () {
// Hide the dialog
$('#shared-list .modal').modal('hide');
// Clean up data for next shared list
while ($scope.highlighted.length > 0) {
$scope.getHighlighted = function (root) {
var x, y;
for (x in root.CurrentItems) {
console.log(root.CurrentItems[x].ItemLabel + ": " + root.CurrentItems[x].highlight);
if (root.CurrentItems[x].highlight == true) {
for (y in root.Folders) {
console.log(root.Folders[y].FolderLabel + ": " + root.Folders[y].highlight);
if (root.Folders[y].highlight == true) {
$scope.showCreateSharedList = function () {
if ($scope.highlighted.length == 0) {
alert("Please select one or more items and/or folders to share.");
else {
$("#shared-list .modal").modal();

how to make the jquery function load before one ajax function finish

How do I fire one event before the previous function completed its function?
I have the following AJAX code :
var BrainyFilter = {
init: function (opts) {},
changeTotalNumbers: function (data) {
jQuery(BrainyFilter.filterFormId).find('option span').remove();
jQuery('.bf-attr-filter').not('#bf-price-container').find('input, option')
.attr('disabled', 'disabled')
if (data && data.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
jQuery('.bf-attr-' + data[i].id + ' .bf-attr-val').each(function (ii, v) {
if (jQuery(v).text() == data[i].val) {
var parent = jQuery(v).parents('.bf-attr-filter').eq(0);
var isOption = jQuery(v).prop('tagName') == 'OPTION';
var selected = false;
if (isOption) {
selected = jQuery(v)[0].selected;
} else {
selected = parent.find('input')[0].checked;
if (!selected) {
if (!isOption) {
parent.find('.bf-cell').last().append('<span class="bf-count">' + data[i].c + '</span>');
} else {
jQuery(v).append('<span> (' + data[i].c + ')</span>');
jQuery('.bf-attr-filter input[type=checkbox]').filter(':checked')
.parents('.bf-attr-block').find('.bf-count').each(function (i, v) {
var t = '+' + jQuery(v).text();
// since opencart standard filters use logical OR, all the filter groups
// should have '+' if any filter was selected
if (jQuery('.bf-opencart-filters input[type=checkbox]:checked').size()) {
jQuery('.bf-opencart-filters .bf-count').each(function (i, v) {
var t = '+' + jQuery(v).text().replace('+', '');
// disable select box if it hasn't any active option
jQuery(BrainyFilter.filterFormId).find('select').each(function (i, v) {
if (jQuery(v).find('option').not('.bf-default,[disabled]').size() == 0) {
jQuery(v).attr('disabled', 'true');
} // close the BrainyFilter
I also have another jQuery file running to get the bf-count value using $('.bf-count').text().
When the page load, the bf-count value is empty. Since the code above inject the bf-count, I will need to wait until it finishes the for loop in order to get the bf-count value.
What is the best way to approach this?
without knowing how the second js file is loaded, I can only give you a guesstimate suggestion.
If you want to run the second js file code after the page is fully loaded, you can wrap the code in:
//your code here. runs after the page is fully loaded
jQuery documentation: http://api.jquery.com/load-event/
"The load event is sent to an element when it and all sub-elements have been completely loaded. This event can be sent to any element associated with a URL: images, scripts, frames, iframes, and the window object."

making certain cells of an ExtJS GridPanel un-editable

I currently have a GridPanel with the Ext.ux.RowEditor plugin. Four fields exist in the row editor: port, ip address, subnet and DHCP. If the DHCP field (checkbox) of the selected row is checked, I need to make the other three fields un-editable.
I've been trying to perform this code when the beforeedit event is triggered, but to no avail... I've only found ways to make the entire column un-editable. My code so far:
scope: this,
beforeedit: this.checkIfEditable
checkIfEditable:function(rowEditor, rowIndex) {
if(this.getStore().getAt(rowIndex).get('dhcp')) {
// this function makes the entire column un-editable:
this.getColumnModel().setEditable(2, false);
// I want to make only the other three fields of the current row
// uneditable.
Please let me know if any clarification is needed.
Any help potentially extending RowEditor to accomplish the target functionality would be greatly appreciated as well!
You can add into RowEditor.js within the function startEditing the call to the function isCellEditable
//.... RowEditor.js
startEditing: function(rowIndex, doFocus){
//.... search for the starting of the below loop into the source code
var cm = g.getColumnModel(), fields = this.items.items, f, val;
for(var i = 0, len = cm.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++){
val = this.preEditValue(record, cm.getDataIndex(i));
f = fields[i];
// *** here add a call to isCellEditable *** //
f.setDisabled(!cm.isCellEditable(i, rowIndex));
// ***************************************** //
this.values[f.id] = Ext.isEmpty(val) ? '' : val;
Then override the isCellEditable of your column model and disabled the field based on you condition:
YYY.getColumnModel().isCellEditable = function(colIndex, rowIndex){
if (grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex).get('dhcp')) {
// you can do more check base on colIndex
// only to disabled the one you want
return false;
return Ext.grid.ColumnModel.prototype.isCellEditable.call(this, colIndex, rowIndex);
As the docs state:
If the listener returns false
the editor will not be activated.
scope: this,
beforeedit: this.checkIfEditable
checkIfEditable:function(rowEditor, rowIndex) {
if(this.getStore().getAt(rowIndex).get('dhcp')) {
return false;
Simply returning false will be enough to cancel the editing ability.
Interesting idea - a bit of a hassle to implement, but possible.
You need to approach this from two directions:
1 ) edit starts
2 ) checkbox is checked/unchecked
For the first part, I think you could use almost the same code I have above, remove the 'return false' and use the reference to the rowEditor to loop through the items collection, disabling (call the disable method on them) the fields that are not your checkbox field.
The second part of this is to add a handler to the checkbox which would do the same thing.
The following works to make a specific cell uneditable (add the event to the roweditor):
beforeedit: function (roweditor, rowIndex) {
var data = roweditor.grid.store.getAt(rowIndex).data;
var cm = roweditor.grid.getColumnModel();
// disable the first column (can not be edited)
if (** make your check here ***) {
var c = cm.getColumnAt(0);
As of ExtJS 3.4 you can just override isCellEditable, as in the example here:
Here's the simpler version :
plugins: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 1
,pluginId: 'editing'
Provide the condition below for the cells to make the un-editable :
grid.on('beforeedit', function(editor, e) {
if (e.record.get('phone') == '555-111-1224')
return false;
just set the column in your columnModel/columns to editable:false for fields that should not be editable.
columns: [
{ header: "Ticker", width: 60, editable:false },
{ header: "Company Name", width: 150, id: 'company'},
{ header: "Market Cap."},
{ header: "$ Sales", renderer: money},
{ header: "Employees", resizable: false}
I ran into the same problem. Rather than using the GridPanel with the Ext.ux.RowEditor plugin, I used the Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel. In this case, you can specify the editor for each of the other three fields (port, ip address, and subnet) in the column model with a beforeshow event handler as follows:
editor: new Ext.form.TextArea({
allowBlank: false,
beforeshow: function(column) {
if (column.gridEditor.record.get('dhcp')) {
I made a dirty one, I added an event this.fireEvent('starting', this, fields,record); AT THE END of startEditing
startEditing: function(rowIndex, doFocus){
if(this.editing && this.isDirty()){
rowIndex = this.grid.getStore().indexOf(rowIndex);
if(this.fireEvent('beforeedit', this, rowIndex) !== false){
this.editing = true;
var g = this.grid, view = g.getView(),
row = view.getRow(rowIndex),
record = g.store.getAt(rowIndex);
this.record = record;
this.rowIndex = rowIndex;
this.values = {};
var w = Ext.fly(row).getWidth();
var cm = g.getColumnModel(), fields = this.items.items, f, val;
for(var i = 0, len = cm.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++){
val = this.preEditValue(record, cm.getDataIndex(i));
f = fields[i];
this.values[f.id] = Ext.isEmpty(val) ? '' : val;
} else{
this.el.setXY(Ext.fly(row).getXY(), {duration:0.15});
if(doFocus !== false){
this.doFocus.defer(this.focusDelay, this);
/*I ADDED THIS EVENT ---- contains the fields and record
this.fireEvent('starting', this, fields,record);
var editor = new Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor({
saveText: 'Update',
listeners : {
'starting' : function(rowEditor, fields, record){
Using Ext JS 4 and the RowEditing plugin i managed to achieve this using something like
rowEditor.on('beforeedit', function (context) {
this.editor.query('textfield')[0].setDisabled(/* your condition here */);
the record data is available through context.record.data

