Submit Form to New Window/Tab - javascript

I've wrote a simple 'add page' form to a small CMS I've built and I have a simple preview feature which submits a form and opens the front-end version of the page in a new window.
To achieve this up until now I've used:
<input type="submit" name="pagepreview" value="Preview" formtarget="_blank">
Apparently the formtarget which made this possible is depreciated (which I never actually knew) and it seems that Google may have removed this feature in their latest update as it's stopped working (but still works in Firefox).
What's my alternative here? The answers I've found all point back to formtarget or target but neither work any longer.
Ideally I'd want to avoid Javascript but if that isn't possible - how would I submit the form to a new window using Javascript or jQuery?
Apologies for not explaining well enough - I can't add the target attribute to the form as only one button allows a new window (the preview button) the others just submit on the same page. Javascript appears to be my only way to do this.

<form action="..." method="..." target="_blank">
<input type="submit" name="pagepreview" value="Preview">
If you need to change the target dynamically:
var $this = $(this);
var $form = $this.parents('form');

like this: (add target = "_blank")
<form action="" method="" target="_blank">
<input type="text" />


How to send only POST-data (via Button click) in webView without following link

I load a webpage in a webView. In onPageFinished(..) i run some javascript code, which finally clicks a submit button. So the webView sends Post data and get an answer and loads a new page. That works fine, but i dont need the new page, its just unnecessary network load. I only need to submit the data.
So is it possible to send only the submit without loading the new page? I know that i can send post data with HTTPConnection, but i dont know the header consistence exactly, so i cant set the params. Is there any possibility with JS/Webview to abort?
Edit: I cant override onPageStarted() in my WebViewClient and perform a view.stopLoading(), because the new URL is still the same. But the site appearance is quite different. So i have to stop loading before
HTML of the submit button:
<input type="submit" name="savechanges" class="btn btn-primary" value="Speichern">
and three aditional lines above
<input type="hidden" name="uid" value="390">
<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_jevents">
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="dash.listprojects">
which meaning i dont know (site is made by Joomla)
You can simply create a "virtual form" and submit it, like:
var $form = $("");
... on click:
Hope this helps
Ops its removing my html from inside $form, inside the jQuery selector there should be a form like "form method='post' action='{someurl}'" with angle braces opening and closing properly

Updating DOM elements using jQuery

I'm looking for a way to update the webpage I'm working on to act as a report for several different people to pass back and forth. I'm using forms to take in several pieces of data and am wondering how I can make it so that it just immediately adds the content to the divs under the right heading. I'm currently using jquery and append and it looks like it adds the desired input and then immediately removes it. I tried using .live as well and it did not show up at all. Is there a way to make form inputs post to the page without submitting to another page?
Here is my code so far, testing just the element that will be the heading for the issue:
<div class="IssueDiv">
<form id="newIssue">
<legend>Add a new important issue:</legend>
<input type="text" id="issue" placeholder="Issue Summary...">
<input type="text" id="issue-client" placeholder="Client...">
<input class="ticket" type="text" id="issueParent" placeholder="Parent ticket..."><br>
<textarea placeholder="Issue details..."></textarea><br>
<button id="addIssue">Add Issue</button>
And the jquery:
$("#addIssue").click(function() {
var $issue = $("#issue").val();
var $issueSum = $("<h3></h3>").text($issue);
edit: I'm looking into using AJAX but I'm not sure how to make it so that all of the input data will persist. I am basically looking to make a webpage-style-report that will allow myself and my team to update the entries on the report and they will stay on the report until we are able to take them off by removing a div that encapsulates the individual issue.
I would also like to be able to format the individual pieces here separately, so, for instance, I could add a check-box that says the issue is urgent and format the heading of those to be red. What is the easiest way to have data that persists, can be added into new (div/h/p) elements, and is shown on the main webpage, while also allowing me to update formatting?
Your code appears to add the text and then immediately remove it because your form gets posted and the page reloads, effectively resetting the page to its initial state.
If you just want to add the text to the page without posting the form or executing any server-side processing, you can prevent the form from posting using jQuery's preventDefault(). Note that I have created a submit listener on the form itself, rather than a click listener on the submit button.
$("#newIssue").on('submit', function(e) {
$(function () {
$("#newIssue").on('submit',function (e) {
var $issue = $("#issue").val();
var $issueSum = $("<h3></h3>").text($issue);
<script src=""></script>
<div class="IssueDiv"></div>
<form id="newIssue">
<legend>Add a new important issue:</legend>
<input type="text" id="issue" placeholder="Issue Summary...">
<input type="text" id="issue-client" placeholder="Client...">
<input class="ticket" type="text" id="issueParent" placeholder="Parent ticket...">
<textarea placeholder="Issue details..."></textarea>
<button id="addIssue">Add Issue</button>
However, keep in mind that if you're using this to share reports between computers, this will not work. This is only updating the DOM in the current browser and is not doing any data storage or retrieval. If you need the reports to update online, consider using AJAX to post your data to a server-side script without refreshing the page. Then include some sort of timer that refreshes the content (also using AJAX) on a schedule (e.g. every 10 seconds).

submitting form using jquery

got a problem and cant find the solution.
I am writing a chat. When a new user opens my site (a new session) a div popes out and the user is asked to fill in his name.
The form works fine when I use an input submit. I want it to work without the submit button, I want it to work when i press a div.
here is my code
<form name="form" id="form" action="index.html" method="post">
<span id="nspan">First name:</span> <input type="text" id="firstname" name="name">
<div name="enter" id="enter">Submit</div>
the jquery:
$("#enter").click(function () {
nevermind is correct - no problem with that code.
Here's the JSFiddle to prove it:
Maybe you problem is that the id "form" is to general a name, and you already used it for another form.
Another thing, why not use a button or a link? You can style it like you want. Be careful when you use thing for what they are not suppose to be used for, it my give unexpected side effects.
In your case, you may only be able to login to you chat using a mouse, that would exclude blind people. You would also not be able to use the tabulater to get to the login "button". And last, if you are blind and uses a screen reader your would actually not know that there is at login "button", as the reader would not recognize the div as something you can click.
I would recomend using the button-tag like this
<button id="enter">Submit</button>
Or the a-tag like this
<a href id="enter">Submit</a>
If you don't like the predefined styling of them you may always override the styling.
try to define jquery at top of the page
<script src=""></script>
Then put your script at next.
still issue.
Please check your other function on same page works fine or not.

jquery .click form submit not working in ie8 or below-

im having trouble with a form submit script im using with javascript and jquery- its a form i have loaded into a facebook tab which when submit should pass a variable to another tab.
it works in ie9, chrome, ff and safari but client is stuck on ie 7 and 8. I dont know what the problem is- I have tried replace the button with a div and image incase .click wouldnt overwrite the submit function.
this should be a common problem with fix? or what am i doing thats completely wrong?
$('document').ready( function(){
$('#my_button').click(function (e) {
var_app = "444444";
url = "" + var_app;
return false;
<form id="submit" method="POST" >
<li><span>Photo code <sup class="required">*</sup></span><input id="barcode" name="barcode" type="text"/></li>
<li><span>First name</span><input id="firstName" name="firstName" type="text"/></li>
<li><span>Last name</span><input id="lastName" name="lastName" type="text"/></li>
<li><span>Email address</span><input id="optional_email" name="optional_email" type="text"/></li>
<a class="help">Need help?</a>
<input value="" type="submit" id="my_button" />
edit the form bounces on to the correct page in normal browsers but in ie8 it just submits upon itself going nowhere and displaying the same again
If it is a submit button , then instead you should be working with onsubmit even on that form.
P.S. why is your var_app variable in global scope ?
Try the submit event instead of click event.
$('#my_button').submit(function(event) {
You are also missing an action for your form.
I wonder if you should also specify the script type
Declare var_app & url variables.
var var_app = "444444";
var url = "" + var_app;
The error lay with the line
internet explorer only allowed the following statement and would throw a permission error
nothing to do with jquery or my form syntax :( only realised this when i ran the code on a different machine in ie7

Can an onsubmit event insert an image into the page before the page submits?

Can an onsubmit event insert an image into the page before the page submits/transfers control to the next page?
I am using classic asp.
Of course. The function resolves before the form is submitted.
(Although… while an img element may be inserted into the page, it might not load before the browser has gone to the next one, and even if it does, the user might not have time to see it clearly)
Yes . You can insert the HTML code (through javascript):
<img src="imgsrc">
But it takes a little time for loading the image. The form send the user to another page in new window or in the same window? Why would you want to insert an image in the current window if the page will be replaced with the new one?
Yes you can do this. It would be easier (for me to write) if you used jquery:
<form id="myForm" action="">
<input type="text" id="someId" />
<input type="submit" id="submit" value="submit" />
and then JavaScript would be:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#myForm").submit(function() {
$(this).append('<img src="someImage.jpg" alt="" />');
But like others have said it might not be loaded and displayed before the form submits so you might want to instead look in to preloading the image and then just setting it to visible before the page submits.

