Start object from setInterval? - javascript

I have the following reconnect method for Sockjs which almost is fully working:
(function() {
// Initialize the socket & handlers
var connectToServer = function() {
var warbleSocket = new SockJS('');
warbleSocket.onopen = function() {
warbleSocket.onmessage = function(e) {
warbleSocket.onclose = function() {
connectRetry = setInterval(connectToServer, 1000);
// Connect the text field to the socket
$('.msg-sender').off('input').on('input', function() {
warbleSocket.send($('.msg-sender input').val());
function send(a) {
return {
send: send
var connectRetry = setInterval(connectToServer, 1000);
The error i am getting is when its trying to reconnect.
Error is:
SyntaxError: missing ] after element list
at this line:
connectRetry = setInterval(connectToServer, 1000);
Any ideas what im doing wrong here?

Your connectToServer variable is not a function, it's an object with a property send that is a function, so it doesn't make sense to say setInterval(connectToServer, 1000). Try this instead:
setInterval(connectToServer.send, 1000);

Why don't you simplify things a bit?
I would put connection stuff inside a specific function and call it from setInterval().
Something like this (use with care since I'm not testing this code, ok?):
(function() {
// Initialize the socket & handlers
var connectToServer = function() {
var warbleSocket;
function connect() {
warbleSocket = new SockJS('');
warbleSocket.onopen = function() {
// ...
warbleSocket.onmessage = function(e) {
// ...
warbleSocket.onclose = function() {
// ...
// Connect the text field to the socket
$('.msg-sender').off('input').on('input', function() {
warbleSocket.send($('.msg-sender input').val());
function send(a) {
return {
send: send
// you probably will need to call the first connection
// and than set connection retry
var connectRetry = setInterval(connectToServer.connect, 1000);
I hope it helps you.


node js self this call method

I'm working on NodeJS and I have this module:
with this code (this is not all the code...):
// Object Manager
function Manager(params) {
client = new ModbusRTU();
//connessione alla seriale per lettura modbus
Manager.prototype.connectClient = function(){
// try to connect
client.connectRTUBuffered ("/dev/ttyS3", { baudRate: 19200 })
mbsStatus = "Connected, wait for reading...";
mbsStatus = e.message;
client.setTimeout (20);
//read data
Manager.prototype.readData = function(){
var self = this;
// try to read data
client.readCoils (0, 7, function(error,data){
Manager.prototype.checkEmergency= function(){
client part of code is about a modbus application.
When I try to call "self.checkEmergency()" from readData, I have this error:
"self.checkEmergency() is not a function"
The method readData is called inside a method like this:
Manager.prototype.caller= function(){
var self = this;
I also have used self to pass the object to the callback...
Any idea?

node.js modules - EventEmitter

I'm trying to create my own module for the GPIO-Pins of a Raspberry Pi but I want to receive .on('something', function() { }) events, if something changed (like a button is pressed/released).
The python script sends every 0.01 Seconds a value like true or false.
var PythonShell = require('python-shell');
module.exports = {
switch_live: function(pin) {
var status = false;
this.get = (function(){
return status;
var options = {
mode: 'text',
args: [pin],
pythonOptions: ['-u']
var pyshell = new PythonShell('./data/', options);
pyshell.on('message', function(message) {
if (message == 'false') {
if (status) {
// EMIT: button released
status = false;
} else {
if (!status) {
// EMIT: button pressed
status = true;
return this.status;
some_other_funcs: function(pin) {
// ...
var module = require('./module.js');
var button = new module.switch_live(10);
The module can show you the status of the button:
// get status of button
var status = button.get(); // returns "true" or "false"
But I want something like this:
button.on('pressed', function() {
// call this function every time when button is pressed
button.on('released', function() {
// call this function every time when button is released
Thank you :)
EDIT: I didn't find a solution, because I need the functions inside the "module.exports".
My Solution
It is a module for a Linkerkit-Board.
var linkerkit = require('./linkerkit.js');
var button = new linkerkit.switch_live(20);
button.on('pressed', function() {
// call this function every time when button is pressed
button.on('released', function() {
// call this function every time when button is released
var PythonShell = require('python-shell');
var EventEmitter = require('events');
var util = require('util');
var linkerkit = {
switch_live: function(pin) {
var self = this;
this.status = false; = pin;;
this.get = function() {
return this.status;
this._pyshell = new PythonShell('./data/', {
mode: 'text',
args: [],
pythonOptions: ['-u']
this._pyshell.on("message", function(message) {
if (message === "false") {
if (this.status === true) {
// EMIT: button released
this.status = false;
else {
if (this.status === false) {
// EMIT: button pressed
this.status = true;
for (var key in linkerkit) {
util.inherits(linkerkit[key], EventEmitter);
module.exports = linkerkit;
I edited the code because it should be able to do things like that:
var button = linkerkit.switch(20);
button.get() // get status of button once, has no python loop
var button_live = linkerkit.switch_live(20);
button.get() // get status of button once, has a python loop
button.on('pressed', callback);
button.on('released', callback);
var led = linkerkit.led(10);
led.brightness(255); // digitalOutput - brightness
led.blink(200); // 100ms on, 100ms off
var ledcolor = linkerkit.led_rgb(12);
ledcolor.on(); // on -> color: white;
ledcolor.rgb([255, 0, 0]); // on -> color: red
And many more functions...
You should be able to use Node's built-in EventEmitter class to create your own "button emitter":
var PythonShell = require('python-shell');
var util = require('util');
var EventEmitter = require('events');
function ButtonEmitter(pinNumber) {
this.status = false;
this.pinNumber = pinNumber;;
util.inherits(ButtonEmitter, EventEmitter);
ButtonEmitter.prototype.get = function() {
return this.status;
ButtonEmitter.prototype.switch_live = function() {
var options = {
mode: 'text',
args: [this.pinNumber],
pythonOptions: ['-u']
this._pyshell = new PythonShell('./data/', options);
this._pyshell.on("message", this._handleMessage.bind(this));
return this.status;
ButtonEmitter.prototype._handleMessage = function(message) {
if (message === "false") {
if (this.status === true) {
// EMIT: button released
this.status = false;
} else {
if (this.status === false) {
// EMIT: button pressed
this.status = true;
module.exports = ButtonEmitter;
var ButtonTrigger = require('./module.js');
var button = new ButtonTrigger(10);
button.on('pressed', function() {
// call this function every time when button is pressed
button.on('released', function() {
// call this function every time when button is released
The above code leverages Node's util.inherits to "subclass" EventEmitter, so that anyone using your class has access to .on(), .off() and other event methods. (Note: you could use ES6 class and extends syntax too, if you're Node version supports it)
Then, using your "subclass", you add your own switch_live method that starts the "listening" process, passing it the _handleMessage callback.
When the _handleMessage callback runs, it will compare the current status to the incoming one, and trigger a .emit() using the event names you posted in your question. Again, the .emit() is available because you a "subclassing" EventEmitter.

onfinish on global soundmanager object

I would like to launch a function at the end of my sound, this code works :
var mysound;
var next = function(){
soundManager.onready(function () {
mysound = soundManager.createSound({
// change to this
// in another .js
// mysound.onfinish(next) // doesn't work
// mysound.prototype.options.onfinish = next // doesn't work
I would like to do something like I comment.
code on jsfiddle
The problem is that mysound tries to assign the onfinish before it's set to the correct value.
var mysound;
var next = function(){
function importedFromOtherFile( mysound ) {
soundManager.onready(function () {
mysound = soundManager.createSound({
// change to this
if you want it to be in a different file, see if you can give it a call back or throw an even with mysound after it's set

Emitting custom event

I am using my custom yeoman generator programmatical in one of my nodejs module. I have written an Adapter to replace default TerminalAdapter.
The issues are,
When I am triggering custom event using emit method, I am not able
to listen for that event in my module. It is not getting fired.
Even end event listener also not getting fired.
Please let me know what I am missing here,
Below is my module code,
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var MyOwnAdapter = require('./MyOwnAdapter');
var adapt = new MyOwnAdapter();
var env = require('./generator-myframewrk/node_modules/yeoman-generator')(null, {}, adapt);
env.register(path.resolve(__dirname, './generator-myframewrk'), 'myframewrk'); = function (options, answers) {
var obj = {};
env.on("end", function(){
this.log("Even this is not getting called !!!"); //not coming here
env.on("alldone", function(){
this.log("Everything is done (including Bower install)"); //not coming here
}.bind(this));'myframewrk', function(){
this.log('ran yo myframewrk, But bower install might be pending'); //coming here
return {
done: function (cb) {
obj.cb = cb;
Below is my Generator code,
var MyframewrkGenerator = yeoman.generators.Base.extend({
init: function () {
this.pkg = require('../package.json');
this.on('end', function () {
if (!this.options['skip-install']) {
_installBower: function () {
this.log("Running bower install...");
/*reads bower.json and installs*/
bower.commands.install([], {}, {directory : "./"}).on('error', function (error) {
this.log("BOWER error::");
}.bind(this)).on('log', function (log) {
this.log("BOWER LOG::"); // coming here
}.bind(this)).on('end', function (installed) {
this.log("BOWER END::"); // coming here
this.emit("alldone"); // my custom event
askFor: function () { ...
I took _installBower method out of this.on('end', function () {}); and made it a separate async func. This works fine. I don't need custom event anymore!
bowerInstallHelper: function(){
if (!this.options['skip-install']) {
var cb = this.async();

Functions are undefined

I am trying to create a data management application, but instead of a Windows-based solution or using WebSQL, i am using IndexedDB. I am pretty new to it but I believe I have covered the basis in this draft of code.
Anyway, my problem is, anytime I run the code, my openDB() function and the addeventListener() function both run and show on the console log at runtime but all other functions are said to be undefined when I try to run the code. What could the problem be?
In the HTML file, the jQuery script file is referenced.
(function () {
var DB_NAME = 'shodex';
var DB_VERSION = 1;
var DB_STORE_NAME = 'visitors';
var db;
var current_view_pub_key;
//opens the IndexedDB database
function openDb() {
console.log("open Database......");
var req =, DB_VERSION);
req.onsuccess = function (evt) {
db = this.result;
console.log("Database Opened");
req.onerror = function (evt) {
req.onupgradeneeded = function (evt) {
console.log("Event fired when DB is needed to be upgraded");
var store = evt.currentTarget.result.createObjectStore(
DB_STORE_NAME, { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true });
store.createIndex('name', 'name', { unique: false });
store.createIndex('date', 'date', { unique: false });
store.createIndex('whom_to_see', 'whom_to_see', { unique: false });
store.createIndex('arrival_time', 'arrival_time', { unique: false });
store.createIndex('reason', 'reason', { unique: false });
store.createIndex('departure_time', 'departure_time', { unique: false });
//used to create a transaction
function getObjectStore(store_name, mode) {
var tx = db.transaction(store_name, mode);
return tx.objectStore(store_name);
//adds a Visitor to the IndexedDB
function addVisitor(name, date, to_see, arrival_time, reason, departure_time) {
console.log("Adding the following data to IndexedDB: ", arguments);
var obj = { name: name, date: date, whom_to_see: to_see, arrival_time: arrival_time, reason: reason, departure_time: departure_time };
if(typeof blob != undefined)
obj.blob = blob;
var store = getObjectStore(DB_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite');
var req;
req = store.add(obj);
if( == 'DataCloneError')
displayActionFailure("This engine does not know how to clone a Blob, use Firefox!");
req.onsuccess = function (evt) {
console.log("Insertion into DB was successful. You can heave a huge sigh of relief!");
req.onerror = function () {
console.error("Insertion into DB failed!");
function displayActionSuccess() {
alert("Whatever the heck you were doing was successful. Congrats!");
function displayActionFailure() {
alert("Oh Oh! System Failure! System Failure!");
// listens for the submit button event
function addEventListeners() {
console.log("Event Listeners");
$('#addVisitor').click(function(evt) {
console.log("Add Visitors Submit button");
var name = document.getElementsByName("txtName").value;
var date = document.getElementsByName("txtDate").value;
var whom_to_see = document.getElementsByName("txtToSee").value;
var time_of_arrival = document.getElementsByName("txtArrivalTime").value;
var reason_for_visit = document.getElementsByName("txtReason").value;
var time_of_departure = document.getElementsByName("timeOfDep");
addVisitor(name, date, whom_to_see, time_of_arrival, reason_for_visit, time_of_departure);
//makes the database open at runtime
syntax error - you need a closing round bracket at end.
i.e add
I think the problem is the fact that when your anonymous function is run the browser doesn't not know about the '#addVisitor' element, so the click event handler for that element is not created.
You should put your code inside "$(function() {" or "$(document).ready(function() {":
$(function() {
(function () {
var DB_NAME = 'shodex';
var DB_VERSION = 1;
Instead of referencing the javascript code like before...
I removed all other functions from the javascript file leaving the openDB() function and placed them in the main html file. it worked automatically.

