Using jQuery and RequireJS at start of processing - javascript

I often start my JavaScript apps like this:
jQuery(function($) {
... code for the app ...
I'm just starting to use RequireJS, and will start the app like this:
define(['jquery'], function($) {
... code for the app ...
Now, as I don't want the app to start processing until all the HTML has been loaded, I've combined the two like this:
require(['jquery'], function($) {
$(function($) {
... code for the app ...
Is that the way to do it?

The RequireJS documentation touches on this and offers has a slightly more convenient option:
require(['domReady!'], function (doc) {
//This function is called once the DOM is ready,
//notice the value for 'domReady!' is the current
Note that you will need to download the domReady plugin, and if you have a very complex page you may wish to use the "explicit function call" method that they also show... Although then it looks an awful lot like what you're already doing with jQuery.

So the main diferences between define and require in this scenario is, one declare a module and the second one call this defined module, then if it is not loaded, the browser download the js library.
To take control about when your require files will download, you need to use the domReady plugin.
You need to put the js library at you require.config, I usually put at the same directory as declared at the baseUrl property, for example:
baseUrl: "js/lib",
addPanel: "../src/edit-panel"
I put the domReady.js at the js/lib/ folder.
So, then you can use the require method at any place of you html file:
require(['jquery!'], function ($) {
Note that I use the symbol ! to indicate that this library is load after the completely page load.

As the box at the top of the page, my question is answered here:
Requirejs domReady plugin vs Jquery $(document).ready()?
The other answers here essential repeat what's in the above link. But, thanks!


How to load multiple template files using requireJs?

I am using Require JS to load vendor files and templates in JS.
I want to call one function when all related templates are loaded in page.
Currently I need to nested call like below:
requirejs(['text!templates/stream/leaderboard_m.ejs'], function(Leaderboard_M)
requirejs(['text!templates/stream/leaderboard_tl.ejs'], function(Leaderboard_TL) {
loadLeadrboardData(Leaderboard_M, Leaderboard_TL);
I would like to do that in 1 statement:
How can I do that using require JS?
Take a look at this:
This would be what you want:
function (
) {
// all files loaded and can be used now!
You can reduce it to this:
All items in the list passed to the require (aka. requirejs) call are loaded before the callback is loaded. And the callback is loaded with the result of each item in the list of dependencies, in the same order. So you can have requirejs call loadLeadrboardData directly.
(I'd expect the function to be properly spelled loadLeaderboardData, not loadLeadrboardData with a missing e, but this is tangential to the problem asked here.)

DOJO reference error: declare is not defined

I was following the jsfiddle link and when I put the same code into my application, I was getting "reference error: declare is not defined". I have following declarations on top of my js file:
Thanks in advance for your help.
With Dojo AMD you can tell which module maps to which parameter, for example dojo/_base/declare which is mapped to a variable called declare.
However, in non-AMD code you don't have this possibility. In stead of that you have to do the following:
dojo.require('dojo._base.declare'); // Import
dojo.declare(/** Parameters */); // Use
And actually, modules in dojo/_base are already inside the Dojo core if I'm not mistaken, so you could leave away the dojo.require() line in this case.
For the following AMD code:
require(["dojo/_base/declare"], function(declare) {
var MyCheckedMultiSelect = declare(CheckedMultiSelect, {
/** Stuff */
You can write the following in non-AMD:
var MyCheckedMultiSelect = dojo.declare(CheckedMultiSelect, {
/** Stuff */
However, make sure that when you're running Dojo 1.7, that you disable async mode, for example:
dojoConfig = {
parseOnLoad: false,
async: true
This rule applies to most, if not all, modules in dojo/_base and several DOM modules, for example:
dojo/_base/xhr: Methods like put(), get(), ... become dojo.xhrGet(), dojo.xhrPut(), ...
dojo/_base/lang: Methods like mixin(), hitch(), ... become dojo.mixin(), dojo.hitch(), ...
dojo/dom: Methods like byId() become dojo.byId()
dojo/on: You have to use dojo.connect() for this
dijit/registry: Methods like byId() become dijit.byId()
However, if you're using Dojo 1.7, then you should probably just leave the code in AMD even if all other code is written in non-AMD code. Eventually you will have to upgrade all your code to AMD-syntax, if you're now investing time to convert the code to non-AMD and you later have to convert it to AMD again, you're doing the same work twice.

Calling methods in RequireJs modules from HTML elements such as onclick handlers

I'm changing a project from an "old" browser-style module structure to a "new" browser-or-server-side-javascript module structure with require.js.
On the client I'm using an offsite hosted jQuery, so I started from the example they give in the "use priority config" technique of the README:
<title>My Page</title>
<script src="scripts/require.js"></script>
baseUrl: 'scripts',
paths: {
jquery: '',
jqueryui: ...,
... // bunch more paths here
priority: ['jquery']
}, [ 'main' ]);
This is actually working all right. But I'd like to export functionality from main to the HTML webpage itself. For instance:
<a class="button" href="#" onclick=";">
<img src="foo.png" alt="foo" />Click for: <b>Foo!</b>
Before fitting into the AMD module pattern, I'd exposed functionality from my various files by creating a dictionary object in the global space:
// main.js
var MyApi = {};
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// ...unexported code goes here...
// export function via MyApi = function() {
But I don't know what the right approach in require.js is. Is it okay to put in the HTML more require statements inside of <script> tags, and then name modules so that it can be used from within the webpage? Or should this always be done dynamically inside of main.js, like $('#foobutton').click(...)?
One benefit from using AMD is to drop the need for namespaces. Trying to create them again with RequireJS will go against the patterns AMD promotes.
With regard to using main.js, this is only really appropriate when you have a single page app and all your code be reference from one place. You're free to make additional calls to require and load other modules as you need them.
Using your example from above, you could approach it this way:
define(['jquery'], function($) {
// Some set up
// code here
// Return module with methods
return {
bar: function() {
require(['foo'], function(foo) {
// jQuery loaded by foo module so free to use it
$('.button').on('click', function(e) {;
Then in your page request the page.js file with require.
Using your example above:
// config stuff here
}, [ 'page' ]);
Or loading it in the page further down:
Some additional points
Using the pattern above, page.js could easily require many other
modules to load other page related functionality.
Where before you would attach members to your global namespace, you
now split that code into separate modules that can be re-used on
any page. All without reliance on a global object.
Using require this way to attach events to your DOM elements will
most likely rely on the DOM Ready module provided by RequireJS
You can also set the reference on javascript's window class.
At the bottom of the application module window.MyApi = MyApi;
<a class="button" href="#" onclick=";"></a>
putting onclick="" inside your markup feels dirty -- mixing presentation with content. I'd recommend you add a <script> block and put the require in it, and once inside the callback, and inside another inner $(document).ready() if necessary then wire up your event handlers in the normal way: $('#node').click(...). If you can do this generically enough that it's applicable to multiple pages, then put it inside an external file that is minified, combined, and cached. But typically these things end up being page-specific, so a <script> tag at the bottom of the page is a good solution to avoid yet another external resource request.
Another solution is just use code like that (of course requirejs must be added to the page):
<input type="button" onclick="(function() { require('mymodule').do_work() })()"/>

How can I combine my JavaScript files and still have my callbacks wait for a ready state?

I have lots of functions and event handlers that are split across multiple javascript files which are included on different pages throughout my site.
For performance reasons I want to combine all of those files into 1 file that is global across the site.
The problem is I will have event handlers called on elements that won't necessarily exist and same function names.
This is an example of a typical javascript file...
if (e.which == 13) {
return false;
function checkMap() {
// code
function loadMap() {
// code
I would need to seperate this code into an object that is called on that specific page.
My thoughts are I could re-write it like this:
(function($) {
$.homepage = {
checkMap: function(){
// code
loadMap: function(){
And then on the page that requires it I could call $.homepage.checkMap() etc.
But then how would I declare event handlers like document.ready without containing it in it's own function?
First of all: Depending on how much code you have, you should consider, if serving all your code in one file is really a good idea. It's okay to save http-requests, but if you load a huge chunk of code, from which you use 5% on a single page, you might be better of by keeping those js files separated (especially in mobile environments!).
Remember, you can let the browser cache those files. Depending on how frequent your code changes, and how much of the source changes, you might want to separate your code into stable core-functionality and additional .js packages for special purposes. This way you might be better off traffic- and maintainance-wise.
Encapsulating your functions into different objects is a good idea to prevent unnecessary function-hoisting and global namespace pollution.
Finally you can prevent calling needless event handlers by either:
Introducing some kind of pagetype which helps you decide calling only the necessary functions.
checking for the existence of certain elements like this if( $("specialelement").length > 0 ){ callhandlers}
to speed up your JS, you could use the Google Closure Compiler. It minifies and optimizes your code.
I think that all you need is a namespace for you application. A namespace is a simple JSON object that could look like this:
var myApp = {
homepage : {
showHeader : function(){},
hideHeader : function(){},
animationDelay : 3400,
start : function(){} // the function that start the entire homepage logic
about : {
You can split it in more files:
MyApp will contain the myApp = { } object, maybe with some useful utilities like object.create or what have you.
Homepage.js will contain myApp.homepage = { ... } with all the methods of your homepage page.
The list goes on and on with the rest of the pages.
Think of it as packages. You don't need to use $ as the main object.
<script src="myapp.js"></script>
<script src="homepage.js"></script>
Would be the way I would use the homepage object.
When compressing with YUI, you should have:
<script src="scripts.min.js"></script>
Just to make sure I've understood you correctly, you have one js file with all your code, but you want to still be in control of what is executed on a certain page?
If that is the case, then the Terrific JS framework could interest you. It allows you to apply javascript functionality to a module. A module is a component on your webpage, like the navigation, header, a currency converter. Terrific JS scans the dom and executes the js for the modules it finds so you don't have to worry about execution. Terrific JS requires OOCSS naming conventions to identify modules. It's no quick solution to your problem but it will help if you're willing to take the time. Here are some more links you may find useful:
Hello World Example:
Blogpost on using:
I would use something like YUI compressor to merge all files into one min.js file that is minified. If you are looking for performance both merging and minifiying is the way to go.
Javascript input files: jquery.js, ads.js support.js
run yui with jquery.js, ads.js, support.js output it into min.js
Javascript output files: min.js
then use min.js in your html code.

RequireJS Flawed By Example?

Looking into RequireJS but unlike Head.JS which downloads in undetermined order but evaluates in a determine order, RequireJS seems different
Normally RequireJS loads and evaluates scripts in an undetermined order.
Then it shows how to prefix order! to the script names for explicit ordering etc..
Then in the examples:
require(["jquery", "jquery.alpha", "jquery.beta"], function($) {
//the jquery.alpha.js and jquery.beta.js plugins have been loaded.
$(function() {
So if jquery.alpha is downloaded and evaluated before jquery then surely this would cause a problem? Forgetting any client code usage such as function body above, if like most plugin they attach to jQuery.fn then at stage of evaluation then jQuery will undefined in this scenario.
What am I missing here?
RequireJS is not designed to load plain javascript, but to load defined modules. The module format looks something like:
define(['a', 'b'], function(a, b) {
return { zzz: 123 };
The important thing to note is that all of the module code is inside an anonymous function. So if the file is run in an arbitrary order, it doesn't matter, because all it does is register the module. The module code is then run in dependency order, with the return value becoming the module object, which is passed as a parameter to code that uses the module.
If you are trying to load plain files, this will not work correctly for you. There is the order plugin to force load order in that case.
It should be noted that that example uses the custom made version of "requirejs and jquery" packaged together, which I believe means that jquery will always be available first.
If you have problems, you can always wrap your plugins within a module definition and make sure they depend on jquery themselves, again ensuring the order is correct:
define(['jquery'], function(jQuery) {
// .... plugin code ....
You are correct, without something to aid in the order an exception will occur. The good news is RequireJS has an Order plug-in to help in this.
I'm currently evaluating RequireJS...
And Here Is An Example of One of My Files:
The 'order!' command will load files for you sequentially. You can (then) use the callback to load other (support) files.
<script src="Loaders/RequireJS/requireJS.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="Loaders/RequireJS/order.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
"Loaders/RequireJS/order!././Includes/JavaScript/jQuery/ThirdPartyPlugIns/jquery.tmpl.js"], function() {
"././Includes/JavaScript/jQuery/jquery.Toaster.js"], null);
"././Includes/JavaScript/jQuery/ThirdPartyPlugIns/jquery.tipsy.js"], null);
In All Honesty:
I'm looking at various asynchronous resource-loaders and I'm having a hard-time finding one that does everything I need. I'm also finding the documentation in each one lacking.

