I am using window.open method to open a new webpage in myhtml. but when I am running it in Firefox it is reloading the same page. But it is working in Chrome and Safari. Here is my html and javascript snippet.I am using Python Flask framework with Jinja template. I also tried using location.replace instead of window.open
<form name="items">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function getdetails(name){
<table id="main" align="center" class="table table-striped table-bordered" >
<th> <strong> SNo </strong></th>
<th> <strong> name </strong></th>
<th> <strong> item </strong></th>
<th> <strong> Total numbers </strong></th>
<th> <strong> size </strong></th>
{% set count = 1 %}
<tbody id="tablebody">
{% for i in rows %}
{% for name,values in i.iteritems() %}
<td style="text-align: center"> {{ count }}</td>
<td> {{ name }} </td>
{% for j in values %}
<td> {{ j }} </td>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% set count = count + 1 %}
{% endfor %}
Try using window.location.href instead of window.open, location.href is a property and not a method so you'd have to call it differently, but it does work like a page redirect, although i'd try to figure out whats going wrong with window.open - it is the more 'correct' way.
window.location.href = 'http://www.google.com';
Since your questions was a bit unclear, if you're trying to make the page open in a new tab, change _self to _blank in the window.open method.
I have a list of values. Within the list of values is a status which has a hyperlink to a particular model form.
I want to dynamically change the hyperlink based on the select value to direct the user to different forms based on the select value.
So, for example, when the Model value is pending, I want the hyperlink to go to the pending form. When the status is invoice sent and the use clicks the hyperlink I want the user to to go to the payment form.
The code is below
<table id="example1" class="table table-bordered table-striped" data-order='[[ 0, "desc" ]]' data-page-length='25'><button onClick="refreshPage()" class="btn btn-secondary float-right" title="Refresh"><i class="fa fa-sync"></i></button>
<th>Script No.</th>
<th>Entered on</th>
<th>Script Type</th>
<th>Contact No</th>
<th>Dispensing Price</th>
<th>Dispatch Date</th>
<th>Worksheet ID</th>
{% for script in scripts %}
<td>{{script.patient.address}} {{script.patient.city}} {{script.patient.AU_states}} {{script.patient.postal_code}}</td>
<td>$ {{ script.dispensing_price }}</td>
{% if script.dispatch_date is not none %}
{% else %}
<td> <a class="edit" href="#" data-url="{% url "script:script_update_status" script.pk %}">{{script.get_script_status_display}}</a></td>
{% endif %}
{% if script.dispatch_date is none %}
<td>Not Sent</td>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if script.document_id is none %}
<td>Not Made</td>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<td><small>View | Edit | Lab Label | <a href="{% url 'label:dispense_label' script.pk %}">Dispense Label
</a> | Shipping Label | Repeat<!--0 {% if script.patient.target_species == 'A' %}| Counselling Email{% endif %}--></td>
{% endfor %}
document.querySelectorAll('#example1 a.edit').forEach(function(a) {
a.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
const url = this.dataset.url;
window.open(url, "_blank", "toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,top=500,left=500,width=400,height=250");
Thanks in advance for any help.
Kind Regards,
Sorry for my bad English in advance.
I'm new to using Javascript and Flask, but I'm trying to develop an application to manage the transference of clients between managers of a bank.
So far, I suscesfully created the table with the companies of a manager portfolio and in this table the superior can select the manager that will receive the account. In this point, when the new manager is selected, I've created a javascript function to check if the companie has an account in the new spot. The function is working, but only for the first row!!!
this is the js script
let destino_selec = document.getElementById("{{ row['ID_ROW_GRTE'] }}");
let destino_cc = document.getElementById("cc_dest_{{ row['ID_ROW_GRTE'] }}");
destino_selec.onchange = function(){
inicial = destino_selec.value.indexOf("(");
final = destino_selec.value.indexOf(")");
cd_grte_para = destino_selec.value.substring(inicial+1,final);
// alert(cd_grte_para);
fetch('/select_cli/' + cd_grte_para).then(function(response){
//let optionHTML = '<option value="" disabled selected>Selecione o Gerente</option>';
let optionHTML = '';
count = Object.keys(data).length;
if (count > 0) {
optionHTML += '<i class="fa fa-check-circle" aria-hidden="true" style="color: green"></i>';
} else {
optionHTML += '<i class="fa fa-times-circle" aria-hidden="true" style="color: red"></i>';
// destino_cc.innerHTML = optionHTML;
destino_cc.innerHTML = optionHTML;
This is the html piece:
{% block main %}
<form action="" method="post">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-5"><h2 class="text-left"
style="padding: 10px ;border-width: 10px;border-left: solid #9d1047"><b>Solicitação de tranferências</b></h2></div>
<div class="col-7" style="padding: 10px "><input type="submit" value="Solicitar" class="btn btn-primary fw-bold mb-2"
style="left: 86%; position:relative; z-index: 2; background-color: #9d1047; border-color:#9d1047"/></div>
<table id="data" class="tabela-historica">
<th width=15% rowspan=2 >Cliente </th>
<th width=19% rowspan=2 >Origem </th>
<th width=1% rowspan=2 >cc </th>
<th width=15% colspan=2 >Saldo </th>
<th width=19% rowspan=2 >Destino </th>
<th width=1% rowspan=2 >cc </th>
<th width=10% rowspan=2 >Movimento </th>
<th width=15% rowspan=2 >Motivo </th>
<th width=5% rowspan=2 ><span>Selecionar </span><input type="checkbox" onClick="toggle(this)" /></th>
<th>Melhor Ponto</th>
<tbody height: 100%>
{% for row in tbl_cli %}
<td>{{ row['NM_CLI'] }} <br>
{% if row['NM_CLI'] == row['NM_GRP_FAMILIAR'] %}
{% else %}
<b> Família: </b>{{ row['NM_GRP_FAMILIAR'] }}
{% endif %}
<!-- <b>Família: </b>{{ row['NM_GRP_FAMILIAR'] }} </td> -->
<td> <b>Ger: </b>{{row['NM_ABDO_GRTE_DE']}} ({{ row['CD_GRTE_DE'] }})<br> <b>Ag: </b> {{ row['NOMEAG_DE'] }} ({{row['CODAG_DE']}}) </td>
<!-- <td>{{row['cc_orig']}} </td> -->
<td style="text-align: center">
{% if row['CTA_CORRENTE'] %}
<i class="fa fa-check-circle" aria-hidden="true" style="color: green"></i>
{% else %}
<i class="fa fa-times-circle" aria-hidden="true" style="color: red"></i>
{% endif %}
<td>{{row['SLD_TOT_MM']}} <br> <b>Fam: </b>{{row['SLD_TOT_FAMILIAR_MM']}} </td>
<td>{{row['SLD_TOT_MAX_MM']}} <br> <b>Fam: </b>{{row['SLD_TOT_FAMILIAR_MAX_MM']}} </td>
<select class="form-select" style="font-size: 10px; width: 100%" name="ger_escolhido" id="{{ row['ID_ROW_GRTE'] }}">
<option value="" disabled selected>Selecione o gerente destino</option>
{% for ger in tbl_codger %}
<option style="font-size: 10px;" name="{{ ger['CHAVE'] }}"">{{ ger['CHAVE'] }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<td id="cc_dest_{{ row['ID_ROW_GRTE'] }}" ></td>
<td>if segmento <br> if agencia </td>
<td> <textarea class="form-control" name="motivo" style="font-size: 10px;" placeholder="Descreva o motivo..."></textarea> </td>
<td style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox" value="{{ row['ID_ROW_GRTE'] }}" name="boxes"/></td>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Could you help me to point where I'm making an error?
Think of it this way
In your html, you are looping over a collection of items and creating rows based on those items.
In your script code, you are NOT looping. You have simply created a single instance of your script code.
To use your code as is, you have 2 options
a) Attach that script code inside the loop in your html i.e. your html loop will create the table row and also attach the script code to it.
b) Keep your html loop as is, then also put the script code in a loop i.e. do something like
{% for row in tbl_cli %}
{% endif %}
A better option would be to change your script so that it is triggered on a class i.e. change your script code to something like below. The advantage is that you don't have to loop the script (as I mentioned before). The script below is saying - find all elements with a class of form-select and for each one of them, attach the code to the onchange event.
document.querySelectorAll(".form-select").forEach(function(element) {
element.onchange = ......
Because your script will most likely 'exist' before the table rows are created, you should 'attach' it to something that exists at the same time as when your script is created. This means you do something like
document.querySelectorAll("table#data tr.form-select").forEach(function(element) {
element.onchange = ......
So, I am new to Python and Flask, and building an aplication which shows a list of portfolios in a table. Now, I made these rows clickable using js/Jquery. What I would like to acchieve however, is that the value of the second column of the clicked row (portfolio_id) is somehow returned to Python. The idea is that after selecting a portfolio from the list, a new screen with the details of that specific portfolio appears, so Python needs to know which portfolio to load. I do manage to include a href/link into the click event, so the new screen appears, but I cant figure out how to get the value from my table into my Python code.... Below the Flask code:
{% block main %}
<h2>Portfolio List</h2>
<table style="width:100%">
<th>Relationship Nbr </th>
<th>Portfolio Nbr </th>
<th>Strategy </th>
<th>Portfolios </th>
<th>Last Rebalancing </th>
{% for portfolio in portfolios %}
<tr class='clickable-row' data-href="{{ url_for('portfolio') }}" method = POST>
<td>{{portfolio.rel_nbr }} </td>
<td>{{portfolio.strategy_name}} </td>
<td>{{portfolio.security_list}} </td>
<td>{{portfolio.last_rebalance}} </td>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
The jquery code I use is as follows:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$(".clickable-row").click(function() {
window.location = $(this).data("href");
Any ideas how this can be done?
Your code is working fine for me. I have just changed place for jquery script.
Try to place your jquery script in proper place. I think this is the only reason your code is not working.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$(".clickable-row").click(function() {
window.location = $(this).data("href");
{% block main %}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<h2>Portfolio List</h2>
<table style="width:100%">
<th>Relationship Nbr </th>
<th>Portfolio Nbr </th>
<th>Strategy </th>
<th>Portfolios </th>
<th>Last Rebalancing </th>
{% for portfolio in portfolios %}
<tr class='clickable-row' data-href="{{ url_for('portfolio') }}" method = POST>
<td>{{portfolio.rel_nbr }} </td>
<td>{{portfolio.strategy_name}} </td>
<td>{{portfolio.security_list}} </td>
<td>{{portfolio.last_rebalance}} </td>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
I have a problem when i View my html page in PDF-form. The problem is that when the number values are to big then it breaks the line between the minus symbol and values.
Here is an example of the hmtl page, it works perfect
enter image description here
Then when i convert it to a PDF it looks like this:
enter image description here
Here i Render my page to a full html document:
def document_to_html_document(document):
Renders the invoice to a full html document with <html>, <head>, and <body> tags.
return render_to_string('invoice_print.html', {
'body': document_to_html(document),
'document': document,
'base_url': settings.SITE_BASE_URL
The code where i build the HTML string and converting it to a pdf:
def document_to_pdf(document, server_base_url, target=None):
# Build HTML string
html = document_to_html_document(document)
# Setup input and output files
html_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html')
target = target or tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
# Convert to pdf
command = 'xvfb-run wkhtmltopdf --footer-right "[page]/[topage]"{s} {o}'.format(
s = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)
# Return pdf bytes
return target.read()
This is my hmtl code where i add the "body":
<title>MOSEK-{{ document }}</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<!-- JQuery -->
<script src="{{ base_url }}static/assets/vendor/jquery-1.11.1.js"></script>
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ base_url }}static/assets/vendor/bootstrap-3.1.1-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<!-- Optional theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ base_url }}static/assets/vendor/bootstrap-3.1.1-dist/css/bootstrap-theme.css">
<!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->
<script src="{{ base_url }}static/assets/vendor/bootstrap-3.1.1-dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
body {
width: 950px;
<div class="container">
{{ body|safe }}
I have no idea how to solve it, any help would be appreciated :)
This is the content of the Invoice_body:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<table class="invoice-lines">
<tr class="underline overline">
<th>Part ID / Description</th>
<th class="nowrap fr sec-column">Quantity</th>
<th class="nowrap fr sec-column">List price</th>
<th class="nowrap fr sec-column">Unit price</th>
<th class="nowrap fr sec-column">Total</th>
{# We want the border-bottom of the last line to be darker. #}
{# In order to find this last line, we first need to determine #}
{# if there are custom items. If there are, then the last line #}
{# will be a custom item, since they are printed last. If not, #}
{# then we need to find the last product line. #}
{% for line in lines %}
{% with lines|next:forloop.counter0 as next_line %}
<tr class="line{% if not citems and not next_line %} last-line{% endif %}">
<td>{{ line.line }}</td>
{% if line.objs.0.product.name %}
{{ line.objs.0.product.name }}<br />
{% else %}
{{ line.objs.0.serial.product.name }}-{% if line.objs.0.back == 1 %}BACK{% endif %}MAIN<br />
{% endif %}
{% if line.objs.0.back and line.objs.0.back_description != '' %}
{{ line.objs.0.back_description }}<br />
{% elif line.objs.0.back == False and line.objs.0.description != '' %}
{{ line.objs.0.description }}<br />
{% else %}
{{ line.objs.0.description }}<br />
{% endif %}
{% if line.objs.0.start %}
Period: {{ line.objs.0.start }} - {{ line.objs.0.end }}<br />
{% endif %}
Serial(s): {{ line.list }}
<td class="nowrap fr sec-column">{{ line.qty }}</td>
<td class="nowrap fr sec-column">{{ line.objs.0.price|floatformat:2 }}</td>
<td class="nowrap fr sec-column">
{{ line.objs.0.subtotal|floatformat:2 }}
{% if line.discount %}<br>({{ line.discount }}% dis.){% endif %}
<td class="nowrap fr sec-column">{{ line.rowtotal|floatformat:2 }}</td>
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
{% for citem in citems %}
{% with citems|next:forloop.counter0 as next_citem %}
<tr class="line{% if not next_citem %} last-line{% endif %}">
<td>{{ citem.line }}</td>
{{ citem.obj.name }}
{% if citem.obj.agreement %}
<br>Agreement: {{ citem.obj.agreement }}
{% endif %}
<td class="sec-column"> </td>
<td class="fr sec-column">{{ citem.rowtotal|floatformat:2 }}</td>
<td class="fr sec-column">{{ citem.rowtotal|floatformat:2 }}</td>
<td class="fr sec-column">{{ citem.rowtotal|floatformat:2 }}</td>
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
<tr class="sum-line" id="subtotal-line">
<th colspan="4" class="fr">Subtotal</th>
<th> </th>
<td class="fr sec-column">{{ inv.subtotal|floatformat:2 }}</td>
{% for vat, lines, message, total, rate in vats %}
<tr class="sum-line">
<td colspan="4" class="fr">
<span class="nowrap">Line {{ lines }} : </span>
{{ message }}
<span class="nowrap"> ({{ rate }}% VAT)</span>
<td class="fr sec-column">{{ total }}</td>
<th> </th>
{% endfor %}
<tr class="sum-line">
<th colspan="4" class="fr">VAT total</th>
<th> </th>
<td class="fr sec-column">{{ inv.vat|floatformat:2 }}</td>
<tr class="sum-line">
<th colspan="4" class="fr">Total ({{ inv.currency }})</th>
<th> </th>
<td class="fr grand-total overline sec-column">{{ inv.total|floatformat:2 }}</td>
add the flag zoom to the export command:
command= xvfb-run wkhtmltopdf --zoom 1.5 --footer-right
The solution from Eliethesaiyan:
in the command= xvfb-run wkhtmltopdf --zoom 1.5 --footer-right
I have a table structured like this:
for loop here
<td>Item X Attribute 1</td>
<td>Item X Attribute 2</td>
<td><button name="test" onclick="display_variants()">Hide my kids</button></td>
<tbody class="variants_info">
<td>Item X Variant 1</td>
<td>Item X Variant 2</td>
endfor loop
So that structure repeats Y amount of times.
I'm trying to make a script that hides the tbody.variants of the row selected.
What I have so far is this:
function display_variant(){
but this hides the variants from ALL the rows.
Is there a way to select the childs of the specific row? Also how can I start with the tbody.variants hidden? (Start as in when I visit the page).
Edit: At the moment is looking closely to this:
I've managed to change the structure to this:
for loop
<td>image for el 1</td>
<td>attr for el 1</td>
<td><button type='button' name='test'>Click Me</button></td>
for loop
<tr class='variants_info'>
<td>variant1 for el 1</td>
<td>variant2 for el 1</td>
Update 2: The actual code is this one:
<table class="pure-table pure-table-bordered">
{% for product in collection.products %}
{% if product.available %}
<tr class="{% cycle 'pure-table-odd', '' %}">
<img src="{{ product.featured_image.src | product_img_url: 'thumb' }}" alt="{{ product.featured_image.alt | escape }}" />
<td>{{ product.title }}</td>
<td style="text-align:right">
<button type="button" name="click_me">Click Me</button>
{% for variant in product.variants %}
<td>{{variant.price | money }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
$("td button").click(function(){
I still can't get the JS to work.. =/ Current one is only hiding the first variant( Instead of all the variants for the clicked button )
I would suggest to mark the rows that contain the products with a class name, e.g. "product", like this:
<tr class="product {% cycle 'pure-table-odd', '' %}">
<img src="{{ product.featured_image.src | product_img_url: 'thumb' }}"
alt="{{ product.featured_image.alt | escape }}" />
<td>{{ product.title }}</td>
<td style="text-align:right">
<button type="button" name="click_me">Click Me</button>
You would not add that class to the rows that have the variants.
Then in your JavaScript use the nextUntil method to match all next variant rows (which do not have the "product" class) until, but excluding, the next product row, and apply the toggle() method to all these:
$("td button").click(function(){
Alternative structure 1
Instead of a single table, you could create nested tables, one for each product, containing the variants. It would look somewhat like this:
<table class="pure-table pure-table-bordered">
{% for product in collection.products %}
{% if product.available %}
<tr class="{% cycle 'pure-table-odd', '' %}">
<img src="{{ product.featured_image.src | product_img_url: 'thumb' }}"
alt="{{ product.featured_image.alt | escape }}" />
<td>{{ product.title }}</td>
<td style="text-align:right">
<button type="button" name="click_me">Click Me</button>
<table class="some other class specific for variants">
{% for variant in product.variants %}
<td>{{variant.price | money }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
This has advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that the columns of these sub-tables are not aligned with the columns in the main table. But it depends on what you want...
The JavaScript code would then have to be like you had it originally:
$("td button").click(function(){
Alternative structure 2
You could also wrap each "section" (consisting of one product row and the variant rows that belong to it) with a tbody tag. Although not commonly done, this is allowed as stated on MDN:
Note that unlike the <thead>, <tfoot>, and <caption> elements however, multiple <tbody> elements are permitted (if consecutive), allowing the data-rows in long tables to be divided into different sections, each separately formatted as needed.
This is different from your original HTML, where you had tbody elements as children of tr elements, which is invalid HTML.
It would look like this:
<table class="pure-table pure-table-bordered">
{% for product in collection.products %}
{% if product.available %}
<tr class="{% cycle 'pure-table-odd', '' %}">
<img src="{{ product.featured_image.src | product_img_url: 'thumb' }}"
alt="{{ product.featured_image.alt | escape }}" />
<td>{{ product.title }}</td>
<td style="text-align:right">
<button type="button" name="click_me">Click Me</button>
{% for variant in product.variants %}
<td>{{variant.price | money }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
You can then use the nextAll() method to hide the variant rows, because they are delimited by the tbody wrapper from the next product row:
$("td button").click(function(){
Initially hiding the variant rows
If you want the variants all to be hidden at first, then add the following attribute to those rows in the HTML code:
<tr style="display:hidden">
You would of course not do this for the product rows. Also, you might want to define a CSS class for this (e.g. tr.hidden { display:hidden; } instead of using style.
The jQuery toggle() method will override this style when showing, and restore it again when hiding.
Your HTML is not valid so you can change that and then use this DEMO
$("td button").click(function() {
try this one :-
$("td button").click(function() {
the jsfiddle demo link is :- https://jsfiddle.net/Lg0wyt9u/776/